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Devon Is The *NEW* TNA Television Champion


While I doubt that very few really care, TNA had an impromptu TV title match last night on their Victory Road ppv. Robbie E was challenged by Devon, Devon won the match about 3 minutes later and emerged the new TNA Television Champion.

The TNA Television Champioinship doesn't mean much of anything. Quite frankly, it's never really meant much of anything. I look at things from a realistic point of view, but I always have a little optimistic hope flare up whenever someone begins a reign with a title that has so little relevance. It's a hope of seeing the title turned around and someone actually benefitting from being the champion. Do I think anything of any real relevance will come from this? Not really, but here's hoping.
While I think you're right about the TV title meaning nothing as of late, I find it strange that Devon is the one to win a singles title before Bully Ray. Now most cats think Devon flat out sucks in comparison, but this could be a good thing. Maybe the TV title will be defended a little more with a face as the champ. Never was a fan of Robbie E., mainly for the gimmick. I don't see Devon holding the title for too long though; maybe Austin Aries could challenge him at some point, although he might not be dropping the X title right now. I'm cool with Devon as champ, but let's see what he does with it.
It is a useless belt, much like the KO Tag titles. Television title was originally created back in the day to be defended on the weekly broadcast as the main titles were mainly utilized to PPV defenses. The ECW, nor WCW title were given a lot of attention. It gets the defenses but there's not enough attention surrounding it considering it is TNA's second main title.
The TV title is just ... yeah. I honestly don't see how the product will suffer if this belt was rendered obsolete.

However, what surprised me more than Devon winning was how over he was. I heard loud Devon chants during their tapings in England and he also got the crowd to go crazy tonight. I get that he's a genuine good guy and all, can't say I dislike him but ... really? They like him THAT much? I don't get it. Why not have Bully come down and beat the shit out of Robbie E. I know they're both heels but Bully's an asshole, he don't care. Pope is also an option I suppose.

Either way, if this brings some credence to the TV title that's fine with me. Lord knows I'll be fast forwarding my ass off during his matches. I'm just glad it wasn't Garrett Bischoff. When Robbie said that his opponent won't be a wrestler I lost feeling in my legs. Then I remembered TNA considers Bischoff to be a wrestler and lost feelings in my legs again.
Zevon touched on it. I think it's an "In" for Pope to come back. Since they were feuding....that makes sense. Talent "in TNA" is not on-screen without a storyline. Now Pope can come in and win the title, and make himself (and the title) of relevance.
honestly, i dont hate or love the move. i am in the middle here, i'm happy because no longer is Robbie E. a champion, but i dont think Devon is a great Television champion either. my hope is that he holds it and it sets up Bully Ray vs. Devon or something to let Ray finally get his title and let him build that belt up, but my thinking is that he holds it for a while and eventually loses it to a low midcard guy, but i would like to see that belt built up so hope Devon can do that.
While I think you're right about the TV title meaning nothing as of late, I find it strange that Devon is the one to win a singles title before Bully Ray. Now most cats think Devon flat out sucks in comparison, but this could be a good thing. Maybe the TV title will be defended a little more with a face as the champ. Never was a fan of Robbie E., mainly for the gimmick. I don't see Devon holding the title for too long though; maybe Austin Aries could challenge him at some point, although he might not be dropping the X title right now. I'm cool with Devon as champ, but let's see what he does with it.

I think both Devon and Bully Ray suck. Bully Ray is so overrated. I can't stand his character and hope he just fades away soon. Might give me a reason to start watching TNA again....probably not.
This frustrates me. First of all.... Why did they put the TELEVISION Championship up for grabs in a match that wasn't on a free televised edition of Impact? AGAIN!? This isn't the first time TNA has made this incredibly stupid mistake. Once or twice, I can simply roll my eyes at and move on from, we all make mistakes. However, they have now put the Television Championship on the line at multiple PPV events. That's something you just don't do. It makes the belt look like pointless midcard title, and guess what, that's exactly how many fans think about it. I don't get this federation. I seriously don't. The whole point of the Television Championship should be to provide strong title defenses FOR FREE on televised shows, to help put the champion over. Putting that belt up for grabs on PPV is bad enough, but DEVON!? Really, TNA? REALLY!?


Devon is not someone who should be winning any championships. He's nothing without Bully Ray and has been boring ever since Team 3D split up. Granted this is better than him winning, say, the X Division Championship. Plus, on a brighter note it meant that Robbie got dethroned. Anyone could have defeated Robbie though. Why push someone like Devon when they could have put the belt on a younger guy who actually has potential instead? I agree with those who think it is meant to further the Pope/Devon feud. If that is the case then I hope Pope defeats Devon VERY soon, as he would actually make sense as Television Champion. He could get more over on defending the belt, and TNA should never EVER put this belt up for grabs on a PPV again. Impact only.
It's just another example of the convoluted way of TNA thinking. Just like others have stated, the Television title has as much relevance as the KO tag titles. It's just another prop that's supposed to make it's holder look important. The only problem is that the title has no importance to begin with so it's nothing but a leather strap that holds it's bearer's pants up.

I can care less about the title change. Devon is junk, in my eyes. He never had the "it" factor as a singles star like Bully Ray clearly has. Giving him a title does nothing more than anchor the prestige of the belt instead of elevating it.
So what really, The title hasn'T been important since Eric Young won the belt from Gunner. So all it did was have Devon show something to do in TNA and send the Robbie's back to OVW while they're waiting for something else to do in TNA. So now that Devon is the champ, i'm guessing we will see The Pope come back to continue their never ending feud. Either that or Devon will feud with his childrens over the title.
I know Shannon Moore isn't the most popular guy on here, but he would have made a better choice for TV champion, for one thing he can be somewhat interesting in a match. Why blow him off for a guy like Devon who doesn't really have anything going for him. If he had done a Bully Ray I wouldn't have minded but he's the same old Devon.

There are so many other better options than Devon. Pope, Daniels, Crimson, Matt Morgan and Alex Shelley would all be better candidates for the TV title.

Heck Robbie E's thing of having an open match and challenging people was somewhat interesting and making people give a tiny shit about the belt. They're gonna have to do something really interesting with Devon to make people give a shit as they're already on an upward slope.
This frustrates me. First of all.... Why did they put the TELEVISION Championship up for grabs in a match that wasn't on a free televised edition of Impact? AGAIN!? This isn't the first time TNA has made this incredibly stupid mistake. Once or twice, I can simply roll my eyes at and move on from, we all make mistakes. However, they have now put the Television Championship on the line at multiple PPV events. That's something you just don't do. It makes the belt look like pointless midcard title, and guess what, that's exactly how many fans think about it. I don't get this federation. I seriously don't. The whole point of the Television Championship should be to provide strong title defenses FOR FREE on televised shows, to help put the champion over. Putting that belt up for grabs on PPV is bad enough, but DEVON!? Really, TNA? REALLY!?p

I have to ask you one question before I call you a hypocrite.

Did you make this much of a fuss when WCW used to do it?

I don't see how a big bitchfest can be made over this. On one hand, we want title defenses on PPV's to make belts credible. Then, we don't want that because the name of the title doesn't dictate it. He has defended it on TV too, albeit against guys like Young and the aforementioned Devon.

Devon is not someone who should be winning any championships. He's nothing without Bully Ray and has been boring ever since Team 3D split up. Granted this is better than him winning, say, the X Division Championship. Plus, on a brighter note it meant that Robbie got dethroned. Anyone could have defeated Robbie though. Why push someone like Devon when they could have put the belt on a younger guy who actually has potential instead? I agree with those who think it is meant to further the Pope/Devon feud. If that is the case then I hope Pope defeats Devon VERY soon, as he would actually make sense as Television Champion. He could get more over on defending the belt, and TNA should never EVER put this belt up for grabs on a PPV again. Impact only.

Where are these young guys? Pope, Pope, Pope. He's the only one I got unless you want Garrett Bischoff or Gunner to be champion.

The belt hasn't meant shit so Devon winning isn't going to hurt it although it would have been much better if either him or Pope had the belt during their feud.
Look, I want the Television Championship to have more meaning too, but ultimately it's not the step-up to the World Title picture like the Intercontinental Championship used to be in WWE (I have no idea if it is anymore), no matter how badly the fans perceive it to be. Yes, AJ Styles held it for a short time, and yes that gave us all hope it could be put to better use, but ultimately it's likely to stay exactly where it is — featured around the waists of and sought after by lower to mid-mid-card guys who add depth to the program. In that respect, I have no issue with Devon winning it, same as I had no issue with Robbie E holding it. These are guys who can have mildly entertaining mid-card feuds/bouts to add complimentary wrestling depth to PPV events.

Yeah, having RVD take it from him would probably have been better for TNA and Vam Dam, but ultimately it's just a mid-card bout and a mid-card strap, so I fail to see the cause for aggravation.
I can care less about the title change. Devon is junk, in my eyes. He never had the "it" factor as a singles star like Bully Ray clearly has. Giving him a title does nothing more than anchor the prestige of the belt instead of elevating it.

Bully Ray has taken his character and ran with it, no doubt about that. From what I've read its kind of an amplified version of how he is in real life. However I take that notion with a grain of salt. But I digress. Like I previously stated a lot of fans plain don't like Devon, especially in comparison to Ray. But if you think about it, go back to when Devon debuted in ECW when the Dudleys were a comedic stable with Bubba/Bully stuttering. Once Bubba turned heel and teamed with one another, they brought out the best in each other. In essence, Devon helped get Bubba over as a bad ass heel. Go back and listen to their promos in old ECW. They usually damn near had the whole building trying to lynch them. Bully has to keep his promos tame these days, yet he can still draw heat, just not as much as 15 years ago. In Devon's case, he's toned down considerably as well, possibly due to setting an example for his sons as they got older. In my view, he's still decent in the ring, though not in the same caliber as let's say Roode and Storm. Both Devon and Bully are on the same level as in-ring ability goes. But Bully is far more superior on the mic than Devon today.
I see it as the way they change the titles between heels.

Devon doesn't need the title but he won't have the belt for more than am onth, I guess. I fully expect Bully Ray to capture the title at Lockdown as he should for the great year he had until now.

WWE and TNA usually do this kind of thing just to change the belt between heel, face and heel again. Nothing new, I don't mind it. Devon deserves a belt for the work he did with TNA Wrestling all over the years and he will lose in a month so I don't see the point of rushing and criticize TNA for doing it...
This frustrates me. First of all.... Why did they put the TELEVISION Championship up for grabs in a match that wasn't on a free televised edition of Impact? AGAIN!? This isn't the first time TNA has made this incredibly stupid mistake. Once or twice, I can simply roll my eyes at and move on from, we all make mistakes. However, they have now put the Television Championship on the line at multiple PPV events. That's something you just don't do. It makes the belt look like pointless midcard title, and guess what, that's exactly how many fans think about it. I don't get this federation. I seriously don't. The whole point of the Television Championship should be to provide strong title defenses FOR FREE on televised shows, to help put the champion over. Putting that belt up for grabs on PPV is bad enough, but DEVON!? Really, TNA? REALLY!?

This is nothing new. The WCW and ECW Television Championships changed hands many times at PPV's and live events.

I don't see how defending the belt on a PPV makes the championship look weak.
Honestly, Devon winning the belt is still a step up from that no-talent hack Robbie E. holding the title. Since Robbie's held the title, I doubt the TV title has been both less relevant and even more boring. I too was upset on the onset that Devon of all people won a title but when I really considered just how poorly the title has been used on Robbie I changed my mind. At the end of the day, while this may no be an ideal solution, it is still better than no solution at all.
I honestly think that this is just a way to give Pope another push. He has some sort of a history with Devon and maybe a feud with Devon for the title may reinvigorate his failing career.

The TV title is kind of meaningless and Devon isn't much of a step upwards from Robbie E. So raising the prestige of the TV title with this move cannot be the reason. Pope is, however, a guy who had the fans behind him for a while but has faded away since. So that can be the only reason.
Does anyone else find it hysterical that Devon won a singles title before Bubba Ray? Given all the praise for the latter, I think it's pretty funny.

Anyway, there's one solution here and one solution only.........have Crimson be the one to beat Devon. He's undefeated and that title can get in the middle of Morgan/Crimson. Fuck Pope as he sucks big giant Donkey ass and that feud sucked just as much. There might actually be something in Morgan/Crimson so give it a little fuel as Crimson could rub the title in Morgan's face. The title on Crimson who might be less than shit as a heel is 500 times better than Devon as champ as 50,000 times better than Robbie E. as champ.
HATE this move by TNA giving the tv title to devon! :banghead: the only good thing about it is now we could see guys like bully ray,austin aries and crimson who are probably the best heels in the midcard right now taking the belt off devon in the near future espically crimson hes getting stale just having the streak and beating people but hey lets see what devon does as tv champ hopefully it gets defend more often
Did you make this much of a fuss when WCW used to do it?

Every single time. It's just another case of TNA refusing to learn from WCW's mistakes. WCW's Television Championship at least had some prestige to it and the majority of its title changes came at live events and free TELEVISED shows such as Nitro. With TNA over half of the changes have come from PPV events, whereas more than 3/4 of the WCW title changes were not at PPV events. If you're going to put the belt on the line at a PPV event, don't call it the Television Championship. That's what simple logic would dictate.

I don't see how a big bitchfest can be made over this. On one hand, we want title defenses on PPV's to make belts credible. Then, we don't want that because the name of the title doesn't dictate it. He has defended it on TV too, albeit against guys like Young and the aforementioned Devon.

The Television Championship is different. It needs to be defended and won on TELEVISION. You then earn the right to fight for the two more prestigious belts, the X Division and TNA World Championship, on PPV matches. Impact needs to have this belt up for grabs often, that will raise its importance and help elevate the title holder.

Where are these young guys? Pope, Pope, Pope. He's the only one I got unless you want Garrett Bischoff or Gunner to be champion.

I by default will boycott any match with Gunner in it, and Garrett Bischoff has got to be dead last on the overwhelming majority of fans' lists of who deserves to win any titles. The roster is FULL of guys who would make better champions than Devon.

AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Anthony Nese
Austin Aries
Bobby Roode
Bully Ray
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
D'Angelo Dinero
Douglas Williams
James Storm
Jeff Hardy
Jesse Sorensen
Kurt Angle
Matt Morgan
Mr Anderson
Samoa Joe

Any of the above would be better champions than Devon. They all either could bring prestige to the belt as former TNA World Champions or former X Division Champions OR they are individuals with potential who could benefit from a run with the belt, provided it is booked properly.

The belt hasn't meant shit so Devon winning isn't going to hurt it although it would have been much better if either him or Pope had the belt during their feud.

TNA's booking team likely feel the same way about the belt and that's why it is treated like trash. If it was booked to be television exclusive, as the name implies, then it would benefit the wrestlers who hold it and fight for it. Or TNA could just keep making the same mistakes as WCW until they fold. Unfortunately the latter is more likely.
Well good for Devon, I guess. The TV Title has been irrelevant for so long that I forgot Robbie E. was even the champ. Nice to see the title get removed from that tool but let's be honest, I don't see it being any more important with Devon holding the belt. Granted, I do think that Devon winning the strap is a step up for the strap. I've always thought of Devon as one of the more underrated wrestlers on TNA's roster even more so as of late. It looks like he's getting back into shape and he's better on the mic than people give him credit for. I'd still take Bully Ray over Devon but he's still not bad. Will these traits help make the TV Title matter in the future? I guess we'll see. But I won't hold my breath.
Come to think of it, now that the Bully-Storm feud is almost over, Bully needs an oponant for Lockdown. Bully vs Devon for the TV title in the cage? Can't get more personal than that.
Meaningless wrestler for a meaningless title.

Ive always found Devon a boring wrestler. Hes even worse on the mic. Why the hell would you give him a belt when he hasnt even been seen on TV in the last... 4 months?
I really don't see the point of giving Devon the title. He is an average singles wrestler who noone really cares about and even fewer are bothered about him winning the title.

It puzzles me why TNA give so little care and put so little effort into doing something with their mid-card title. There are so many other wrestlers who could do something with the belt, and they just insist on sticking it on nobodies who have neither the talent or personality to do anything with it.

Why not give it to someone like Kazarian, Christopher Daniels? Even AJ Styles and it could be incorporated into the feud with The Fallen Angel and Kaz. What about RVD when he returns from injury? That would work also, or Gunner. He is deserving of the title.

This title chance is absolutely worthless unless TNA decide to go with a Bully Ray V Devon feud, with Bully pissed off that Devon is the first of the 2 to win a singles title since the break up of Team 3D. That would be the one way that Devon winning the title would work, if he is just keeping it warm for Bully Ray to take it at Lockdown.

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