Did Randy Orton and Mr. Kennedy/Anderson open the door for the Miz?


American Dragon mofos
This is my first time making a thread so please go easy on me and if I have it in the wrong section please move it.

Seeing the rise of the Miz made me think of how he got there. When Mr. Kennedy returned he almost injured Randy Orton's shoulder for a 3rd time in 6 months I think. The day after Orton threw around his weight and got Kennedy fired. At the same time, the Miz I think was on ECW. Over the last 2 years since then, Kennedy changed his in-ring name and wrestled independently across the world and the Miz was pushed as the loud mouth wrestler w/ a catchy phrase. Now Anderson finally landed in TNA in their title picture while the Miz is running around with his mitb title shot. Also another thing I want to point out is Anderson won MITB and so did Miz. Anderson got suspended from steroid use while Miz is becoming McMahon's lackey. Do you think the Miz took Anderson's role as the loud mouth main eventer on Raw? If Kennedy/Anderson was in the WWE still would Miz be in the in the spot he is in now.

Any other thoughts?

I honestly think the Miz would be stuck in the mid-card as of now if kennedy/Anderson was still in the wwe or in the SD title picture.
Something had to open up, I mean there had to be a spot for him to take.I think so, they both won money in the bank and have had a reign as United States Champion.They have seem to take the same road at times, however Miz found it harder.It would seem like it as when Kenndy got hurt he would have been Champion soon.But it would be different for sure, Kenndy would be in the title picture and Miz would be in the upper-mid card, and I don't think he would be Money in the Bank.So if Kenndy was still in the picture Miz wouldn't be at the level he is today.As in spot on the card I mean not in ring or promo skills.
I agree, Miz probably wouldn't be in the place he is today.

Also I agree that Miz and Kennedy/Anderson took very similar roads, although miz had to go through alot more crap to get where he is, Tough Enough, Hosting Smackdown, Tag Teaming, ECW, Which is what will separate the two in the end. Miz had to work alot harder to get where he is than Kennedy. So I dont see Miz doing anything stupid to screw it up (I hope not anyways).

both guys are great on the mic aswell. Ever since Miz has been saying the "I'm the MIZ, and I'M AWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOMMMEE!!" Its really reminded me of "MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. KEENNNNNNEEEEDDYYYYY............... KENNEDY!"
both are kind of loud and dragged out catch phrases, but both are really good. Love the Miz' tho lol.
I agree, Miz probably wouldn't be in the place he is today.

Also I agree that Miz and Kennedy/Anderson took very similar roads, although miz had to go through alot more crap to get where he is, Tough Enough, Hosting Smackdown, Tag Teaming, ECW, Which is what will separate the two in the end. Miz had to work alot harder to get where he is than Kennedy. So I dont see Miz doing anything stupid to screw it up (I hope not anyways).

both guys are great on the mic aswell. Ever since Miz has been saying the "I'm the MIZ, and I'M AWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOMMMEE!!" Its really reminded me of "MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. KEENNNNNNEEEEDDYYYYY............... KENNEDY!"
both are kind of loud and dragged out catch phrases, but both are really good. Love the Miz' tho lol.

I have felt the same way about The Miz as of late also, he has reminded me of Mr. Anderson/Kennedy

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