Divas - Honest opinions


Doink Stan
Hey guys. What are your current, honest thoughts when it comes to the Divas division?

I very rarely come across threads, posts and the like which talk about how much they love the Divas division, or generally portray any positive opinion about it. But, do you think some of it comes down to the average 25-40 year old WWE fan not feeling like they 'should' like the Divas, or talk positively about them? As if there is a stigma towards it, perhaps. As if you might get laughed at for cheering a particular Diva. Or do some of you really just not like it?

I'm not going to sit here and tell you how big a fan of Total Divas I am, as I'm not. Not to mention the fact it's not shown in the UK anyway, but that's beside the point. But I've been listening to some interviews with some of the Divas, and have admittedly watched some clips of Total Divas on YouTube, and it's easy to see that some of them work their asses off to make themselves better wrestlers. For example, it's so easy for the Bella Twins to generate blind hatred as they came into the business not as fully trained wrestlers, so the snarky type wrestling fan instantly feel they have reason to not back them, or say they don't care about the Divas division. But it's crazy how much both Nikki and Brie have improved lately, for example.

Do you think some Divas are always fighting a losing battle against getting over with a crowd? Do you think they deserve longer matches, or more matches? Do you just have no interest in the Divas no matter what they do with them? Do you think Total Divas has tarnished the Divas division, or enhanced it? So many different questions I know, I'm just curious what the average WWE fan thinks of the Divas, and the direction it's heading.

Speaking personally, I quite enjoy the Divas division, but I'm extremely critical about some of the decisions that WWE creative have made over the past few years. Clearly, someone like Eva Marie has been brought in for the reality show. But to move her to the main roster without any sort of stint in NXT was bizarre in my opinion. Also decisions such as giving Cameron not one, but two shots at the Divas championship, one of which was at a PPV, when clearly she has a long way to go in the ring. Is the talent pool really so thin that Cameron gets two title shots? I know Naomi was injured, but still, they could've gone in a completely different direction.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm aiming to achieve from this thread, probably just to try and gather honest opinion on the current Divas, and whether they're booed or just ignored because they flat out suck, or because we're not 'supposed' to cheer for Divas.
I find all the divas useless. None of them draw any money, none of them can have a good match without fucking it up. AJ is the Divas Champion, shes the biggest joke of a Champion there's ever been. There's no competition for her in the divas division, which is sad, since AJ is such a joke. How can there be no competition? How can WWE find no woman that are talented that might be able to draw some money? WWE is not invested in the divas division, they never will be again. It's been proven for many year's that woman don't draw. WWE should release most of the divas shorty after WrestleMania, keep a few a them for valets and backstage interviewers, because these woman in the ring, it's terrible. It's awful to watch. WWE is just wasting everybody's time by putting these woman in 2 minute matches every week. I understand why WWE doesn't use the divas, they shouldn't use them. They couldn't draw a dime if their life depended on it. The fans never cared about the divas, that's not the main focus of the show. There's a reason the fans consider diva matches "backroom breaks". The main storylines would actually improve a bit because the damn creative team wouldn't be worried about thinking of 2 minute segments for the damn divas who make no money for the company. What are they good for? Can somebody tell me what the divas are good for? There are no storylines going on between these divas, none of them have any characters. There matches are so short i can't even use the washroom without missing the next segment. It's absolutely pathetic. The divas need to leave, adios perras.
I watch pro-wrestling to see talented athletes impress me with what they can bring to the show. Women have the bitter sweet ability to draw without being at all athletic. It's bitter sweet because at times it's no different than a gal with great clevage having a million twitter followers.

Vince is a horn dog, and when it comes to promoting female athletes he's more likely to put his personal tastes in front of an ability to perform well in the ring. Rhonda Sing is an example, this gal was sharp and she could pack an arena based on her powerful move-set and amazing athleticism for someone of her size. When she came to the WWF, she had to act like an air-head and only use five moves. She was literally told to not do certain moves because the female athletes are supposed to sell sex and stupidity over athletic potential.

There's also the fact that when Alundra Blayze was at the height of her career, Jerry Lawler made a point of recognizing how ugly she was. He didn't just make a wise crack and then call the match, he'd make his entire bit of commentary based on how ugly she looked to him. We all love Jerry, I know. But there have been times when he was a depraved sack of shit who couldn't keep it in his pants to save his life, Brian has a lot of illegitimate brothers and sisters. Obviously, none of them were with Alundra Blayze.

Lately the program has been picking up for me. I absolutely love Naomi, I think she's their only hope of having a marketable women's division. I would just ask that she PLEASE not get on commentary. Not that I don't think she has potential on the mic or on commentary, but that always destroys my love for one of their over female performers.

Nattie got on commentary, and it sucked. AJ got on commentary OVER and OVER again, and it was always a train wreck. Just let the gals work out their promos in the ring or with pre-recorded back stage spots.

What's most important is that the WWE take this division seriously, that includes face Jerry keeping his fucking mouth shut if he thinks that one of them has a big nose. Just saying, if I woke up and looked like Jerry Lawler, I'd never negatively criticize the looks of anyone else. The dude looks like he passed out in a fucking panini press. That also includes not making farting a fucking angle for any of them, take their presence on the card seriously or go *********e to any of the millions of fucking gigs of porno that the internet can cough up. They're there to wrestle, and prove that they can do it well.

Naomi's split moonsault needs work, but it was a damn good finish for a Divas' match. I say give her the belt, let her work a feud with Cameron. Give her the theme because it suits her better than anyone else who's ever used it, let her be the keystone of the Divas division.

Emma is a guilty pleasure of mine, I absolutely love this woman. I realize that to some she's annoying, to me she's a welcome change to the landscape. Do you want your intelligence insulted by lingerie pillow fight matches, or do you want to tune out to someone behaving in comically immature ways? Pro-wrestling can be silly and fun in a good way, she's also an awesome athlete from my perspective.

AJ is great in the ring, not so great on the mic. I realize that most Divas hardly get any mic time, and that it's asking a little too much to make time for that. They've given AJ A LOT of mic time, and she still stutters out inconsequential thoughts that somehow make JBL seem passable as a commentator.

The division has had it's moments in years past, I see it coming back with a vengeance if they tap into Naomi's potential.
The division has no continuity and it becomes frustrating. There is no rhyme or reason as to why someone gets a title shot. Why does Nikki get the title shots, but brie doesn't? or vice versa...I really dont know...same thing with Naomi and Cameron. Natalya is probably the most talented wrestler, but the fans don't like her.

The most obvious storyline to build around would be Tamina finally turnign on AJ a la Mickie James and Trish Stratus, but instead they throw that storyline away to put every diva in a stupid match at Mania.

Even WWE has appeared to give up on the divas (aside from the Total Divas show). During the AJ Lee match on Raw this week, the match ended on a 6 second countout. Seriously, what is that?
I think the problem is they dont actually wrestle enough. The talent is there, AJ, summer, paige, and emma. They can actually go in the ring. I just dont think they are given a big enough platform to show their skills. Lita and trish had to do their fair share of degrading stuff but they still put on awesome matches. I think some current divas could get close to that, stop making everything a comedy bit with them.
I never had a problem with the Diva's Division in principle. Having a women is a great way for women to be involved in the sport plus it's some good eye candy for the men. I mean you go to Youtube and you can easily see some great athletic women matches. And look at TNA when Gail Kim and Awsome Kong's matches were the highest rated on Impact.

The problem I have is the WWE's approach to the division. I mean first off it's called the Diva's Division, last I checked calling someone a "diva" is kind of an insult and isn't really a compliment. It normally means they are high maintenance people that demand too much. Not really a good description.

The other problem is the roster. Hot women are great and let's face it what straight guy wouldn't want to see hot athletic women go at it? Problem is most of the diva's WWE has picked to push in recent years do not have those attributes Beth Phoenix, Mickey James, Mileena, Gail Kim, Eve Torres are all great ladies to carry the division yet for the longest time we've had Kelly Kelly become the top baby face Diva someone who is a pretty face but doesn't really connect to the crowd, isn't a good talker, and pretty below average in the ring (shows a lot how the WWE feels about the division).

I guess they are rectifying that now with AJ as the Top Diva but still the WWE messes it up with a Totally Diva's reality show, once again WWE cares more about putting these women on reality TV for eye candy rather than being an important part of the weekly show and PPV's.
In the wwe, there are 2 divas that I think can actually wrestle. Nattie and AJ. I actually think TNA has 5 women who can actually wrestle. Gail kim, Velvet Sky,Angelina Love and ODB. There are 2 women who im not sure about and that is emma and summer rae. Then there is Kong, Tara who are free agents. Seems like Tna is where the women who can actually wrestle seem to be.
I don't hate the Divas division. I don't really like it very much either.

There has been certain 'Divas' over the years that stand out & carry their relatively poor division. Right now I find myself fast forrrrwarding any Diva that isn't AJ. And even she hasn't really got anyone decent to work with.

Divas are important part of the show, but at the moment unfortunately, most of them have no skill in the ring.
I personally don't really mind the Diva's divison, I'm a big fan of Alicia Fox, but I don't know why, but it's real hard to care sometimes.

The solution as MANY say, is to bring Paige up from NXT, and all is saved.
That isn't going to happen, she'll be lost in the shuffle and watered down.
If the diva's were a priority it wouldn't look like this.

Exhibit A: Emma
A great athlete with a penchant for submission wrestling, albeit a strange and crowd pleasing dance, had some classics on NXT, especially at ARrival. (Still can't get over that cross lock!!!lol) Was brought up and thrown into a meaningless story-line of a mess with Santino Marella.

They have had some chances over the years to build the division, but failed
Now with the Total Divas in full swing, maybe they are doomed to mediocrity for ratings sake.

These women work hard and train hard, some have a great move-set, but they are under utilized, that's not their fault I guess.

Let's hope for the best?
I think the divas division is a reflection of society and how women are viewed. We don't like big, not in shape women. We don't even like women to muscular (i.e. Chynna). It's the fitness model look. Pretty with lean athletic builds. What they can do in a ring is secondary. I honestly think most of the time they take someone who has "the look" with the assumption that what they need to know in the ring can be taught. For example, I thought Kaitlyn during her last run in WWE looked fine, she was a little softer than her earlier days but so what, yet on air they had AJ make fun of her being a little pudgy.

Aside from looks, no one has any real personality. Mic skills and the ability to act on a reality show is not the same as having personality that makes me interested. It looks like they are instructed to act like...divas. I watch wrestling to see people act like wrestlers. No one stands and most of them seem easily replaceable. But hey maybe that is what WWE wants.
The only positive aspect I can think of is that the gals are allowed more time these days to work their matches. No more of those 45-second messes with a couple of awkward shots followed by a half-assed finisher. Those were horrible, but some of the matches that feature at least one diva who can actually work (Natalya, AJ) have been surprisingly good.

Ironically, while I love watching all wrestlers work a match, many "wrestling fans" don't: they like quick contests that are devoid of strategy and story-telling: just hit a flying finisher and get out of there.....yet, at the same time, the fans don't like the divas "quick as a wink" contests, either. The gals just can't win, I guess.

Women can't wrestle like men; we're built differently, with our centers of gravity distributed through our hips instead of through our shoulders like a guys'.....which lends itself better to mat wrestling than standing maneuvers. But modern pro wrestling doesn't lend itself to mat wrestling, so the divas are at a disadvantage before the match even starts, in terms of pleasing fans in attendance.

Women wrestling has always been around. I have no idea what WWE management thinks of it or where they see it going, except for the certainty that the gals have to look good before they can even be considered for employment.

My honest opinion is that I have no honest opinion. Sports entertainment companies don't want to get rid of diva wrestling, nor do they want to expand on the concept. At the same time, more lingerie matches will excite some members of the audience while turning off the wrestling "purists."

What to do? Keep it as it is, I suppose; limiting it to one match a show.
I think the divas division is a reflection of society and how women are viewed. We don't like big, not in shape women. We don't even like women to muscular (i.e. Chynna). It's the fitness model look. Pretty with lean athletic builds. What they can do in a ring is secondary. I honestly think most of the time they take someone who has "the look" with the assumption that what they need to know in the ring can be taught. For example, I thought Kaitlyn during her last run in WWE looked fine, she was a little softer than her earlier days but so what, yet on air they had AJ make fun of her being a little pudgy.

Funny thing is that look is perfectly fine because it's a combination of fitness and looks. I mean in the MMA we have Ronda Rousey, Gina Carano, and Meisha Tate. Hot bodies and athletic ideally it's a perfect combination in a wrestling environment. Problem is in most years you have the Bellas, Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle, or anyone else from those Diva Searches etc. who look more like models than athletes. Seriously can anyone picture Kelly Kelly actually winning competitive matches?

No problem with hot athletic women there's so many lists about the hottest athletes or Olympians online and men magazine's so I am sure most men have no problem with their looks.
Funny thing is that look is perfectly fine because it's a combination of fitness and looks. I mean in the MMA we have Ronda Rousey, Gina Carano, and Meisha Tate. Hot bodies and athletic ideally it's a perfect combination in a wrestling environment. Problem is in most years you have the Bellas, Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle, or anyone else from those Diva Searches etc. who look more like models than athletes. Seriously can anyone picture Kelly Kelly actually winning competitive matches?

No problem with hot athletic women there's so many lists about the hottest athletes or Olympians online and men magazine's so I am sure most men have no problem with their looks.
my point is being hot and athletic is more important than being able to execute and tell a story in the ring. this is wrestling, not maxim on tv. we can see hot athletic women everywhere. moolah didn't have that look, mae young didn't have that look. I know that was yesteryear but my point is it was the era when women's wrestling was taken at least somewhat seriously. what we have today in my opinion is all flash and no substance. and I think that is how WWE intends it to be.
I think some of you guys are crazy. The chicks from back in the day to now can be pretty impressive...plus, who doesn't like to look at ass n titties while watching wrasslin???

I love AJ, and think she's actually really good on the mic. Her mini pipe bomb was awesome, and I like how they gave her Tamina. The count out she did on Raw was funny. Such a heel move. I enjoyed it as it was a good part of her storyline...can't just always have a match and that's it. She's getting opportunity on the mic, commentary, and more. Plus I love staring at her little plump ass lol.

The other girls can put on a show too... The Bella's, Nattie, Trinity, Emma, Alicia etc are all pretty damn good.

For the 15 mins they get in a 3 hour show...you can't really complain. It's a nice break from watching half naked dudes for 3 hours. Just sayin lol.
The division right now is fine. It's been worse that's for sure. AJ has been a great champ and she put on some very good matches with Kaitlyn last summer.

Total Divas is a great thing for the WWE and is giving them greater exposure. While I don't particularly want Eva Marie on my TV, I understand her worth.

There is also the benefit of NXT. It is crazy but it seems they are teaching the divas how to wrestle - I'm guessing that's Triple H's influence. Paige and Emma are two great examples and now they can mix the talented wrestlers with the TV stars. If they keep a solid group of talented women on the roster it is a good thing.
Just read this story on a news site. It seems fitting of this convo so I thought I would share.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

University of Windsor associate professors Betty Barrett and Dana Levin recently published a study on 2011 WWE programming and the romantic storylines that were portrayed.

They got interested when Linda McMahon claimed how she had cleaned up the WWE and made it a more PG version of family entertainment. Barrett, who described herself as a wrestling fan, told The Windsor Star that it made her interested in examining the product and whether or not McMahon was telling the truth. Barrett and Levin found that Linda wasn't and that women were almost always portrayed in relationships as inferior to men, as psychos, gold diggers, cougars or vengeful scorned crazies.

Barrett and Levin admitted that the men in the relationships weren't portrayed all that great either. Barrett said the roles of women they portray are old and stale, but they work. They said the difference is that other shows who use these roles of women don't aim their programming so much at younger kids and said while WWE isn't real and adults know it, younger viewers are less sure and the waters are muddied.

Barrett said WWE has missed the chance to portray women as athletes and actresses who can portray something more positive.
I got nothing against the Diva's division but if they discontinued it tomorrow I wouldn't give a shit either which is probably the worst thing I could say about any wrestler, program, division, etc. I simply do not care about them. I get a kick out of watching Total Divas from time to time but overall it doesn't matter to me.

The problem in my eyes is outside of AJ there's really no reason to care for any other Diva (except for maybe Emma). AJ's a great heel, every face Diva she works with has no idea how to work as a face which makes the programs and matches very dull. Why should I care about Nikki & Brie, The Funkadactyls, Natalya, Summer Rae, Alicia Fox or any other Diva not named AJ? None of them are interesting in any way and with Total Divas its hard to take them as faces when every week its 45 minutes of them trashing each other behind their backs, its counterproductive when you watch RAW, see the Bella's as faces when just the night before they were manipulative bitches, it just doesn't work.

Some have decent in ring skills, some are hot, only one has a character worthy enough of caring about, if the fans don't give a shit about you then you're done and all the looks in the world can't save that. Even Sable fell off a cliff when people realized she only had looks going for her, that will only carry you so far.
I agree with the majority. AJ is probably the only diva in the division that matters. Ever since she was inserted into main event storylines, her character took off. She plays the crazy, delusional heel perfectly and pretty much gets more of a pop than all the other divas combined.

The division really hasn't changed for the better, they have the champion play the jobber role which begs the question: Why have a title when it is nothing more than a prop?
The biggest thing they need to do is start giving, even just on PPV's, the divas matches the time they get on NXT. AJ, Summer, Emma, Naomi, Natalya...they can all wrestle, and many of the NXT women coming up will be able too as well. But 5 minute matches full of cheap hair pulling and slaps doesn't help anyone.
I find all the divas useless. None of them draw any money, none of them can have a good match without fucking it up. AJ is the Divas Champion, shes the biggest joke of a Champion there's ever been. There's no competition for her in the divas division, which is sad, since AJ is such a joke. How can there be no competition? How can WWE find no woman that are talented that might be able to draw some money? WWE is not invested in the divas division, they never will be again. It's been proven for many year's that woman don't draw. WWE should release most of the divas shorty after WrestleMania, keep a few a them for valets and backstage interviewers, because these woman in the ring, it's terrible. It's awful to watch. WWE is just wasting everybody's time by putting these woman in 2 minute matches every week. I understand why WWE doesn't use the divas, they shouldn't use them. They couldn't draw a dime if their life depended on it. The fans never cared about the divas, that's not the main focus of the show. There's a reason the fans consider diva matches "backroom breaks". The main storylines would actually improve a bit because the damn creative team wouldn't be worried about thinking of 2 minute segments for the damn divas who make no money for the company. What are they good for? Can somebody tell me what the divas are good for? There are no storylines going on between these divas, none of them have any characters. There matches are so short i can't even use the washroom without missing the next segment. It's absolutely pathetic. The divas need to leave, adios perras.

There are parts of your post that i agree with and parts that i disagree with. I don't think AJ Lee is a joke because she is a good talker and a good wrestler. NXT shows promise in the division with newcomers like Paige, Emma, and others. They might revitalize the industry once more. Agreed, it has not been the same ever since the Women's Championship became the Diva's championship. I see nothing special in the majority of them, and Total Divas is something that makes WWE to look like a joke. The Bellas are only getting attention because they're sleeping with the two biggest stars right now, and they have no talent whatsoever. I could see the woman's division being better if more people like Paige, Emma (the NXT version, not the joke gimmick in WWE) AJ Lee, and Natalya in WWE.
It's pretty bad. I can't remember the last Divas match that impressed me. The only reason the Divas division even has a pulse is because AJ is the champ and she's smoking hot. Natalya is the best female wrestler on the roster and is rarely used. I like AJ's long title reign, but with the competition being what it is, it's pretty meaningless. There's some hope if they bring up Paige. I've never seen her wrestle, but heard very good things. The majority of the roster could be better used as valets or cut altogether.
My opinion on the divas division is that it flat out sucks. WWE seems more concerned with having eye candy on display rather than tough women that get physical and put on a good show. Most of the divas are terrible wrestlers. They all over act and make any segment involving them corny as hell. I believe the division could use an overhaul and add some better physical talent such as Tamina.
They aren't booked right. They got legit talent in the division but at the same time it's obvious some of those wrestlers are eye candy.

I'd love to see Natty, Tamina, Snuka, Naomi, Cameron, Emma put on great matches and have great storylines between each other but their priorities seem to be towards the Total Divas show and comedy
They aren't booked right. They got legit talent in the division but at the same time it's obvious some of those wrestlers are eye candy.

I'd love to see Natty, Tamina, Snuka, Naomi, Cameron, Emma put on great matches and have great storylines between each other but their priorities seem to be towards the Total Divas show and comedy

Not Cameron, please...not Cameron. :disappointed: :p

Thanks for all the replies guys, some interesting thoughts. I think some of you overlook the Bella twins and how much they've improved in the ring over the past couple of years. Nikki's torture rack move is pretty sweet, and she wasn't anywhere near strong enough to pull that off around the time the Bellas were frequenting ECW. I'm not marking out for them and saying they're the best etc, but yeah, I give them a lot of credit, Total Divas stuff aside. Just my opinion. :)

Another thought....after seeing the awful 'storyline' or whatever you can call it that they've got Emma in for her first main roster appearances, does it concern you at all at how watered down someone like Paige may be when she does make her main roster debut? It's good that Emma is now becoming part of regular Divas booking, but I can't find anyone who can say they particularly enjoyed her segments with Santino. It's unfortunate that the casual WWE fan is somewhat sheltered from NXT, although it's easy to look up NXT stuff on YouTube and see some of the really good matches Emma has had on there.

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