Dirty Jose (AKA OrtonIsLegend 2.0)

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Well, folks, I have another troll after me named Dirty Jose. He won't mind his own fucking business, and we've been exchanging PMs today. I don't want his dumb-ass replies spamming up my PM box, so, I'm putting them in here. If you want more, asshole, come get some in here.

The title of this PM was, "Remind me who you are again?":

DirtyJose said:
Besides a pathetic little douche. Haha.

My reply:

tdigle said:
DirtyJose said:
Besides a pathetic little douche. Haha.

I'm a mod here, motherfucker. Also, never expect a warning or infraction from me, as I will have way too much fun pwning your ass; morons like you make this place awesome.

His reply, titled, "Ha.":

DirtyJose said:
Again, sad. You hold no real power over me, so go ahead an act like an angry child. Oh no, don't ban me, don't take that away! I've much better things to do in life than worry about tip toeing around the fragile sensibilities of petulant kids. Thuggish brats like you make me giggle.

And, my reply:

tdigle said:
DirtyJose said:
Again, sad. You hold no real power over me, so go ahead an act like an angry child. Oh no, don't ban me, don't take that away! I've much better things to do in life than worry about tip toeing around the fragile sensibilities of petulant kids. Thuggish brats like you make me giggle.

Firstly, put down the thesaurus, idiot; I seriously doubt that you even know what half of those words mean.

Secondly, I would have no interest in ever banning you. As I said before, morons like you make this place great. Without you, we wouldn't be have the opportunity to verbally own people like you and laugh our asses off in the process.

Third and finally, weren't you the one that started this shit, by not minding your own fucking business? And now you want to call me childish? Wow, not only are you stupid, but you're a hypocrite (I hope that your pea-sized brain will be able to comprehend this particular concept; but, hey, if you can use your word processor's thesaurus, then I'm pretty sure you can look up synonyms to this word to find one that you can understand).

By the way, I'm making a nice little thread for you, with these PMs, in The Bar Room. As I said before, I have no intention of using any of my powers against you; if you leave, it will be because I exposed you for the meddlesome, moronic cunt that you are.

All right, Dirty Jose, the ball's in your court.
God dammit. He had so much potential. I remember backing him when he first exploded onto the scene.

Why, DirtyJose, WHY?!?!?!
Man what the fuck. I was all happy when he came back after his first few posts were great, and now this shit.
He joined for the Bragging Rights LD I believe. His first nonspam posts were really good, and I thought I'd keep an eye on him. He also seemed like a cool guy. Then, he vanished for a bit. He returned earlier, and continued posting pretty well (though not as good as I remembered) and even said a few things in the Bar Room. He still seemed like a cool guy. I remember thinking that if he hadn't left, he could have been Armbar before Armbar was Armbar.

And now this.

God dammit. He had so much potential. I remember backing him when he first exploded onto the scene.

Why, DirtyJose, WHY?!?!?!

What tbag forgot to mention was that he was mad for something I red repped him for. He red repped me back with "Remind me who you are again, besides a punk ass bitch". Hence the wording of my PM reply (since I couldn't rep him again so soon).

I mean, I did call him a douche, twice I think. But I'll be front about that, and he doesn't need to be acting like I was trolling him. That's just trying to look like a victim when you are just another fellow asshole. :D

EDIT: Also, this isn't an excuse or a defense; just pointing out that if your going to have a public burial, at least be forward about things and tell the whole story, and not the convenient part.
He won't mind his own fucking business

Oh, and also, "minding my own business" means not "sticking my nose" into a thread related to politics, and *heaven forbid* disagreeing with him. If he's that touchy about being red repped, you shouldn't post anything within 100 yards of a political thread.

If it's from something else, I honestly have no idea what it is. But I mean, if it's on the threads, then it's not really private, is it?
What tbag here forgot to mention was that he was mad for something I red repped him for. He red repped me back with "Remind me who you are again, besides a punk ass bitch". Hence the wording of my PM reply (since I couldn't rep him again so soon).

I mean, I did call him a douche, twice I think. But I'll be front about that, and he doesn't need to be acting like I was trolling him. That's just trying to look like a victim when you are just another fellow asshole. :D

What's with the term "douche?" Yes, I know that's what you help your mother do after she's done working on the corner for the night, but, you realize that calling me that won't take away the mental pictures of her crusty, wart-laden vag, right?

Oh, and also, "minding my own business" means not "sticking my nose" into a thread related to politics, and *heaven forbid* disagreeing with him. If he's that touchy about being red repped, you shouldn't post anything within 100 yards of a political thread.

If it's from something else, I honestly have no idea what it is. But I mean, if it's on the threads, then it's not really private, is it?

Damn, not only are you really fucking stupid, but you have an intentionally selective memory. You red-repped me in a thread that had absolutely fuck-all to do with politics. I could give a fuck what your political beliefs are. Actually, I take that back; I do give a fuck, because you can only take down whatever causes you support, so, I want to be as far away from them as possible.

And, if you pride yourself on being an asshole, then you picked the wrong person to fuck with, as I will never ever forget how much of a shit stain you are on this forum (you might as well change your name to Dirty Sanchez; you're the poo mustache, and WZ is the hapless upper lip).
What's with the term "douche?" Yes, I know that's what you help your mother do after she's done working on the corner for the night, but, you realize that calling me that won't take away the mental pictures of her crusty, wart-laden vag, right?

Damn, not only are you really fucking stupid, but you have an intentionally selective memory. You red-repped me in a thread that had absolutely fuck-all to do with politics. I could give a fuck what your political beliefs are. Actually, I take that back; I do give a fuck, because you can only take down whatever causes you support, so, I want to be as far away from them as possible.

And, if you pride yourself on being an asshole, then you picked the wrong person to fuck with, as I will never ever forget how much of a shit stain you are on this forum (you might as well change your name to Dirty Sanchez; you're the poo mustache, and WZ is the hapless upper lip).

I'm sure you're very proud of your position enough to act like a child publicly. I can understand being upset about being called out as a douche, but to think that you are somehow above being a brat when your approach is to air your grievances in profanity laden posts is HILARIOUS.

So what was it I flagged you on? I don't seem to be able to pull that up myself. I don't honestly remember, but if it wasn't some health care thread then it was likely you bullying someone else. Or just saying something I thought was dumb. Isn't that what the button is for? So I'm supposed to recognize that you have earned the right to call names, but you aren't ever to take names in kind? Who's the hypocrite now?

I'll say it one last time; I'm sure you have other admirable qualities, but right now you are being an intolerable douche bag. I don't get whether I should be threatened or intimidated, but I'm struggling to decide whether I want to laugh or puke.
I call 'em like I see 'em. If I called him for something else, he probably deserved it. But really, that's fine with me. I'm shaking in me boots, me lad.

Why would you be shaking in your boots? I volunteer for the Association of ******ed Citizens at least once a year. If we met in real life, I'd treat you just like all of my other mentally challenged buddies: I'd buy you a hot dog and a cola, applaud and praise you as you went apeshit on the bouncy castle, and give you a certificate for participation when the day in the park ended.
Why would you be shaking in your boots? I volunteer for the Association of ******ed Citizens at least once a year. If we met in real life, I'd treat you just like all of my other mentally challenged buddies: I'd buy you a hot dog and a cola, applaud and praise you as you went apeshit on the bouncy castle, and give you a certificate for participation when the day in the park ended.

Like I said: I'm sure there are other admirable qualities about you, but...
Oh, and I found it. A thread about buying wrestlemania vs streaming it. It was in response to some kid sticking up for paying for the show as opposed to streaming it for free. And while the kid in question was also being a douche (and I pm'ed him as much), I thought it was really awesome how tbag responded, so I shared that with him.

If that's a crime, boo hoo I'll never rep you again. Otherwise, get a life.
I got green rep for tdigs being a "douche" apparently. Dirty Jose, I am going to give you a small Chicken McNugget of advide to chew on. You ready? Are you sure?

I got green rep for tdigs being a "douche" apparently. Dirty Jose, I am going to give you a small Chicken McNugget of advide to chew on. You ready? Are you sure?


Repping me back on an unrelated post to call me a punk ass bitch isn't trolling? He got mad at me and red repped me on a comment unrelated (where I was telling you no one should be alone at Wrestlemania) before I ever pm'd him.

Regardless, this has been one annoying moment in an otherwise pleasant experience.

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