Disturbing Coincidence


Getting Noticed By Management
OK, I see the complaints and the problems regarding the current WWE product and the more I look at it the more as realize that they are similar to the problems that WCW had during their fall. Now granted, none of these problems were the real reason why the WCW collapsed, but i think the coincidence between the two products is somewhat astounding and maybe a little disturbing.

1. Failure to push new stars. Of course, WCW was infamous for this and we are seeing the same problem in the WWE today. They are not building up legitimate stars to replace the veteran main eventers.

2. Shit tag team division. Pretty much everyone can agree that although the tag team scene in the WWE is improving it still is relatively small and relatively shitty. WCW near the end was even worse, as the tag belts were barely even being kept alive.

3. Overexposure of the product. Nitro going to three hours, plus the addition of Thunder really hurt the WCW, as the product being over exposed and diluted made it much less entertaining. Today we have 2 hours of RAW, plus 2 hours of Smackdown. Then the one hour ECW show AND the addition of WWE Superstars. That is over exposure and dilution to the extreme, with 6 hours of original programming per week. This one kind of goes hand in hand with the lack of new stars and that makes the over exposure even worse.

I'm not sure if any of these coincidences are significant but i find it very interesting. But i want to know what you think, do you think these coincidences have any relevance? and can you think of other coincidences between the WWE product of today and the WCW product during its dying years?
I completely agree and have said this for a long time now. Today's WWE is so much like WCW was during the end, it's scary.

For all of his time Vince McMahon spent fighting back against WCW, I never knew he wanted his company to become LIKE WCW.

He got lazy. Lazy booking hurt Vince. Although, fortunately, Vince is in a position that he has no serious competition to take him on in his vulnerable state at the moment.
1. Failure to push new stars. Of course, WCW was infamous for this and we are seeing the same problem in the WWE today. They are not building up legitimate stars to replace the veteran main eventers.

I think this point has more relevance to TNA. Between the Punks/Orton's I'd say WWE are doing a far better job of putting new talent into the top tier than TNA are. TNA are just like WCW in that the main event circle is dominated by old WWE guys who can do little more than hold it together from a storyline point of view and the undercard are who provide the "wrestling" portion of the show. At least the WWE have a handful of younger guys regularly in the top mix who have the stamina/ability to carry a long good wrestling match. (yes there are exceptions to this on both sides, but I'm making a generalisation).
Well, I'm going to look at each point and decide then if I agree or not.

1. Failure to push new stars. Of course, WCW was infamous for this and we are seeing the same problem in the WWE today. They are not building up legitimate stars to replace the veteran main eventers.

Fair point. I'm not 100% in agreement and I concur with 'absent' stating that TNA is worse, but yeah I reckon that WWE really needs to give new faces...or faces that have been there a while and not rewarded...the ball and give them the chance to run with it. Who have WWE really got behind in recent years? Cena and Orton aside I would say only Punk, Jeff Hardy and John Morrison. Sure, people like MVP, Kofi and Swagger have been pushed to some degree, but the three listed are the only new 'stars' made over the last few years. That is not enough to build a future on. Its lucky that Cena and Orton are still quite young and have a long time left because with HBK and Taker retiring soon as well as Jeff leaving, there is going to be a lack of star names to carry the company forward.

2. Shit tag team division. Pretty much everyone can agree that although the tag team scene in the WWE is improving it still is relatively small and relatively shitty. WCW near the end was even worse, as the tag belts were barely even being kept alive.

This I COMPLETELY agree with. I am a life long fan of tag team wrestling and in my opinion some of the best matches in the WWE's history have been tag matches. Plus, a number of breakout stars over the last two decades were a part of a tag team to begin with. For example Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Edge etc

3. Overexposure of the product. Nitro going to three hours, plus the addition of Thunder really hurt the WCW, as the product being over exposed and diluted made it much less entertaining. Today we have 2 hours of RAW, plus 2 hours of Smackdown. Then the one hour ECW show AND the addition of WWE Superstars. That is over exposure and dilution to the extreme, with 6 hours of original programming per week. This one kind of goes hand in hand with the lack of new stars and that makes the over exposure even worse.

Personally I think this is down to a number of reasons.

1)Too many 'superstars' that no one cares about - the company has too many wrestlers and consequently need more shows to give them a chance of showing what they can do. Unfortunately it seems the be the same Main Eventers taking up most of the camera time...not naming names...H...H...H. On a personal level I prefer to watch Smackdown than Raw cause we get to see the younger and fresher wrestlers put on quality matched compared to boring in ring promos by a robot (Orton), D-'Should be retired' X and the whiter than white golden boy (Cena).

2)No competition - since TNA is still growing (?) and not a threat yet to WWE, Vince will put as much of his product to the air because it brings in more money and further shows off their dominance of the Sports Entertainment world.

3)PG-13 - this is such a hot topic of convo it had to be mentioned. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? It is attracting more viewers which is a good thing. However it is pissing a fair few loyal followers due to the product being less edgy...bad thing? I personally don't have a problem with the lack of blood, language and pointless violence. In fact, I find it quite refreshing because it reminds me of how wrestling used to be. Blood would only be used in big events, like Mania and only 1 match would be given permission to deliberatly get juice. Then came the days of ECW and there was blood not only in every event, but in every match. This is ridiculous, dangerous and pointless. My opinion is that if you have to resort to giving pints of blood to tell a story, you are telling it wrong. The occasional bit works on rare occasions, but thats it. Again from a personal standpoint, I really did not enjoy the Attutude Era and I was at the age it was targeted at. I actually stopped watching wrestling generally from the end of 1997 until around mid 1999 when Jericho arrived. It did not represent the wrestling I enjoyed, the storylines were all about sex and violence which didn't sit well with me personally. But hey, it worked and WWE regained the ratings etc.

I don't therefore think things are as bad as it was for WCW...but it ain't great! Thats my take on it, comments are welcome...
I totally agree with your statement to a point. I agree that this topic is missing alot of validity. WWE has alot of young guys being pushed. Mostly for people who say it isnt,are the people who have the 1 or 2 favorites that are not(generalization,I know thats not everyone but just a majority).

But I really have to disagree with you about TNA. Now while im more of a fan of TNA then WWE,I dont get biase and act like TNA are the best ever or anything of that sort. I always look at facts when it comes to things like this. And with tna i would like to point out that they also have young stars that are getting pushed. Matt Morgan,Beer Money,British Invasion,Hernandez,AJ Styles,Aybss,Daniels,And Bobby Lashley all are getting pushed and becoming bigger stars. Morgan is in the main event picture going after Angle. Beer Money are the probably most over tag team in tna besides maybe team 3D. British invasion are already IWGP tag champs after only months of teaming together and they are headlining with Team 3D. Hernandez is blowing up in his new main event push. Aj Styles has always been tna's big star and he had a period where he was under the rader but now he is back and looks like gonna be the one to lead a group to finally end the MEM. Aybss is,well always on tv now and in matchs and doing promos all the time,plus looks like he is gonna have a program with Nash which is huge. Daniels is gonna be the x-division guy of the orignals group that goes to try and take back the title from joe. And Finaly Lashley has become like a huge tna drawing guy and looks like its only up from here for him.

Before I get the whole "lashley is a former wwe star" junk let me explain something. The complaint about former wwe stars is usually pointed towards older vets. Lashley is not that. He is still fresh. He had a 2 year or so run with wwe and thats it. He can still be branded a tna guy. Just like back in the day with Hall,Nash,and others that were in wwf but went to wcw and became main guys in wcw. I mean honestly,who here when thinking of Hall or Nash,first company that comes to mind is wwf? A very few. This is the same with Matt Morgan,Dinero,an Kennedy if he ends up in tna. They all are still fresh.

To sum it up,TNA is pushing their younger guys to just like WWE is. The whole TNA only pushes the vets is a statement that at this point in time is anything but true.
OK, I see the complaints and the problems regarding the current WWE product and the more I look at it the more as realize that they are similar to the problems that WCW had during their fall. Now granted, none of these problems were the real reason why the WCW collapsed, but i think the coincidence between the two products is somewhat astounding and maybe a little disturbing.

I don't see it, and here's why...

1. Failure to push new stars. Of course, WCW was infamous for this and we are seeing the same problem in the WWE today. They are not building up legitimate stars to replace the veteran main eventers.

For the purpose of this exercise, I have decided to take a random week in 2000, and had a look at which young wrestlers were on Nitro and who was on Thunder. The week is the one beginning October 16. Again, for the purpose of this exercise, I will use the term "young" to mean any male under 30.

Mark Jindrak (Age 23), Sean O'Haire (29), Chavo Guerrero (29), Lash LaRoux (23), Billy Kidman (26), Crowbar (26), Chuck Palumbo (29), Kwee wee (29), Johnny the Bull (23), Alex Wright (25), Rey Misterio Jr (25),

Between them they won 14 tag, 11 cruiserweight and 1 Hardcore championship, which obviously implies that they weren't being pushed, as none of those titles really mattered.

Lets look at last week's smackdown and raw

Randy Orton (29), Evan Bourne (26), Jack Swagger (27), The Miz (29), Chris Masters (26), Hornswoggle (23), Ted DiBiase (26), Cody Rhodes (24), Dolph Ziggler (29), John Morrison (29), Shad (28), JTG (24), Tyson Kidd (29), DH Smith (23)

5 World titles, 2 ECW, 13 tag championships, 3 intercontinental, 1 cruiserweight.

You can also add to that list Kofi Kingston, a two time and current champion, and we can be reminded that Cena, Jeff Hardy and CM Punk are all 32 or younger and you see there are significantly more people on the list, as well as more high profile championships.

But what is important, and this is the key thing, that those people are on TV every single week, and the WCW guys aren't. There was no Zigglers in WCW. There were no John Morrisons, and there were certainly no CM Punks. What it means is that the WWE has a much deeper resource pool. Of the main eventers in this weeks Smackdown, Matt Hardy was the oldest at 34. The youngest main eventers on the Nitro I looked at before were both 41. That is not the same thing.

2. Shit tag team division. Pretty much everyone can agree that although the tag team scene in the WWE is improving it still is relatively small and relatively shitty. WCW near the end was even worse, as the tag belts were barely even being kept alive.

While I'm not going to argue that the WWE tag division isn't poor, because it is. However, Cryme Tyme, Hart Dynasty, Legacy are all young teams and they all have direction. You could not say the same thing of Lt. Loco and Corporal Cajun. The point you make is important, the WCW tag teams were an afterthought, with the title being passed around arbitarily. Now, the champions are on every show, and have been since Miz n' Morrison started teaming.

3. Overexposure of the product. Nitro going to three hours, plus the addition of Thunder really hurt the WCW, as the product being over exposed and diluted made it much less entertaining. Today we have 2 hours of RAW, plus 2 hours of Smackdown. Then the one hour ECW show AND the addition of WWE Superstars. That is over exposure and dilution to the extreme, with 6 hours of original programming per week. This one kind of goes hand in hand with the lack of new stars and that makes the over exposure even worse.

There is 6 hours of programming, but there is a much, much bigger roster, and, crucially the same wrestlers are not on for all six hours. The bigger players dob't go on Superstars, and everyone else is confined to a short exposure. In Nitro, you'd have Nash on TV for three hours on a Monday, and until the enitre roster deemed themselves better than Thunder, you'd have him for another 2 hours on a Wedensday.

The main way you can tell their different is that the WWE ratings are stable, which implies the product is adequate. WCW was losing ratings at a rate of about 0.3 a month. That's how you can tell that these coincidences are in no way similar.
There is 6 hours of programming, but there is a much, much bigger roster, and, crucially the same wrestlers are not on for all six hours. The bigger players dob't go on Superstars, and everyone else is confined to a short exposure. In Nitro, you'd have Nash on TV for three hours on a Monday, and until the enitre roster deemed themselves better than Thunder, you'd have him for another 2 hours on a Wedensday.

I agree on this, it is the key reason that WWE gets away with so much programming. You have three main shows each with its own roster and champion. This ensures that no superstar, as stated above, gets three hours of mic time all to themselves.

Hit the nail on the head with that one.
OK, I see the complaints and the problems regarding the current WWE product and the more I look at it the more as realize that they are similar to the problems that WCW had during their fall. Now granted, none of these problems were the real reason why the WCW collapsed, but i think the coincidence between the two products is somewhat astounding and maybe a little disturbing.

No. No it isn't.

1. Failure to push new stars. Of course, WCW was infamous for this and we are seeing the same problem in the WWE today. They are not building up legitimate stars to replace the veteran main eventers.

What veteran main-eventers? Look at the Summerslam Main Events. Cena is 32. Orton is 29. Punk is 30. Hardy is 31. Yeah, OLD FUCKING MEN!!!!! Legacy is in the biggest match of their careers, and they're recieving the biggest push of their careers. They have a victory over Triple H, and they destroyed DX on Raw. And they've gotten lots of exposure, because I've watched ECW, Superstars, and Smackdown, and instead of recapping the Orton/Cena saga, they're recapping Legacy beating the shit out of D-Generation X.

2. Shit tag team division. Pretty much everyone can agree that although the tag team scene in the WWE is improving it still is relatively small and relatively shitty. WCW near the end was even worse, as the tag belts were barely even being kept alive.

Are you serious? First of all, the Tag Team Division isn't even supposed to be the main focus of the show. Yet for almost every Raw since Shaq, Show and Jericho have been prominently featured in the main event of Raw, WWE's main show. Not to mention that Cryme Tyme is being pushed against JeriShow, which counteracts your "No New Stars" argument. We have a shit load of tag teams in the WWE. Hart Dynasty, Legacy, DX, Big Show and Jericho, Cryme Tyme, Mark Henry and Hornswoggle, annd Regal is flip-flopping between Burchill and Kozlov, either way, he's in a team. So let's see, carry the 1, add the 2, that's 7 teams across 3 shows. Yeah, No Tag Team Division whatsoever.

3. Overexposure of the product. Nitro going to three hours, plus the addition of Thunder really hurt the WCW, as the product being over exposed and diluted made it much less entertaining. Today we have 2 hours of RAW, plus 2 hours of Smackdown. Then the one hour ECW show AND the addition of WWE Superstars. That is over exposure and dilution to the extreme, with 6 hours of original programming per week. This one kind of goes hand in hand with the lack of new stars and that makes the over exposure even worse.

Well, I find this argument to be complete and utter bullshit. On Raw, as stated earlier, Legacy was booked dominantly against DX, and they have the upper hand going into Summerslam. On ECW, we have an ongoing feud between The Hurricane and Burchill, and not only did Reks and Ryder get screen time, Ryder gained a shitload more heat with his promo. On Superstars, we got a Chris Masters main event. He main evented the same show that Jericho, Orton, and Cena main evented. And it wasn't a squash match. On Smackdown, we saw Morrison stand in victory along with Matt and Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy is 31 and Matt is 34. I consider that to be young. The ratings for each show is strong. Although TNA beats Superstars and ECW in the ratings, ECW still gets more exposure. If I asked a kid off of the street who Shelton Benjamin was, they'd know. But if I did the same for AJ Styles, they'd go "Who?". Now we all know that AJ Styles is leaps and bounds above Benjamin in mic and ring skills, but the exposure is what keeps the WWE on top, and for you to say that it's overexposed is just about the stupidest thing I have read in a long time.

I'm not sure if any of these coincidences are significant but i find it very interesting. But i want to know what you think, do you think these coincidences have any relevance? and can you think of other coincidences between the WWE product of today and the WCW product during its dying years?

These coincidences have no relevance at all, and the WWE is nothing like WCW in it's dying years at all. You sir, need to look at the big picture. You obviously have no fucking idea what's going on in the WWE right now.
I really dont have much to say regarding your other statements but i would like to comment on your tag team division statement. A division is not rated by how many members it has or how many matchs or even if its the central focus sometimes. Its about quality of match and teams. Maybe its not the way you meant to come across but seems like your only proof for the tag division being good was how many times wwe has. If my wrestling company has 20 tag teams but only 2 really are any good or have that it factor in tag team style,the other 18 no one is gonna give a blink about. For example,with wwe right now while yes there are a good number of teams and not even thrown together teams besides show and jericho,but I honestly havnt seen a great tag match from them in a bit. Tag team wrestling is about way more then just 4 guys making to teams and putting on a show. Its about obviously with all wrestling the storytelling,the charisma,the team flowing as one,and of course the action. Im not gonna say that their tag division is terrible and dead but i will say it leaves a bit to be desired and could really use some improving.
I strongly disagree with you there.
I am going to be honest with all of you, I never actually watched WCW back in the days so I'm not going to be able to look at it from your perspectives and compare the two, however having just read what you think, I still must strongly disagree.

You claim that WWE fails to push new stars-this is completley untrue, there are a huge amount of wrestlers that are currently being developed and pushed, who will all be in the main event scene soon enough.
Like WCW, I dont know anything about TNA and I never have or will watch it, however from what i see from them, they are the ones who dont get new stars, all they do is use old WWE superstars (which is apparantly what WCW did.)

Tag team division is admittedly not very good...but tag team is not what a company needs to reliy on, the tag team division is just an extra that some people enjoy watching for fun, and WWE supply with alot of tag team action though their arent any actual teams but rather two semi related wrestlers put in together.
And personally I enjoy that and aint desperate for a tag division.

Now here is where i totally disagree; WWE is not over exposing its product. Having six hours of wrestling divided by 4 very different shows is a good idea, first of it allows fans more of what they want, it allows people the opportunity to catch a show constantly and the shows (in my opinion) are all very good (minus ECW).

So overall, I'd say WWE is very different to WCW and actually ssounds much better of.

Thanks for reading (this was my first ever post, so please go easy on me if i've said anything stupid!:))
TNA is bringing in new shows on SpikeTV. They're ratings will keep going up and eventually they'll be on the same competing field as WWE. And that's where WWE will finally end. TNA will be on the top and in 10-20 years something else will takeover.
What veteran main-eventers? Look at the Summerslam Main Events. Cena is 32. Orton is 29. Punk is 30. Hardy is 31. Yeah, OLD FUCKING MEN!!!!! Legacy is in the biggest match of their careers, and they're recieving the biggest push of their careers. They have a victory over Triple H, and they destroyed DX on Raw. And they've gotten lots of exposure, because I've watched ECW, Superstars, and Smackdown, and instead of recapping the Orton/Cena saga, they're recapping Legacy beating the shit out of D-Generation X.

The DX reunion is the main focus of RAW, and once Jeff Hardy leaves then the Undertaker will be back and in the main event on Smackdown. You say Cena and orton are young new stars but then you go on to say how they are barely focused on in favor of DX(two forty year old men) and a tag team that DX will annihilate without thinking twice (unless i am plesantly surprised) .WCW had new stars and so does WWE, however, they were not adequately built up and were not really over (with the exception of Cena now, and Goldberg in WCW, both of which by the way are similar due to smarks hating them based on their movesets and style). None of these new main eventers (once again, besides Cena) have become as over as the veteran guys such as Triple H, Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Rey Mysterio or Chris Jericho. Also, just because Orton and Cena are young doesn't mean they aren't veterans in the main event scene...because they were put in the main event 5 and 4 years ago respectively and have been there rather consistently ever since. It;s funny because WCW's main run (from 1996-2000) is as long as Orton and Cena have been main eventers. In the modern wrestling environment, that gets quite, quite stale.

If WWE didn't have this problem why would Jericho and Shawn Michaels bring up that they can't make new stars backstage and why would Vince shout out "DAMMIT WHY CANT WE MAKE NEW STARS" in creative meetings....

Are you serious? First of all, the Tag Team Division isn't even supposed to be the main focus of the show. Yet for almost every Raw since Shaq, Show and Jericho have been prominently featured in the main event of Raw, WWE's main show. Not to mention that Cryme Tyme is being pushed against JeriShow, which counteracts your "No New Stars" argument. We have a shit load of tag teams in the WWE. Hart Dynasty, Legacy, DX, Big Show and Jericho, Cryme Tyme, Mark Henry and Hornswoggle, annd Regal is flip-flopping between Burchill and Kozlov, either way, he's in a team. So let's see, carry the 1, add the 2, that's 7 teams across 3 shows. Yeah, No Tag Team Division whatsoever.

In your list of legitimate tag teams you have counted Henry and a midget, and random pairings involving William regal that will never actually be a part of the tag division and are just throw together in filler matches on ECW. Hart Dynasty has been doing nothing relevant even though they have huge amounts of potential and i don't even think they have ever been on a pay per view (unless it was something VERY unmemorable). Legacy are a team of jobbers who are simply ortons bitches and pace around behind him when he cuts promos, and once again will most likely get destroyed by the "new" DX (nice to see WWE recycling groups *cough cough* NWO in WCW). The tag belts were and still are going to be used as props for singles wrestlers such as Jericho and Edge and now Jericho and Show, this Cryme Tyme feud is filler and mark my words if Cryme Tyme loses they will be back down doing nothing and if they win then the focus will be on a split between Jericho and Big Show (tag belts used as props) and the tag belts will be shoved down into the lower card with no credibility as they have been since about 2004. And like i originally said, its not as bad as WCW's tag division but its still a bad tag division.

Well, I find this argument to be complete and utter bullshit. On Raw, as stated earlier, Legacy was booked dominantly against DX, and they have the upper hand going into Summerslam. On ECW, we have an ongoing feud between The Hurricane and Burchill, and not only did Reks and Ryder get screen time, Ryder gained a shitload more heat with his promo. On Superstars, we got a Chris Masters main event. He main evented the same show that Jericho, Orton, and Cena main evented. And it wasn't a squash match. On Smackdown, we saw Morrison stand in victory along with Matt and Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy is 31 and Matt is 34. I consider that to be young. The ratings for each show is strong. Although TNA beats Superstars and ECW in the ratings, ECW still gets more exposure. If I asked a kid off of the street who Shelton Benjamin was, they'd know. But if I did the same for AJ Styles, they'd go "Who?". Now we all know that AJ Styles is leaps and bounds above Benjamin in mic and ring skills, but the exposure is what keeps the WWE on top, and for you to say that it's overexposed is just about the stupidest thing I have read in a long time.

Wow, Chris Masters headlining a show, Burchill vs. Hurricane and a heated promo involving a surfer and the guy from the my new haircut video. That sounds like solid programming. Ya, that really fucking sounds like WWE has enough solid talent to support all of that TV time. The fact that you have to sit through garbage like that shows that WWE cannot produce quality television for all of the "brands" that they have.
The DX reunion is the main focus of RAW, and once Jeff Hardy leaves then the Undertaker will be back and in the main event on Smackdown. You say Cena and orton are young new stars but then you go on to say how they are barely focused on in favor of DX(two forty year old men) and a tag team that DX will annihilate without thinking twice (unless i am plesantly surprised) .WCW had new stars and so does WWE, however, they were not adequately built up and were not really over (with the exception of Cena now, and Goldberg in WCW, both of which by the way are similar due to smarks hating them based on their movesets and style). None of these new main eventers (once again, besides Cena) have become as over as the veteran guys such as Triple H, Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Rey Mysterio or Chris Jericho. Also, just because Orton and Cena are young doesn't mean they aren't veterans in the main event scene...because they were put in the main event 5 and 4 years ago respectively and have been there rather consistently ever since. It;s funny because WCW's main run (from 1996-2000) is as long as Orton and Cena have been main eventers. In the modern wrestling environment, that gets quite, quite stale.

The main event scene isn't stale because of cena and orton it's because we keep on seeing the same matches. Right now as we speak the wwe is grooming stars for the Main Event. Everyone likes to talk about the wwe not having new stars in the main event but they fail to understand that the wwe had no one to choose from. You can't just blame the wwe you also have to blame these un motivated superstars.

If WWE didn't have this problem why would Jericho and Shawn Michaels bring up that they can't make new stars backstage and why would Vince shout out "DAMMIT WHY CANT WE MAKE NEW STARS" in creative meetings....

Were you at this meeting? If not then your just speaking bs. Shawn and Jericho did bring it up but building new stars can be a long process.

In your list of legitimate tag teams you have counted Henry and a midget, and random pairings involving William regal that will never actually be a part of the tag division and are just throw together in filler matches on ECW. Hart Dynasty has been doing nothing relevant even though they have huge amounts of potential and i don't even think they have ever been on a pay per view (unless it was something VERY unmemorable). Legacy are a team of jobbers who are simply ortons bitches and pace around behind him when he cuts promos, and once again will most likely get destroyed by the "new" DX (nice to see WWE recycling groups *cough cough* NWO in WCW). The tag belts were and still are going to be used as props for singles wrestlers such as Jericho and Edge and now Jericho and Show, this Cryme Tyme feud is filler and mark my words if Cryme Tyme loses they will be back down doing nothing and if they win then the focus will be on a split between Jericho and Big Show (tag belts used as props) and the tag belts will be shoved down into the lower card with no credibility as they have been since about 2004. And like i originally said, its not as bad as WCW's tag division but its still a bad tag division.

The hart dynasty just main evented on smackdown and legacy beat hhh and attacked dx. So to call them jobbers now is ridiculous. Jericho and Show are trying to bring more prestige to the belts and right now it's working. They'll most likely feud with dx over it. The tag divison is bad but it's not only happening in the wwe. Tag teams in general are losing interest with people throughout the whole industry.

Wow, Chris Masters headlining a show, Burchill vs. Hurricane and a heated promo involving a surfer and the guy from the my new haircut video. That sounds like solid programming. Ya, that really fucking sounds like WWE has enough solid talent to support all of that TV time. The fact that you have to sit through garbage like that shows that WWE cannot produce quality television for all of the "brands" that they have.

Smackdown is a pretty good show and will only get better with the return of the Undertaker and Edge. ECW and Raw are not bad shows either. Superstars is a filler show to promote the wwe wrestlers and the wwe. You sound like a wwe hater who's waiting for the day they'll fall. But I got news for ya it won't happen.
Smackdown is a pretty good show and will only get better with the return of the Undertaker and Edge. ECW and Raw are not bad shows either. Superstars is a filler show to promote the wwe wrestlers and the wwe. You sound like a wwe hater who's waiting for the day they'll fall. But I got news for ya it won't happen.

Ok, I don't want to give people the wrong idea about my stance on the wrestling industry. I am not like the majority of other smart marks who just blindly bash everything the WWE does, and i acknowledge the fact that no matter what douchebags say on the internet, or what i say i will probably still watch. i also recognize that the WWE is a business and i am NOT one of the elitist fuckheads on the internet who are self centered and don't want anything to appeal to the casual audience. This is not me. Also, in my original post i acknowledged that the WWE will not fall I am merely citing several coincidences between the WCW and the WWE which aren't really that important other than for creating conversation, which I have successfully done.
Alright Vince I'm not going to jump all over you like some of IWC but I agree to disagree. If I am mchmahon i want my product out as much as possible so people can see more than cena and hhh. now do i watch superstars, no, never have. i read the results on here. i do think the tag team division is getting better, its better than it was before the summer. the main event situation is slowly but surely happening as we speak. morrison is getting a ton of exposure, he main evented smackdown last week. but all in all i think the wwe is great right now and i have to say imo it is not like the wcw of 2000. if wwe has david arquette become world champion, i will tune in to TNA.

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