Did you know these facts about CM PUNK...

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I originally was under the impression that Orton lost the new theme because he screwed up in the back, and Vince took it from him....idk.

Anyway, want facts not many know? How about this one....Punk totes himself as a straight edge guy, which is mostly true....but i know for a fact that he has been drunk more than once. How do i know this? As an independant wrestler on the chicago scene for a number of years, i've had the pleasure, (and sometimes displeasure), of getting drunk with the man. Not that he drinks a copious amount, but the frequency he drinks tends to make him a lightweight. There you go
I originally was under the impression that Orton lost the new theme because he screwed up in the back, and Vince took it from him....idk.

Anyway, want facts not many know? How about this one....Punk totes himself as a straight edge guy, which is mostly true....but i know for a fact that he has been drunk more than once. How do i know this? As an independant wrestler on the chicago scene for a number of years, i've had the pleasure, (and sometimes displeasure), of getting drunk with the man. Not that he drinks a copious amount, but the frequency he drinks tends to make him a lightweight. There you go

your user name leads me to believe you, :shrug:
Ok...so, CM Punk...whom we call the BEST IN THE WORLD...hasnt been treated all that well by the WWE...Here are a couple of facts...

1) The 'Fire Burn' theme song (his old theme) was once upon a time used by Randy Orton...It wasnt a virgin theme given to CM Punk...It dint fit Randy at all and so they gave it to Punk...
Here's the link if you want it...

2) The 'Cult of Personality' theme as we know was used by Punk in ROH...but that theme song, once again was not the first time played in WWE when punk made his comeback...It was first time used for Stone Cold Steve Austin's Hall of Fame promo...
Here's the link if you want it...

So, Triple H saying that he approved his theme song when he resigned the contract was all bullshit as they had already used it before...

What I dont understand is why was he, right from the beginning treated as a second class wrestler with second hand stuffs given to him...???

If you do know any other facts about Punk then please feel free to post...

Punk is not the best in the world, quit being love drunk with Punk. He's good but he was better 6 months ago, than he is now. His character has become boring, his promos have become boring, he's become boring.

Its a well know fact that Punk had Orton's cast off theme, and why does it matter at this point? Neither Punk or Orton use this theme now.

Cult of Personality is a fucking turd of a theme song for a wrestler. I don't give a fuck who comes out to it, its boring and doesn't fit in the WWE over the top entertainment atmosphere.

As for being a second class wrestler, he's still a second class wrestler. The vast majority of people who watch the WWE watch because of Cena, not Punk. Cena is the WWE's bread and butter. His name sells PPV's, his merchandise sells, he's been the biggest part of whats kept the WWE a float for the past several years.

"Best in the World" until Cena wants the title again...
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