Did WWE Cut Daniel Bryan's Moveset Short?


first i want to say that im not sure if this thread is in an appropriate section, im still having troubles with doing so, so please just move the thread to where its suppose to be.

This thread is about Daniel Bryan and the WWE, ever since he came to WWE, I havn't seen much of his original move set. People have bashed DB, but i dont think those people have seen much of him outside the WWE. He has a really great move that he has not, or has yet to show off to the WWE world. Like the Danielson special, cross face chicken wing/body scissors, butterfly suplex hold, cravate suplex, royal butterfly submission, the elevated boston crab thing that he did(which is the most painful submission iv ever seen), And Finnally CATTLE MUTILATION-awesome submission.

What happened to those moves, are some of them banned from WWE, which most of them are not. Those are just some of his good moves, and the question thats got me scratching my head is that what happened to those moves? If anyone knows why Daniel Bryan dosen't do those moves anymore, please notify
There is no doubt that Bryan Danielson (AKA Daniel Bryan) has one of the largest repitroire of moves in the world. However in WWE he doesn't need to use of all of them.

Someone once told me that "Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair used less than 10 moves in a stellar match" or something along the lines. In WWE you don't need to use your whole arsenal of moves you had prior to your arrival in the company. WWE picks your move-set and you stick with it, making it easier to tell a story in the ring. While flashy and grand looking moves some times make fans excited most of the time the mainstream audience will be looking (albeit unbeknownst to most of the them) for storytelling, a climax, selling and what not.

All of these intangibles believe it or not are far more important than showing off cool moves. I will admit I am much less critical of spot monkeys, in the end there has to more to a superstar than a bunch of fancy moves to make it in WWE. Sure Bryan had substance underneath him other than a large move set before but WWE expanded on that by restricting his move set giving the audience expect when he gets in the ring. It's like Cena, the crowd pops for his finishing sequences so doing different moves every match wouldn't work quite for him. You see how over DB had gotten as a heel? He took off the focus of showing off his 200 something move-set and put emphasis on connected with the WWE universe with a smaller arsenal.

Plain and simple it was for the better of him to cut the plethora of moves he used before and get molded into a WWE superstar.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that he is going against Superstars that are a lot bigger than him. Sure someone like, Regal, HBK, Justin Gabriel, Kofi, Rey, Ziggler, and Punk can bring out those moves in him but you also have to realize that these guys kinda have that flexible style like he does. It is just like Jericho couldn't do everything with HHH, Angle, and Goldberg that he did in WCW because he went against a lot of people that were flexible with his style like Guerrero, Benoit, and Rey.

You have to realize these things bud.
Sort of OT, but still relevant...

So, Bryan went for the Benoit headbutt (not once, but twice) and the Crippler Crossface at EC... I don't know how that made me feel. It was weird seeing those moves performed again and I'm not sure how to interpret it - Bryan's a heel, so it's not much of a tribute, but are WWE gauging the reaction to it, seeing if people remember the moves? (Cole obviously didn't give recognition to the CC)...

I dunno, but the "wolverine" gimmick would be a great fit for Bryan anyway, taking some of Benoit's intensity and making it work for him. What're y'all thinking?
I remember watching Danielson for years and his move set is massively vast. In places like ROH, where the fans want wrestling moves and holds of all kinds, it was fantastic.

But in the WWE, they rely a lot on the whole idea of signature moves and finishers. They probably just asked him to pick a few moves to fit the mould of the WWE style. I find his move set, no matter how much his kicks are used, really, really entertaining.

Look at CM Punk. Obviously, his finisher is the GTS, but back in the indies, he used his Anaconda Vice far more than any other. I've seen him use the AV a couple of times over the last few months, and I always mark out when he does.

Maybe the WWE have cut D-Bryan's move set down, but he is so diversely cultured in his ability to wrestle, I don't think it matters.
I thought some reason to having limited movesets was to no cause as many injuries, I don't mind the limited move sets as much but it's really annoying to see nothing new been thrown in by most of the roster.

Loved the CC and Head butts from DB last night.

WWE should have normal movesets for Raw and SD! a bigger one for PPVs and everything out the bag for WM, SS, RR. People will say they do but in my eyes they don't and if a few do it well that's not enough.
I think WWE wants it wrestlers to have signature moves. They want to have moves that the fans can identify them with. I dont think he is any different. I'm pretty sure most WWE wrestlers can do a bunch of different moves in every match if they wanted to.
I think the whole idea of limiting his moveset is for a variety of reasons. First, they want to make sure that the moves are safe to perform on most superstars. They also want to make sure that the moves are practical and can be performed in a way that adds to the story of the match.

I personally think the best reason is for character development. Sure a few of you know about his days in the Indies/ROH, but the vast majority of the WWE Universe does not. Why have the guy show all the cards in his hand all at once? Think about it, someone already used Punk as an example, where he just begun to use the Anaconda Vice in his matches. Then there's guys like Undertaker who used the chokeslam and tombstone, then adapted for his ABA character by using the Last Ride, then adapted again when he pulled out the "Hell's Gate" hold. My point is, let's allow for D-Bryan to evolve into a few different incarnations of his character, then possibly you'll see different moves trickle into his repetoire. This will make it seem more important and give a sort of "awe" factor when he does something the Universe hasn't seen him do. Think WM 19 and Brock attempting the shooting star press.
Inevitably yes. They did, and it may not have been them it could have been bryan realizing that companies like wwe have no concern or interest at all for wrestling maneuvers that they havent heard of.

They do appreciate hard work and dedication in other areas like storyline building, working out, cross promoting, etc. So with all of this on his plate, bryan may have thought keeping it somewhat simple would benefit him.
I think the whole idea of limiting his moveset is for a variety of reasons. First, they want to make sure that the moves are safe to perform on most superstars. They also want to make sure that the moves are practical and can be performed in a way that adds to the story of the match.

I personally think the best reason is for character development. Sure a few of you know about his days in the Indies/ROH, but the vast majority of the WWE Universe does not. Why have the guy show all the cards in his hand all at once? Think about it, someone already used Punk as an example, where he just begun to use the Anaconda Vice in his matches. Then there's guys like Undertaker who used the chokeslam and tombstone, then adapted for his ABA character by using the Last Ride, then adapted again when he pulled out the "Hell's Gate" hold. My point is, let's allow for D-Bryan to evolve into a few different incarnations of his character, then possibly you'll see different moves trickle into his repetoire. This will make it seem more important and give a sort of "awe" factor when he does something the Universe hasn't seen him do. Think WM 19 and Brock attempting the shooting star press.

Your answer was clearer than glass, thank you. ur right about showing a move at the right time, dont rush things. Same with all replys, thank you
As someone stated above, showing everything at one time isn't always the best idea. In WWE, it's less about spots and more about story and flow, hence each wrestler is cut down to an identifiable moveset to use in their matches.

When some of them have character changes/development, they add more to their arsenal for a shock factor. Undertaker pulling out the Hell's Gate would be a good example. Cena when he first started using his STF would be another. Even Punk first starting to use the GTS was a big thing since all he had was a head kick and his AV for quite some time.

I could see Daniel Bryan bringing out a few more moves later on, but he has to be paired up with someone they would work on and would have to fit with the flow of the match. I doubt we would see Bryan pulling off a Cravate Suplex to Sheamus for example. If Bryan and Rhodes had a solid main event level match, you would almost certainly see a slightly expanded moveset out of both men. Bryan, in his position, is going to be paired up with a lot of guys bigger than him which is why he's been using more of a striking and light submission set so far. It's not the indies where he's more likely to be matched up against guys similar in size. It's much like Jericho's transition from cruiserweight opponents to the bigger main event stars.
I remember watching Danielson for years and his move set is massively vast. In places like ROH, where the fans want wrestling moves and holds of all kinds, it was fantastic.

But in the WWE, they rely a lot on the whole idea of signature moves and finishers. They probably just asked him to pick a few moves to fit the mould of the WWE style. I find his move set, no matter how much his kicks are used, really, really entertaining.

Look at CM Punk. Obviously, his finisher is the GTS, but back in the indies, he used his Anaconda Vice far more than any other. I've seen him use the AV a couple of times over the last few months, and I always mark out when he does.

Maybe the WWE have cut D-Bryan's move set down, but he is so diversely cultured in his ability to wrestle, I don't think it matters.

The WWE also cut Chris Jericho's impressive list of holds from 1,004 to about 812. He has far fewer arm bars now.

But in all seriousness, of course he's using fewer moves. It's not the Indies where all it takes to get over is an insane number of moves. I was a huge AMdrag fan in ROH, but I couldn't imagine him using half the moves he used in ROH in the WWE. However, I could pay good money to see him use the flurry of elbows to the head to finish a match or two. That was brutal! I'd also like to see the "You're gonna get yor F###'N head kicked in." chant come back.
It's called Evolving and adapting. He could use them like his Cattle Mutalation down the line which looked brutal. WWE doesn't want everybody using the same moves like they do on the Indy circuit. As far as the Kamakize Headbutt Bryan did last night twice Christian has being doing it since he returned. Bryan didn't do a Crippler Crossface at the Elimination Chamber PPV he did the LaBell Lock a variation of a Crossface. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and I think John Cena have used the CC so fr in the WWE since Benoit died. Basically you have to adapt to the companies you work for.
Personally if you want to know, look at Daniel Bryan the face and Daniel Bryan the heel if you really look at it on Paper, the heel usually uses less High Flying moves and less over moves if you understand what I mean...Daniel Bryans move set has been slightly toned down in WWE, but you have to remember the same thing happened to Punk when he transitioned too...Remember when the Anaconda Vice magically disappeared out of his repertoire? Now that punk does whatever he wants its again his most important signature move. Remember in the 90's when HBK was heel there wasn't alot of high flying but when he was face he would do every highspot in the book? This is just how the mechanics of wrestling are today, Show gets a new finisher every 3 years. and wrestlers eventually pull off moves to see what works, so expect DB to pull something new to WWE fans but nostalgic to ROH and those who followed him during the indies
Moveset doesn't get you over. Maybe in ROH it does.

You MUST adapt your moveset for your audience. Some shit looks contrived to the WWE audience. The Cattle mutilation looks contrived. I don't think they'd buy it. Daniel Bryan himself probably changed his moveset because he's smart and realizes that all audiences aren't the same.

Think about this too. A LARGE number of DB's moves were detailed, mat-based moves. Guess who that gets over with? A smaller audience where everyone in the arena can see what you're doing. Guess who that does NOT get over with? A huge arena where 75% of the audience won't be able to see the smaller details.

This is arena wrestling, everything needs to be BIG. That's why guys like HBK get over. Watch Shawn, everything he does is exaggerated, stupid people think it's "overselling" but I challenge you to sit in the nosebleed seats, they're cheap, then tell me who you enjoy most. It's the guys who do the big stuff.

Daniel Bryan has also ADDED moves that he didn't do in ROH. He's changed his pacing too. You can't wrestle for an hour where the first 20 minutes are intricate chain wrestling. It's not that the WWE audience wouldn't appreciate it, it's that most of them won't be able to tell what's going on other than "holds". Daniel Bryan is smart, he knows this, he probably changed the moveset himself.

Also as mentioned, the WWE roster is bigger. Plus they wrestle more. It's a lot easier to take a dragon suplex and land on your neck then have a week off instead of having to wrestle again the next day.

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