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Destination X - March 21, 2010 - General Discussion thread

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Apparently, it's been confirmed that Destination X, which takes place on March 21st, is going to be an all X Division ppv. While all the details haven't been laid out as yet, wrestlers like Daniels, The Motor City MachineGuns, Jay Lethal, Suicide, The Amazing Red, D'Angelo Dinero, Consequences Creed and Kiyoshi.

This could potentially be a good idea, depending upon how well TNA builds the ppv. The X Division has been suffering for well over a year as a lot of emphasis was taken from it in 2009 and was more devoted to situations involving the TNA Legends Championship, now the TNA Global Championship.

Since the beginning of the Hogan-Bischoff regime, there really hasn't been all that much done with the X Division. During his time as TNA X Division Champion, Amazing Red spent most of his reign wrestling dark matches instead of appearing at ppvs or on iMPACT!. Suicide, Kyoshi and Consequences Creed have been sort of MIA as well, not that Kyoshi has ever really even been a factor in anything since he's been in TNA. Hogan and his stooges seem to have little to no regard for Lethal. The Nasty Boys have openly said backstage that Lethal is essentially tarnishing Randy Savage's legacy and Hogan was pretty dismissive of Lethal while giving yet another interview on Bubba's show.

Anyhow, an all X Division ppv. Good or bad?


This is ALSO going to be the general discussion thread for the Destination X PPV. Feel free to speculate on any and all matches to be named as well as any general comments about the PPV you wish to make. Specific threads for each match will be made once they are announced on iMPACT, as well.
As much as I love the X Division (and will probably really enjoy the show), I think it is not a very smart move for TNA at this time. Maybe 4 years ago, something like this would have made sense. But with the current direction of the company and what TNA is trying to achieve, I can't think of any logical reason for them to do this.

I know TNA has always been about the theme ppv (which WWE for some reason is trying to rip off these days). But if they are trying to grow their audience and break into the mainstream, this isn't going to work. The average fan isn't going to shell out the cash to watch a bunch of guys they haven't heard of. (Especially any of the new fans who haven't really seen anything from the X Division yet.)

I know people rip on TNA being the new WCW all the time, and they make it seem like a bad thing. But if anything I think TNA should be more like WCW in creating more balance to the cards. What I mean by that, is I'm sure everyone remembers all the awesome cruiser weight matches back in the day opening up the shows and getting the crowd pumped up, and then after those matches the bigger names would take over. I see no reason as to why the X Division can't do the same thing for TNA.

Honestly, and I hope I'm just thinking worst case scenario here, but this seems like a way for Hogan and company to bury the X Division even more. If they have this ppv and it tanks (which it most likely would, unless Jeff Hardy or RVD came in and became X Division champ heading into the ppv), Hogan is going to be able to point at it and say, "See. Nobody cares about the X Division. It doesn't draw shit." and I fear it might be a long time before we see ANY X Division matches after that.
The only way this would be a good idea would be if it was 2005 and TNA actually put some focus on the X-Division. Alas it's 2010 and the days of Styles, Joe & Daniels having great matches are long gone. Now all three can only manage matches that are good or ok.

I guess Styles will be featured, possibly in a match between the X-Division champion, whoever that is. The biggest match they could promote is Styles vs. Joe, the very same match they're promoting for Against All Odds. In fact, all the big matches they could promote have been done over the past couple of months, so this show serves what purpose again?

TNA will probably book an Ultimate X match then forget that they've used 4 of their 8 X-Division guys making this the shortest PPV in history. Or they'll abandon their ''all X-Division'' PPV idea and add other guys and it'll just end up like a typical PPV.

On another note, if it's about no limits and not weight limits, why is Joe the only fat former X-Division champion?

I think the big stars want the night off, that's all.
I see this as Hogan's excuse to fire most of the X-Division guys. He puts them all on a PPV, it doesn't bring in great numbers, he fires most of them and keeps the rest as jobbers.

People aren't going to buy a PPV with one title shot and all cruiserweight matches. That's what the X division is right now, a cruiserweight division. Gone is the old X division where "no weight limits" made it different. TNA is now putting the thing that got them to where they are to the side and misusing them.

You need the X Division to main event a regular show if you want the division to reach its former heights.
I think they'd do an All-Knockout PPV long before they did an all X-Division one. Where on earth has this been "apparently confirmed"?

But just to hypothetically say it is happening I think it's a terrible idea. PPVs are 3 hours long and consist of about 7 to 8 matches. The X-Division consists of: Brian Kendrick, Doug Williams, Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Generation ME, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Suicide, Kiyoshi and from time to time Daniels, The Pope, Homicide and Shark Boy.

If we do the maths then 7 singles matches requires 14 wrestlers. If you include the time-to-time guys I listed the X-Division has precisely 14 wrestlers. So that means they can do it right? Wrong. When do you remember there being a PPV without a single tag team match? What percentage of the reaaaally good X-Division matches require multiple guys doing "cluster" spots? A pretty high one.

Of course you can argue that the multi-man matches such as Ultimate X or some sort of ladder match could go for 20 or so minutes and with entrances and in-between hype you could squeeze around 30 minutes out of that one match. But in doing so you've used at least 3 or 4 of your 14-person body count and have then limited yourself for the other matches there on out.

If they reaaaally wanted to make this work then I believe it would have to be a shorter, cheaper PPV (which would cut the profits), or they'd have to bring in Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Eric Young. Main event would of course have to be AJ vs Joe (possibly vs Daniels) but given we saw them hook it up in a three-way recently and AJ vs Joe is happening soon it seems unlikely. They could of course also bring in some loaned talent from Japan and/or Mexico as a special attraction, which would definitely create heightened interest, but it would also cost them more and it would put pressure on the PPV to get a large buy-rate, and I fear if they didn't get it they'd bury the division and never again bring in outsiders.

I think the bottom line is the X-Division is meant to be an alternative to heavyweight grappling, and if you purify/highly concentrate an alternative then it tends to lose its edge. I love a good X-Division match as much as anyone and I know they'd do their best to rise to the occasion, but I'm not convinced that they could sustain a good standard throughout without either repeating some spots or burning themselves out for weeks afterwards.

Couple that with the fact that it doesn't have any focus whatsoever in this regime or the previous one (don't blame Hogan and Bischoff for putting it to the side, it was irrelevant before they arrived) and I find this to be seriously unlikely.
Wow, good follow ups!

I don't like the idea for Destination X. While I am a fan of the X Division, I think that an entire PPV is doomed from the start.

PPV's sell when there is anticipation to see what will happen. Thus, there must be a build up on television. Impact must feature X Division stars if they are trying to sell an all X Division PPV. This will not happen with the current roster. You've gotta have the big guns (Angle, Hogan, AJ, Joe, Nash, Foley, 3D, Flair, Morgan, Hernandez, etc) on tv to get the ratings.

It wouldn't make sense unless they have a show dedicated entirely to the X Division. Unfortunately, this is a no win situation. An all X Division show would not do well in the ratings (See ECW on Sci-Fy).
Wow, how quickly people turn. No more than earlier this week people were clammering for the X Division to get a chance to shine and be more of a focus. TNA puts an X Division PPV on the sheet and people are totally against it. And I don't see Hogan or Eric firing the X guys. If they were gonna do that why bring in Kendrick a month ago along with Generation Me? Guess it's just people trying to stir the pot and make people think that Hogan is the wrestling anti-christ. Fans are too damn quick to judge anymore.
I suppose they could use the night to introduce new X Division talent. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to Generation Me reappearing. Maybe this time they won't look like fucking circus hobos.

As it is, this idea seems mental. And for once, that's not because Hogan/Bischoff/Russo/Yogi Bear is booking it. No, this seems like an idea straight out of some angry wrestling nerd's shitty blog. OK, I'll say it - this seems like an idea Mark Madden came up with.

It's a good concept, however I don't think it should be a PPV. A one-off, all X-Division show on free TV would be a great way to bring back the focus of the Division. But going from not being on iMPACT at all, to having their own PPV, is a bad idea in my opinion.
Wow, how quickly people turn. No more than earlier this week people were clammering for the X Division to get a chance to shine and be more of a focus. TNA puts an X Division PPV on the sheet and people are totally against it. And I don't see Hogan or Eric firing the X guys. If they were gonna do that why bring in Kendrick a month ago along with Generation Me? Guess it's just people trying to stir the pot and make people think that Hogan is the wrestling anti-christ. Fans are too damn quick to judge anymore.

I agree.

The X-Division isn't what it used to be, but perhaps this PPV can help jumpstart it again.

Right now, there's so much talent on the roster and only 2 hours of tv, it feels like the X-Division guys are only every other week instead of each week, but a ppv build should logically change that.
If the show is built-up properly they'll have to give at least some of them storylines, and hopefully match time too.
And with the notion that it's 'past, present' and future' X-Divison talent, they'll probably find a way to fit AJ, Joe, and Daniels into the mix so people won't complain that it's a jobber ppv. If Hardy gets his legal mess together, they might even figure out a way to get him and Shannon involved.

I'm no fan of Hogan, but I doubt this is some sinster plot to get rid of the X-Division, even if the ppv buys tank ( but TNA ppv's aren't strong anyway, so how would that be an excuse? ).
First of all, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Dixie is still the absolute authority in TNA and would have to approve of releasing so many guys she also invested in as well.
If Bischoff and Hogan wanted to really get rid of the Division, it probably would have been discussed ahead of time, and we'd know about it already.
Plus, they caught all sorts of backlash from just getting rid of the 6-sided ring; imagine the hell they'd go through getting rid of actual talent? I don't think they'd chance it.

So I'm going to wait to pass jugdement on what I think could be a positive move at the moment. I know the IWC is full of people who will never be satisfied, but if you bitch about the X-Division not being important one week, and then wonder why TNA is even trying an all X-Division ppv the next week, you probably need therapy, cause the chance of something having a positive outcome is obviously not fitting into your psyche.
It's still next month though. It would be smart to start hyping it big time and making the division a focus on their programs. I can see that becoming a reality. They want to hype PPV anyway. Then hype the hell out of this one.
I HIGHLY doubt that Hogan is setting these guys up to fail. Destination x is over a month away, it gives them plenty of time to plan for the ppv. The one mistake they cant make that seems to be the problem with half of the TNA x division matches....theres no back story. No storylines. No character development. if they really want to do this right, they need to have an impact show completed devoted to the x division to get a feel as to whether it will work or not. That alone would be a huge tell tell sign for whether it will work on ppv or not. Plug the hell out of an episode of impact thats an all x division impact. Develop some cohesive storylines. If this pans out, then go with the x division ppv. As to whether its a good idea or not, its too soon to tell.
People have been complaining about the X Division being non existent for a while now, so now we have a PPV to emphasize the X Division. I don't think it's a bad idea, as long as they can incorporate other matches as well. They could have Ultimate X matches and number #1 contender matches at the PPV as well. We will have to wait and see how the X Division will be used over the next few weeks.

No matter what people say about the X Division being dead, I'm happy to see it revitalized for one night. Hell, the smarks might even get their six sided ring back. Its especially nice to know that we wont be seeing The Nasty Boys or The Band in a the PPV.
If that poster included in a reply is the only actual source I don't think it means it will be an All-X PPV, merely that they will do a big match or two. It says a night the X-Division will shine, not The Heavyweights Won't Be Here. If there is an actual sourced story out there that outright states it will be X-Division exclusive and I've missed it I apologize, but I still think it's highly unlikely. They aren't going to make Kurt Angle et al not wrestle on a PPV, or spend 4 weeks building feuds that DON'T include their main eventers, it would just be silly.

A successful wrestling company should offer all styles in combination. That's what the WWF did at once point. They had heavyweights, superheavyweights, cruiserweights, tag teams, women, hardcore matches, comedy matches, the works. I just don't think taking on style and giving it 2-3 hours works. But perhaps I'm wrong.
i think its a great idea and i think tna should sign some suprise people for the ppv i would love to see daniels win the x division title AND WOULDNT RATING GO HUGE IF WE SAW PETEY WILLIAMS SONJAY DUTT ECT RETURN
I like this idea but I doubt very much that it will draw. I for one would definately buy it but the general public I don't think will. Its a pretty interesting idea for a PPV. It could be the chance for the X Division regain the popularity of it back when TNA just started up until Samoa Joe and AJ left for the World Title. I'm also a little worried about how they are going to do it as they don't have a huge amount of people in the X Division so the amount of matches are going to be limited so the only way they are going to able to pull it off is if they introduce some new talent at the PPV or before it, the other way they could do it, is if they are able to have half hour matches between eachother which I doubt very much.

I think we could see some very good matches and if Amazing Red is anywhere near the main event I will be very happy. I'm guessing we will have an Ultimate X match between like the jobbers and some good like Chris Daniels or something. Then if they do carry on with this then the main event for the X Division championship or like a poster earlier said we could have the world champion against the X Division champion which I think would be a pretty good match.

All in all, I think this could be a good pay per view i'm just curious about how they are going to play it out.
The only way this would be a good idea would be if it was 2005 and TNA actually put some focus on the X-Division. Alas it's 2010 and the days of Styles, Joe & Daniels having great matches are long gone. Now all three can only manage matches that are good or ok.

I guess Styles will be featured, possibly in a match between the X-Division champion, whoever that is. The biggest match they could promote is Styles vs. Joe, the very same match they're promoting for Against All Odds. In fact, all the big matches they could promote have been done over the past couple of months, so this show serves what purpose again?

TNA will probably book an Ultimate X match then forget that they've used 4 of their 8 X-Division guys making this the shortest PPV in history. Or they'll abandon their ''all X-Division'' PPV idea and add other guys and it'll just end up like a typical PPV.

On another note, if it's about no limits and not weight limits, why is Joe the only fat former X-Division champion?

I think the big stars want the night off, that's all.

joe daneils and aj can only do ok matches? what are you smoking man?
aj and joe arent even part of the x division anymore, i wouldnt see aj on this card, i mean he has a huge match for lockdown, the next ppv, i think there gonna be focusing on that after AAO
If that poster included in a reply is the only actual source I don't think it means it will be an All-X PPV, merely that they will do a big match or two. It says a night the X-Division will shine, not The Heavyweights Won't Be Here. If there is an actual sourced story out there that outright states it will be X-Division exclusive and I've missed it I apologize, but I still think it's highly unlikely.

This has been the only ACTUAL report that I have seen.


-It has been reported that the March 21st TNA Destination X PPV will be an all X-Division PPV as InDemand's promotional blurb reads as the following…

"The past, present, and future collide when the young guns of TNA take center stage in an all X-Division Pay-Per-View! TNA Wrestling presents Destination X LIVE! Sunday, March 21, 2010 on Pay-per-View."

Included on the posted for the PPV are: Daniels, The Motor City Machineguns, Jay Lethal, Suicide, The Amazing Red, D'Angelo Dinero, Consequences Creed and Kiyoshi.

IF its true my thinking is that Hogan and Bischoff are saying "Fine Dixie you want more X Division well give it you" and both of them are banking in it failing so they can truly do everything their way.
Why does everyone post these crazy conspiracy theories about Hogan/Bischoff wanting to fail at everything? Why would they make the product worse at a pivotal time?

If they do this I suspect it might do better than some might think with the proper build. Just because it is all x-division does not rule out many guys on the roster IMO. Kurt Angle is a former x-division champ (maybe they rehash the time lethal beat him and put them in a match) and unfortunately for those excited to avoid the band syxx-pac is a former x champion as well. It could easily mean all matches related to x-division. Someone could be trashing the x-division again like that 3d storyline a while back. X-division competitors could challenge for the various belts. It would be cool if they had a new match-type to debut but I am not sure how likely that is. If Jeff hardy and AJ styles were to headline this event I think it might sell better than people might think.
On one hand, I agree with the posters that've brought up the fact that many have been complaining about the X Division consistently for the past 6 months at least. I'm honestly not sure how the ppv will do but this is easily the most interesting thing to happen in the X Division in well over a year.

But, that being said, TNA needs to start hyping the crap out of the event and the X Division itself if they want it to get over. TNA is sometimes known to put a match featuring wrestlers that nobody's seen in a while and fans are somehow expected to give a crap. It's the same with the X Division as there hasn't been a whole lot of emphasis and focus placed on the X Division in a long while. Right now, for the most part, I don't particularly care about the X Division and if TNA just suddenly throws together an all X Division ppv without any real hype or build up for it, then I'm probably still not going to care about it.
I think everyone is overreacting, i think there are several matches that you could make, you could give one X-Division wrestler a title shot at AJ Styles, i think they could give that to "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero, because he does have a legit chance to beat AJ Styles, and he has been apart of the X Division, i think the PPV could look something like this

TNA World Title Match
"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero V AJ Styles (c)

TNA X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match
Doug Williams (c) V Brian Kendrick V Amazing Red V Suicide

Ladder Match
The Motor City Machine Guns V Generation ME

Samoa Joe V Daniels

"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal V Homicide

Shannon Moore V Consequences Creed

Petey Williams V Kyoshi
TNA World Title Match
"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero V AJ Styles (c)

TNA X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match
Doug Williams (c) V Brian Kendrick V Amazing Red V Suicide

Ladder Match
The Motor City Machine Guns V Generation ME

Samoa Joe V Daniels

"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal V Homicide

Shannon Moore V Consequences Creed

Petey Williams V Kyoshi

i'd pay to see this ppv. the problem is i'm a hardcore fan, and tna needs to reach out to those who are not.

either way, if they do not have but five or six weeks to promote the storylines involved, they either will wind up not giving the storylines enough tv time, or they will burn out the audience on x division before the destination x even begins.
I like your first two match ideas Willie. I was talking to my fiance tonight that if they are doing the "Past, Present, Future" thing why not showcase the former X champ who is now the World Champ in AJ. Give him a chance to have a match with Pope that they can really give it their all, it would tear the house down. Also the Ultimate X idea is agreat one but replace Suicide with Lethal because they need to conclude the Suicide/Homicide "I Know WHo You Are" story they had a while back.
joe daneils and aj can only do ok matches? what are you smoking man?

Nothing, I'm drug free, apart from the caffeine I consume.

I said they only have matches that are good or ok. Which is a fair assessment when when you take into account they only have good or ok matches. When did they all last have a great match? If you say Turning Point then that just shows that you didn't watch Styles, Daniels & Joe when they were great.

aj and joe arent even part of the x division anymore,

Not currently, but they flip between the two. Joe was X-Division champ a couple of months ago and Styles has just come off a feud with Daniels who's only able to headline if it's against Styles. Mostly because nobody would accept him as a headliner against anyone else, see his feud with Sting, and because everybody knows Styles is more of an X-Division guy than one of those people that get's feud with the real stars all the time.

i wouldnt see aj on this card,

I'm awaiting the announcement where they state that any X-Division wrestlers and former champions can appear on the card.

i mean he has a huge match for lockdown, the next ppv, i think there gonna be focusing on that after AAO

That's one of a thousand reasons why TNA is shit. They don't care about Destination X, so why should anybody else.
I think it's an interesting idea to have the entire PPV be all about the X Division, however.... this might end up hurting TNA. The X Division has been plagued by bad booking for a while now and few of its members could be believable title holders because of the way they have been booked, some have barely shown up at all lately. X Division only.... That means no TNA World Championship match, no Global Championship match, no Tag Team Championship match, and worst of all.... no Knockouts!

An Ultimate X match will most likely close the show, but that alone would not be enough to convince me to buy a PPV that is nothing but the X Division. I want to see all titles being defended. The TNA title needs to be defended at every PPV, no questions asked. The Knockouts also deserve at least one match per show even if it's not for the championship. The Global Championship will never gain any prestige if it's ignored too much. The tag team titles might get defended, but that's probably going to be it other than the X Division title.

I disagree with TNA turning a PPV that often ends up being one of it's better shows of the year, into an all X Division show. I have a bad feeling that it will fall apart without having some main eventers on the card and at least one Knockouts match too. TNA better do an amazing job of building this PPV otherwise there is absolutely 0% of a likelihood of me buying it, and others will probably agree that this isn't the best idea.
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