Destination X: Fish Market Street Fight


SmackDown! is MY Show

Fish Market Street Fight
Team 3D vs. Shark Boy & Curry Man

I have to admit I am not really looking forward to this so called "street fight" match because it will awful. The whole lead up is if Team 3D can make the weight or not and after a few weeks of not making the 275lb mark we all know they will make it this time. I expected to see Curry man and Shark boy have a few shots in on Team 3D but thats about it. Should see Team 3D win this one easily in a sloppy match. Another gimmick match to a already gimmick filled show and really this is nothing more than a iPACT match on a PPV as a filler. So this match I have no interest in for those reasons.
Man who did team 3d tick off to get this match? Even the name sounds bad. A fish market match? Couldn't they put tna in the 3 way tag match to at least give them something close to respect? If TNA ever wants to give them any kind of respect again, this had better be a squash.
-le sigh- and this is why TNA has dropped the ball..Again. Sadly enough I have a friend that wrestles for PWG out in California (believe me or not, your choice), and she's considering leaving the business and going back to school, because wrestling these days..Just, isn't wrestling. It's filled with gimmick matches like the one above ^, and guys we hate get forced down our throats (Cena, and even Angle for a time being in TNA). This match IMO makes TNA look bad, seriously bad. At least the Elevation X match might be good -shrugs-. Now, I do somewhat enjoy the segments with Team 3D, about making weight, etc, but I was hoping they would have done like a triple threat tag team match or something.
I think T.N.A. toward closing in on the Pay Per View simply doesn't know how to fill the remaining p.p.v. spots, so they just randomly toss crap at the wall.

These two teams have been "feuding" for the previous few weeks, with Team 3D not weighing in and having to compete in handicap matches. Obviously I'd assume both members weigh in at the Pay Per View, then clearly destroy Curry Man and Shark Boy.

I read somewhere if Team 3D loses, they're out of T.N.A. I doubt it'll happen at the hands of Curry Man and Shark Boy, but all this is doing is ruining the credibility that Team 3D ever had as a Tag Team. Therefore I think its obvious that they're on their way out soon.. otherwise T.N.A. management are simply moronic for destroying one of the Greatest Tag Teams of all time.
It's like a WWE lower card match, except worst! We've seen matches on WWE Pay Per View cards which seem to have no storyline, and simply have been thrown together due to a series of matches on their weekly shows, but I never expected to see it from TNA.

And what makes it worse than WWE is that we have Team 3D currently in the middle of this silly ''275lb'' maximum limit storyline, whilst ''Stone Cold'' Shark Boy and Curry Man are the Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty of TNA. And there's no need to add the Street Fight stipulation to this!

Team 3D pick up the win in a **1/2 match.
Two of the worst gimmicks in TNA in a crap gimmick loaded match. this one is on a par with a playboy bunny match - two respected wrestlers against jokes in the ring.

I'm sort of hoping Daniel's goes 'screw it' and gets out of the mask and destroys shark boy. if 3D dont squash the talentless shark boy i may cry
I think during this match, Curry Man and Devon or Ray get in a scuffle and somehow Daniels mask comes off and he runs to the back, attempting to hide his face. Also, Team 3D will probably win cuz im sure, TNA wont give them up to the likes of Shark Boy and Curry Man.
Is this stipulation supposed to make me want to see this match? Really. A fish market street fight? So it's a fight in a street? Which just so happens to have a fish market in it? But is also likley to be inside the iMPACT Zone?Okay.
Since Shark Boy and Curry Man have gotten the upperhand in recent weeks so it makes sense that Team 3D wins this one. This match really needs to be a squash by Team 3D if they are to restore any shred of credibility they are due as one of the best tag teams of all time - not to mention their dignity. TNA please don't have the Dudleys strip down again in an attempt to make weight!

My prediction is that Team 3D are putting Shark Boy through a table of fish tonight. I also think we may see some miscommunication between Shark Boy and Curry Man tonight, which will continue in the coming weeks leading to a mask vs. mask match down the road.
I love Team 3D well I should say the Dudley Boys because ever since they have become Team
3D TNA has done to them like they have everyone else and thats destroy their credit. Team 3D are an amazing team who still have it IMO and I think they should at least try and be chasing for the titles against LAX again because that rivalry was good.
But no TNA have this match, well not looking forward to it and the result will be, Team 3D win and I hope by a squash!
Team 3D are so awesome one of the best if not the best tag team in history 20x tag team champs and npw ther ebattling curry man and that jobber sharkboy and lost WTF???? set them up in a decent feud like they did with MCM
i managed to resist crying. it was tough but i did. i know 3d are older and not as good a team as they used to be athletically speaking, but having them lose this match was a joke.

The fact that they were in the match was bad enough, but to lose it against gimmick characters after putting the MCMGs in a decent length feud is not a good come-down.
I think they must be aiming these guys at kids. I hate both the sharkboy and curryman (Disco infeno) characters and I think they wanted kids to find it funny to have people hit with fish. To me it is poor marketing but hey what do I know. Maybe a lot of people out there may have enjoyed this.
sharkboy's always been aimed at kids. why else does a jobber get cheered? as far as curry man goes... i loved daniel's darker fallen angel persona. he must have really annoyed someone in creative to go from a return against sting to XXX, to being fired, returning as curry man and teaming with sharkboy
I agree i liked daniels before but this is just stupid. although when he comes out the crowd seems to like it. Maybe I am too old for this "hip" character but I don't know. how long can it last? not long hopefully

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