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Divorce could turn Cena heel!(storyline)


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Just to start this of, this is not another " TURN CENA INTO A BAD GUY" thread. I just want to bounce an idea of my wrestling family.

I have seen many ideas in this forum. Some bad, some unrealistic. I think if they ever turn Cena heal, they need to go beyond the mat. I think the best way to turn Cena would be to have him go through a real life issue. How about DIVORCE?

We all know that Cena is a work horse when it comes to the company that he loves. He devotes so much of his time to WWE and his fans. What if they would run a story line in which Cena's wife wants a divorce?

It would be easy to do. Cena loves the wwe and the fans so much that he is never home to spend any time with his wife. She feels neglected and then wants a divorce.

Cena then goes through a downward spiral, a transition in his character. He could become irritated, miserable and violent. He then can start blaming the fans for his family issues. Then he would turn on them completely.

Sometimes when one goes through divorce it could really change that person. I could see this working and being believable. What do you guys think?
It could work. But we know the WWE, they wouldn't do it. If they did, people would go "OH THEY'RE COPYING TNA" (With the AJ/Kurt/Karen) angle (no pun intended).

But I would like to see something like this & how it would play out in WWE. It could make for good viewing or could go horribly horribly wrong.
I really like the idea of going beyond the mat, but that's more up TNAs alley. WWE don't like to do that sort of thing, especially as resulting press may actually put strain on his marriage if it becomes national news or speculation. But stick with beyond the mat because I think if they want to turn cena heel they'd have to do. What I'd propose is, and don't regile in disguist until you've heard me out, but a katie vick style story. What I mean by this is a back-story in cena's life, something he did that he isn't proud of and that permanently affects the way little kids look at him. But cena turning heel is still like waiting for jesus. No idea how long your gonna have to wait, and no guarantee it'll happen at all.
Unless the back story is that Cena murdered someone or molested a kid or something, it's doubtful kids would look at him differently. And the WWE would never do that sort of storyline (even in the attitude era I doubt Vince would approve of that sort of story).

Personally, I just say let us see where this Juan Cena thing goes. For some reason, I like seeing Cena in a mask (ha) and it could be an interesting angle if played right. Even though everyone (including most kids I would assume) will know that Juan Cena is really Johnny Boy in a mask.

Still, not sure how they are going to spin it that they hired his "cousin" or whatever he is when John himself is "fired" and all that. Plus, he "bought" tickets to tonights RAW. It would be awesome if they had Cena and Juan Cena in the same arena to sweeten the deal (not sure who could play Cena in a mask but I digress).

And I agree with the above, I really hate those real life stories they bring in to wrestling sometimes, especially the married couple ones. Those (most) always turn out bad in real life.
First of all, it's heel*. Heal is what Jesus does to lepers and terminally ill cancer patients (but not if they're gay), and heel is the body part/the bad guy wrestler.

Secondly, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if they're going to turn Cena heel it's going to be HUGE. Think of when Stone Cold turned heel at Wrestlemania 17. If Cena turns heel, it will not be because of some fight between he and his wife. There will be betrayal of both other wrestlers AND the fans' trust. There will be an death of the values that made him who he is and there will be a birth of an unholy alliance. It will not be over a stupid divorce, a phony kidnapping, kicking puppies, or hugging Michael Cole. So no, this will never even happen. Ever.
Damn man, that is such a crap idea. I don't think that idea would at all. This is John Cena we are talking about, not Charlie Haas.

This thread will probably be closed soon but although I am all for John Cena turning heel, eventually when it does happen (not anytime soon), this is one idea that should definitely not be discussed. Although I do think they had the best opportunity to do it at SummerSlam, I would like to see Cena turn Heel at Wrestlemania. How and if it would happen if it did, that's another question and can be discussed in the other 20,000 threads here.
Making a buck or two on a divorce angle? No thanks; this is PG Era after all. Lots of kids have gone through divorce and are emotionally distraught over it. This was a good idea to you?

Kayfabe is kayfabe, but that is pushing it a bit far for a child's hero. Have him go bad guy yes, but not over something that hits that close to home.
I don't think this would work. Like JGlass said, a Cena heel turn needs to be huge and should include the other wrestlers; not some off-screen wife that a lot people may not even know (or care) about.

Hell, some of his fans have probably gone through the troubles of divorce and might empathize with him instead of hating him. Sorry, I just don't think this idea would work.
I don't think this would work. Like JGlass said, a Cena heel turn needs to be huge and should include the other wrestlers; not some off-screen wife that a lot people may not even know (or care) about.

Yeah I agree. If cena is going to be turned heel, it ought to be at the big one. Cena is the austin of the PG era and so just like austin at WM17, cena deserves to be turned at the grandest stage in a completely different way naturally, it wouldn't do to have a turn similar to austin's but at WM is definately a must in that scenario.

Hell, some of his fans have probably gone through the troubles of divorce and might empathize with him instead of hating him. Sorry, I just don't think this idea would work.

I don't know how many children you know that have been divorced but point taken, it isn't enough of an issue that it would cause all demographics to dislike him. Not like that will happen anyway because if cena turns then heel marks a.k.a the IWC will love him, because IWC loves heels. Come to think of it, that is the only reason people want him to turn. Cena is the biggest star + IWC loves heels = TURN CENA HEEL!
As they said, won't work especially since WWE is PG.It will send wrong messages about divorce. If Cena turns heel then kids will think the dad in the divorce is the bad guy. And we all know those morality fucks can't handle some realistic theater.
I don't think this would work. Like JGlass said, a Cena heel turn needs to be huge and should include the other wrestlers; not some off-screen wife that a lot people may not even know (or care) about.

Hell, some of his fans have probably gone through the troubles of divorce and might empathize with him instead of hating him. Sorry, I just don't think this idea would work.

Your absolutely right men who hate Cena but have gone through a divorce will stop hating him.

What does work is the your messing with my wife angle. But I don't think Cena want's to go down that road he has that Juan Cena gimmick to think about.
Why does everyone think Cena is turning Heel?? Its not going to happen. People already hate him. His character is a joke in my opinion and extremely annoying. He gets beat after having the title for so long then he gets into a story with someone else beats them then back into the title pic its very boring and irritating to see him keep popping up. Im glad to see Miz as champion just because its someone new and young. Now he's Juan Cena??? what the hell is that?!? When he was fired he should have went to Smackdown not came back as a masked wrestler..I'm just sayin'

If you honestly want to know, there was reports of WWE toying with the idea not that long ago. The fact you don't like his character does not mean everybody dislikes him as you claimed. Yes he has probably had too many ttile reigns but he is undoubtedly the biggest star in wrestling since the rock or stone cold and so it is inevitable that he will hold the title often because thats what people pay to see. Yes Miz will be interesting as a champion. Having john cena as juan cena is not an original idea as mr america will tell you but it is certainly and interesting one and it is proven to play out well both contextually and entertainingly. And finally, it is impossible for you to decide to go to another show when your fired from the entire company, cena did not have the option of being relegated from raw to smackdown, just to be fired full stop.
The biggest reason this is a stupid idea to turn him heel is that it wouldn't work. Cena has to choose between his wife and the WWE and he chooses to either leave the company (that would make him a heel but then he's not with the company), or he chooses the WWE in which all his fans will love him even more. ******ed idea.
I will say this and it may seem very small to some people, but up until last week I couldnt stand the mere sight of Cena as a face. Until he basically showed us he does care and does pay attention to what we say. The women and children chanting and men booing was more personal to me then any wrestler ever. Even the retirement speeches of HBK and Flair. It made me laugh and now I don't care if he turns heel or face. I think it would be good for TV to turn him heel but don't use a real life divorce angle to do it. Ive been divorced, Its personal and it hurts and its not a joking matter.

and come on people dont take Juan Cena so serious, it is sooo funny. Like no one knows its John Cena. Just to keep him on tv, I think its pretty fn funny.
Personally, I just say let us see where this Juan Cena thing goes. For some reason, I like seeing Cena in a mask (ha) and it could be an interesting angle if played right. Even though everyone (including most kids I would assume) will know that Juan Cena is really Johnny Boy in a mask.

Still, not sure how they are going to spin it that they hired his "cousin" or whatever he is when John himself is "fired" and all that..

That whole thing is rather stupid and just copying when Hogan was fired and returned as Mr America or whatever that gimmick was and still kept the same moves, voice, quotes etc.

Also, ok he is John Cena's "cousin" who happens to have the exact same build, wears Cena's gear, comes out to Cena's music, has the same moveset :p so how does he interject himself into a world title match on his first night lol Obvious to anyone with even half a brain that it is Cena yet they'll keep pushing it out that noone else realises.

Common be cheesy but that's just lame, jsut leave it as he is ringside and interferes til Barrett sais get him back or he does something heelish
I do see where a lot of you guys are coming from, especially the p.g reasoning. And I could see people turning away because divorce is a huge issue in American.

However, some of you guys lack imagination and creativity. If I told you a week ago that Cena is going to come back as a mexican wrestler, you would have all carped all over the idea. lol

I cant stand it when people shoot down any ideas because "wrestler A is a face and the fans like him" Yes Cenas current character is all about loyalty, respect and all that other baby face stuff. If they did this storyline his character would go through a slow transformation into a heel character because of the divorce. So unless Cena is incapable of playing a heel character( I don't think he is), outside the pg reasonings, I don't see why this wont work. But hey that just my OP.

And then their are others who I think forget that wrestling is entertainment. No outside media is going to think that Cena is really getting a divorce if the wwe did a storyline like this. Its 2010 people, every media knows wrestling is staged.
The idea may work for some characters but not Cena. The man is every child's superhero. Seeing him get a divorce from his wife and ridiculing the fans would be like the children seeing their own parents break up and blame them for causing the break up. It would be too personal and verging on shoot which is what apparently TNA is all about. The WWE heel isn't that complicated. " I want what is mine and I will stop at nothing until I achieve it."No matter who I have to cross". Divorce is a touchy subject for a lot of people and especially a PG audience. That isn't a topic that should be taken lightly when dealing with kids.

It's like Hulk Hogan turning heel in the 80's in the WWE because he became an alcoholic. It makes the character look pathetic more than anything.
I dont think that storyline would ever be used for one reason. It would not work. John is a workhorse and I cannot remember the last time there has been an episode of Raw or Raw house show that John has not been in. Even when The Raw rosta was stuck in Ireland in April and could not make it back to the States, he was the superstar chosen to explain what had happened so even though he was not in the ring, he still appeared. He has not been married that long and his wife knew exactly how much his schedule would take him away from her so she chose to marry him. John is a protective and private guy and would not not use any member of his family even in story line to explain his in ring actions. And before anyone says that its would just be a storyline and wrestling is staged, I know that. Thing is, lots of kids have gone through a divorce, have suffered the effects of one and seeing their hero slowly sliding down that slope story lined or not would be too much. Adults know wrestling is staged but most kids do not. If Cena is to turn heel, there are plenty of ways of doing it without hurting anyone.
While I kinda like the idea, I think it would probably back fire for the simple reason that well lets face it, us wrestling fans are pretty needy/selfish when it comes to our wrestlers leaving a company for another or retiring before were ready for them to retire. It would more than likely turn his old lady heel because the Cena fans would be upset that she's trying to take him away from them. But who knows.:shrug:
Profiting off of real life issues is for TNA. There's no reason to bring it to the WWE, especially the face of their company, someone who has a squeaky clean image since the day he started in the WWE. If they ever needed to rely on John Cena's imagine in a rough time, that would be absolutely ruined by bringing his personal life into a storyline, simply to profit.
No, just no. Sorry to be blunt but that's an awful idea. They should not use real life issues to turn into onscreen storylines. Look at the Matt Hardy VS Edge feud a few years back. That happened in REAL LIFE. It's not fair to those involved to expose their personal issues onscreen. Even if it was a kayfabe'd divorce, it would still be a bad choice for a reason Cena goes heel. If Cena ever does turn heel it needs to be MASSIVE. The biggest heel turn since Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 17. Perhaps even the biggest since Hogan. So regardless of it's a real divorce or not it's a bad idea because Cena's personal issues should not be onscreen and they need something HUGE to turn him, if they ever do.
Making a buck or two on a divorce angle? No thanks; this is PG Era after all. Lots of kids have gone through divorce and are emotionally distraught over it. This was a good idea to you?

Kayfabe is kayfabe, but that is pushing it a bit far for a child's hero. Have him go bad guy yes, but not over something that hits that close to home.

I know you were refering to the parents, but still,I found it funny :p

Anyway no, it seems too soap opera according to me. I feel that the best time to turn heel is when you have a good reason to. And right now I don't see the need for him to turn heel.
This idea would work anywhere but here. When it comes to divorce and there are kids involved, what's the one phrase thats always uttered? "It's not your fault". Are you really gonna have a grown man blame children for his failing personal life in a show oriented to pleasing kids? That would just be down right sick. Not to mention the media would absolutely eat WWE alive if they did that. This would not draw heat from WWE's core audience. It would downright piss them off. If this were the Attitude Era, yes. If this were the Entertainment Era, yes. But it's neither. It's the PG Era. A radical change like that would do a hell of a lot more damage than good. The media backlash, the merch sales, the radical change of the company's top face.

When Hogan turned heel, it was in a period when a more mature audience watched wrestling. It wasn't the kids. They were teens and had a firm grasp on touchier stuff. Not here, though. This would be good, but not now and not in a long time to come.
No, if anything, alot of people could relate to Cena being "divorced", and this would be a major turnoff for the angle. People would likely empathize with Cena more then disliking him, even if he lost his cool and beat people down because of that. Alot of people may even feel, fayfabe wise, that they are living viacriously through him, because their marriages crumbled for the same reason.

In the end, this IS another turn Cena heel thread, with just another idea of how to do it. I dont see the need for speculation when theres no chance in heck its going to happen anyways.

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