Diamond Dallas Page - Why did he fail in the WWE(F)?


Diamond Dallas Page

Yo! It's me, it's me, it's DDP! Err... uhh... So, ladies and gents, I thought of this earlier today. DDP was an great entertainer, he was good on the mic, fairly solid in the ring, and pretty entertaining, so why did he fail in the WWF?

You know, I've asked myself this many times, and it doesn't make a lot of sense. DDP was insanely over with the crowd. Remember when he revealed himself to be Undertaker's wife's stalker? The crowed cheered him, it was one of the loudest pops I had heard in a long time. He had a good feud to jump right into, too. He got placed in a feud with 'Taker, who was at the time, like DDP said, the top dog. Now, sure, he didn't fare well against 'Taker, but he did enough. He was out there, and he was damn fun to watch. After that he kind of blended into the Alliance, but was a Tag Team Champion with Kanyon (Who betta than Kanyon?), then I think this was the big thing that halted his progress... He got injured. While injured he came back with the motivational speaker gimmick and it just wasn't working, for me at least. Then it seemed as if he was getting better with the European Championship, although he should have been MUCH higher on the card, then he called it quits. Looking at that I really think that although the wrestler has input too, that creative pretty much tanked it with him. They didn't use him right, simple as that.

Although a fantastic worker, I don't think DDP fit into the WWE culture. He was a good friend of Bischoff, so politically, that was big downfall. Also, he had a reputation of calling the whole match in the back, telling other veterans what to do. I wish i could cite where I heard that, but I remember stories of him telling Taker and Benoit what to do and both of them brushing him off. I think the combination of being one of WCWs "Top Guys," being outspoken and rubbing certain people the wrong way led to his WWE demise.
The reason that he got so popular in WCW was that he kissed a lot of Bischoff ass. He wasn't that great against guys like Goldberg, and he was a key factor in bringing in Karl Malone and Jay Leno, which was humiliating for wrestling fans and the entertainment industry as a whole.
The reason that DDP didn't make it in WWE was that he was a WCW guy, he wasn't really that talented, and Vince wasn't about to be suckered in by a guy who got famous being a brown-noser.
I think the biggest failure of creative in the case of DDP is that they avoided the obvious feud for him - SCSA. The stalker feud was in just as much bad taste as Katie Vick and had absolutely nothing to do with the Invasion. A feud over SC plagiarizing the Diamond Cutter would have been far more satisfactory, and as long as he was given a strong showing he'd have taken up a prominent role both in the Alliance and in the upper mid-card. As an asides, had the Radicalz, Y2J and the Big Show 'rejoined' WCW it would have provided a sufficiently strong Alliance for this storyline to have been a success ESPECIALLY if we had DDP/SCSA & Booker T/ Rock feuds running (Big Show could have resumed his Giant persona and taken on Undi; Benoit goes after Angle; Y2J after HHH etcetra).
The reason that he got so popular in WCW was that he kissed a lot of Bischoff ass. He wasn't that great against guys like Goldberg, and he was a key factor in bringing in Karl Malone and Jay Leno, which was humiliating for wrestling fans and the entertainment industry as a whole.
The reason that DDP didn't make it in WWE was that he was a WCW guy, he wasn't really that talented, and Vince wasn't about to be suckered in by a guy who got famous being a brown-noser.

With all due respect, and I understand your reasoning, I absolutely hate this line of thought. Sure, maybe he brown-nosed himself into a spot, but he got over with the crowd on his own merits. No matter how much he kissed Bischoffs rear end to get the opportunity, HE had to get over. No matter how powerful he was, Bischoff couldn't MAKE people like DDP. He got over with a great character of a working man's wrestler who basically had a people's champ type of relationship with the crowd. He was good on the mic, and he could go in the ring. WWE basically did with him what they do with all WCW guys who came in. He was not used well by creative, and I think he just got tired of it. Benoit, Eddie, and Booker only really got their fair shake YEARS later after sticking it out, because they were midcard for most or nearly all of their WCW stints and launching them instantly into a main event spot would have seemed forced. Instead they just bided their time in WWE until they finally cracked the main event. DDP was a bona fide star before coming to WWE. He was a multiple time WCW champion ina time when that meant something. He should have easily and instantly be inserted into and remained in the main event, but he wasn't. The crowd was behind him, creative just dropped the ball.
Although a fantastic worker, I don't think DDP fit into the WWE culture. He was a good friend of Bischoff, so politically, that was big downfall. Also, he had a reputation of calling the whole match in the back, telling other veterans what to do. I wish i could cite where I heard that, but I remember stories of him telling Taker and Benoit what to do and both of them brushing him off. I think the combination of being one of WCWs "Top Guys," being outspoken and rubbing certain people the wrong way led to his WWE demise.

I think this post pretty much nails it Vince never was big on pushing established WCW stars right off the bat. It took Booker T five years to become a true main eventer in WWE, and he was WCW champion we he debuted in WWE. DDP was given a great storyline right off the bat. Then had a descent couple months, but after he was injured it went down hill. Besides his bad reputation I think his age had a lot to with WWE not having a long term plan for him.
You gotta remember,DDP was well into his 40's when he started wrestling. Do you really think Vince would give him a push? None of the WCW big money guys really ever had a shot. All the guys who made it in the WWE were mid carders in WCW. Eddie, Benoit and Jericho were never used properly in WCW and were allowed to just take over in WWE because of their talent. The Big Show has made it because he is a freak of nature (and an awesome talent) and Vince LOVES that!
I think Vince shit a brick when he heard the pop DDP got when he revealed himself. If you heard that pop, then you'll know that he had the potential to get over big time. But the character they'd given him was wrong. Booking him as a coward was wrong. The way Taker went over him in the match at SummerSlam made him look weak. There's no coming back from that really.

God forbid a bloke would come in from WCW and be over. Vince booked all of those guys like fucking mugs. That's why Sting never went there. That and the fact he could sit out his contract and get paid for nothing. You have to give credit to DDP, cos he went to WWF for half the money, when he could have sat on his arse and done nothing for a year for more cash, like everyone else did. I'm sure there's politics involved in why DDP wasn't given the chance, but I think Vince initially didn't want someone from the opposition getting over. And congratulations Vince, because in the first place none of them did.

And by the way, I don't really like DDP but for some reason a lot of people did. He was over in WCW. He might have had his tongue up Eric's arse, but Eric couldn't make the crowd take to him. He did that on his own. Personally, he wasn't for me (barring the hand thing which was cool) but shit loads of people marked for him.

And another thing, I would have had him in a feud with the Rock. People's champion vs people's champion.
Did he actually fail? I thought he suffered a neck injury that could potentially have crippled him, causing WWE to recommend he not wrestle again (and certainly not for them). Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly.

After all, he had two interesting gimmicks set up for him: The Undertaker stalker program......followed by his "Up With People" schtick.

I believed the company was looking to keep him around but was trying to do him a favor by saving him from further injury.

And that's not a bad thing; that's a good thing!
The reason that he got so popular in WCW was that he kissed a lot of Bischoff ass. He wasn't that great against guys like Goldberg, and he was a key factor in bringing in Karl Malone and Jay Leno, which was humiliating for wrestling fans and the entertainment industry as a whole.
The reason that DDP didn't make it in WWE was that he was a WCW guy, he wasn't really that talented, and Vince wasn't about to be suckered in by a guy who got famous being a brown-noser.

lmao your comments are so stupid its unreal!
"Vince wasn't about to be suckered in by a guy who got famous being a brown-noser." Most of vinces top guys brown nose vince all day long!
Cena did it to get the belt and just last month reports of the miz taking the Cena route kissn vinces ass and doing anything he wanted just to be wwes top guy. So that comments viod.
"He wasnt great against guys like goldberg" did you even see the match between Goldberg and DDP? it was 10/20 times better then any match in WWE today. And your saying Karl Malone and Jay Leno was was humiliating? i agree it was but so was the celeb gm every week for that last year so some shit. The fact is DDP was exciting to watch he was amazing on the mic he was brillant in the ring and there was so many ways to hit the diamond cutter it was unreal. If you watch any one of his matches he was over with the crowd he was a badass and even had the cool pyro entrance.
But like somebody said up above he also had a ego. Then factor in Vince hating all things WCW and you have your answer, Most likely as soon as DDP got out of line Vinces ego cut him loose. Hell it even took Booker T 6 years to win a WWE World Title and he was a top WCW guy aswell.
Ow yeah and DDP was the original peoples champ! so to say he sucked is just stupid because the Rock took the peoples champ gimmick when DDP turned heel and Randy Ortan uses a version of the diamond cutter.
Okay, I really got to dispute the Sara stalker angle as good! Asides from being in incredibly bad taste, it made no sense - DDP was brought in and given the Undertaker because he was one of WCW's biggest names, while the internet community wasn't that big at the time - anybody who knew anything about DDP knew he was married to Kimberley Page.
Why would he want Mrs Calloway...
and why'd his wife not turn up to object?
DDPs main problem was that he worked the WCW style too much, not only that his body wasn't holding up too well. I remember a story from a shoot interview of X-Pac where he said DDP wouldnt sell Taker's punches correctly cause Paige had a bad back.

On the other hand DDP put on a pretty good match with Christian for the Euro title, even with the crap gimmick(he even hated it)

Now I need to adress the stupidity of another poster...

"Vince wasn't about to be suckered in by a guy who got famous being a brown-noser." Most of vinces top guys brown nose vince all day long!
Cena did it to get the belt and just last month reports of the miz taking the Cena route kissn vinces ass and doing anything he wanted just to be wwes top guy.

While I do agree that Paige wasn't a brown noser(Bischoff and DDP actually had a friendship, Brown nosing it wasnt, alittle shady but not brown nosing)
And how has Cena or the Miz been a brown noser? Do they cook Vince breakfast in bed and walk his dogs.
If you can give me any proof of ACTUAL brown nosing, I will stand corrected, but pelase leave the conspiricies at the door kid.

did you even see the match between Goldberg and DDP? it was 10/20 times better then any match in WWE today.

It may have been one of Goldberg's bests matches, but it wasnt anything special.

The fact is DDP was exciting to watch he was amazing on the mic he was brillant in the ring and there was so many ways to hit the diamond cutter it was unreal. If you watch any one of his matches he was over with the crowd he was a badass and even had the cool pyro entrance.

Brilliant in the ring? Paige wouldn't even agree with that. On the mic he was good because he was himself, he did have a lot of intangibles that made him a star. He worked his ass of day in and day out and it payed off

Ow yeah and DDP was the original peoples champ! so to say he sucked is just stupid because the Rock
took the peoples champ gimmick when DDP turned heel and Randy Ortan uses a version of the diamond cutter.

The Rock started using the Peoples Champ gimmick when he was a heel in 97, Paige was using it around the same time as a face. Get your facts straight.

And funny story, in DDP's shoot interview for RF Video he said he actually got a call from Randy asking if he could use the Diamond Cutter(DDP actually called Johnny Ace and asked if he could back when he started out.) DDP gave Orton his blessing and said the RKO is actually better than the Diamond Cutter.
I think the main reason he was not a huge success in WWE was because he couldn't be who he was in the WCW. His character in WCW to me was like a combo of The Rock and Austin, and since now he was in the same company as both those guys he really couldn't do that anymore. Age and injury probably had a lot to do with it as well, plus the fact that there were so many people in the WWE at the time there were bound to be guys that were just going to not be used and over looked even with the brand extension.
WWE had DDP under contract for a year and buried his name the whole time. Watch DDP's debut and listen to the pop he got. The promo he did sold the angle extremely well, despite the fact it was dumb to begin with. What truly buried him however was the subsequent booking.

Truth of the matter is they could have put Sean O'Haire or Mike Awesome in that stalker spot and it would have worked just as well. Instead, they wasted DDP, the most over babyface from WCW they had, on the angle and made him the only true heel of the then face WCW faction.

Then, they put a face Booker T (who sneak attacked Austin the last month or so) and heel Buff Bagwell (A guy who didn't debut yet and was last known as a lackey heel) in the ring infront of an OHIO crowd (WWE terroritory) and they got booed out of the building when they simply could have waited a week when RAW was going to be in ATLANTA (WCW's Home base) where they ended up turning them heel because of the shit reaction they got the week before. It's like a 5-year old with ADHD was booking the company.

Despite waiting 3 months after the sale to start the storyline, it was booked with absolutely no strategy, no plan and no logic. I will never forgive the WWE for flushing away that much money and killing the business because Vince and his boys didn't want to put over the company THEY now owned.

Now, WWE fanboys like to say "WCW guys couldn't wrestle" "WCW was a dead brand" "TNA should die so WWE can buy it and put it out of it's misery" and I wanna flip. WWE educated it's fanbase that WCW was second rate for years and basically re-wrote history to cement it that way.
This whole thread really doesn't make any sense because DDP didn't fail in the WWE. He started off as one of the main players in the Invasion, competing in the Inaugural Brawl and having his feud with the Undertaker which resulted in him and Kanyon winning the tag titles for a short period. After that he suffered an injury which really took him out of the main Alliance storylines because he came back at the tail end of their run.

Once the Alliance thing was over the WWE looked at the talent they had and with DDP they saw a guy who was 45 years old and on the down side of his career. He was given the "Positively Page" gimmick when he came back from injury and it worked. He ended up getting a run with the European title and even defended it successfully at Wrestlemania 18. After losing the title he decided to retire because he was 46, had nagging injuries, and the WWE wanted him to do commentary as his initial contract was running out.

Again, DDP didn't fail in the WWE. For a guy who was 45 years old and in the last couple full time years of his career I think he was pretty damn successful. You can't look at him in the WWE the same way you did in WCW because it was two different companies and two different time periods.
I think that DDP failed in WWE because while in WCW he was the common man. He was a working man that people could relate to. He went to WWE and all of the big time characters were larger than life. Look at Stone Cold, HHH, Kane, Taker, etc. They are all super heroes of sorts and DDP was just himself.

Granted, people like Stone Cold and HHH are themselves, but they are an amped up version of themselves and DDP was just himself.
The reason wwe MADE him fail was simply because he was so over in wcw. The steel cage match with taker was one of the most squash squash matches in history.

This is a general policy of wwe for all "over wrestlers" in WCW or in TNA. What happened to Low-Ki and Christian? What happened to Goldberg, Booker T, nwo? wwe fanboys can try to create reason for every single wrestler saying blah blah blah, but get over it, when wwe gets a wcw champ they bury him to (upper) midcard. They become the jobbers for wwe champions. DDP was no different
To say WWE did nothing but bury WCW and their former superstars/wrestlers is playing extremely bias. Let's look at a few names and think that over.

Rey Mysterio- WCW became cruiserweight champion. In WWE became World Champion.
Chris Benoit- WCW United States Champion/ WWE World Heavyweight Champion
Eddie Guerrero- WCW Cruiserweight Champion/ WWE Champion
Goldberg- WCW Champion/ WWE World Champion
Booker T- WCW Champion/ WWE World Champion and King of The Ring
Chris Jericho- WCW Cruiserweight Champion/ WWE World Champion

I dont know if you watched any WWE produced WCW material. But they showed how great WCW was. but also showed how terrible it became. As for DDP. He wasn't healthy in WWE to really get anywhere for very long. If he had more time he could have become as great an any of the others did. He was good in WCW but as stated in another post. He was over the hill when he came to WWE and had been injured numerous times. Why judge what a "failure" he was in WWE? Why not look at his successes in both companies. You dont have to be a world champion to be a success.
lmao your comments are so stupid its unreal!
"Vince wasn't about to be suckered in by a guy who got famous being a brown-noser." Most of vinces top guys brown nose vince all day long!
Cena did it to get the belt and just last month reports of the miz taking the Cena route kissn vinces ass and doing anything he wanted just to be wwes top guy. So that comments viod.
"He wasnt great against guys like goldberg" did you even see the match between Goldberg and DDP? it was 10/20 times better then any match in WWE today. And your saying Karl Malone and Jay Leno was was humiliating? i agree it was but so was the celeb gm every week for that last year so some shit. The fact is DDP was exciting to watch he was amazing on the mic he was brillant in the ring and there was so many ways to hit the diamond cutter it was unreal. If you watch any one of his matches he was over with the crowd he was a badass and even had the cool pyro entrance.
But like somebody said up above he also had a ego. Then factor in Vince hating all things WCW and you have your answer, Most likely as soon as DDP got out of line Vinces ego cut him loose. Hell it even took Booker T 6 years to win a WWE World Title and he was a top WCW guy aswell.
Ow yeah and DDP was the original peoples champ! so to say he sucked is just stupid because the Rock took the peoples champ gimmick when DDP turned heel and Randy Ortan uses a version of the diamond cutter.

Really? REALLY? The difference between the celebrity hosts and Jay Leno is that the celebrity guests NEVER PUT HOGAN IN A 10 MIN. HAMMERLOCK! You must either: a) not actually watched wrestling when DDP was big or; B) have been a HUGE WCW mark. DDP wasn't THAT bad of a wrestler and I agree with someone else's point that his relationship with Eric only could have taken him so far, but that's the reason he ever got pushed the way he did. DDP wasn't "brilliant" in the ring by any stretch of the imagination, he wasn't "amazing" on the mic, and even though the Diamond Cutter is the same move as the RKO, DDP couldn't out-wrestle Randy Orton and that takes effort. I'm not saying DDP was horrible or even bad, but he was very overrated, he contributed to the epic fall of WCW, and reality hit him when he went to the WWE.
To say WWE did nothing but bury WCW and their former superstars/wrestlers is playing extremely bias. Let's look at a few names and think that over.

Rey Mysterio- WCW became cruiserweight champion. In WWE became World Champion.
Chris Benoit- WCW United States Champion/ WWE World Heavyweight Champion
Eddie Guerrero- WCW Cruiserweight Champion/ WWE Champion
Goldberg- WCW Champion/ WWE World Champion
Booker T- WCW Champion/ WWE World Champion and King of The Ring
Chris Jericho- WCW Cruiserweight Champion/ WWE World Champion

I dont know if you watched any WWE produced WCW material. But they showed how great WCW was. but also showed how terrible it became. As for DDP. He wasn't healthy in WWE to really get anywhere for very long. If he had more time he could have become as great an any of the others did. He was good in WCW but as stated in another post. He was over the hill when he came to WWE and had been injured numerous times. Why judge what a "failure" he was in WWE? Why not look at his successes in both companies. You dont have to be a world champion to be a success.

4 of the 6 you mentioned were not the top guys in WCW, not the world title holders. They were cruiserweight champions, they were important but not main even material. On one of those WWE produced WCW material Jericho was fuming to WCW for not giving him a real chance to feud against big dogs.

Nobody can say they utilized Goldberg in WWE. Yes they gave him the title by winning against the Rock, but what else for the whole year? What i can remember is Evolution always some way beating the hell out of him, and a Lesnar feud that completely failed. I mean let's be honest here, think of his WCW days, do you think it looked like the same Goldberg in WWE?

As for Booker T, he never seem to be over, some good matches here and there but he never looked like the top guy in the company with WWE.

Now same goes for DDP. Since we are talking about health, age etc i will give an example: If Taker were to go to WCW or whereever, would putting him in a feud with the US Champion (or equivalent) be justified? Since he is old, health is a big concern, then put him on a feud for a midcard belt. Oh and i almost forgot give him the tag team title for a while as well, before getting squashed in a steel cage match. And tell us that it was a success story!

Im not comparing DDP with Taker, but him getting older, and having injuries won't justify using him on midcard. We will have a Kane vs Edge for the title today and just check their ages and health!
Why did eddie Chris jericho and Booker T got over than the awesome DDP? Well it's simple lemme "Break it down!!!" for ya( gotta love the DX theme song :-D. Chris Jericho was just over. I mean look at him now. He is great at everything. He is our generation rowdy rowdy piper. He doesn't need a title to have great matches and draw. He was a great face, then his cocky "first ever undisputed champion" gimmick as a heel rocked, and now his "I am just better than you" gimmick is even better. Vice wasn't gonna make the same mistake as WCW and keep a gem like that down at the cruiserweight division (ahem dumbass bischoff and hogan heads too far up your asses still much?) hahaha. Now now beloved Eddie. His rise to the top was a journey. He paid ALL his dues, worked different angles, floated around the mid-card level for years. After Rey mysterio got into the WWE, the WWE wanted to reach out to the Latin community as well. And he was getting really over with his "I'm high off life and wrestling now!" thing( even though he was still on that d-block :-/). So, they made him champion and put him in a feud with JBL. Perfect story line where the Texas man is trying to oppress the hard working Mexican that is coming from the other side of the border. Good feud and story and it reached out to the people. Finally, Booker T. In WWE, we had the Rock as the first African American champion I think. And Booker T was kinda the same story if you think about it like that. No I'm not being racist lol I'm just stating the facts they both had almost the same time of infleunce in their respect company by their diversity. They were alike so why not put a feud with 2 similar characteristics together in a feud. I mean why did we wanna watch Austin vs Goldberg? Even though they had 2 completely differed styles, they were alike in a way. You can say by how they look, styles, and/or ethic group but they were alike. So Booker T was over ever since he got into a feud with the Rock. Plus, he was the last actual WCW champ so he had that goin for him.

Now DDP, he just was extra baggage in my point of view. I mean we had so many wrestler on the roster when he came along. The whole stalking angle was quite good in my opinion but in the cage match, undertaker and Kane freaking destroyed the guy. There is a let down right there. Then he comes back with a comedy jobber gimmick. First night he gets pummeled by Kane with a smile on his face. Not looking so hot. And his title hunt was whatever cus letz face it, we had so many big wCW guys comin in to the E, that we really didn't have time to pay attention to the European title.. Why do u think they got rid of it? Well that's just my 2 cents but DDP still da man!!!
Why did eddie Chris jericho and Booker T got over than the awesome DDP? Well it's simple lemme "Break it down!!!" for ya( gotta love the DX theme song :-D. Chris Jericho was just over. I mean look at him now. He is great at everything. He is our generation rowdy rowdy piper. He doesn't need a title to have great matches and draw. He was a great face, then his cocky "first ever undisputed champion" gimmick as a heel rocked, and now his "I am just better than you" gimmick is even better. Vice wasn't gonna make the same mistake as WCW and keep a gem like that down at the cruiserweight division (ahem dumbass bischoff and hogan heads too far up your asses still much?) hahaha. Now now beloved Eddie. His rise to the top was a journey. He paid ALL his dues, worked different angles, floated around the mid-card level for years. After Rey mysterio got into the WWE, the WWE wanted to reach out to the Latin community as well. And he was getting really over with his "I'm high off life and wrestling now!" thing( even though he was still on that d-block :-/). So, they made him champion and put him in a feud with JBL. Perfect story line where the Texas man is trying to oppress the hard working Mexican that is coming from the other side of the border. Good feud and story and it reached out to the people. Finally, Booker T. In WWE, we had the Rock as the first African American champion I think. And Booker T was kinda the same story if you think about it like that. No I'm not being racist lol I'm just stating the facts they both had almost the same time of infleunce in their respect company by their diversity. They were alike so why not put a feud with 2 similar characteristics together in a feud. I mean why did we wanna watch Austin vs Goldberg? Even though they had 2 completely differed styles, they were alike in a way. You can say by how they look, styles, and/or ethic group but they were alike. So Booker T was over ever since he got into a feud with the Rock. Plus, he was the last actual WCW champ so he had that goin for him.

Now DDP, he just was extra baggage in my point of view. I mean we had so many wrestler on the roster when he came along. The whole stalking angle was quite good in my opinion but in the cage match, undertaker and Kane freaking destroyed the guy. There is a let down right there. Then he comes back with a comedy jobber gimmick. First night he gets pummeled by Kane with a smile on his face. Not looking so hot. And his title hunt was whatever cus letz face it, we had so many big wCW guys comin in to the E, that we really didn't have time to pay attention to the European title.. Why do u think they got rid of it? Well that's just my 2 cents but DDP still da man!!!

Can we get anymore idiotic than this?

For starters, the Rock is NOT African American!!! What is wrong with you? The Rock is Somoan. How on earth could anyone look at the Rock and think "African American"? And NO!!! there really aren't any similarities between Booker T and the Rock. Just light up another one and keep living the dream bro...

DDP was buried in the WWE because he was not an original Vince McMahon creation. With the younger wrestlers who never really made their mark in WCW, Vince was able to "create" them into what he wanted (Benoit, Eddie, Mysterio, Jericho, e.g.). Any "established" stars from WCW like DDP, & Goldberg were not given the same kind of opportunities because Vince could then not take the credit for "making" them stars. It really is as simple as that.
Can we get anymore idiotic than this?

For starters, the Rock is NOT African American!!! What is wrong with you? The Rock is Somoan. How on earth could anyone look at the Rock and think "African American"? And NO!!! there really aren't any similarities between Booker T and the Rock. Just light up another one and keep living the dream bro...

DDP was buried in the WWE because he was not an original Vince McMahon creation. With the younger wrestlers who never really made their mark in WCW, Vince was able to "create" them into what he wanted (Benoit, Eddie, Mysterio, Jericho, e.g.). Any "established" stars from WCW like DDP, & Goldberg were not given the same kind of opportunities because Vince could then not take the credit for "making" them stars. It really is as simple as that.

The Rock sir is half black and half samoan. He is not african AMERICAN per se. He is African Canadian if we are to be PC. Also to the fellow who said that Goldberg beat the Rock for the World Title is wrong. He actually beat hHh for it.
Can we get anymore idiotic than this?

For starters, the Rock is NOT African American!!! What is wrong with you? The Rock is Somoan. How on earth could anyone look at the Rock and think "African American"? And NO!!! there really aren't any similarities between Booker T and the Rock. Just light up another one and keep living the dream bro...

DDP was buried in the WWE because he was not an original Vince McMahon creation. With the younger wrestlers who never really made their mark in WCW, Vince was able to "create" them into what he wanted (Benoit, Eddie, Mysterio, Jericho, e.g.). Any "established" stars from WCW like DDP, & Goldberg were not given the same kind of opportunities because Vince could then not take the credit for "making" them stars. It really is as simple as that.

Ummm I'm an idiot cus I got someone race wrong...? Ok I'll bite. If u look at the at the record books The rock IS the first "not white" champion u goddamn hill Billy. The rock and Booker T ain't similar? The most electrifying move in sports entertainment: the spinarooy vs the people elbow (what the alliance was comparing to the WWE) ummm the Book End? The whole feud Booker T kept saying whatever the rock did he did the same plus more? I mean the creative team even tried to show stupid pencil dicks like u that they have similar characteristics but from
different companies and now that WCW became a part of the WWE, they had a World title match to see who's the better man. I'm sorry Rock for getting ur ethicitu wrong but this monkey turd doesn't see your accomplishment of being the first ever non-white to be a World champion.'what in the BLUE hell are u thinking!?! Get ur facts straight before I turn this post sideways and stick it up your candy ass!
Look, by the time DDP came to the WWE, he was already pushing daisies. He didn't even start wrestling until he was 35 years old (which is around when quite a few wrestlers retire) and he didn't get the WCW World title until he was over 40 (when most are retired).

He took a lot of bumps that late in life and by the time he got to the WWE, he was too old and beat up for WWE's management to do anything with him. You think they're going to put the World Title on him with any sort of long plans? The man was having problems walking let alone putting on good wrestling matches then. They knew damn well he was way too much of a risk to invest in him. That being said he still got his fair share, feuding with Taker. Yeah Sara is butt-ugly and the stalker gimmick was stupid, but he still got to feud with the phenom.

As a wrestler, I never thought he was anything special in the ring. I mean, the WWE's pushed a lot worse than him (Orton, Cena, Hogan, ETC). And he was way over with the fans. The WWE probably would've given him a world title run if he was 10 years younger and in better health.

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