Disappointment in Rusev vs Show


For all you humanoids out there...
So I am thinking that no matter what the outcome of the Rusev vs. Big Show match at HIAC it will be disappointing.
If Rusev wins, which I think will happen, it will be extremely disappointing . One of the things that makes WWE popular is the big guys. People think, yeah its staged but someone that's 7 ft 400 lbs and can move well is not someone anyone wants to fight. Having Big Show put Rusev over would be almost silly. The Big show is valuable to the company because he is the guy that can beat anyone and it is believable. It will tarnish the Big Show legacy and take away from Rusevs run. After defeating Big Show, fans may think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV." It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down. You'd have a guy that can beat everyone who is better than average, but cant beat the top stars, or as they say, a long term mid carder.

Simply put, IMO, its far too soon to have these guys in a major PPV match. I think that the benefits of this rivalry done too soon are next to nothing. They should have saved this one for WrestleMania or at least until the Rumble. Right now I'd guess it'll be Cena that predictably beats him at RR or WM, a boresville match that most wouldn't even pay 9.99 to see.
I'll wait to see how the match develops before I form an opinion on it. If it goes the same way as the other's have then yes I'll be disappointed too. Hopefully Big Show will come out on top, cause I really don't know who Rusev will feud with next if he wins.

This gimmick has received a lot of hype and TV time, but unless they are going to pull the surprise of a lifetime out of a hat, don't see how much longer it can run.
I'll wait to see how the match develops before I form an opinion on it. If it goes the same way as the other's have then yes I'll be disappointed too. Hopefully Big Show will come out on top, cause I really don't know who Rusev will feud with next if he wins.

This gimmick has received a lot of hype and TV time, but unless they are going to pull the surprise of a lifetime out of a hat, don't see how much longer it can run.

In my opinion, there's a very logical opponent waiting for Rusev once his feud with Big Show is over: Sheamus in a feud over the United States Championship. When you consider that Rusev & Lana's schtick has been the old USA vs. Russia angle, something that WWE has dusted off and is actually been entertaining for the most part, having the "Hero of the Russian Federation" become the new WWE United States Champion would be an excellent way to put more heat on Rusev. All these guys have stepped up to challenge Rusev in defending the honor of the USA only to be put down, so, from a storyline perspective, it'd be the ultimate slap in the face for a Russian sympathizer who "hates" Americans to be "their" United States Champion.

For the most part, I've been entertained by Show vs. Rusev. It won't be a feud to remember for the ages, but it has to be considered a success so far. In this day and age, where a good number of fans are smarks who derive pleasure from shitting all over just about everything, fans have responded quite well to this. When you also consider that a good number of fans also seem to have a kind of bias against wrestlers who're 250 pounds or more, the fact that they haven't been all over these guys with "boring" chants or tried hijacking their matches, WWE has to be pretty happy with what they've gotten so far. Their matches haven't been classics, but I think they've been solid outings that've told good stories and that fans have been invested in. At the end of the day, there's not a whole helluva lot anyone can realistically hope for.
I don't agree that it tarnishes Big Show's legacy at all. Show is at a point in his career now where the pushes will be few and far between. He's had his time at the top, has won basically every title going since joining the company. Rusev needs the win more than Show. They've got this far with Rusev and Lana, wouldn't see the sense in halting his push, even if it's well in the shadow of some other feuds going on right now.

Whether Rusev is on the path to a Cena squash at Mania or not, Big Show winning doesn't make sense to me. I agree that I'm also not interested in a Rusev/Cena feud, and it's pretty predictable. But I'm not of the notion anymore that Big Show must remain some superpower at the top of the mid-card. Just my opinion. I like having him around, but I don't need to see him booked as an unbeatable monster anymore.
So I am thinking that no matter what the outcome of the Rusev vs. Big Show match at HIAC it will be disappointing.
If Rusev wins, which I think will happen, it will be extremely disappointing . One of the things that makes WWE popular is the big guys. People think, yeah its staged but someone that's 7 ft 400 lbs and can move well is not someone anyone wants to fight. Having Big Show put Rusev over would be almost silly. The Big show is valuable to the company because he is the guy that can beat anyone and it is believable. It will tarnish the Big Show legacy and take away from Rusevs run. After defeating Big Show, fans may think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV." It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down. You'd have a guy that can beat everyone who is better than average, but cant beat the top stars, or as they say, a long term mid carder.

Simply put, IMO, its far too soon to have these guys in a major PPV match. I think that the benefits of this rivalry done too soon are next to nothing. They should have saved this one for WrestleMania or at least until the Rumble. Right now I'd guess it'll be Cena that predictably beats him at RR or WM, a boresville match that most wouldn't even pay 9.99 to see.

I guess I just don't see Big Show as being nearly as credible as you, at this point. He's had a lot of big pushes and has been pushed pretty strongly this year, but he's also lost to a TON of guys over the course of his career.
So I am thinking that no matter what the outcome of the Rusev vs. Big Show match at HIAC it will be disappointing.
If Rusev wins, which I think will happen, it will be extremely disappointing . One of the things that makes WWE popular is the big guys. People think, yeah its staged but someone that's 7 ft 400 lbs and can move well is not someone anyone wants to fight. Having Big Show put Rusev over would be almost silly. The Big show is valuable to the company because he is the guy that can beat anyone and it is believable. It will tarnish the Big Show legacy and take away from Rusevs run. After defeating Big Show, fans may think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV." It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down. You'd have a guy that can beat everyone who is better than average, but cant beat the top stars, or as they say, a long term mid carder.

Simply put, IMO, its far too soon to have these guys in a major PPV match. I think that the benefits of this rivalry done too soon are next to nothing. They should have saved this one for WrestleMania or at least until the Rumble. Right now I'd guess it'll be Cena that predictably beats him at RR or WM, a boresville match that most wouldn't even pay 9.99 to see.

I don't really understand your issue with Rusev going over The Big Show. Rusev would not be the "silliest" opponent to ever defeat The Big Show seeing as the guy has lost to the likes of Carlito, Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, and uh Floyd Mayweather over the years... Rusev is a legitimate monster, if there were ANYBODY who I think could rationally be seen as a threat to Big Show (other than Lesnar) it would be Rusev. Big Show's legacy is not going to get any more tarnished by losing to an undefeated beast. Also how would this take away from Rusev's run? A loss to Big Show would completely halt Rusev's momentum, but as Jack-Hammer said, a win over Big Show can automatically insert a red-hot Rusev into a US title feud with Sheamus or a feud with Cena.
You're kidding, right? Did you honestly say that the Big Show legacy will be tarnished from his feud with Rusev? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but there are lot more moments in history that could be used as a much better example. Remember that time he lost to Zach Gowen, the skinny one-legged wrestler? How about that time the Authority made him cry in the middle of the ring? That really weird commercial when Big Show dressed up in a diaper?

Big Show is merely a role player for the company, much like Kane or Great Khali. He is used as an attraction (like Khali) for his size and agility but acts as a jobber to the stars (like Kane) to give his opponents credibility. I mean, if you can beat a 7 foot tall 400 pound giant, that's a pretty big victory right? Putting over Rusev is the role Big Show was born to play. Plus, the end result of this match is make people think that Rusev is seriously unstoppable and that he will become a credible threat at the top of the mountain. Only a (s)mark will think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV" as you so eloquently put it.


The real disappointment in the Big Show/Rusev feud is that I'm actually rooting for Rusev. To me, Big Show seems like an ignorant racist asshole. Some of the comments he's made like "We don't speak Russian" doesn't really go over well in a society where we are starting to become very tolerant of previously despised notions such as gay marriage, tattoo's and other specific life choices. Racism and bigotry are still rampant but it is usually met with a lot of hostility. So for Show to come and out Rusev for being Russian (which, in of itself, is ignorant considering neither Lana or Rusev are Russian) and beat the crap out of him, especially after the match... it makes me feel like he's the heel and Lana/Rusev are the ones who are spreading propaganda and threats!

Maybe it's because I'm Australian and not an American or maybe it's because I look into things too much... or, most likely, maybe it's because I've watched television shows where you end up rooting for the bad guys (i.e. Breaking Bad; Game of Thrones)... but this feud could be better executed. Patriotism worked for Swagger because that was his character. Mark Henry got away with it by being an American representative in the Olympics and the story of Henry losing to a Russian twice with the third time being Rusev (lots of story there). But Show? What's American about Show's character?
Is Rusvev still feuding with Show? My god they are stretching this thing so thin.

Personally I'm at the point where I just fast forward through the Rusev segment, mostly because everyone involved in those segment just comes off as an uninteresting racist asshole.
It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down.

Rusev will probably beat Big Show, yes. But presuming that "Cena is gonna beat him and no body likes Cena and blah blah blah" is just boring. Stop trying to second, third, fourth guess everything WWE is gonna do next. Just watch the show, man.
Show's legacy is primarily as a glorified jobber. He wins the majority of his matches, but loses the majority of his feuds. With that said, he rarely goes down cleanly and I doubt Rusev will beat him using conventional methods.

Personally, I suspect Henry will turn on him and that will be the end of 'Show Vs Rusev', but we'll have to see.
In my opinion, there's a very logical opponent waiting for Rusev once his feud with Big Show is over: Sheamus in a feud over the United States Championship. When you consider that Rusev & Lana's schtick has been the old USA vs. Russia angle, something that WWE has dusted off and is actually been entertaining for the most part, having the "Hero of the Russian Federation" become the new WWE United States Champion would be an excellent way to put more heat on Rusev. All these guys have stepped up to challenge Rusev in defending the honor of the USA only to be put down, so, from a storyline perspective, it'd be the ultimate slap in the face for a Russian sympathizer who "hates" Americans to be "their" United States Champion.

I could go along with you there, but the only problem for me is the fact that Sheamus, while he holds the US title is Irish, through and through.

Rusev's gimmick has been to wrestle wrestlers that exemplify the USA. You have Swagger who was part of the Real Americans, and who's slogan is "We the people", Mark Henry a former US Olympic competitor. Big E and Big Show I don't know how they really fit in but yea, they're big guys and so is Rusev.

So what is going to happen is he is going to stop fighting Americans and just go after a US Title belt. The whole thing is just weird now.
I could go along with you there, but the only problem for me is the fact that Sheamus, while he holds the US title is Irish, through and through.

Rusev's gimmick has been to wrestle wrestlers that exemplify the USA. You have Swagger who was part of the Real Americans, and who's slogan is "We the people", Mark Henry a former US Olympic competitor. Big E and Big Show I don't know how they really fit in but yea, they're big guys and so is Rusev.

So what is going to happen is he is going to stop fighting Americans and just go after a US Title belt. The whole thing is just weird now.

You're over-thinking it. It doesn't matter that Sheamus is Irish. All he has to do is rattle off some Pro-America buzzwords. "I wasn't born in America but," "land of opportunity," "Proud to be your United States Champion,"and throw the word arse in there somewhere. The crowd will eat that shit up and the feud will have instant heat just like all of his others have.

The fact that Sheamus isn't American is actually a plus. It breaks the monotony of having the same exact feud month after month by adding a little caveat. And rather than Rusev just beating someone up because they're American, he's going for a title that represents America that he can use to gain even more heat.

As for the feud with Show, I have to say that I've actually been into it. Show's acting has been over the top but Rusev is nailing his role perfectly.
He absolutely should not lose to the big show. The big show's legacy is set..winning or losing is irrelevent at this point in his career.

As far as future feuds go......

Sheamus for US title(as previously mentioned)
Angle (if he returns)
Rock (they foreshadowed this a bit already)
Bryan (if he returns)
Reigns (when he returns)
Orton (if he turns face)

I mean the list is not short....

Imo...he will face Sheamus next and fued with him til royal rumble and then will fued with Roman Reigns for a Wrestlemania match. Its too soon for a world title run for Reigns and this is a great fued to kick start him again after injury.
I could go along with you there, but the only problem for me is the fact that Sheamus, while he holds the US title is Irish, through and through.

Rusev's gimmick has been to wrestle wrestlers that exemplify the USA. You have Swagger who was part of the Real Americans, and who's slogan is "We the people", Mark Henry a former US Olympic competitor. Big E and Big Show I don't know how they really fit in but yea, they're big guys and so is Rusev.

So what is going to happen is he is going to stop fighting Americans and just go after a US Title belt. The whole thing is just weird now.

Look at it this way, a Rusev vs Sheamus programme could be a way to get people behind Sheamus as a Babyface more than ever before. WWE just has to make it look like he is close to finishing the Russian Invasion for his 'adopted' homeland(USA).
Of course, it is a cheap way to get Sheamus cheers as a babyface, but it worked wonders for Swagger also, didn't it?

To besides, I think the matches between the 2 would be brilliant brawls between two big guys(and I'm a sucker for those. :lol: )
For the most part Show has been putting over smaller guys for a very large chuck of his career(which is no surprise since most of his opponents are usually smaller than him) so one more isn't really going to do anything for his "legacy". He can put over smaller guys for the rest of his career(and chances are that's exactly what he'll be doing) and he'll still be remembered as a multi-time world champ with tons of other accomplishments and a automatic shoe-in for the HOF once he retires.

As for Rusev, he had the whole "fan favorite" thing for quite a while now, so beating Show isn't going to change anything. Especially since he already had a dominating performance against Show on Raw where Show didn't even try to break out of the Accolade.

For the most part you're putting too much importance in what's basically a filler match. No it won't do anything to Show's career if he loses, the chances of Rusev losing is minimal at best and yes it'll most likely be some fan favorite like Reigns or Cena to pin him. And nothing that's going to happen on Sunday's going to change any of that
Big Show is doing his job with Rusev in playing gatekeeper. Show has long been the one who had little problem putting people over when it was needed. Does Show need the win? Negative. Rusev NEEDS to beat Show as clean as possible. Then go after Sheamus for the US Strap. It all works perfectly.
I will say this; if Rusev's next step will be to take the US Belt, that raises a strange question as to who will ultimately be the man to stop him.

If stopping Rusev at that stage also involves winning the US Belt from him, then you have an unpleasant decision; either you drag someone down to the mid-card(John Cena), you try to pas the US belt as Upper-Mid Card but find nobody especially dynamic in the role(Sheamus in a rematch), or you hope against hope you have a Russian Slayer to be built up in the Mid Card(Big E maybe?). Kinda problematic.
A feud with Sheamus is definitely next. It will work out fine if WWE uses Sheamus in that "land of opportunity" angle. Another angle they could also use is to have Lana say, "Rusev and Russia is about global domination and will crush anyone or anything that stands in their way." I'm pretty certain next afterwards is Cena. Fuck it, I say Cena versus Rusev for the US championship at WM31; Cena goes over and will be out of the main event for a while. Once Rusev loses, his gimmick will have most likely hit a brick wall, especially, losing to Cena.
Big Show is merely a role player for the company, much like Kane or Great Khali.

That's what we have to remember. Yes, at one time, it was different, with Big Show holding world championships and being a bad dude to mess with ...but that was then and this is now. I would think Show was in on the Creative meetings in which it was decided he was on the downside of a great career and would hereafter be functioning as an enhancement talent.

In truth, he makes a fine stepping stone for guys on their way up because he is still painted as a dangerous foe; that Creative chose to have him knock Rusev out with that (illegal) punch of his was a great touch....it made it seem as if Show could win the feud and cut Rusev off at the knees......even though we knew the program wasn't bound to end that way.

This PPV is Rusev's time to shine. Beating Jack Swagger was okay, but beating Big Show at HIAC takes Rusev to the next echelon. That WWE is taking advantage of Show's versatility as a personality to define this feud is just fine. Rusev, meanwhile, is being exactly what he needs to be.

I'm not disappointed a bit.....the program is enjoyable, based in logic....and fun to watch.
It wouldn't hurt Show's legacy to lose to Rusev. Big Show is 42 years old. Rusev is 28. Rusev got a lot of wrestling ahead of him. Meanwhile, who knows how much Big Show got left in the tank.
Russev for his massive size is nothing but a road bump for Big Show in terms of his career. Besides, an awful feud or two is the least of Big Show's concern if we're concerned about his legacy. We are talking about a guy who's had a feud where he rode on top of his dead father's casket around a grave yard or that time when he wore nothing but those tight black underpants for a Sumomatch at Wrestlemania. So yeah, a feud with a guy who the Charisma of a dry potato is the least of Show's concerns.
I thought this feud was actually surprisingly well written in regards to the build up. Match 1 was very entertaining, I liked the Russian Flag bit, I liked Rusev kicking Show only for Show to get up all pissed off (usually it would just be Show driving him out of the ring), I liked match #2, I liked Henry's involvement, the bit with the soldier. I like how Show pushed Rusev farther than he had before, even to the point of making Rusev talk. I liked how Show was allowed to be both funny and intense, based on the situation. If only Sheamus would take lessons from him.

And then they took a big dump on it for the final match. I expected Show to lose, although I was surprised that it was a clean loss. But it just seemed like a one sided asskicking. It lacked the entertainment value of match #1, nor the emotional impact of match #2. It was a total disappointment. Even the fans seemed oddly indifferent, whereas they usually are noisy during Rusev's bigger matches.
Funny how Rusev is more stale already in less than a year in WWE than Big Show is in like 18 years in WWE.

A very very limited gimmick which only worked in the 80's and early 90's because you had an already established American hero in Hogan. Heels are created as foils for faces, not the other way around.

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