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Destination X: Knockout's Championship:


[This Space for Rent]
Knockout's Championship: Awesome Kong v. Sojournor Bolt:

I think in complete honesty, this match has an option to be a wild card. So-Jo isn't a big favorite, or anyone that is honestly worth caring about, mainly because she just joined not that long ago.. already had a match against Kong.. and isn't a Knockout that's cheered or cared about.

With all of those elements, I think that only makes this match gain up-side. I'm already going into it assuming the worst, so I can't be disappointed if it actually happens. Yet I can be positively surprised.

In my opinion, I think they missed a huge opportunity to have Saeed turn on Kong here, instead of Bolt. Rhaka Khan joining Bolt isn't helping the cause, either. It's like stink joining a turd. Neither is making the other look good.

Obviously I have no doubt that Kong will retain. (which, yet again is a reason to question this match, as T.N.A. loves to give their title's to non-worthy Wrestlers)

What is everyone's thoughts and opinions on this match-up? Do you believe the Kong-tourage is over and done with, or will they all rejoin upon the ending of this match? Please explain yourself fully. Thank You.
I can believe how quickly this stable is ending. i do agree that kong will retain simple because tna dosent know how to give the title to Worthy wrestlers . And if they do stay together after this i think it would be beyond confusing and boring
On one hand, I figure Kong will completely dominate, but then I think...TNA was gung ho to drop the title to Hemme, which would have been equally strange, and now you've got SoJo with this feud with Kong and everything, and there's plenty of room for interference...I think there's a lot of intangibles in the match, and that I wouldn't be at all surprised if TNA decided to drop the title to SoJo. Hell, they gave it to Wilde on her second night.

If SoJo were to win, I have to think she'd drop it off to ODB or someone very quickly. She might just be an interim champion used to break up the Kongtourage and make an interesting one month story. I kind of want the title off Kong, because she's so damn big it's hard to get competitive matches between the women.

So all in all, I think it's a toss up that should be interesting to watch. We'll see where it goes.
Heres the long term plan

Swerve here with Siead turning on Kong and giving Kong a face turn. Eventually ODB getting the title after she helps get the new wrestler over.
The Beutiful People feuding with ODB.
Kong fighting males before the end of the year.
In my opinoin i think Awsome Kong will lose the title at Destination X. I no that Sonjour is not a worthy number 1 contender for the Knockout title but i stiill think she has a chance at winning for the following reasons.

. Awsome kong is still injuried and is going to need back and knee surgie very soon or it can become pernment.

. There could be some type of interference from a debuting Sarah Stock to cost Kong the title and start a fued with kong without the title being involed.

. Rhakakan can turn on sonjour bolt and cost her the title and join kong and melssia to continue the kong tourag stable

. Melessia can turn on kong and cost her the title and start a rivaly with kong and start it off in a six sides of steel match at lockdown

But knowing Tna as of late they might have her retain and turn this into a decent match or into a Awsome Kong sqaush match
While I kind of like Sojournor Bolt, I don't think it would be smart to have Kong lose to her. Like it has been said, Bolt isn't over with the crowd(yet). I think putting the belt on her now won't change that. At the very least if she win's she'll just be a transitional champion at most.

With that being said, I want the belt off of Kong. She is just to dominate and she makes the others seem very inferior to her. Also every face she goes against(With the exception of ODB)they also have the same underdog persona which is getting annoying(Wilde, Bolt, Roxxi, ect).

I think the best belt would be to give the belt to one of the Beautiful people(Angelina over Velvet). They get more heat then Kong, and while they don't need the belt to stay over and interesting it would make the division more competitive, imo.

So really unless Bolt is going to be a transitional champion to get the belt on to a heel then I'm all for it, but right now Bolt is not over or familar enough to hold the belt(She's even less over than Wilde was). The match will be the same ole' Kong type match, where Kong dominates the majority of it in an almost squash like fashion. I'm a fan of women's wrestling but this match just doesn't excite me at the very least.
At this point, I really don't care who wins the Title off Kong, because I'll take anyone. This reign has been terrible, and Kong always makes her opponents look like utter shit. Even when they beat her cleanly, she makes sure she beats their asses after the match and she always gets the upper hand which is why I find her to be irratating and predictable. I don't care how big she is, there is no need to look dominant every single week, even after losing a match.

ODB should have won the belt last month. I have no idea why TNA wasted such a good opportunity. This KongTourage stable has been fucked up right from the beginning. Firstly, they have Rhaka Khan tease a babyface turn, only to revert back to being a heel. Now guess where she is only a few weeks later, standing next to Sojo Bolt, another fucked up babyface that nobody seems to get behind. So we essentially have 2 heels in Kong and Saaid, and 2 tweeners in Bolt and Rhaka. I use the term "tweeners" loosely, because they don't do anything worthy of being cheered.

As for the match, I simply do not care. I just hope Awesome Kong loses the Knockouts Title, a.s.a.p. I'm sick of just seeing her in general. She's like TNA's version of Edge :lmao: Hell, if Edge moved to TNA, the company would probably have him lose to Kong. I know heels and large heels in particular need to look dominant, but this is insane. I pray that Bolt wins the title here in this match, cleanly. I'm willing to bet anyone that it won't happen though.

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