Disappointment in Rusev vs Show

Even the stereotypical redneck wrestling fan that would be at a show in Texas is smart enough to not buy into nationalistic horseshit. That's why they're indifferent.

Rusev could only beat Big Show clean after Rocky gave him the rub a few weeks ago. Doing the pro-US v. pro-Russia thing will probably only get Rusev to Wrestlemania, but after that, there's no use for it. He's going to have to evolve.

Overall, while it was mostly boring, it was better than a few other matches on the card, so I can't complain about it.
Show is being booked as more credible than Andre was in his latter run... Look how bad that was before you complain about how Show is being used. Admittedly his physical conditioning played a part but you could argue he did nothing worth doing after Summerslam 88 and was booked horribly.

Show is uses as an attraction but used to his strengths, which unusually ISN'T his size. Show is pretty much one of the best "actors" they have, he can sell a wide range of angles and stories... look at the recent angle with the Marine... how quickly he turned fron jolly laughing to deathly serious/crying in rage... Very few of the "greats" could do that, even Hogan needed the inadvertant blood drawing to make the the Andre turn work.

Show's career and legacy are LONG set in stone. He will equal Andre in reverence once he retires... as he is this generations true Giant... those of us older will hold Andre dearer, those of the younger generations will hold Show to the same level. As long as Show stays healthy, there is little he can do to tarnish his legacy in the ring now... he can still go and compared to the awful way Andre would get tied in the ropes/get counted out all the time in his latter years, even a loss will look better.

Show has one more run in him, his last one... He's the kind of guy who retires at Mania, perhaps winning the title or just coming up short in a title match... he can always be built up to that level again in a Rumble very easily.
They should have had Rusev kick a few more soldiers as he was coming to the ring to fire up Big Show. After the speech Show gave last week on RAW about "Rusev getting his attention", he seemed to have the attention span of a gnat.

Not only didn't he really seem to be in the match, it was a typical Rusev match that we've seen 100 times. Show got some offense in, and then got kicked a few times and that was the end of it. The match was boring, and the crowd behind Rusev who were looking the other way, and standing up and walking around must have thought so as well.

This gimmick is quickly playing itself out, it's the same formula they are using every week and how much longer can it go. The first time this guy loses he's done, if he isn't already. Even Lana couldn't seem to get the crowd going.
The difference between Big Show and Andre is that Andre never had any...really stupid skits at his expense. He was always booked as a menace, even if his later run reduced him to being a jobber menace. At least he was never covered in poo.

But I think Big Show is under-appreciated. He's a good actor, he's funny and can be scary when he wants to be. When he's in shape- like now- he can still deliver in the ring. Rusev's legacy is still up in the air. I disagree with Navi about peoples reactions to him. I do think the crowds usually are invested, making their lackluster reaction at HiaC surprising. Maybe that is a sign he's becoming stale.

It is possible that Rusev will be conquered...probably by Cena and become a dangerous jobber before being repackaged as a partying cool guy...not unlike Rikishi. Does anyone know if Rusev speaks better english? I can't tell if he's pretending to speak rudimentary english or if that's the extent of his ability. It's HARD getting someone with limited speaking abilities over, especially as he can't rely on his valet forever.
well lets be real these unstoppable super man characters ( I never lose clean characters) and what kills the company Cena, Kozlov, Ryback, Punk, and now Rusev

I hate storylines and matches where I pretty much already know the outcome before the match even starts

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