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Did the Wrong Title Change Hands?

Well, a person is not a legit champion based on how they win the belt. It doesn't matter who Punk could beat or how he could win. It would all come down to how he defends the title. As it's said, it's hard to win the title. But it's much harder to keep the title.
Look at Chris Jericho. He beat the Rock and Stone Cold in the first night to win the Undistputed title. If how you won the title made you legit, that would've made Jericho the single most credible champion of all time.
Triple H on the other hand, has been given a couple of titles by default. He didn't win a match to get those titles.Yet, due to his reigns after being awarded the title, he became one of the most credible champions of all time.

Basically, no matter how he wins the title or how many times he wins the title, a champion is legit based on his reigns, not his title wins.
I'd say yes... Everybody knows who CM Punk is. Vince can color his hair, make him cover up the tats and calm down his wrestling style all he wants... it's still CM Punk! Vince's problem is, he makes stars, but he has a hard time with someone who's already got a following. He chumped Goldberg, and Jobbed Booker T to The Rock, making him lose the title the first chance he got! Punk got the title because he's Punk, and we all know it, that was done to satisfy the Indy fans. I think it was too soon, he needs to establish that he's better than everone. They did the same thing to Orton, remember? It was too soon then as well...
4 a minute IWC STOP BEING SHEEP AND BELIEVING EVERY DAMN THING POSTED ON WZ!! Think 4 one minute on your own and ask yourself if someone was on their way out of the WWE would they really be champion this close 2 contract expiration? HeLL No! I think that WZ has ties to the real WWE because how else would they have access to so many damn behind da scenes activity, [who has backstage heat, parties, weddings, always knowing what legends show upto raw tapings..etc etc] Now before u smarks try 2 say I answered my own question..All I'm sayin is maybe the WWE is planting these little articles about Jeff Hardy not resignin just to add more speculation on Jeff. And everyone knows speculation equals interest, interest is what makes us watch WWE right? Sooo in a way the WWE is milkin us, I mean just look at how many posts this thread got in one day.

N e ways jus to answer the thread I would say no because Jeff has put his body through hell [jus watch one jeff hardy tribute on youtube] the man has worked his ass off and if, and that's a strong IF, he decides 2 leave the WWE then he should go outt on top but believe me Hardy is NOT leaving. When has WWE let any big name leave on top? Not a damn person, not the Rock, SCSA, Bret [Montreal Screwjob ppl?], Flair [got his face kicked offf], Angle, RVD [his character had long fallen frm his wwe\ecw championship glory]
My point is use common sense. If there was ever a dispute over his contract I'm sure that Jeff Hardy been resigned.
The ECW Title was his test run to see if he could carry ECW. It is not to be considered in anyway other than as a Mid Card Title because its the C show. Punk also won the IC Title after his lackluster World Title Run last summer, not to mention winning the tag titles during that same summer. Having him beat Jeff Hardy would of made him look like more of a legit Champion than losing to him. So it again lies with the WWE being extremely terrible at booking, and writing their on going storylines.
I think it is well known by now that I think very little of Jeff Hardy and even less of Randy Orton.

Orton is so dull I can't even boo him and that is before I stopped watching him all together. I stopped watching him all together and started changing the channel when he came out or wrestled after he DDT'd Stephanie and kissed her. That storyline was descusting, tasteless, and just flat immoral in my opinion. I don't care how many times Randy Orton is written in as champion or how long he holds the belt I can not respect the character he has been given after that and the fact that Vince endorses that type of storyline is quite disturbing to me.

You don't know wrestling.

You realize Orton is booked to do those things correct ? and you hate him for being told what to do that makes no sense at all.

Orton is regularly booed in EVERY venue he walks into he is the top heel in this business and deserved to retain his title.

CM Punk on the other hand was wronged he's had two title reigns now and has lost almost every match he's been it while holding the title. He's lost to John Morrison twice and was going to lose to Rey Mysterio he didn't even pin anybody as champion it's stupid and pointless. The WWE has successfully made Punk look like a less credible champion and superstar now that he's held the title twice tell me how that works ?

I'm not even a CM Punk fan I find him to dry for the gimmick he works with but i'm sick of the WWE making title reigns look pathetic and their holders even worse it's a sin for a wrestler to hold a world title now wow never thought i'd see the day.
I actually don't think that the wrong title changed hands.

Personally, I look at the Hardy Punk Feud going up to Summerslam and then a new rivalry will ensue. I think the WWE wants to see if Punk can pull his heel persona off without having a title. I do have to ask though, since Hardy did win, where does John Morrison fit into the mold? WWE was grooming him to be the next No. 1 contender? Are they gonna give a Face/Face match at Summerslam Hardy vs. Morrison? I don't think so. Not yet at least. I wanna see where the WHC situation goes since Hardy is the new champ.

Randy Orton retaining the WWE title last night only brings up the question "Who is next in line?". Any combination of Cena or HHH challenging Orton for the title is going to be extremely ridiculous and repetitive. No one is gonna care. Orton beat HHH for the title months ago, wins back the title after Batista got injured and at the NOC, pins John Cena. I think it is very safe to say that WWE needs to start testing the waters with all of the possible Main Event players that are on RAW and not have HHH and Cena circulate around Orton all year.

HMMMM...thought...maybe with Cena getting pinned last night, and HHH losing to Orton various times in their rivalry...could this be a setup to where HBK comes back and challenges Orton at Summerslam? I think this can be a great scenario to being back HBK into the spotlight. After having the best match of all the wrestlers at WrestleMania 25, put him back in the title picture. I don't think HBK should have another title run, but it would be cool to see...plus after being on a hiatus, this gives Orton a new person to feud with who is also a draw when it comes to the main event picture in HBK.

(Side note) I know the ECW title doesn't matter, but yay CHRISTIAN. haha.
If anything, the title changes were predictable. WWE Creative tries to surprise us by going the opposite way of what the fans and IWC are thinking (or at least from what i've seen) The only thing that wasn't predictable about the PPV was Jericho's partner.

Just my thoughts.
STFU u stupid haters who hate Jeff wow Jeff has been in the company since 1993 hes failed two drug tests u keep using tat as a reason to why Jeff doesnt deserve a world title WOW Randy Orton failed 2 drug tests aswell but i dont see anyone complaining Jeff only Had 2 shitty title reigns for all his work in WWE and also the people that hate on Jeff and call him overrated are the same people who just last year said he was Underrated its like when ever a face in the current era wins a world title they get hated on it happened to Cena HHH Batista and now Jeff so next time come up with better reasons then Jeff failed a drug test cause hes no the only one

That is the most brilliant thing anyone has said on any post ever!!!
Agreed.I think of CM Punk as a truthful heel like Jericho.Kids SHOULD grow up the straight edge lifestyle instead of slamming yourself into a table of flames at age 16.CM Punk is right,if there's another drunk pothead about to put himself through a flaming table,it'll be the bad parenting.
Wow there's a lot of Jeff Hardy bashing going on in this post. To be honest I don't see why most of you people are complaining about the title changing hands. If anything it was smart because about 99% of us all thought that Punk was going to win at NOC. Right? So what does Vince do, he gives the belt to Jeff and it was totally unexpected.

Now its true I'm a Jeff Hardy fan, have been since 1998 so I'm going to make this as unbiased as possible.

1) Jeff failed to drug tests... I don't see why everyone is bashing him for that, he fucked up, people make mistakes if anything we should be happy for him because he's been clean for 2 years now. I don't see hardly anybody bashing Orton for his 2 wellness policy violations. Apparently Orton was juicing a while back... I don't see people complaining about that, He supposedly harassed 2 female employees. Nobody's bashing him about that.

2) People are complaining about how shitty his title reigns are. In case you didn't know, its not up to Jeff how long he keeps the belt lol. Blame the booking for the shitty reigns he and Punk have had.

3) People were saying how Jeff deserved the belt before he first got it, now everyone is saying he doesn't deserve it... Why? This guy has long paid his dues.

4) He still hasn't decided wether or not he wants to stay or leave yet... I know this is kinda far fetched but how do we not know that this is all just to throw the internet readers off and that he has in fact signed a contract?? (I doubt that though).

Well thats my 2 cents lol
I can't see how anyone can make a plausible case for defending Jeff Hardy in this situation. Either you're incredibly ignorant or you're among the legions of the mindless 10 year olds who wear those stupid arm sleeves and start jumping up and down on your couch when you hear his theme hit.

"Oh well you see he paid his dues after he was suspended twice," - that's a load of BS because first off, he never went to rehab to find a treatment for his problem. If he was actually serious about getting help and becoming a superstar that the company could count on, he would have gone to rehab after his first suspension. He's pulling a Brett Favre and not committing on resigning with the WWE or not, and that in itself is a big "Fuck you," to the company, especially when we all know he's made up his mind, and he simply isn't telling them his decision. To pull this kind of garbage with a company that has done nothing but reward you (championship pushes upon returning from suspensions) for little effort, this is a major slap in the face. The very fact that Vince has to take the belt off someone with a future and who's a company man for life just to get Hardy to resign is pathetic.

"Oh well you see he sells merchandise and is the most over face in the company right now," - is another load of BS. He's over with the fans because the WWE tells the fans to like him. They turn around and go, "Take a look at this guy - he's a rebel and lives by his own code. He makes mistakes just like all of you fans, and he lives up to them, so worship him." And the fans do. Except the IWC, thank god, for at least we can see through their feeble attempts.

This whole situation is disgusting, and hopefully Hardy is on his way out, or if not, far, far away from any championship picture.
This is amazing. Lots of blind rage for Jeff Hardy here. I'm no fan of Jeff or CM Punk but apparently WWE is a fan of Jeff since they are unloading all of his merchandise. I agree that WWE has ruined another title reign though since CM Punk has only held the title about a month total since his last two title reigns. I knew sooner or later Jeff would get the title since all the talent is all but extinct on Smackdown. People are complaining about Jeff's two strikes but still cheer on all the guys that have had two strikes or more in the past. WWE will push any drug addict as long as they are over. Plus, saying that Jeff was the only wrestler that did pills or steroids is ridiculous because half of the wrestling world have done them or still do.
You don't know wrestling.

You realize Orton is booked to do those things correct ? and you hate him for being told what to do that makes no sense at all.

Because you don't agree with me means I don't know wrestling. Ouch, you could have hurt my feelings if I actually cared what you thought. Mind your assumptions, it makes you look worse than my defense of TNA's in ring action which I will admit that I have trouble with at times even though I personally love the alternative.

As for the fact that it is booked, DUH! That is why I said his CHARACTER, you know the things the actual people play on tv. Please read the whole post and understand it before commenting. As for the rest of your post I didn't read it because when you start by insulting someone twice it kind of makes you look like a dullard and makes the rest of your opinion mean little to that person.
I just watched the end of the Punk-Hardy match again since my stream messed up last night... My favourite part was JR's words right after Hardy got the pin:

"When everybody said it wouldn't happen, that it could not happen, Jeff Hardy has become the World Heavyweight Champion!"

Kind of like an indirect "fuck you" to the IWC.

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