Did TNA miss out on a Daffney Title Run

Crippler CrossFace

Occasional Pre-Show
First I just want to say that I'm a WWE fan by tradition and I'm not considering crossing the line, I'm more considering walking the line and watching both and being a fan of both.

I started watching TNA on a whim one week and Daffney was on and I remember being really drawn to Daffney and everything she brought to the table. When she got a title shot at Against All Odds (I'm pretty sure that is what it was) I was hoping she could get the title and I would see more of her.

Then she had the whole thing with Poison and Tara and it had the makings of a legitimate feud. Flash to monday and the lock box match. All of that goes away. Posion is returned to Tara and Angelina Love has the title and Velvet Skye has a title shot next week. What does Daffney get from a push and title shots... she's forced to do a striptease.

Now my question to all of you is should TNA have given Daffney the belt? Sure she didn't exactly beat Tara but when Tara comes back Daffney could have still had the belt and they could have played the whole "you didn't earn that title" feud.

Daffney is one of the reasons I like watching TNA and would love to see her with the title. I think it was a mistake not giving her the belt in favor of focusing on the beautiful people which I find rather boring. Daffney is compelling cause she's crazy and well zombie hot! (pardon that I couldn't help myself)
I'm sorry, is the belt defunct now? Not going to offer any more title shots? Did Daffney suddenly get a sex change?

As longas none of these things have happened, Daffney hasn't lost out on anything. Now, it seems as though Angelina and The Beautiful People are going to be the forefront of TNA's Knockout Division. Fine by me, that's how it should have been all along. But Daffney will have her chance soon enough. Good workers get breaks, and from that comes title reigns. Daffney is a good worker, and all that needs to occur is a blow off to the Tara feud. Then, eventually, Daffney will get a shot. Patience, my man. In due time, Daffney will have her day in the sun.
Yeah I was definitely hoping Daffney was going to get the belt at the end of Impact this week. But I didn't mind watching her sarcastic strip-tease either lol. Hopefully she gets the title soon.
I think it's better that they went with giving Angelina the belt. It's not like Daffney won't have other chances in the future. She's still the top heel since the beautiful people are all technically in the Knockouts tag team division. TNA did not miss out on a Daffney title run because there will be other opportunities for her. Lockdown is coming soon, TNA probably just felt that Angelina needed to walk in as champion. I wouldn't be surprised if Daffney got a run with the title as soon as sometime this summer. She'd make a good champion if/when she actually wins the belt.
I agree that, especially with lockdown coming up, it was the perfect time to give the title to Daffney. The much-maligned lockbox main event was an awful way to blow off a very solid feud between Daffney and Tara with Tara getting the spider back and Daffney getting nothing (I've seen Daffney in person and she is insanely hot; I wish she actually could've at least done the striptease).

I also agree with everybody else though, that it'll come to her in time. She has one of the biggest fan bases of any of the KOs, she's solid in the ring, she's unique, she's very attractive, and I've got to assume that management (Bischoff and Russo) must be fond of her going back to her WCW days considering her recent push (they gave her a ppv "match" at Bash at the Beach 2000; now a ppv match at Destination X in 2010): altogether it's a bonafide recipe for success. Then again this is the same management team that gave us the rest of Bash at the Beach 2000, so obviously there is a history of dropping balls to take into account.
I don't know if they missed out on a title run, but IMO TNA completely blew off the Daffney/Tara feud in order to get a ratings pop by teasing one of the Knockouts was going to strip.

The Tara/Daffney feud was building nicely and it would have made sense to have it settled in a cage at Lockdown. Daffeney could have said that the only way Tara was going to get her spider back was to put up the KO title in a steel cage match at Lockdown. It could have then been hyped as the KO Champ was going to be trapped in a steel cage with a crazy person with her title on the line. Have Daffney lay out Tara the show before the PPV to help generate interest and you're all set.

I don't think this will be the last opportunity for Daffeny and who knows, maybe TNA finds a way to have her still wrestle for the title at Lockdown. She's a talented worker and a unique character, so I think it's only a matter of time before she gets a run with the title.
She is one of TNA's biggest draws in temrs of ratings. I dont think she has ever lost viewers, how can she? look how FU**** HOT she is. Just make her the champ already, that would make some compelling television.

Im getting tired drawn out bullshit storylines.
I hope that if and when Daffney wins the title she gets the pin for it. No table matches, no first blood, just a pinfall. She can cheat to get it but at least it will work. We seem to be in the second coming of the Dusty Finish where almost no title changes hands in a one on one, normal match and it's getting to be a bit much. I love Daffney and TNA should certainly capitalize on her, even if only for a month long run. I'd really like it if they gave her a longer one but let's just start with winning the title.
She has time. Tenta said it best. But, it goes along with the lousy booking that TNA is giving us now. Giving it to the BP makes no sense as they wrestle more in the tag division. But, what-evs... I think the poster wanted to make a Daffney thread to see if he was the only one who though the goth-zombie-tattooed-screaming freak was SMOKING HOT. No, dude, your fine, we all agree...I tune to TNA just to watch her.
Okay maybe I didn't phrase this well

I understand that Daffney has a future and has the ability to get the title somewhere down the line. I thought that the last Impact! was the perfect time to give her that title. I'm still kinda new to TNA and everything but isn't the criticism of the Divas that they can't wrestle and are primarily there for eye candy. Well doesn't that kinda remind you of the beautiful people. I just thought that Daffney should have gotten the belt given all the circumstances: feud with Tara, Daffney being popular, and the beautiful people/ Angelina Love feud going on outside the title picture.

I just think that not only did Daffney get thrown to the back but the beautiful people are in the front sorta for no reason. That's why I think that TNA missed with Daffney here. Although Daffney's sarcastic striptease was pretty awesome.
I would like to think she'll be back in the title picture pretty soon. Hell- for all we know she'll interupt the Love Vs Sky matchup this coming Monday & just destroy Angelina. Which of course would piss Love off, just like Daffney did to Tara not too long ago.

Yes- It woulda been nice to see Daffney get the title on Monday. But to be honest- a random draw wouldnt be the way I'd wanna win my 1st title anyway.

I guess we'll all find out together
I would've liked to see Daffney win the belt from Tara because I feel she has become very stale now. Daffney beating Tara for the title would've been great because she was on a hot streak at the time. Daffney's character is very unique, and her becoming Knockouts champion would've been a great way to shake up the Women's division.

Daffney seems to be on a strong push now, and I hope it doesn't cool off. I think she'll get her shot at the title again, but we'll just have to wait.
I find it very odd that Daffney is the ONLY TNA knockout to have NEVER held a title in TNA. Every knockout has held either the knockout title or knockout tag titles, Daffney???NOTHING

Daffney has been pushed very hard recently as the top heel and she has done a PERFECT JOB, best knockout fued in a long while. The fued should've ended with her winning the title at lockdown beating Tara but I guess TNA's desperation for ratings screwed her

Angelina winning the title was just a HUGE SLAP in the face to Daffney. Angelina has not been built up AT ALL to win anything but she gets the title??? I guess it all came down to who gave Hogan a faster erection. Daffney's moment should've been in the lockbox challenge when it came down to her and Angelina but sadley, that wasn't the case. Angelina gets the title for the millionth time and Daffney just stands there looking like an idiot, I really felt sad for her. Her push ended with her embarassing herself with that striptease and to top it all off, lacey von erich comes in and totally lays her out with that toy stick. THAT RIGHT THERE made it clear daffneys push is over
It would have been better to end the lockbox with Daffney getting the title with Angelina having to do the striptease. Lacey could have still did her interruption and that would have been great for the BP vs Angelina feud. It's not like Angelina could not have still went after Daffney, but I suppose they want her to win it in the ring
Someone explain how she is hot, *shudders* she looks disguisting, sure, It is part of her look, but she is horrible, and she really isn't that good a wrestler. It is better that they have given the title to Angeelina, someone who is hot and can wrestle, so, TNA has not missed out on giving Daffney a title shot.
Well I thing in part they did miss the opportunity to finish the feud or to continue it with a Title run for Daffney but is not all lost.

While I like Angelina lot, I thing they have left the faces of the KO division go stale, all of them.

I mean, Angelina is great but ever since she returned has done pretty much nothing to separate herself form TBP, I mean, the entrance song is the difference but the entrance is practically the same TBP uses, I know she is one of the originals but still, no that she is not part of them, they should help her get into a little different direction, don't get me wrong, love the entrance since she is really hot but it could use a little change.

Sarita and Tayolr are stale because, simple put they are not on TV! which is BS if you ask me since they are the most technical from the division and they are hot as Hell.

Tara unfortunately is also stale and what gave her some leverage over the other knockouts before now has become her weakness, the damn Spider was cool at the beginning until it turned into a freaking pet with a sentimental bond with Tara.

So Daffney might not be the best in ring worker or the hottest girl there but her character is quite unique and woudl have been cool to see her win one, just to shake things up a bit.
I agree.

I think Daffney should have gotten the KO title instead of Angelina in that Lockbox reveal. That way she could continue the feud with Tara.

But after what happened last week Daffney's push might be over. I hope not but it looks that way.

Another thing IMO Angelina didn't really need another KO title reign right now but I'm willing to wait and see where it leads.
Someone explain how she is hot, *shudders* she really isn't that good a wrestler.

I think she is Hot because i like those kind of girls, but then again everyone has their own taste. you say that she isnt that good of a wrestler? :disappointed: You should check her out in the indies, especially in Shimmer.

Back on Topic; I dont think TNA missed out on a Daffney title run, but she will get her chance in the future, hopefully.
i really did hope daffney did win angelica shouldnt wont it the way she got it. i think daffney should face victora in a hardcore match or a tumb tack match for the knock out title

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