Development: Julian Castle

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Real Name: Julian Castle

Gimmick Name:


Height: 6’1

Weight: 225 lbs

Hometown: Chicago, Il

Billed From: Chicago, Il

Appearance: Castle has styled black hair and usually a douche pencil mustache. He isn’t big but he is cut. He has a rose tattooed on his chest.
Castle’s ring attire is simple red short tights with a C on the side. He has usually dark red boots and kneepads as well as Red and white elbow pads. He comes to the ring with a scarf on as well, as well as his trademark thick framed glasses. He also tends to where eyeliner to give off the pretentious appearance.
His backstage attire is usually a trendy looking suit coat with black slacks. He wears black thick framed glasses as well as on occasion a beret.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Heel

Main Gimmick: Pretentious snob.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
Tends to rarely wrestle a “harcore style” or a flashy style, he believes in a purest style of wrestling.
Being pretentious he tends to break his own rules. He gets overconfident, then suddenly throws a tantrum if things don’t go his way.

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):
Strengths: Technically gifted as a wrestler, Will cheat to win, Manipulitive
Weaknesses: Overconfident, Cry baby, Coward when it comes to a hardcore style

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History
Julian’s past is questionable because he tends to lie about it at all costs. He will claim he came up fromm the slums to become a fantastic wrestler. In all actuality he was a spoiled little kid who was personally trained by wrestlers hired by his parents.

Entrance Music:
Lindstrøm- Grand Ideas

Entrance Description: Julian enters 24 seconds into his music. He poses on the entrance ramp with a single hand raised. He usually does the snide remarks to the crowd as he walks but tends to not even acknowledge them as he carries a smug look on his face.

Finishing Moves:
Main: Scatterbrain (Hammerlock snap Brainbuster)
Secondary: Watch The Tapes (Lightning Lock Beta)

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
Spinning Heel Kick
Cross Arm bar
Snap suplex
Abdominal Stretch
Tiger bomb into a cross arm bar
Guillotine Choke
Roaring Elbow
Indian Deathlock
Knee drop to the face (sometimes from the top rope)
Reverse Chin lock
Belly to back suplex
Boston Crab
Spinning Back drop
Reverse Atomic drop

Sample RP:

A reporter stands infront of a camera. His slicked back hair and 2 doller smile gleaming at the camera. Behind him a basic generic background stage is set up.

Reporter: Hello wrestling fans today we bring you the insides on todays up and coming wrestlers. Many men enter the world of wrestling, some make it big, some are never heard from again. Will this next individual be the next big thing. Ladies and gentleman without further ado, I give you Julian Castle.

A man walks into the picture. His hair done up very nice and a pair of glasses on his face. He is dressed in a white blazer with a purple undershirt and white tie. He glances at the camera then to the outstreatched arm of the interviewer. He gives a disgusted look to the reporter. The reporter puts the microphone up to his face.

Castle: Who are you supposed to be?

Reporter(With a puzzled look): I am here to....

Castle(Interrupting): What did the head reporter from the public broasting station you work for get sick and they sent me an intern.

The man begins to speak again but is immediately interrupted.

Castle: I thought reporters were supposed to dress in a way that was pleasing to the viewers eye. Not look like some 2004 college student who had to dress up for a presentation...What you you have hiding under that shirt, a hemp necklace and a "vintage"(actually doing the quotation symbol) RUN-DMC shirt.

The reporter now looks as though he is going to panic.

Castle: And what are you wearing, what is that gasoline.

Castle holds his nose.

Castle: I have met NASCAR fans that have smelt better than you. And that haircut, I didn't know the 1985 pedophile look was in again.

The reporter musters up some courage

Reporter Mr. Castle Iiiii Uunnderstand you are planning on jjjoinng one of the majjor wrestling prooomotion.

Castle looks at the reporter and chuckles.

Castle: Have a stuttering problem? I bet that does real good with the ladies, well your a wrestling fan so I doubt you see many ladies anyways. But to answer your question, yes I am sick of dominating in Japan and Mexico and I am ready to go to the "big leagues" as the kids say. Is that what you wanted to hear, another generic promo that some punk ass backyard wrestler thought up after watching some roided up freak with a belly button tattoo say it.

The reporter looks to be visibly shaking.

Castle: I have been looking into some place called WZCW, Originality is not there forte aparently and I hope to actually show this place that there are still people in the world who actually wrestle.

Reporter: What do you mean?

Castle: Unlike you, I don't believe I stuttered. I am here to actually bring actual talent into a promotion that actually uses the word "Zone" in their title. Seriously "Zone"! I didn't think places actually reffered to themselves as zones anymore. There marketing department must be as inexperienced as you. You see I have watched their television shows and I have even rented a few of their garbage paid per views and I have noticed one thing.

Reporter: Whats that?

Castle: Their so called wrestlers, look worse than 50 Cent's acting ability. They have absolutly no idea what they are doing out there. They have taken the good name that was once wrestling, and turned it into a mockery, they are like a bad cover-band. Wrestling used to be an art form, half athletic, half artistic. Now all I see is a bunch of grown men hitting themselves with blunt instruments and calling themselves athletes.

Reporter: Well not all of WZCW's staff is "hardcore"

Castle: Don't ever say that word again. That word was made by the white trash hillbillies that raped this sport of technique. The wrestlers they do have, well they are kind of like the film Twilight.

Reporter: Twilight? Like the vampire movie?

Castle: Yes Twilight? They have pissed on the sport of wrestling and the only people they entertain, are those stupid enough to actually enjoy this mockery of the sport I love. I on the other hand....well I am like Nosferatu.

Reporter: The really old Vampire movie?

Castle: Yes, The classic film staring Max Schrek. The film that revulusionized the horror genre, the film that is in high regards as one of the scariest and best shot films ever. The film that all other films like it attempt to emulate, I am like this film because I am technically superior to all my peers as was this film.

Reporter: I don't follow you Mr. Castle

Castle: I wouldn't expect a community college dropout like yourself following me anyways. How bout this, I am the Beatles to their Nickleback, The Steven King to their R.L Stien, The Marlon Brando to their Vin Diesel. I am superior in every way....and I am going to make them my Twilight.

Castle gives one last dirty look to the reporter and walks off. The reporter looks at the camera and weakly smiles as it fades to black.
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