Diva Alignment (Face/Heel) Turns

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
From the recent promo's of Beth Phoenix and Michelle McCool having Phoenix state that she will become the new women's champion with McCool acting in cowardice as all good heels do. For those that watched the Six Diva Match at Bragging Rights, Phoenix and Michelle didn't have a good working relationship in the match as a team where Michelle played the dominant heel role. They seriously need to make someone a face to balance out the rosters. Since Beth's character is very stale at the moment, a face turn could be beneficial at the moment as she has not yet feuded with either Natalya or Michelle yet.

Do you think with Beth's character of being the dominant female, typical of heel characters, could do well as a face?

As some side discussions, I have also noticed that most of Natalya's heel work has been emulating of something more a face would do. She seems to smile alot, the way the good person would do. She taunts to the crowd, not against them. So, after the Hart Dynasty finishes up... I could see her turn face and have a decent run as the face character. With her wrestling ability and the fact that she is a Hart family member, she would get a big following to her name.

If Natalya and Phoenix were to turn face, then for balancing purposes... Mickie James would have to turn heel. This could be something that many people have been waiting for as her current face character is getting boring and stale. Her best work has always been heel as far as characters are concerned and could definitely work a dark gimmick similar to Randy Orton, Kane or early Mankind.

Would you be in favour of a Natalya face turn and Mickie James heel turn in the future?
Beth can't go face. She was as close as she could be during the feud with Santino/a following WrestleMania, and it was horrible. She works best in the dominant heel role, squashing faces, and beating up on heels trying to make a name for themselves. There's enough room around her for others to change, leaving her in her role, and taking on all comers. It's sad that they don't put the belt on her, since they know that she will always look strong in the ring, and sloppy matches can be blamed on inferior opponents.

As far as Natalya going face...You're crazy, right? Her dad couldn't pull it off, and she wouldn't be able to either. The moveset she has, as well as that trademark family laugh are tailored for heels. They might be able to give her a bit more of a personality, like they did when she was teamed with Victoria, but that's about it. Maybe give her a "man-slave" manager (Charlie Haas comes to mind for some reason), but that's about it.

Mickie going heel has been all over this forum, and no one ever comes up with a good idea to turn one of the most over Divas since the attitude era. She's simply too liked to make the turn, and anything she did would just be cheered by the few that actually watch the Divas' matches.
Beth can't go face. She was as close as she could be during the feud with Santino/a following WrestleMania, and it was horrible. She works best in the dominant heel role, squashing faces, and beating up on heels trying to make a name for themselves. There's enough room around her for others to change, leaving her in her role, and taking on all comers. It's sad that they don't put the belt on her, since they know that she will always look strong in the ring, and sloppy matches can be blamed on inferior opponents.

As far as Natalya going face...You're crazy, right? Her dad couldn't pull it off, and she wouldn't be able to either. The moveset she has, as well as that trademark family laugh are tailored for heels. They might be able to give her a bit more of a personality, like they did when she was teamed with Victoria, but that's about it. Maybe give her a "man-slave" manager (Charlie Haas comes to mind for some reason), but that's about it.
She had Santino
Mickie going heel has been all over this forum, and no one ever comes up with a good idea to turn one of the most over Divas since the attitude era. She's simply too liked to make the turn, and anything she did would just be cheered by the few that actually watch the Divas' matches.
True.even when she was a heel most people liked her(example:me)
Well, someone's bound to turn.....

Can't exactly have Mickie being the only face diva on Smackdown >_>;

Perhaps Beth could play a tweener role. OR better yet, move one of the ECW girls over.
What ECW girls?

The only Female wrestler there is Katie Lea and even if she is one of the best in the ring the WWE has, the had her stuck with her "Brother", unless Burchill moves (which would mean ECW wiould have like 6 wrestlers as a roster) she is there for a long time (which is a shame because the girl knows how to work a match). Rosa does not cut it as a wrestler, Tiffany is the GM and is hurt, and Savannah is the ring announcer (eventhough she ain't bad in the ring). But yes, I prey everyday Katie gets to SD or Raw (Hopefully SD, had better female roster now).

As far as Mickie turnning heel, she would need something like Psycho Mickie (like what she did with Trish) and not even that guarranties she won't get cheered.

Beth as Face would work for a while but not all the time and only if she feuds with McCool (Have got to admit Michelle is the best heel right now and has become a solid worker in the ring).

For Natalya, well will need to relly mor about ring work (she has the tools, she just need a bunhc of matches to showcase those tools) and it will need to be a very slow process so people can really get into her, not impossible but will require a lot of work.
I personally think Natalya could pull off a good Face honestly. I dont think she would until the Hart Dynasty did as well, and I dont see that happening. beth nor Michelle would be a good face in my opinion right now. I dunno. Either way, I am cheering for Mickie James all the way. Id love the girl face or heel. She rocks all the way around. It'd also be tight to see Katie-Lea come over to SD and become a face :)
Beth's gimmick just wouldn't work for a face. It was tried around Wrestle Mania and it bombed in my opinion. Mickie can't really be the crazy chick again. It's been done and I still think the fans would be behind her no matter what. McCool wasn't a good face, so that leaves Natalya. She has the ring skills, I just want to know why she doesn't wrestle more. She could wipe the floor with all the other Divas in the WWE. Let her go and unleash hell. Of the 3 members of the Hart Dynasty, she has the best shot of going face and making it look good, so let her do it.

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