Diamond Cutter vs RKO

Zangief the Red Cyclone

Quit blocking my hits with ur face!
DDP was the master of the Diamond cutter. He could hit from a variety of ways. Hes hit it from vertical suplexes, firemans carry, front face locks, the top turn buckle, reversed the jackhammer into it and etc. Every time you see it, it comes out of nowhere and you cant but help but throw up the diamond and yell "BANG".

Randy Orton uses the same move but with different aspects. He hits usually by catching the opponent. Hes caught an airborne, a sling shot move, off Cena throwing someone in the air, and also used DDP's other counters into it.

My question is which one do you prefer? DDP used it for a longer stretch and Randy Orton is currently doing new innovative things by catching in a variety of ways, but is DDP still the king of the front faced ddt?

My apologies if this thread has already been posted.
In order to decide a victor we must first compare the 2 equally:

I sadly never got to see DDP during his prime but thanks to the magic of youtube I was able to bone up on my knowledge of his innovative use of the cutter. The Diamond Cutter and the RKO are both great for different reasons, while DDP was more innovative with the different variations of diamond cutters and counters into it that he would use on his opponents the RKO simply looks more impressive and as if it would hurt more seeing as Orton does his high vertical leap before hitting it. Sure Orton has been fairly innovative with his counters such as countering the SSP, various other jumping moves, and the AA but they seem to be few and far between these days and even then they don't quite have the same effect that the Diamond Cutter did because you grew accustomed to seeing him pull something even better off every time. Its a very close call between the two but for shear finisher effect I'd have to say that Orton has the edge on DDP simply because every time I saw DDP hit the cutter it just didn't have a very "end of the match" feel or impact that the RKO seems to bring.
Where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?

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