Discussion of an "Old School" Nitro?


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The Wrestling Observer is reporting that there is said to be discussion within WWE about holding an "Old School Nitro" episode for an upcoming Monday Night Raw following the success of this week's Old School Raw show.

Would you like to see WWE do an "Old School Nitro" instead of a Raw? If so, who would you like to see WWE bring in for this? Who do you think they would bring in?

Personally, I think this would be great. I was a huge WCW fan. And I enjoyed the "Old School Raw" this past Monday. Thought WWE did a great job with it.

I'm not sure who I would like to see brought in for this. Maybe Goldberg, Booker T, and DDP would be a few guys they could bring in. Maybe even Sting if he wasn't with TNA at the time and would agree to it. They could even bring Mean Gene back in for the Nitro, since he did interviews there as well.

Thoughts? Concerns? Lets hear em.

PS. Not sure if this is in the right section, since it is my first thread, but if not, please move to correct section. Thanks.
I think that this type of thing could take off if they did it PROPERLY!

Look how well the first ECW One Night Stand went over. As long as they did it right and didn't turn it into a night about WWE, then yes. If it's old school Nitro, it needs to be reflective of WCW!
I think it could be a lot of fun. I was very surprised at how well Old School Raw turned out and how seriously they took it, so I wouldn't have any problems with the WWE bringing back some of the guys from WCW and do a similarly themed show as they did this past Monday.

With a lot of the WCW guys, I think that there would be more wrestlers there that a lot of fans even today would remember being into and liking. The WWE has a large number of former WCW guys working backstage, though I don't think they'd be able to bring in quite as many huge stars as they would like as a few of them are with TNA. There'd be no Kevin Nash or Sting or Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan or Eric Bischoff on the show obviously.

I'd love to see Kevin Sullivan, any chance to see Arn Anderson is always great, Mike Rotunda, Barry Windham, Steve Austin, The Midnight Express, it'd be fun to see both members of Harlem Heat again, Dean Malenko, Ricky Steamboat, maybe even a few of the Cruiserweights aside from Mysterio or Malenko, I wouldn't be surprised to see Disco Inferno get an invite, DDP, etc.

It could be a really fun 3 hour show for next year if they treat it with the same degree of seriousness and respect that they did with the Old School Raw this past Monday.
Personally love the idea only problem is to make it a reall old school nitro you would need the NWO and don't like those chances (suppose they could always get the LWO instead :lol:)...

Nitro girls would be nice to see too...
...with who?

Of all the guys on Nitro for more or less any time it was on, who is around that could be on it? I see the list that Jack Hammer put out, but how many of them would be invited back and actually accept? There's a difference between the NWA and WCW, and a lot of those guys were NWA stars and not WCW stars. I'm not sure about this but it could be fun to see Vince's interpretation of how Nitro should be.
It's definitely an interesting idea. It might be a bit strange doing an Old school Nitro without people like Hogan, Bischoff and especially Flair.. but I would still love to see it done. It would be something different, and who wouldn't enjoy seeing old WCW stars? I think this could work as well as the Old school RAW did, and I'm all for it.
If WCW Nitro is brought back for one night, WWE has to bring back Tony Schiavone just so we can all hear the phrase "The greatest night in the history of our sport" 95 times within a 3 hour telecast. Seriously, between Schiavone and Cole spouting trademarks back and forth, the show would feel like an old school Nitro with a former WWE talent forced to carry the load at the announcing table (Lawler instead of Brain this time for obvious reasons).

I guess bringing back Nitro for one evening could be fun if done right. The younger fans would have to be educated on what Nitro stood for, which could be accomplished if WWE is considering bringing WCW stars into the Hall of Fame this year. WWE would have to have the old Nitro sets up, possibly have the Divas perform Nitro girls' dance routines, and have the big stars talk for 2 hours straight about what they are going to do at the end of the show. Seriously, WWE shouldn't even try to do this if they don't have many of the stars WCW had on board for this event. It would be a waste of everyone's time to do this type of show if they didn't have many legit WCW alumni. WWE tried to do something before with WCW before without WCW stars: it was called the Alliance storyline. Need I say more? If WWE can't book Goldberg, Flair, Sting, DDP, Jericho, or any of the other old WCW wrestlers for this show, they should forget about it.
I had my suspicions when they announced releasing the DLC pack on the video game with the Nitro arena. I knew it was only a matter of time before they rung dry every last drop of possible novelty revenue from a dead name they way they did with ECW.

Uh, who the fuck is gonna be on it? Everyone who was a fixture on WCW is either in TNA, totally washed out, dead, or a regular fixture on WWE (I mean that literally). Just not plausable. How the shit do you have WCW show without Sting, Flair, Goldberg, etc etc. You dont, you cant.

I have little doubt though that we see plenty of WCW stuff popping up in the near future.
Oh please nOOOOOOO

The problem is that the main event guys are either with WWE already (Rey, Jericho) with TNA (Flair, Sting, Nash, Foley) or dead. The ones who arent would probaly not come back. Booker had problems with WWE, Goldberg would want a huge payday. DDP possibly. My guess is we would just see a bunch of the joke gimmicks that very few care about

Chavo woudl have to dress as Lt Loco, Maybe Tank Adams, Disco Inferno, Glacier and Ice Train
and HHH will coem back and make a joke about TerraRizing someone like a True Blue Blood

Besdies unlike ECW Vince hated WCW so it would likely be an ego trip to slap Nitro around
my first vote would be Mortis/Chris Kanyon... but he died :(.

I think this would be a great idea. I was a huge WCW fan, and always found myself watching Nitro more than Raw back in the day.

My list of guys?

Norman Smiley, Buff Bagwell, Harlem Heat, DDP, Goldberg, Kevin Sullivan, Evad Sullivan, MACHO MAN, seeing as how he WASN'T at old school raw. Raven, if he's out of his TNA contract, Kidman, Saturn, Milenko (sp?), Glacier, Disco, Hugh Morris, Tony Schevonie (sp?), Sean O'Haire, Larry Zbyszko
my first vote would be Mortis/Chris Kanyon... but he died :(.

I think this would be a great idea. I was a huge WCW fan, and always found myself watching Nitro more than Raw back in the day.

My list of guys?

Norman Smiley, Buff Bagwell, Harlem Heat, DDP, Goldberg, Kevin Sullivan, Evad Sullivan, MACHO MAN, seeing as how he WASN'T at old school raw. Raven, if he's out of his TNA contract, Kidman, Saturn, Milenko (sp?), Glacier, Disco, Hugh Morris, Tony Schevonie (sp?), Sean O'Haire, Larry Zbyszko

don't forget la parka <-- awesome character...
how u do that without hogan bischoff & sting is beyond me tho... they are the 3 best things about wcw... if they can get sting then it works otherwise no
Anyone who thinks this a good idea prolly didn't watch Nitro. I used to watch it with at my friend's house with her grandma. All I remember is Medusa getting screwed, the nWo was a completely overrated and utter clusterfuck, and:


But how can anyone contribute to this thread when NorCal said everything that needs to be said?:shrug:
I don't see how they could do it w/o the guys currently in TNA. Those are the guys fans would want to see-Flair, Sting, Hogan & the NWO guys, Bischoff. I mean, how can you have Arn Anderson & Dusty Rhodes w/o Flair? I think they pretty much have to wait a year or 2 to see where TNA goes. if the Hogan/Bischoff regime doesn't work out, you'd think TNA would get rid a lot of the guys they brought in, & then they'd be available to do a Nitro night. But as of right now, it just wouldn't be worth it.
This can only go one of two ways. Pretty damn entertaining or horrible. At the very least, this won't be an average show that is unremarkable.

However, I hope that if it happens, it's done the way Raw Old School was done. Classy, interesting, and with some unique WCW qualities. A weird ending that make no sense, the intro music and maybe a few WCW surprises would be cool. Some belt needs to be spray-painted. Lol.
The idea of a Nitro Old School episode is interesting and with Wrestlemania being in Atlanta and possibly the Hall of Fame having a WCW theme it could happen early next year. If htey did it would have to be done with as much detail as the recent Old School Raw was. The original Nitro set, Shiavoni and Zybisco on commentary, Dillion appearing as the one night GM. There are enough guys from WCW to make it work. Here's just a few thoughts:

Hall and Nash appear
Steiner Brothers reunite
Booker T or Harlem Heat return
DDP appears
Horseman reunion minus Flair, maybe Flair video package though
Lex Luger appears
Goldberg could appear
Ravens Flock shows up in the audience, maybe attacks someone like Raven attacking DDP
Cruiserweights like Juvi, Rey, La Parka, Psicosis appear
Appearances from guys like Buff, Norman Smiley, Disco Inferno, Glacier, Hugh Morris, hell even David Arquette could show up.

The main thing is that WCWs main players like Bischoff, Hogan, and Sting are not around for it. Sting could be possibly though. Aside from that they would need some sort of reason for it because it wouldn't fit within the context of current WWE as easily as an Old School Raw did. With that being Mania time I wouldnt like it to take away from the build but if they were inducting WCW guys and possibly involving someone like Nash, Goldberg or Booker T into Royal Rumble or Mania and building from their to the Nitro then it could work. If Nash were revealed as the GM then it could be fun to have him declare a Nitro edition of Raw...
It could work despite Ric Flair, Sting, Hogan, Easy-E, Eddie Guerrero, Bam Bam Bigelow, Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Woman, Curt Henning all not being there because they are dead or TNA

I loved wcw nitro and watched it up until the final episode some guys that come to mind that they could get are:

Jericho, Dean Malenko, David Penzer (the ring announcer), Nick Patrick (ref), Larry Zbysko, Billy Kidman, Tori Wilson, Booker T, Stacey Kiebler, DDP, Sid, Dusty Rhodes (again), Steiner Brothers, Road Warrior Animal, Paul E. Dangerously aka Heyman, Teddy Long, Vader, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Jueventud Guerrera, Ultimo Dragon, Great Muta........

It's not like Old School WWF had all it's major stars of the past, Hogan, Macho Man, Honky Tonk Man, Haku, Ultimate Warrior, Demolition, Bret Hart, Jim The Anvil, LOD Animal, Mr Fuji all didn't show up among other top stars of the 80's/ 90's
If this happens and im sure with the WCW themed HoF next year it could very well happen There are plenty of guys from WCW that aren't currently doing anything..

Guys like the Obvious who are in TNA wont be in but guys like Rey,Jericho,Milenko(if hes healthy enough) Arn Anderson and any former WCW guys in WWE would no doubt be in.

Then you have all those guys that aren't currently in the business(or not seen regularly on WWE or TNA) like

Harlem Heat
Steiner Brother(retro Steiners too.Not Big Poppa Pump.The All American Wrestling Steiners.Brown Hair.Amateur Wrestling Attire.ETC)
Hugh Morris(was a big fan of him- haven't heard about him in forever)
Norman Smiley of course.
Fit Finley(WWE agent but still)
The Cruiserweights- Chavo,Rey,Juvi,Psciosis(spelling is probably wrong i know lol)
Buff Bagwell
Lex Luger
Sting(if hes done with TNA)
Disco and Alex Wright
Have to bring back Nick Patrick as a Ref for this show.He was WCW's Earl Hebner
Tony Schiavone would have to be one of the Announcers.Not sure who to put with him Tenay is TNA so that would be a no go.Heenan would be a good choice if he can do it.

I know im forgetting a lot of the key players from WCW that aren't current active somewhere else but im sure some of you will add more names that would make this show worth doing.

(I didn't name Macho Man because as far as i can tell him and the WWE are still not on good terms according to some reports)
If done right and Sting does happen to end up in the mix for this this could also be the start to a possible match at some point in the future with Undertaker...

Have Sting come out and beat someone hes had feuds with in the past.Have him cut a promo about how nice it is to be able to finish up where he made his biggest name.How he has beating all the great's in wrestling and can now retire(Hogan,Flair,Savage,Hart,Etc from WcW). Then the lights go out and Taker attacks him..I know the likelyness of this happening are about as likely of Obama winning in 2012 for a second term(don't seem very likely :-X) but if this was to happen it could lead to a great feud for these two before they both retire.

Not sure if either man really is healthy enough to put on the type of match the fans would really want to see with them both nearing retirement but just by their popularity alone this match would rival any match ever before i think.Rock/Hogan even....
I had my suspicions when they announced releasing the DLC pack on the video game with the Nitro arena. I knew it was only a matter of time before they rung dry every last drop of possible novelty revenue from a dead name they way they did with ECW.

Uh, who the fuck is gonna be on it? Everyone who was a fixture on WCW is either in TNA, totally washed out, dead, or a regular fixture on WWE (I mean that literally). Just not plausable. How the shit do you have WCW show without Sting, Flair, Goldberg, etc etc. You dont, you cant.

I have little doubt though that we see plenty of WCW stuff popping up in the near future.

...uhh...Why cant they? I couldnt disagree more. Everyone is treating this as if it would need to be booked as a full WCW return as a company. If they got ONE somewhat main eventer and some mid carders they could make it work, as long as they had the right non-wrestling characters.

Look at Old School Raw. Old set, old graphics, a dozen of the EXACT same old school names you see on a year to year basis, half of which werent active on Raw and were, in fact, 80s stars. Yet Ive seen mostly high reviews and reports. And yes, they were all washed up, thats irrelevant. No one is suggesting the card has to be filled with WCW vets, it wasnt like that on Monday. Im talkig maybe a battle royal, a tag match, a few run ins and segments. The rest of the wrestling would be from the active competitors.

The list of stars that people would like to see and would RECOGNIZE is certainly miles ahead of the guestlist they had on Monday. And if I go on a limb or two, its almost a whole roster.

Lex Luger(on a limb, but not much of one), Steiner Brothers, DDP, Booker T/Stevie Ray, Vader(limb but again not much), Sid, La Parka, Juvi, Psychosis, Jericho, Kidman, Lance Storm(he'd take the check), Raven/Flock, Stacy Keibler, Buff Bagwell, Norman Smiley, the Cat, 3 Count, Hugh Morous, Steamboat, Disco, Saturn, Sean O'Haire, Palumbo, Kronic, etc.etc.etc.

That list alone is enough. With the exception of Luger, WWE would have no problem getting any of those guys, most would probably beg for it, and Luger wouldnt have much reason to say no. And thats not including the possible ones like Savage, Goldberg, Nash, because I dont think theres a chance in hell. Thats also not considering guys already working for the WWE like Rey, Finlay, Malenko, Arn Anderson, or Bret Hart. Nor sloppy ideas like Hall or Waltman. The current fans would gobble that up. Subtract the lowest names, throw in Hart and Malenko and whoever because they are VERY much WCW, thats what, 20 or more guys that most, yes most, fans will know of, 10 or 15 of which they would love to see again?

So many people just hate anything tied to WCW because of how WCW ended up. For everyone to think they did such a good job on Monday, when they really didnt do anything..at all..then I dont see how Vince couldnt put on a show with the available WCW guys and his own roster. All old wrestlers are washed up with very few exceptions, that is as far from the point as possible.
It would be great to see, but it would be an pic fail. The only guys who have not been in WWE since 2001 who were i WCW in their prime, are Sting and Jeff Jarrett. You would need Schiavione and Tenay or even Scott Hudson to commentate. Heenan wont be able to due to his throat. Any of WCW stars are now established WWE superstars, and the way they focus all their programming on kids, majority of them would not know that alot of these WWE guys were in WCW. If WWE let their egos go for the night, having Jean Paul Levesque and Steven Regal teaming up, in full gimmick, The Natural Dustin Rhodes, have Austin even appear and wear a long blonde wig bahahaha. But for Nitro to be truly old school, would need the 4 horsemen, and without Flair, it would look crap. Ditto the nWo. I mean they could get Hall and Nash to arrive thru the crowd, Syxx is available and got brushed for Raw Old School, but no Hogan. DDP would be fun, Goldberg for one night would be okay too.Having none of the current WWE talent who had nothing to do with WCW would be imperitive to keep the atmosphere of the show as it should be
IT would so work, Most of the WCW legands were and are employed at WWE like Arn he is a road agent. Dustin Rhodes. Some WWE like Goldust was "Seven" in WCW, Nash is outta contract with TNA, Goldberg, Billy Kidman, and the rest of the cruiserweights are in Mexico, Vampiro. and I am DDP is busting his ass to do something.

Steiner bros are in indenpant shows, lex lugar could appear, booker T and I am sure that they would dig up alot of stars that dissappeared into nothingness like barry windham or ole anderson etc..

Like they aren't going to do in the next fortnight etc but if they play it right I am sure with the right incentive to old wcw stars it could be pulled off. As most are doing independant shows etc.

I also think that you can have current wwe roster in a WCW show. IF it was me I would get Nash, Goldberg try and steal sting from TNA to do this episode and maybe keep him for WWE run until he retires just to put the cherry on top of his career hell give him the world heavyweight belt for a month. It has the potential to have a good lead up, if they did it correctly it could lead up to WM27 WCW hall of fame.
my first vote would be Mortis/Chris Kanyon... but he died :(.

I think this would be a great idea. I was a huge WCW fan, and always found myself watching Nitro more than Raw back in the day.

My list of guys?

Norman Smiley, Buff Bagwell, Harlem Heat, DDP, Goldberg, Kevin Sullivan, Evad Sullivan, MACHO MAN, seeing as how he WASN'T at old school raw. Raven, if he's out of his TNA contract, Kidman, Saturn, Milenko (sp?), Glacier, Disco, Hugh Morris, Tony Schevonie (sp?), Sean O'Haire, Larry Zbyszko

I would love to see those guys but you forgot to add Bobby "the brain" Heenan and Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, the Steiner Brothers, Nasty Boys, Sid Vicious, etc.
It's a HORRIBLE idea. It's bad enough that the WWE had to think that the Old School Raw was a good idea with having geriatrics out there making some kind of cameo in some fashion. I'll give credit where credit is due---the guys from OSR were great---IN THEIR DAY, but to have flairs of skits, promos, etc is a terrible idea~~~ when I thought the idea of the Hall of Fame was to induct those legends that we never forgot. I don't mean to sound mean or critical of what happened, so forgive me, and at one point, TNA was WCW lite (Steiner, Booker, Nash, Jarrett, Shannon Moore, Raven, and I could go on), but like one poster said....most of them are dead, and those are the ones who really kind of put WCW on the map to some degree (Hennig, Bigelow, Eddie, Woman), and that is a sad state of affairs to know that. If people thought/think that the OSR was done correctly, that's because most of the stars are still around, and you really can't have the "Old School Nitro" feel with two or three stars that are not employed. I don't wanna come off as bullying someone or being insensitive, but people please....think of who is around, their status, and tell me if three hours could honestly be filled with it? As faithful of a Nitro watcher as I was up until the very end.....I think that's one thing that should really be buried. We had to sit through the deplorable resurrection of ECW by way of VKM's image and ideas, and that brand is ALMOST tarnished because of that.
Well it depends on if they have enough guys to make it work, and how many of those have a good relationship with WWE. Are there enough big stars to make it an acurate old school nitro ie sting, flair and hogan are all in TNA and they are pretty integral. that said they did have an old school raw without HBK, diesel, bret hart and a lot of other hugs stars of the day so it is possible but it probably wouldn't be that good.

It would be nice a little bit of nostalgia but I personally think it is less likely than them having say....another old school raw. We'll see but I don't see it, vince isn't the kind of guy that likes to promote the "other" company, even if they have belonged to him for the last 10 years.
There is no possible way this will work. None. Most of the major names are employed at TNA right now, and the rest will either want too much money or don't have what it takes anymore. Tony Schiavone has stated he hated calling wrestling matches, Heenan can't announce anymore, Tenay is employed by TNA, etc. They could potentially have Scott Hudson and Arn Anderson do commentary again, but that just reeks of the day they tried that "wCw" shitstain and literally had the single worst showing of what WCW was "supposed" to be ever.

I was one of (if not THE) biggest WCW mark back in the pre-1999 days, and the company being thrown under the bus by the AOL/Time Warner merger was one of the lowest points for me being a wrestling fan. Having said that, I can say with absolute certainty that this is a BAD IDEA. If they want to do another classic show, then it's time for WWF Monday Night Raw Attitude Edition. Do whatever they have to do to bring back Austin and Rock. Have HHH/HBK come out as DX again (non-wrestling capacity of course) and hell you could even invite Chyna back if you wanted.

ANYTHING but an old school Monday Nitro. No reason to beat an already thoroughly dead horse anymore. Leave the memories as they should be.

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