Die!!!Old Yeller!!!DIIEEE!!!!!!

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
Hello folks, giving you credit for being intelligent beings I am guessing that from the title of this thread you will know what I am about to talk about. Ric Flair.

We had all the signs, all the tells, we knew it would inevitably come. Last night on Monday Night Raw the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair got back in the ring in a full on match tag teaming with Batista against Randy Orton and his two impersonators Ted Dibiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes. Now, I don't know about you but I couldn't be more upset about this.

Why can't Old Yeller just take his shot in the head and die? Ric Flair received the most overdone, blubbery, flowery, drawn out "Retirement" ever. No one before him ever received such an orchestrated, organized, and glorious send off and no on else probably ever will which makes it all the more sickening. It's not like I do not like Ric Flair. I love Ric Flair, who doesn't? But his time has come and gone.After all the anticipation and emotion of his retirement to come back so soon or at all is like a slap in the face to those who gave so much to him in his not so final days as a professional wrestler.

When he inducted Ricky Steamboat into the hall of fame, and as soon as Steamboat came out, he and steamboat locked up I knew. It showed me for sure this guy still wants to wrestle, he obviously thinks he can still do it. Then his whole appearance during the Jericho-Legends feud was an even bigger tip off. Just knowing he was going to be involved with them also led me to the conclusion that somehow he is going to get in the ring again.

Then as we drew closer to Wrestlemania and we saw him basically have a match with Jericho I was yet again assured of his inevitable return. Even though he didn't have an actual match with Jericho, he just took an ass beating, it was match esque. I mean really, he even got busted open the hard way, his clothes ripped off of him, pummeled into the ground, and so on. It might as well have been a match.

All of that alone was like a damn Bat-Signal telling of Flair's impending return. I thought it was bad enough that he came back on T.V. at all. After your retired that generally means you are no longer apart of the show, so what the hell was he doing there?

Then, we get to wrestlemania itself. I knew there was no way he wasn't going to get in that ring and do something, attempt to take out Jericho, basically again, have a match. It was infuriating as you watched him seemingly seething with anger at Jericho's victory, obviously wanting apart of him, knowing what was to come in the next seconds. And what do you know? Sure enough there ran Flair into the ring to try and avenge the losses of his Legend friends. It was horrible, angering, humiliating, and disgusting. He had no business in there, or at Wrestlemania. But, Ric Flair always wants to be Ric Flair so of course he weaseled his way into yet another Wresltemania and had basically returned to the ring in less than a year after his big teary eyed retirement.

After all the blubbering, and all the crying, and respect given by the wrestlers, and thousands of adoring fans cheering for him in his retirement, and all the admiration he received otherwise he still had to indulge his ego and get back into the ring. I'm sorry but this is a joke, and an embarrassment. Where does anyone get off doing what has now done. What happened to the end of your career? What happened to the show being over? Shouldn't this guy be on the beach in Florida somewhere having one of those drinks out of a cup that looks like a coconut with the little umbrellas and curly straws? Ordering Lobster on the beach and getting even tanner?

What business does Ric Flair have anymore being in the ring? And better yet what does he have to offer the business in doing so? If anything it is a detriment to the business to have him in there. The argument has been made before, you can't put a 60 something year old guy in there over young talent and have them still be credible. It ruins them, and makes those guys trying to come up look weak and shows the fake in wrestling because only under the precepts in wrestling would a 60+ year old guy be beating up chiseled young athletes in their primes or heading into them. It devalues all of them. Am I really supposed to suspend my disbelief long enough to but into a geriatric Ric Flair taking it to two rising stars in the WWE?

This is nothing but Ric Flair boasting his arrogance once again. He is his own biggest fan, and obviously does not truly know when to call it quits. Another thing I want to know is what was so bad about retirement? What was wrong with going out in the fashion he did? He got more on the way out than anybody, Vince even bought him a fuckin' Rolex just to be nice, what was wrong with all that? Shawn Michaels gave him one of the best matches of his career, what was wrong with that? I'll tell you, it's not more. In his ego maniacal ways he always wants more. To make it worse he legitimately believes he's still "got it". Just because a greyhound can still walk on three legs doesn't mean he can win a dog race. What purpose other than a self fulfillment does this serve for him to be in the ring again, even if only for a night? None. And it defeats the purpose of ever retiring. If Flair wanted to keep wrestling he should have done just that on a relaxed schedule and I'm sure people would have been fine with that. But no, he had to have the big speeches, and moments of praise and cheer, and all the teary eyed goodbyes only to come back less than a year later, and wrestle again just over that. What a crock of shit, and as I said earlier what a slap in the face. If anyone knew you were going to be back a year from now, no one probably would have cared about the big send off, but instead we were lied to. It is my conclusion, or better yet my wish that Old Yeller just die. Not in the literal sense of course, but I wish this guy would just accept the fact that his time is over, there are a bunch of guys out there now who need Ric Flair as the last thing in their way, stealing their spotlight. Die Old Yeller!!!!! DIE!
I agree with every single word that the topic starter mentioned in his piece. Ric Flair is one of the best wrestlers ever, PERIOD. He has more world championships than anyone else and he has been a part of some of the best factions ever as well. He now however needs to just fade away. His career will soon take the Bret Farve route, When Bret and Ric first retired, there were teary eyes everywhere. Two of the most iconic figures in their respective sports were stepping away, or so we thought. Next thing we know, Bret Farve is a JET (Now possible a Viking after a 2nd retirement). Ric Flair is doing the same thing. He had a great sendoff. I can not remember a close to 30 minute segment with other superstars coming out and giving their admiration to a man for his career, EVER! That was truly a very classy and respectful thing that a company did for one of the best ever.

Now after all of that, he wants back? That's dumb. He had his time, he had his glory, he had his sendoff. NOW GO AWAY! No one is going to believe that Randy Orton and Legacy is afraid of Ric FLair. Those guys could handle him blindfolded. And the fact that Batista can't take out Legacy, but Ric Flair can?HA!

The reason why I am most bothered by this is because of Shawn Michaels. HBK did not want to be the guy to send out Ric Flair. After Flair pleaded with him too and promised him that it will be his last match, Shawn agreed. HBK always steps it up at WrestleMania, no doubt about that, but go and rewatch that match. HBK made Flair look like a million bucks, and Flair can't even take a normal backdrop.

For example, if I was a wrestler, and I was to be HBK's last opponent ever, I know that would mean something to me. I would cherish that last match, especially because I grew up watching him. Much like Shawn did with Flair. I would be rather dissapointed if he went back on his word and came back a year later. Like Flair is doing.

Ric Flair Please stay away. No one wants to see you anymore. We have over 30 years of footage to see you and remember you by. Now if you come back we are going to have another couple of matches added that will show a man that is a shell of what he once use to be.

STAY AWAY RIC. Instead of worrying about being a wrestler in his 60's, you should worry about keeping your son out of jail and straightening him up. WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
I don't care whether he stays or goes. Ric Flair has earned the right to do whatever he wants and as he said last night, he didn't retire and that they retired him. You may want him to stay away but at the end of the day, he doesn't care we think. It only matters to him whether he comes back or not as he feels he still has the heart and the dedication to the wrestling business. It has to be understood that it is hard to give something up you have been doing for 30+ years. Ric Flair loves wrestling and if he stills wants to wrestle, that is his decision to make and only his family can influence him to the fullest.
I lost all the respect I had for Ric Flair.

He is just a piece of garbage for me after this. After the send-away he received from all the roster one night after Wrestlemania 24 he wants to comeback because he thinks he still got it...

Well, Ric, you don't have it, neither did you for the last 15 years. You on WWE were never a big of a deal as a wrestler, and I honestly can see you as by far the most over-rated piece of shit to ever step foot in a wrestling-ring.

You have gone the same route that Jake Roberts and others have taken in the past and now you are no better than they are or ever were. I have to tell you, this is a total disrespect for the fans and for all the WWE Superstars, to watch a old man wrestling when is uncapable of doing it since he was in his late 40s.

I'm getting sick of watching every "retired" wrestler comeback one more time, I tought that Flair would be different, but he is just not that good I guess, discustes me to think that WWE even thinks about using him again, I lost every kind of respect I had for him, and for sure, I hope he injures himself the next match he is in, so he learns that he isn't capable of anything anymore.
On another forum I got ''WHOO'' raped. I said something about Flair losing his ability to cut a half decent promo and I said he was shit for the final 15 years of his career. The usual. The same post I make every month or so. Then one person replied ''You suck and you can't cut a decent promo. WHOOO!!'' I was like ''Eh!'' then another came and said ''Yeah, you suck. Whoo!''. Before I knew it the whole forum had me, I was being Whoo'd to death. The only thing I could do was make another acount and WHOO myself to save face.

So yeah, there's enough people out there who like Flair for his return to not be a total waste of time. Although him leaving last year was the perfect way for him to leave and never come back. Although I did enjoy it when he made his return after the retirement and Vince ushered him out the door after 5 minutes.
I just dont want to see that saggy old man in the ring, I mean, I've seen some old Ric Flair stuff from when he was supposedly good and I can say I wasnt really impressed, not that it matters because a lot of people were I suppose so I couldnt complain too much.

I didnt think he deserved the send-off he got, but once again thats just me. I can understand why a few people are annoyed that he came back after getting that send-off but it's wrestling, anything can happen, it doesnt mean anything really.

I am never going to insult a legend for making a return to the ring, after all I'd love to see Rock or Hogan again, so the fact that he came back doesnt bother me, it's just that I dont like him, and thats only a personal opinion so it's pretty irrelevant really.

Yet, I still wish he'd fuck off.
One think that strikes me amazing is the following:

The amount of people i read on this forum who hit out with "Ohh HHH uses his politics to stop younger wrestlers geting a shot", or "Ohhh why did HBK not let this guy go over" and things along they lines is unreal, then you have someone whos well past it in Ric Flair wanting one more run because he feels like he still has it. Make no mistakes i am not a HHH fan by any means, and HBK i think is decent, they may have backstage politics but at least they CAN wrestle.

Flair is old and past it by far, sure he may be able to put on a good match once every yeer on a big time stage but he really shouldnt come back. He got possibly the biggest send off any wrestler has EVER had, and he wants to ruin it and come back ? Mark my words, if he steps foot back in that ring ALOT of wrestling fans will lose all respect for him, especially me.
On another forum I got ''WHOO'' raped. I said something about Flair losing his ability to cut a half decent promo and I said he was shit for the final 15 years of his career. The usual. The same post I make every month or so. Then one person replied ''You suck and you can't cut a decent promo. WHOOO!!'' I was like ''Eh!'' then another came and said ''Yeah, you suck. Whoo!''. Before I knew it the whole forum had me, I was being Whoo'd to death. The only thing I could do was make another acount and WHOO myself to save face.

So yeah, there's enough people out there who like Flair for his return to not be a total waste of time. Although him leaving last year was the perfect way for him to leave and never come back. Although I did enjoy it when he made his return after the retirement and Vince ushered him out the door after 5 minutes.

The first paragraph of that post was probably the single most hilarious writing I've ever seen on a forum. EVERR. With TWO "r"s.

Anyway, I agree w/ Jake, he needs 2 GO... He's got like 3 moves that he does, and he basically gets the shit beaten out of him an entire match until he does his "WHOOO" and then slaps the guy in the chest a few times, and then gets him in a figure four leg lock. He USED to be great, when he had other moves he could do, when he wasn't OLD and torn up. Shawn retired him, and Flair said he would NEVER wrestle again... but ultimately it comes down to what Flair and the WWE want to do.

I mean, the crowd was hot for Flair all night. They should try to make him a GM or a manager or something, just to keep him on the show. HE COULD DO THE MIC WORK FOR BATISTA!!!
In 2000, HHH faced Mick Foley in a career vs. title match. HHH won that match thus ending Foley's career. He still wrestled four or five times since then. Before jumping on his back, let's see how many matches he actually wrestles. If he feels he still has it in him, who are we to criticize him for that. You say that he should have retired 15 years ago, so why is it different that we berate him for coming out of retirement now. Plenty people do it but we don't criticize them for it. It's not like he is going to be taking a roster spot from anybody. This only may be a one time thing so let's just wait and see before we rush to judgment.
My first reaction was righteous indignation. "How dare anyone say that about a man that has given so much to the business!?!"

But then I realized that there is a lot of truth to what's being said. Flair did get one of the best sendoffs the business has ever put together. Flair and Michaels put on one helluva match that was made all the more emotional due to the ending of Flair's career.

Flair returning as a wrestler cheapens all of that. I think there is plenty of room on camera for Ric Flair. I think he still brings a lot to the table as a mouthpiece, a manager or some other on air personality. But to preserve the integrity of his retirement match, to preserve the emotion of his sendoff, Flair should stay out of the ring.

Of course, I do agree that the man is still better than the majority of the people in the locker room. Even at his age he can still put on better matches than trash like Rhodes and DiBiase, still cut better promos than the craptastic Jeff Hardy, and can still work the crowd better than the dull as dirt MVP.
I agree with everything on this post. Threw out the this whole thing why is he still in the ring. I dont think he has the credibilty to put over younger stars in a match to give them a push like hbk could or undertaker. My one guess is that hes going to screw bastista some how and is going to become a mouth piece for evolution becuase i don think that the penute gallery is getting pushed like they want and ric flair could help that by dong this. But who knows what will happen only time will tell
I totally agree. Flair had a hell of a match last yr with Shawn. He left with with a bang. They even dedicated the last 15mins of Raw the week of WM just to show respect. But nooo. Flair keeps coming back unadvertised and keep showing up whenever he feels like it because he misses the business. Oh well! Ur time is over. Now he's got the itch and wants to fight Orton. This shits on everything that happened last yr. How weak does Legacy look when u got a 60yr old guy is beating up on 20 something year olds? Ur time is done. U had a hell of a run but now its time to move on. And I bet him coming back was Triple H's idea. He has a fuckin hard on for Flair I swear. He's gay for him or somethin. I understand he's ur idol, but geez. How old r u to be sucking his dick so hard.
I just dont want to see that saggy old man in the ring, I mean, I've seen some old Ric Flair stuff from when he was supposedly good and I can say I wasnt really impressed, not that it matters because a lot of people were I suppose so I couldnt complain too much.

I didnt think he deserved the send-off he got, but once again thats just me. I can understand why a few people are annoyed that he came back after getting that send-off but it's wrestling, anything can happen, it doesnt mean anything really.

I am never going to insult a legend for making a return to the ring, after all I'd love to see Rock or Hogan again, so the fact that he came back doesnt bother me, it's just that I dont like him, and thats only a personal opinion so it's pretty irrelevant really.

Yet, I still wish he'd fuck off.
I almost totally agreed with you, just one thing I disagree.

Rock or Hogan aren't Flair, they did not retire in front of millions of fans, at least not officially.

It's a whole different case if you ask me, Rock or Hogan never said: "I won't wrestle again after tonight", or "I won't step foot inside this ring to wrestle again", but yeah, Flair, did.

So it annoys me as hell, to see a grown man lieing to all this fans after just a year of "retirement" where he was just trying to make some money with autographs signins and kind of stuff.

It's just a shame that Ric Flair forgets his retirement for "one more run" when WWE did everything they could to make him look great when he was just a washed up piece of garbage.
Alot of people on this board have to understand that retiring in wrestling means jack shit. I can't count how many wrestlers I've seen retired only to come back less than a year later (Fritz Von Erich, Terry Funk, Hulk Hogan, Bob Backlund, Roddy Piper, ect.).

Flair is better than the majority going today and though I agree it would be in bad taste and business to have flair beat the majority of these guys (he's 60, Flair couldn't and SHOULDN'T be beating anyone if he comes back, even if he is more skilled its just not beleivable), but to use him as a special attraction type deal (with a lighter schedule, maybe have flair wrestle only a couple times a year) wouldn't be a bad idea, he can still wrestle (as long as he's with the right person), and he can still pack in a crowd.

I really wish flair would stay away (because his time is over and he should really step aside) but if he doesn't its not that big a deal. I realize Flair got a better sendoff than almost anyone else in the industry but its an industry where if a retirement happens on-air like it did with flair, it doesn't mean anything because it is a STORYLINE RETIREMENT. Flair really did retire, but your not really retired in wrestling if you go out like flair did (when wrestlers really retire, its usually quick and painless, not something that is drawn out for over a 6 month storyline, even if the wrestler is the Greatest of All Time (and NO, flair is not the G.O.A.T. of wrestling)).
In 2000, HHH faced Mick Foley in a career vs. title match. HHH won that match thus ending Foley's career. He still wrestled four or five times since then. Before jumping on his back, let's see how many matches he actually wrestles. If he feels he still has it in him, who are we to criticize him for that. You say that he should have retired 15 years ago, so why is it different that we berate him for coming out of retirement now. Plenty people do it but we don't criticize them for it. It's not like he is going to be taking a roster spot from anybody. This only may be a one time thing so let's just wait and see before we rush to judgment.

OK...that's not the same. Mick Foley's not in the WWE Hall of Fame, he wasn't given an ENTIRE WEEKEND dedicated to him, and I'll get some heat for this, but Foley wasn't 1/5 the wrestler Flair was. The match was for gimmick purposes. Foley wasn't going to quit. He had every intention on staying on TV and possibly wrestling again. It wasn't a retirement...it was an 'I'm done with active competition' kind of thing.

Ric Flair made a huge deal about the match with Shawn. He cried with the past superstars, the Horsemen came out to salute him and they hadn't been together in nearly 16 years at that point. It was something special. And for Flair, to go back into the ring, on RAW no less, is a slap in the face to everyone involved in making that weekend special for him. He can wrestle if he wants, but if it's in a WWE ring, it'll be a shame. Hell, if it was anywhere, it'd still be a slap in the face to Vince and the WWE. It's one thing to say you quit, then quit for a year and come back. But when you're retired, have a ceremony, get inducted into the HOF, and give a great performance at WM to boot, why ruin that? That's just me though.
I've lost what little respect I had for this old saggy man! Hell even The Undertaker broke his character to pay homage to him! The WWE went out of their way for his gray haired ass & Ric isn't even a WWE product. He's a NWA/WCW product!

People didn't even care about him when he was wrestling. They only started caring after this big storyline & how the WWE paid so much of a tribute to him. THEN the fans started caring about him! Before they just looked at him like "Damn this saggy old man is still wrestling?"

Thank YOU RIC! Thank you for spitting in everyone's face that made your retirement special! Including the fans like me who got all into it! Into it for nothing you piece of old shit!

Fuck you Ric Flair!
Last night on Monday Night Raw the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair got back in the ring in a full on match tag teaming with Batista against Randy Orton and his two impersonators Ted Dibiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes.

Did you only watch the last minute of Raw? Flair wasn't a part of this match, he simply did a run in at the end. These anti-Flair posts are hilarious, the funniest part being most of these complainers aren't even old enough to remember Flair other than him being "that old guy from evolution". Flair didn't wrestle last night, Flair won't wrestle again. Mark my words. You think Flair isn't aware of the great send-off he received? You think he isn't appreciative, or he doesn't care about the fans? You think the WWE isn't aware of the situation? You think the wrestlers in the back aren't aware? If you do, you're wrong. They all know exactly what they're doing, and just because Flair has the itch to be INVOLVED with the wrestling business, and not disappear from TV forever, does NOT mean he went back on his word to retire. If you have a brain, then you have a memory, and if you remember correctly last night Batista mentioned this exact circumstance to Flair. The WWE are going to play this story out, teasing Flair wanting to come out of retirement, only to be told and held back by other wrestlers and fans stating that he simply cannot based on the principle of the situation. You know what's going to happen next week? Flair is going to come out, challenge Orton to a fight, and guess who's going to come out? Shawn Michaels. Michaels will say its a slap in his face for Flair to wrestle again, and if he decides to, Michaels will not help him if he gets beats down. Guess what happens then? Flair gets beat down by Orton. Michaels does nothing, etc. If you ask me, this has the potential to be a fantastic storyline if the WWE play it out right, and Flair won't actually have to wrestle, albeit be involved in a few spots here and there. Throw a punch, take a punch. Little brawling, little flaunting. Thats the extent of it. So everyone on here can stop crying about Flair wrestling full time again, because most of you don't even truly understand who Ric Flair is, and what he means to the business. Your bitchfest stops now.
"I'll never retire! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I'm surprised it took him so long to step back in, even though he hasn't stepped back in. Maybe he won't step back in, but saying that will probably result in a "spam" infraction, so I'll stick to the topic. Should he have stayed retired can be debated throughout the boards. If he can boost draws, buyrates, or perhaps elevate lower stars up the card, then I would personally say it's worth it. If not, then it's just another waste of time during our WWE programming. Not like we haven't seen it before. *Cough* John Cena & Batista *Cough*
LMFAO. I actually laughed so hard when I read the title of this thread.

Flair is getting stale. Perhaps if he had taken a bit more time off before he returned again it would of been better. He is a great guy and has no problem putting people over. But he has done that, this guy is just addicted. John Cena and Triple H will be exactly the same. He will be running out to the ring and saving the superstars who aren't born yet.

Sorry HAHA thread title.
i've always liked flair on the stick and how well he can get his ass kicked. i hope to god he doesn't wrestle again. making appearances, getting physical, and cutting good promos is as far as i hope he will go. if he sticks with that, than as far as i'm concerned he can do whatever the hell he wants. but if he climbs back into the ring as an active wrestler, eh, i personally don't care whether or not he does, but i fear that the rest of the world will tear him apart for it. stick to what you're doing now ric. don't wrestle again!
Did you only watch the last minute of Raw? Flair wasn't a part of this match, he simply did a run in at the end. These anti-Flair posts are hilarious, the funniest part being most of these complainers aren't even old enough to remember Flair other than him being "that old guy from evolution". Flair didn't wrestle last night, Flair won't wrestle again. Mark my words. You think Flair isn't aware of the great send-off he received? You think he isn't appreciative, or he doesn't care about the fans? You think the WWE isn't aware of the situation? You think the wrestlers in the back aren't aware? If you do, you're wrong. They all know exactly what they're doing, and just because Flair has the itch to be INVOLVED with the wrestling business, and not disappear from TV forever, does NOT mean he went back on his word to retire. If you have a brain, then you have a memory, and if you remember correctly last night Batista mentioned this exact circumstance to Flair. The WWE are going to play this story out, teasing Flair wanting to come out of retirement, only to be told and held back by other wrestlers and fans stating that he simply cannot based on the principle of the situation. You know what's going to happen next week? Flair is going to come out, challenge Orton to a fight, and guess who's going to come out? Shawn Michaels. Michaels will say its a slap in his face for Flair to wrestle again, and if he decides to, Michaels will not help him if he gets beats down. Guess what happens then? Flair gets beat down by Orton. Michaels does nothing, etc. If you ask me, this has the potential to be a fantastic storyline if the WWE play it out right, and Flair won't actually have to wrestle, albeit be involved in a few spots here and there. Throw a punch, take a punch. Little brawling, little flaunting. Thats the extent of it. So everyone on here can stop crying about Flair wrestling full time again, because most of you don't even truly understand who Ric Flair is, and what he means to the business. Your bitchfest stops now.

It doesn't matter if it's a full on match or not! Just cuz they didn't ring the bell when Flair got in he's still basically wrestling... Just without the bell being rung for him!

“If I lose, I’m not going to take off and start wrestling independent shows or anything like that. “I will never wrestle again.” -RIC FLAIR

He needs to stay out of the ring! Keep his saggy old gray balding ass away from it. Go be an announcer or something, just stay away from the ring Ric!
Ric is a legend and always will be but I also DO NOT WANT HIM IN THE RING.

I don't even really want to see him anywhere near the WWE, well not on TV anyways. If want to be a talent scout or trainer/manager then fine, but keep him off TV. He is past his due date, can't wrestle, overacts and is totally unbelievable as a threat to ANYONE on the roster, hell Hornswoggle could probably kick his ass in real life.

Go away Flair before you tarnish your carrer further. You don't want the WWE Universe remebering you as a washed up old guy.... actually it's probably too late for that.

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