Did WWE just show its hand?


Getting Noticed By Management
End of Raw, we all saw Demon Kane get added to the Ladder match and have a showdown of sorts with Reigns. I think this might be foreshadowing the fact that Reigns won't be winning the title for now at least and is on his way to battling Kane next PPV. I'm assuming of course that Kane won't win it either. But now that WWE has elevated Demon Kane again to a point where he is respectable, they may be thinking its a good way not to beat us over the head now with Orton/Reigns and let that play out more slowly. Kane at this point in his career is jobbing to the super stars but at least now as Demon Kane he looks more menacing while doing so. And he gives Reigns an opponent in theory he shouldn't curb stomp while keeping him on the periphery of the Authority storyline. Thoughts?
Or they swerve and he helps Bray...

Remember how all this started? Bray and the Wyatts carrying Kane away talking about "taking the machine down from inside"... a week later he was "Corporate Kane". All it takes is a casual mention of that from the announcers and it's back in play.

The Reign's Kane is more likely, but don't rule it out that there could be more to do with Wyatt.
End of Raw, we all saw Demon Kane get added to the Ladder match and have a showdown of sorts with Reigns. I think this might be foreshadowing the fact that Reigns won't be winning the title for now at least and is on his way to battling Kane next PPV. I'm assuming of course that Kane won't win it either. But now that WWE has elevated Demon Kane again to a point where he is respectable, they may be thinking its a good way not to beat us over the head now with Orton/Reigns and let that play out more slowly. Kane at this point in his career is jobbing to the super stars but at least now as Demon Kane he looks more menacing while doing so. And he gives Reigns an opponent in theory he shouldn't curb stomp while keeping him on the periphery of the Authority storyline. Thoughts?

Some strange reason they wanted to add Kane to the match.

If he wasn't in the match, I would have expected him to do a run-in and cost Reigns the match.

I think that segment was just a way for Kane to look strong again going into the MITB match after losing to Cena last week.

I believe a Orton/Reigns match is more likely than a Reigns/Kane match, maybe on a RAW.

If Cena wins the WWE WHC at MITB, it wouldn't surprise me to see Kane/Cena for the title, like they would have had for Bryan if it was healthy while Reigns face Orton, one step closer to HHH.

I expect HHH to screw Reigns at MITB. Notice how they've yet to mention what his punishment was.
Agreed with dude above me. Orton at Battlegrounds. HHH at Summerslam. That's Reigns timeline.

Saving the belt win for his Wrestlemania moment.
I've been thinking about this seriously for the past couple weeks since the announcement of Bryan being stripped and the ladder match taking place...This most likely is just me wishing hardcore for something cool to happen at MITB, but I think WWE was handed a golden opportunity to do 3 unexpected things in this title match...

1. THTRobtaylor already touched on this and I couldn't agree more if WWE hasn't already forgotten about it Kane could definitely swerve the Authority and make sure Bray wins the title...notice I said title

2. Imagine if two guys battling at the top of the ladder, each grabs one of the belts and we again have two separate champs...could lead to some interesting stuff...I know combining them was cool but imho it's not working...so Bray grabs one...and most likely it'll be Cena or Orton to grab the other...sorry but I don't believe Reigns is ready...he'll have his moment at Wrestlemania...when it comes to Cesaro, not sure if they are ready to do a Heyman picks his top guy move and have Cesaro face Lesnar...Sheamus is a champ already and more than one title has been overdone several times over...Del Rio is leaving so he is basically cannon fodder for this match but honestly if they want to do a quick change Del Rio might be the perfect guy to go with for the second belt...which leads me to point three...that Alex Riley brought up during the Pre-Show...which I'm sure crossed all our minds at one point or another.

3. Cashing in the MITB contract immediately following the title ladder match...I think either Rollins or Ambrose will deservedly win this match, so maybe cash it in...and it could set up all kind of cool storylines in the future with who wins the belt...if its Reigns a big IF...Rollins or Ambrose cashes it in while the other one interferes and costing them the win...leading to the eventual 3 way we all want...it could go so many ways with so many different people that this could be a mind blowing swerve if WWE does it...another huge IF...

Just food for thought
Some strange reason they wanted to add Kane to the match.

If he wasn't in the match, I would have expected him to do a run-in and cost Reigns the match.

I think that segment was just a way for Kane to look strong again going into the MITB match after losing to Cena last week.

I believe a Orton/Reigns match is more likely than a Reigns/Kane match, maybe on a RAW.

If Cena wins the WWE WHC at MITB, it wouldn't surprise me to see Kane/Cena for the title, like they would have had for Bryan if it was healthy while Reigns face Orton, one step closer to HHH.

I expect HHH to screw Reigns at MITB. Notice how they've yet to mention what his punishment was.

Nothing strange about it, he was meant to be facing Daniel Bryan one on one. and is a former MITB winner
I was thinking Kane could win the title and get beat by Bryan at Battleground, making it almost as if the injury never happened.
I think this might be foreshadowing the fact that Reigns won't be winning the title for now at least and is on his way to battling Kane next PPV. I'm assuming of course that Kane won't win it either.

I think Seth Rollins seems the likely winner of MITB (when you consider the rest of the participants) but am a little uneasy at seeing him boosted to main event level so quickly after striking out as a single. Similarly, I feel that way about Roman Reigns; can't we make him work his way up the ladder some before challenging for the top prize?

Having the always useful Kane in Reigns' path is a good way to accomplish this. It doesn't seem Kane is a threat to be world champion anymore, at least not for a lengthy period. Still, he does look dangerous and last night's incident was intended to leave no doubt of that. Plus, holding his own with the demon is a sure-fire way to build Roman's credentials toward fighting at the top of the card for a long time to come.

If it weren't for the empty space left by Daniel Bryan's absence, I would think this is the path WWE would follow; there really isn't any hurry for Roman Reigns' climb to the top, is there? Yet, if the company wants to get us excited about the world championship picture while Daniel heals, they might choose to quickly elevate Roman to the title....a la Jack Swagger.... and hope he does well there so he carves out a positive future path for himself.

Personally, I hope Kane proves a deterrent for Reigns' rise. His ultimate ascension to the top will be more effective if he fights for it for awhile.
Or they swerve and he helps Bray...

Remember how all this started? Bray and the Wyatts carrying Kane away talking about "taking the machine down from inside"... a week later he was "Corporate Kane". All it takes is a casual mention of that from the announcers and it's back in play.

The Reign's Kane is more likely, but don't rule it out that there could be more to do with Wyatt.

Cant see wyatt winning it wouldn't fit his character to win the mitb match, and also the winner will most likely face brock at summerslam, i believe triple h will cost reigns and they face at summerslam
Or they swerve and he helps Bray...

Remember how all this started? Bray and the Wyatts carrying Kane away talking about "taking the machine down from inside"... a week later he was "Corporate Kane". All it takes is a casual mention of that from the announcers and it's back in play.

The Reign's Kane is more likely, but don't rule it out that there could be more to do with Wyatt.

This would be epic, but is Creative's attention span that long? Recently, the answer to that question has been a resounding "no!" - but it used to be in the glory days. We all remember the intricacies of storytelling, when they seemed to remember EVERY argument between Superstars.

I'd love to see this happen. Storytelling is getting better on the upper card recently, would love to see it bleed back to the rest of the roster, too.
WWE want to give us a swerve. But the OBVIOUS result that they want us to expect is that Rollins wins the Briefcase at the expense of Ambrose. And Reigns wins the title against all odds.

I strongly believe that sometimes the obvious result, can sometimes be the best result.

Do you not think that the end of RAW may have showcased a Roman Reigns vs Kane for the WWEWHW Title feud, for the upcoming weeks until Daniel Brian is fully fit for competition? Afterall, Kane IS WWE's current go to guy for a quick meaningless feud until they come up with a better idea, or to elevate younger talent by beating a "monster".

Honestly....it would be nice for Kane to win a feud here or there. He may be on the verge of retirement, but if they gave him a feud where he actually won, or let him smash people up every week and have absolutely no consideration to be champion or anything....maybe the fans would still take him seriously. And when its time to use him to elevate talent again, it may be a little more ELEVATING ?

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