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Destination X 2012


What's the craic?
The rise and rise of Austin Aries and TNA's foray into the Indian market with Ring ka King has gotten me thinking that this years Destination X could be truly remarkable. Here's how I can see / would like to see the PPV shaping up...

Aries has now been going on about being the greatest ever X Division Champion and I have to think that this means that DX will see him go one on one with the Phenomenal One, AJ Styles.

I can personally, see the return of the World X Cup this year with a Team TNA, a Team Ring ka King, a Team AAA and either a Team IWGP or a Team Great Britain (after their successful tour).

Another match I can see developing in the next number of months would be a tag battle between the MCMG and Chris Daniels & Kazarian.

As the contract tournament was such a critical success last year, I'd imagine it'll run again this year - who the contestants will be should be very interesting.

Throw in a number one contenders match and that would account for five matches - last years event had eight but remember that also included Doug Williams Open Challenge and the comedy match were EY & Shark Boy defeated Gen Me..

Personally, I can think of two other possible scenarios involving two guys not normally associated with the X Division - Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle. Whether they face each other or give the rub to existing or new members, this would pad up what already looks like a great potential card this year.

Now a couple questions for you guys:

1: Do you think DX 2012 will follow the example of DX 2011 or will we see a return to it just being like any other PPV with a couple X Division matches thrown in? What would you do?

2: Will the 6 sided ring make another guest appearance and what would be your preference? Why?

3: With the Knockout being allowed to participate in the same styles of matches as the men, can you see the Women's Title get defended (and how would you feel about it)?

4: Finally, if it was X Division only, what are your thoughts on what the card should be (if you agree with my ideas, who'd you like to see in the matches where I have not actually specified the competitors)?
TNA has a real opportunity here, much like they did last year, to really have a stand out, benchmark pay per view for their organization.

I have a feeling, given how well it was received last year, that if Destination X does indeed stay an all X Division PPV, that the six sided ring will once again return.

This year however, they have something they haven't had in quite some time...a credible X Division champion. Austin Aries, is the X Division for all intents and purposes. While he's faced a plethora of X Division wrestlers, he has been the tent pole keeping the division at least slightly relevant.

If I were TNA, I'd borrow from their own Bound For Glory Series. Create a tournament to name a number one contender to face Aries at Destination X. This would once again give TNA an excellent opportunity to highlight their own talent, but to bring in outside talent to help fill the tournament, and help set up some matches on the PPV card.

With that in mind, I think the one person that could not only re-solidify the importance of the division, as well as help with buyrates, is AJ Styles. An Austin Aries vs AJ Styles X Division Championship Match would be marketed as a big event. One of the father's of the X-Division returning to his bread and butter, against a champion that has been both credible and as outspoken as anyone in the company. It would highlight the two best X-Division talents in the company, as well provide TNA with an outlet to show new and uninitiated fans what the X Division should mean to TNA.

Could the Knockouts have a match? Possibly, but I don't see any real potential there. Few of the Knockouts have real X-Division style prowess, and I'm not sure it's the proper venue. It's simply not what that crowd, on that night is going to be paying to see.

As far as a card, here's a thought or two on some matches:

Austin Aries vs AJ Styles for X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels vs Kazarian
Xima Ion vs Alex Shelley vs Shannon Moore vs Kid Kash Ultimate X Match
Unsigned Talent in an X-Division Contract Match
Mark Haskins vs Samoa Joe (Haskins has always looked good, and could get a huge rub from a match with Joe

It could be a night that either made Styles once again a relevant part of TNA aside from his Fortune feuds...or the night TNA really put their money in Aries as the next big thing in the company.
Great post OP! Yes Destination X does have a huge opportunity with Austin Aries as the most dominant Champion since Samoa Joe...

I say give Aries and his opponent (like the idea of AJ btw) 25-30 mins of all out action! Shelley has also always had great chemistry with Aries as does, Daniels and Joe from their RoH days.

So a top 1 on 1 match for the title with a no nonsense clean finish (last year's Bischoff story can be superseded by the Stinger wanting to promote the division.)

I also like the idea of Hardy and Angle giving the rub in hard fought matches with X talent. Hardy vs. Kash?! Angle vs. Shelley in a mat wrestling clinic?! Sounds brilliant to me!
I really hope that the success of last year's Destination X did set a precedent, and we will get an annual "all X-division" PPV featuring the 6-sided ring.

If so, I really hope that we get treated to another Daniels/Styles/Joe three way dance, that it almost felt like we got cheated out of last year. I'd also like to see a main event of Austin Aries against Jeff Hardy. I think that the build could be really good if they let Aries handle the bulk of the talking, and could be a way to start moving Aries up to the next level.

I also would like to see the return of the contract tournament. They could easily set it up just like last year's with four triple threat qualifiers, featuring either former TNA talent or newcomers, with the winners facing off in a four-way for the roster spot. It'd be nice to see a guy like Sonjay Dutt, Roderick Strong, Homicide, or even Lo-Ki again this year, attempt to make the return to TNA; Chavo would be an obvious choice as a potential newcomer, or perhaps they could lure a guy like Adam Cole, Jigsaw, Sami Callihan, etc. off of the indy circuit... This "revitalized" X-division could use the infusion of talent, especially considering that the company needs to think about grooming A-double's successor to the title so that he can move further up the card.

I'd like to see an infusion of AAA talent as well if this event goes down. It seems that AAA is the only company that has benefitted from the two company's working relationship. Perhaps they could send over a couple guys to tag together to take on the Guns (like Jack Evans and Extreme Tiger for example) unless TNA signs or assembles a tag team that features two x-division sized members by then.

If Kaz is a heel than a pairing against EY could make for a good match. If he's a face by then, a match against either Kash or Ion could also be good.

An Ultimate-X would also be a necessity.

Guys like Neese, Haskins, Williams, Moore, and Kendrick if they are still on the roster would be available to help fill out the rest of the card.
1: Do you think DX 2012 will follow the example of DX 2011 or will we see a return to it just being like any other PPV with a couple X Division matches thrown in? What would you do?

I can see a return of the 2011 format, at least I hope so.

2: Will the 6 sided ring make another guest appearance and what would be your preference? Why?

Wouldn't mind seeing a return of the 6 sided ring.

3: With the Knockout being allowed to participate in the same styles of matches as the men, can you see the Women's Title get defended (and how would you feel about it)?

The only thing I could see/want to see is some kind of open invitational where they introduce a new KO of X Division persuasion.

4: Finally, if it was X Division only, what are your thoughts on what the card should be (if you agree with my ideas, who'd you like to see in the matches where I have not actually specified the competitors)?

Too soon to predict.
Even though slammiversary is next,I think destination x could be one of the best ppvs this year. I would have,

Main Event

Austin Aries (c) vs Aj Styles vs Jerry Lynn

With Jerry Lynn retiring at the end of the year, this could be his last match in tna.
Aries can challenge Aj because he wants to face the best x division champ with Aj accepting. Jerry Lynn can return n say he helped make Aj one of the best in the x division and he wants one last chance at the x title before he retires. Aries can pin Lynn to retain and Aries and Aj could have a singles match at the next ppv as Aries didn't pin Aj. An all face match but definately will be a classic.

Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

Joe and Magnus will most likely get a rematch againist Daniels and Kaz and lose.
The first impact after Slammiversary, Aj and Angle can get a shot at the tag titles and Joe can interfere beating Angle down just before he hits the Angle Slam and Joe can say he took out Angle as he deserves another title shot not Angle n Aj.

Daniels and Kaz (c) vs MCMG

Jeff Hardy vs Pope vs Rvd

Mainly a match to get more star power on the ppv. Pope can return and start creating tension between Jeff and Rvd which could lead to the 3 way.

Contract Match

Same as last year with possible opponents being Low Ki, Jack Evans,Petey Williams, PAC, Johnny Gargano, Sami Callihan, Chuck Taylor,Chavo Guerrero,Riccohet,Homicide or Jigsaw

Joey Ryan vs Zema Ion

With Joey being in Ra Ka King he would most likely end up in TNA. Plus I have seen some spoilers.

Mark Haskins n Anthony Nesse vs Kid Kash n Doulas Williams

Four guys not doing anything at the moment, why not see if they can work as tag teams and it would bring in more teams to help daniels,Kaz,MCMG,Joe and Magnus get over.

Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Silva

Sonjay also in Ra Ka King so I could see him being used for this ppv.

Hopefully they decide not to use Garret Bischoff, Robbie E or Eric Young and this will be an awesome ppv.
I'd like to see an X-Division Gaunlet for The Gold featuring TNA, AAA, and New Japan talent where the winner gets a World Title shot at Hardcore Justice with Aries and AJ as the two finalists then going 20 min with Aries getting the win.

Also I'd like to see Daniels/Kaz vs. MCMG and a rebirth of the Angle/Joe feud which much like AJ/Daniels or AJ/Angle is ALWAYS great combo inside the ring.

Also I'd have Angle/Joe vs RVD/Hardy.
1: Hope it does!

2: It should. The 6 sided ring is something that makes the X Division that much better and is the icing on the cake when it comes to their matches.

3: I can see a ladder match between Gail and Tessmacher.

4: It should be X Division only. Main event is Joe v. Aries for the title. Throw in another tag match between Kaz/Chris and AJ and Kurt. Although Kurt would make it kind of awkward, but then again Doug Williams and Samoa Joe make it work.
AJ just won the tag titles and the storyline between he, Dixie and Daniels doesnt look to be over yet. They'll no doubt be having a rematch for the tag titles at DX and it should be another awesome match.

The World X Cup is not something I see returning, as much as I want it to. It's rather pointless also with no build and just great high flying action. Sure, it's cool as a one off but an all X-Division themed PPV (if that's the route they are taking like last year) would see it as just another match. Everyone thought King of the Mountain was coming back for Slammi but people have to remember, they are heading in a totally different direction with different bookers and producers. The days of the Xscape match, Ultimate X match and other will be very rare occasions.

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