Divas tag team titles!!


Championship Contender
I got caught up watching total divas last night. Ant got me thinking 3 thinks ....

1) They've absolutely RUINED PAIGE!! she went from a bad a$$ anti authority to someone sitting on her butt wondering which boob is bigger.. *sigh*

2) they signed MANDY ROSE to a 5 year deal? That's insane. She's there only to boost total diva ratings, that's it..

3) my main point. Eva Marie and Mandy was jokingly saying they would make a great tag team. Which I thought should the divas have a tag titles? They have enough on the roster and in nxt. They don't even have to be a team. Start throwing them together till you find what works. Plus I think it gives the divas something to go after if their not in the title scene..
No they shouldn't.

The don't have enough good female wrestlers to even make their main title worth anything. If this idea was to even be talked about they need to treat the division as a whole with respect which they clearly have not done in 10+ years.

Then if they do that they don't have the depth in the Divas division. Why create Tag titles for a division that has the same handful of people fight for their singles title. They will need to go on a major talent procuring spree aimed specifically a high level female talent and use them properly.

They have a lot of work to do and it's nor something I ever see them caring enough to put all that work in the Divas division.
I love the concept of a Divas tag team championship... Although I'll admit that I don't quite understand the three reasons that you have mentioned.
My main reason for feeling that way, is that you have 12 female wrestlers in the main roster (minus Eva, Rosa and Summer) but only one championship. One championship for the divas means that there will usually be one main feud going on, and everything else will be random matches. The incentive to have a second divas match on the card, is also lessened if there isn't a definite purpose.
Also, with Sasha, Becky and Charlotte out there, the main divas roster has been divided into two parts- those that are good enough to complete for the Divas championship, and those that aren't. The other divas can compete for the tag team titles when they're not facing the main divas on singles competition. However, this doesn't mean that the top divas shouldn't compete for the Divas tag team titles at all.
There won't be a shortage of tag teams either, unless the writers get lazy. You have the Team Bella, Naomi and Tamina, Becky and Sasha, and you can easily make another tag team of, say, Paige and Natalya. Speaking of Natalya, divas like her would have a higher scope of getting more air time, if they have something to compete for..
So all in all, as long as Team Bella doesn't keep hogging it for 10 months out of 12, I think this is a very good idea.
I essentially have the same response to this as I did regarding the thread to create a secondary Divas championship.

"Generally speaking, as of right now, the active Divas on the main roster are Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Brie Bella, Alicia Fox, Naomi and Tamina Snuka. Natalya appears sporadically and, as of late, so has Paige but even if you count them, that's still only 9 Divas that make up the active roster, which isn't enough to warrant a secondary title.

If you factor out all the male wrestlers who're either out injured or are special attractions, there's still over 40 men that make up the active, main roster and that certainly qualifies for one or even two secondary championships. If the Divas ever get to the point where there are maybe 15 to 20 on the main roster, and I mean women who can actually wrestle rather than look appealing in skimpy outfits, then I could see creating a secondary women's strap. Otherwise, at least to me, it'd seem like a title that exists for the primary purpose of someone carrying it around."

To further elaborate, there's not going to be any sort of main roster/NXT crossover as the perception is that NXT is the developmental brand of WWE, the "minor leagues" if you will. If WWE ever gets about 15 to 20 Divas on the main roster, women who can actually wrestle well, then they'll have enough to sustain a potential secondary singles or tag team title for the Diva Division. Otherwise, it's nothing more than an excuse to give someone a belt to carry for a while.

Considering how packed the roster is, if WWE was ever going to go the route of creating secondary or tag team titles for the Divas, I think they'd be better off giving the women their own hour show on the WWE Network or something where said women can be THE focal point of the show.
I was toying around with nxt+current women rosters on WWE2k16, and I was able to hold a ~4 match card on a custom show I called Ladies Nite, and pack it with a tag division and singles title to the point I'd actually watch it, but this also meant using every active Woman on both rosters, cutting out some of the lesser known NXT stars made the card repeat too much to be interesting.

What I'm saying from this, There's not enough women, having the 1 prize to fight for with women still being used occasionally as a man's "accessory" to start feuds is probably for the better. Rather than having more tag titles, if they want to showcase more women feuds, WWE generally just uses angles where women fight over men or vica versa to give a feud reason to exist (My Favorite Diva feud from last year was Brie vs Stephanie, simply because it was built without the title being the focal point)

Thinking of the teams, you had Team Bad + Paige Charlotte + Becky, but then you had the Funakadactyls and Bellas. Out of all of these teams, none of them could hold long or interesting feuds, the Bellas being the only team that anyone would even care about from the list, and Nikki has bigger fish to fry, and Brie was already debating hanging it up, with Bryan Danielson possibly retiring, she's probably not long in WWE, as she wants to start a family.

The Women's title still has some prestige to it (I won't remove it by calling it a Diva's title anymore), Keep it the competitive title, plenty of action to be hard focused around it in the next couple years thanks to nxt call ups.

There's also the major issue, if they did decide to create titles for it now, in 6 months, would they still have a slightly high Female Wrestling count? If not, they'd have to nix a title, something that's never pretty.
Talent builds a division and necessitates a title, not the other way around. This is probably the third or fourth thread on this I've seen in the last year, and I'll say the same thing I say on every thread regarding new championships in any promotion, where's the need?

If you had a ton of over divas with nothing to do, or if you had a bunch of diva tandems with nothing to fight over, you'd have a need for strap. The divas division is barely on solid ground as is, so adding more titles before they've got a healthy division is a mistake.

In WCW, the cruiserweights were over and drawing, therefore crusierweight tag titles. Ditto for pre-Hogan TNA and the Knockouts. ECW was huge in the 90s, therefore WCW and WWE launched hardcore titles.

WWE has maybe two official tandems, one of those is the Bella Twins, and one of them is recovering from potentially career ending neck surgery.

If you're having this idea while watching Total Divas, you're watching that show for the wrong reasons. TD is a gateway drug for casual reality TV watchers to get interested in WWE's product. It also hooks young girls into buying merch. Reality TV is one of the few things that are drawing in this world sadly.

The divas division needs a lot of work before you throw in a few more spinning plates via tag titles.
I was toying around with nxt+current women rosters on WWE2k16, and I was able to hold a ~4 match card on a custom show I called Ladies Nite, and pack it with a tag division and singles title to the point I'd actually watch it, but this also meant using every active Woman on both rosters, cutting out some of the lesser known NXT stars made the card repeat too much to be interesting.

What I'm saying from this, There's not enough women, having the 1 prize to fight for with women still being used occasionally as a man's "accessory" to start feuds is probably for the better. Rather than having more tag titles, if they want to showcase more women feuds, WWE generally just uses angles where women fight over men or vica versa to give a feud reason to exist (My Favorite Diva feud from last year was Brie vs Stephanie, simply because it was built without the title being the focal point)

Thinking of the teams, you had Team Bad + Paige Charlotte + Becky, but then you had the Funakadactyls and Bellas. Out of all of these teams, none of them could hold long or interesting feuds, the Bellas being the only team that anyone would even care about from the list, and Nikki has bigger fish to fry, and Brie was already debating hanging it up, with Bryan Danielson possibly retiring, she's probably not long in WWE, as she wants to start a family.

The Women's title still has some prestige to it (I won't remove it by calling it a Diva's title anymore), Keep it the competitive title, plenty of action to be hard focused around it in the next couple years thanks to nxt call ups.

There's also the major issue, if they did decide to create titles for it now, in 6 months, would they still have a slightly high Female Wrestling count? If not, they'd have to nix a title, something that's never pretty.

I did this same thing on my WWE 2k16 lol

I have the Bella Twins, Naomi & Tamina, Becky & Sasha, Bayley & Carmella, Trish & Lita, Charlotte & Natalya, Paige & Layla, Nia Jax & Kharma

Obviously some of these won't work in real WWE, but back when TNA had their Women's Tag Titles, they didn't have many teams to work with either.

The Beautiful People, Sarita & Taylor Wilde, Kong & Saeed, Later on Rosita & Sarita. It could work.
They can barely generate interest in The Diva's Title. Tag team? How many teams could they possibly throw together with 7-10 Diva's around? It would suck. Same with a secondary title.
I could see a secondary title better than a tag title. Right now you have Charlotte and brie for the title. That leaves a hell of a lot of talent to go out and fight with no purpose. Or no goalvto go after. You had the best diva (Sasha) come out and attack both Charlotte and Becky at the same time and hold the belt up ONLY to be forgotten and shoved in a tag match with the woman she just attacked. Meanwhile
le shoved back out of the title scene again.
So with Charlotte and brie (even just shortly) batt!ing for the title, what's left for Sasha and Becky (the top 2) to do? Then what's left for Naomi and Tamina to do? And what's left for Nattie and Paige (another of the best) to do?
Then you have a roster full of nxt at your disposal. So minus Charlotte and brie you have Sasha, Becky, Paige, Naomi, Natalya, Tamina, Alicia Fox, all left with no purpose.
Diva's Tag Team belts? Won't happen, why not? Well remember about 5 years ago when TNA had a Knock Outs Tag Team belt? They tried it and it failed for them because no one cared, so it'd probably fail for WWE as well.
Diva's Tag Team belts? Won't happen, why not? Well remember about 5 years ago when TNA had a Knock Outs Tag Team belt? They tried it and it failed for them because no one cared, so it'd probably fail for WWE as well.

There's a billion differences between TNA knock outs and wwe divas. Number 1, one is TNA and the other is wwe. Actually that's enough lol. None cared about TNA period lol.
I got caught up watching total divas last night. Ant got me thinking 3 thinks ....

1) They've absolutely RUINED PAIGE!! she went from a bad a$$ anti authority to someone sitting on her butt wondering which boob is bigger.. *sigh*

2) they signed MANDY ROSE to a 5 year deal? That's insane. She's there only to boost total diva ratings, that's it..

3) my main point. Eva Marie and Mandy was jokingly saying they would make a great tag team. Which I thought should the divas have a tag titles? They have enough on the roster and in nxt. They don't even have to be a team. Start throwing them together till you find what works. Plus I think it gives the divas something to go after if their not in the title scene..

If there were more Divas it would be a good idea but as of right now, no. It'd just be like the same three teams fighting over and over again. The only way I see it works is if the title was also defended in NXT but they seem to keep stuff like that separate.
If you're having this idea while watching Total Divas, you're watching that show for the wrong reasons. TD is a gateway drug for casual reality TV watchers to get interested in WWE's product. It also hooks young girls into buying merch. Reality TV is one of the few things that are drawing in this world sadly.

A former freind of mine (who now works in the sales office of the company I work for) & now thinks everyone in the warehouse (where he came from) are below him, watches the occational episode of TD.

He comes down into the warehouse now & again, and tries to start a convo with me because he watches TD & acts like (all of a sudden) he's a WWE expert & he thinks TD is real life & thinks he has to out-do me when it comes to WWE talk.

I tend to let him get on with it & I respond with as little as possible, as he wont watch Raw & SD, but he watched the Royal Rumble & again low & behold the other day, again he tried to engage me in a WWE convo.

Anyways back on topic.

TNA tried the whole "Womens Tag Title" angle & what a clusterfuck that was & besides ATM there's only a half dozen divas that are covered on the main roster, so a tag title is not worthy.

Maybe if WWE combined the Divas & NXT womens division, but thats it.
No. The division is not large enough to justify a set of tag team titles. They need to focus on building the prestige and importance of the main Divas Championship. The division has improved and grown compared to 2+ years ago, but now is not the time to bring in any new titles. Charlotte, Becky, Sasha, Paige, and Natalya are all Divas Championship material. Have everyone in that list either going after the main title or in non-title feuds with each other. I'd argue for Summer Rae's inclusion as well although they seem to want her in a managerial role instead. The rest can either be managers or jobbers. Until you have enough talented female wrestlers on the roster to where the main title AND a set of tag team titles have a number of challengers, then it should not happen. Maybe in a year or so after more girls from NXT get promoted. It's no longer an impossibility, that much I can give you, threadstarter.
It could be but at the present moment, no. They need more women on the main roster and they'd need more women in tag teams. Presently the only women's teams I can think of are Naomi with Tamina and Brie Bella with Alicia Fox. Sasha Banks with Becky Lynch seems more like the two of them are merely working together against a common enemy rather than an actual tag team.

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