Disney buys Lucasfilm

Piss Bucket

Future British World Champ
Disney has bought George Lucas's film studio, Lucasfilm, for a reported $4.5 Billion, and will release new Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies starting in 2015.

Please feel free to infract me for "spamming" if there's already a thread about this, I did check and couldn't see one.


My thoughts? If the new Star Wars doesn't have Mark Hamill and co in them, they will suck horribly IMO and hardcore SW beards will bitch and whine constantly, I know Mark Hamill and co are all in their 60s probably now but that doesn't mean they're too old to reprise the roles that made them famous in the late 70s and early 80s.
I honestly can't remember the last time one announcement caused so much excitement and outrage. You'll probably have to go back to the announcement of Rob Zombie's 2007 Halloween remake, and before that, Star Wars Episode I. The immediate reaction from the internet caused unreal amounts of chaos, it was unbelievable.

Well, you have to face facts. Something like this was going to happen one day. I'm just glad Disney took over the rights. After all, Michael fucking Bay could've secured the rights to Star Wars. Just imagine over the top explosions, chase scenes with generic rock music in the background, flashy lightsaber duels (somewhat reminiscent of Obi-Wan VS Anakin in Episode III and Dooku VS Yoda in Episode II), and obvious close-up shots of the leading female star's ass and tits. Ugh.

Although, I wish they were going the route of picking up the storyline after Episode III, because watching a Star Wars film without Sidious or Vader is going to feel so weird. I've also seen a lot of suggestions to use other source material for the new Star Wars film. But I really couldn't follow the different suggestions, because outside of the feature films and The Clone Wars cartoon show, I'm not familiar with the other different types of Star Wars material.

Still, I'm looking forward to the new Star Wars films. Lucas' role as a creative consultant should be a nice fit for him, because at this stage of his career, it's probably time for him to step away from any major hands-on roles for future Star Wars films.

The fans, who are against this are bitching now, but I expect things to get much worse, when Episode VII actually hits theaters. The chaos and hateful criticisms will be more intense. Ironically enough, the same people, who bitch, will be the same people, who camp out in front of theaters weeks before the release date.
I was about to do this same topic but you beat me to Rtuwf.

I was shocked when I heard the news. I never thought that George Lucas would sell Lucasfilms. The fact is I know very little about the deal. Does he still get to produce and direct films under the Lucasfilms name ? Is he still getting a cut of the action as it relates to films, comics, books, novels, video games, and other merchandise ? I mean the money offered is a pretty sweet deal but couldn’t he have gotten there on his own without the Mouse ? First Marvel, now Star Wars.

When I first heard the news, I was surprised. I love Star Wars, and always have. I was Darth Vader as a kid for Hallowe’en. I love the films (preferred the first trilogy to the second). I got into the comics, then the novels. I thought the series should continue on and was disappointed when I heard that Lucas had no further interest in doing the series anymore. I understood his position, but it was still disappointing.

Disney is a media powerhouse, but they are geared towards a more family friendly genre with their films and they may have done films that have action, but they always stick to their bread and butter. Some of the novels or comics aren’t necessarily family friendly. I don’t want the stories compromised for the children. While I’m grateful the series starts again, there is the problem of making the film series. Will they get the original people to take part ? That might cost a lot of money, Ford will ask for top dollar and Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Billie Dee Williams will probably want something a little extra not equal to but close to Ford’s asking price. Although Williams, I suppose isn’t as crucial as Fisher and Hamill. Or will Disney go the unknown younger actor route and save some money. A plausible decision, but then you end up pissing off the diehard fans, the ever so loyal fanbase of the series. If they did go in a new direction, I doubt it would stop people from coming to see the films, but you never know.

I take the wait and see approach, glad to see the film series continue, not sure if Disney is the right fit but I guess all I can do is watch and hope for the best.
Big News ! Was shock to hear that , Disney are getting bigger and bigger every year. Star Wars was and will always be a money-bringing franchise , i hope Disney can do good with Star Wars in 2015. Its weird to imagine a star-wars produced by Disney , but they did great movies with tron , pirates and john carter. If they bring that kind of production to Star Wars , would probably end up being good anyways
Disney has bought George Lucas's film studio, Lucasfilm, for a reported $4.5 Billion, and will release new Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies starting in 2015.

This is interesting news indeed. However.... If they plan on releasing new Star Wars or Indiana Jones material, why exactly should I care if it will not happen until 2015? It's not even 2013 yet. I couldn't care less about something that far into the future. With that being said.... I would rather they not release new material for either series. We all know how much better than original Star Wars trilogy was compared to the prequels, and I won't even start on what an embarrassment the new Indiana Jones was. The new Indiana Jones and the Star Wars prequels were proof that lower quality films can generate a profit based primarily on the name of the series the films belong to. I predict the same to happen regarding any future releases in either series.

Will I inevitably give new Star Wars or Indiana Jones films a chance if/when they get released? Of course. The odds are low that they will be any good, especially when you compare them to the originals, but when you're a fan of a series you will most likely check out new material at least once. The announcement of Disney purchasing Lucasfilm certainly catches my attention and I am genuinely interested in seeing where things go for those involved. As for the films.... I might start caring once the time of release is closer. As I stated in my previous paragraph, why should anyone care about a 2015 release when it isn't even 2013 yet? That's too far into the future to matter. Let's see how things play out first. As a fan of both series I'll give the new films a chance when that day comes.
Is Brock Lesnar going to finally come back in Star Wars 7? But seriously, I am so gassed about this, there's bound to be a scene where Han Solo shoots a Bounty Hunter last after being shot at twice lol #DisneyKidFriendly
Well, Disney managed to produce two of my favorite Power Rangers seasons in SPD & Dino Thunder, so it's not like they can't carry the load of a successful franchise. I just hope that they don't try to give it the Power Rangers treatment and try to kill it off when it starts to gain too much buzz.

I really can't say that I'm sad about the news. I love Star Wars, and absolutely loved every movie in the saga. People can say that episodes I to III were bad, but really they're just fucking ******ed. I don't see how one trilogy can be better than another when they both use the exact same concepts. Guess people just love complain in general.

My biggest question is where does the new trilogy take off? Other questions are going to be exciting to get answered... like do they continue with the Skywalker family? If so, how far into the future do they go? Better yet, who plays Anakin Solo?
People can say that episodes I to III were bad, but really they're just fucking ******ed. I don't see how one trilogy can be better than another when they both use the exact same concepts. Guess people just love complain in general.

They don't use the exactly same concepts though. For example, while on the surface you might think they both use the concept of "the Force", the prequel trilogy completely undermines the very essence of this concept itself by attempting to explain the Force in relation to biological science, using the ridiculous "Midichlorian" explanation. This shows a basic lack of understanding with regards to what the Force is even about as its supposed to be a universal spiritual concept, not genetic super powers.

Also even they did just have the exact same basic concepts, one could clearly be better than the other based on the writing of the story, the character development, the cinematography and so on. Just because 2 films (or trilogies) have the same basic ideas doesn't mean they are of the same quality. The prequel films didn't create a strong emotional connection with the audience due to an overly extensive reliance on green screen effects rather than practical sets and filming locations, as well as lackluster writing and lazy direction. The romance was forced and terrible, you didn't really get to see Anakin and Obi-Wan develop a real friendship as they seemed to be at odds from day 1, Anakin's transition to the dark side was poorly handled and didn't seem gradual or plausible, the prophecy was both unnecessary and poorly explained, there were things that blatantly did not match up with the original movie, there were huge gaps in logic and the storyline was overly political and when broken down doesn't really make any sense at all.

As for the main point of this thread, the Disney acquisition could prove beneficial for the Star Wars franchise, as the future films are now out of the hands of George Lucas who was primarily responsible for the failure of the prequel saga. Lucas basically controlled every single aspect of the prequels. He wrote and directed and helped edit all 3 movies, and all 3 were awful. The original Star Wars film, now called A New Hope, was written and directed by Lucas himself, but you often hear stories about how that film was saved in editing. The Empire Strikes Back, which was the best film in the series, had a second screenwriter polishing the script and wasn't directed by Lucas at all. Return of the Jedi also had a second screenwriter and Lucas wasn't the director, and although he was somewhat more involved in the directing of the movie it was by no means his exclusive responsibility. This Disney acquisition means that Episodes 7, 8 and 9 will likely be more of a collaborative effort which will probably make them stronger films than the prequels.
I read on Youtube last week that it won't star the original cast! WTF?! It's already doomed to fail before the scriptwriters even put pen to paper IMO.

Mark Hamill IS Luke Skywalker, like Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are Han and Leia respectively, so without them any new Star Wars movie is wasted IMO.

I realise the Mods have got it in for me so I'll probably get infracted for "spamming" my own thread here, but do I give a flying shite? Nope.
See the people who are making a fuss about this... Look at for example The Avengers everyone thought that was going to suck but it never, it turned out to be one of the best movies of this year and I really can't wait for the second phase...

Disney buying over Lucasfilm means nothing but more merchandise and some starwars rides at Disney Land.

I loved all the Star Wars films and I'm sure I'll love the next 3... The only thing that worries me just a little is, if they stay true to what happens after IV then its not going to be the Jedi vs the Sith but another race. Think they'll change the plot?
I don't see how one trilogy can be better than another when they both use the exact same concepts.
Blasphemy. :)

Lucas tried to do with episodes 1,2,3 exactly the same concept as in episodes 4,5,6 but he failed. 4,5 and 6 had a soul, had something new to offer in that time and the episodes 1,2,3 are just basicly lamer stories with brand new CGI effects. Don't get me start on the characters and that Padme Amidala isn't remotly well rounded character as princess Leia or for example Jar Jar with whom Lucas tried to replace C3PO and when he failed then brought back 3PO for the episode2(yes I know that he is in the episode 1 and also that Jar-Jar is in episodes 2 or 3 but thats not the point because he extended role for 3PO and thankfully shortened Jar-Jars role :) ).

On the news: Well, I will wait to see the story, cast and at least some trailer and then grade wheather this is good or bad. I am excited that they will finally work on the sequels but will wait until I cast my grade of this change.
Is Brock Lesnar going to finally come back in Star Wars 7? But seriously, I am so gassed about this, there's bound to be a scene where Han Solo shoots a Bounty Hunter last after being shot at twice lol #DisneyKidFriendly

Brock Lesnar in Star Wars? WTF are you on about? Or you just some ******ed idiot who is spamming my thread?

If so, GTFO, STFU and generally go over there and fuck yourself.
No matter who owns the rights to Star Wars, the movies will still turn a massive profit because the fanbase of the franchise is composed of fanatics. It's damn near a religion to a lot of them.

As for the future of the Star Wars & Indiana Jones films, It's far too soon to make any sort of judgement in my opinion. There's still soooooo much that has to be done with these films before production even starts. I doubt they have anything resembling a script yet, so there's plenty of time to see if they can get any of the original cast back for these films. That is, if they want to come back.

With the exception of Revenge of the Sith, I thought the prequels flat out sucked. They had none of the heart of the original trilogy in my opinion. It'd be interesting to see Hamill, Fisher & Ford reprise their roles. If that happens then, even if the movie sucks, it'll almost certainly break box office records for nostalgia value if nothing else.

As for Indiana Jones, the last film didn't do much for me. Part of it was the whole alien aspect regarding the crystal skull. The first three Indiana Jones films had more of a mystical thing going on that was centered around the religions of Judaism, Hinduism & Christianity. Going from that to aliens just felt weird.

If they're gonna do one last Indy film, I'm thinking maybe this out to be the last in this series and then they can reboot the franchise later. Harrison Ford turned 70 this past July so this next film, if he signs on for it, will probably be his last. I just can't see him keeping it up for much longer.
Cast details revealed for Episode 7:


The only returning original cast member is the 81 year old James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader.

Meh, I already predict the movie will fail horribly, hardcore Star Wars geeks will bitch about the use of relative unknowns in such iconic roles IMO.

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