Designer Babies


Shawn Michaels ❤
There's much in the media as of late regarding 'designer babies'; meaning embryos that are chosen to have the characteristics you want, and only then being able to grow into a baby. Many people are against the idea, for good reasoning. Is it fair to mess with nature in this way? What if the child doesn't want what you've chosen? Are there any side effects?
Well usually, there are 2 reasons parents would consider this option for their child. Appearance, and Health.

This consists of a parent wanting a child to look a certain way. It ranges from many different aspects, but most are revolving around hair colour or eye colour. A favourite seems to be blonde hair and blue eyes.

For argument - Parents think this combination often produces the best looking people, and therefore want their child to have the best. They think this will help them have the best future.

Against argument - It isn't fair to mess with nature like this. Family resemblance will soon be a thing of the past. And what about dark hair and eyes? This could soon be wiped out due to a love of blonde hair and blue eyes. It stops diffferences, and soon everyone would be the same. Not a good thing. Also, for those born with dark hair after blonde is said to be the best, it could affect their self confidence.

Another way people think thie could be used, i to determine the sex of a baby. Many parents often have a preference on which they would prefer, even if they say they don't mind. Parents feel they should be able to choose something like this. Boys are often more wanted than girls.

For argument -A parent has to look afer their child for the rest of their lives, and their are certain problems for each sex. However when weighed out it seems girls have the harder ride. They have periods, and the risk of getting pregnant. Something boys don't have. Parents feel the risk of these things is often too hard.

Against argument - What happens when the world is overrun with one sex? Now, it is a pretty even number of females or males, however the same wouldn't be said if parents could openly choose what sex their baby was. The predominant sex would be males, and this would make many more problems in years to come. There would be less children born due to less women, which would affect the environment.

Some families have genetic conditions, which cause worry each time a new child is born. Up until they are old enough the parents stress whether this has been passed on to their offspring, and then, will they ever know? As some children choose not to find out such life altering news. Should parents be allowed to choose an embryo which doesn't have the disease?

For argument - This would be such a relief to many families. Parents often feel failures when it is shown their child has a genetic disease they have passed on to them. They shouldn't have to feel this way. It could also drastically reduce, if not completely eradicate genetic diseases which sould turn out deadly.

Against argument - Nature will decide what is best for a person, and diseases are a natural part of life. It is ignorant to think this would get rid of disease, when in fact, it would just create more.
Okay first, is this actually possible? If it is, wouldn't that be considered cloning of sorts? And isn't cloning illegal?

Anyways, I'm sure I'd be against it simply because its not up to us as Parents of our children to decide every aspect of what they should look like or what traits they should have. Each person in this world is different and for good reason. If this were possible, we'd have millions of look alike adults in the future with great looks, blue eyes, blonde hair and great bodies. While most would love that fact, it'd lessen how we view ourselves as individuals.

Determining what sex the baby is is also something I wouldn't want, but wouldn't be against. Most people desperately want one or the other. Several people want one of each, this would help control the population on the understanding that people wouldn't have to countlessly continue to try for a girl, when all they keep getting are boys.

However, on a personal standpoint, the mystery of what will come is one of the best parts of Pregnancy. So I wouldn't want to specifically be capable of asking for one of the meaningful surprises to be ruined for me from the start.

I'd almost agree as far as health is concerned, because thats the number one thing any self respecting Parent should be wishful for. A healthy baby, without any diseases or infections. If it were possible to make sure they wouldn't be born with a Family disease then by all means.
Okay first, is this actually possible? If it is, wouldn't that be considered cloning of sorts? And isn't cloning illegal?

No, it's not cloning. The child wouldn't be the same as anything else, it'd just be how the parent wanted it. I first heard about it when a woman wanted to have a child with the same bone marrow ( I think) as another of their children, to give him a transpant or he'd die. I believe she had to go abroad somewhere to do it. It's not exactly a widely available treatment, but it could be in the future.
I don't know much about this but from what i've read and heard, this is one of the worst ideas i've ever heard. It's one thing to help influence your child's interests with toys or tv or whatever, but to chose the way they look is downright weird. THat's like trying to play God, which to me no one has the right to do. Your child should look like a combination of the parents. I look exactly like my Father, whom I hate, but I look like him. I wouldn't want to look like some totally random person. Overall, just not something I like or would ever consider doing.
If you're having a baby. You may as well have an attractive one. It's true. When you have a child you really hope the child isn't ugly. It's a fact, I'm just saying what everybody really thinks. So why not chose characteristics. It's better for the child if it's not ugly.

Also in years to come this could lead to less disease. Downs syndrome kids are cute. But you don't want one.
It sounds like a really wrong thing to do. It is really like playing God (whether or not you believe on in that or not, it is playing nature so to speak.) Even though you may be helping your child, what about the risks involved. What about the fact that it may not be the way your child wants to look, or you think you are helping but you are not. You are basically trying to control your child and their life. Influencing you child is one thing, but this is too far. Trying to help your childs health may be one of the only things I can't really argue too much against.
There's much in the media as of late regarding 'designer babies'; meaning embryos that are chosen to have the characteristics you want, and only then being able to grow into a baby. Many people are against the idea, for good reasoning. Is it fair to mess with nature in this way? What if the child doesn't want what you've chosen? Are there any side effects?
Well usually, there are 2 reasons parents would consider this option for their child. Appearance, and Health.

This consists of a parent wanting a child to look a certain way. It ranges from many different aspects, but most are revolving around hair colour or eye colour. A favourite seems to be blonde hair and blue eyes.

For argument - Parents think this combination often produces the best looking people, and therefore want their child to have the best. They think this will help them have the best future.

Against argument - It isn't fair to mess with nature like this. Family resemblance will soon be a thing of the past. And what about dark hair and eyes? This could soon be wiped out due to a love of blonde hair and blue eyes. It stops diffferences, and soon everyone would be the same. Not a good thing. Also, for those born with dark hair after blonde is said to be the best, it could affect their self confidence.

Another way people think thie could be used, i to determine the sex of a baby. Many parents often have a preference on which they would prefer, even if they say they don't mind. Parents feel they should be able to choose something like this. Boys are often more wanted than girls.

For argument -A parent has to look afer their child for the rest of their lives, and their are certain problems for each sex. However when weighed out it seems girls have the harder ride. They have periods, and the risk of getting pregnant. Something boys don't have. Parents feel the risk of these things is often too hard.

Against argument - What happens when the world is overrun with one sex? Now, it is a pretty even number of females or males, however the same wouldn't be said if parents could openly choose what sex their baby was. The predominant sex would be males, and this would make many more problems in years to come. There would be less children born due to less women, which would affect the environment.

Some families have genetic conditions, which cause worry each time a new child is born. Up until they are old enough the parents stress whether this has been passed on to their offspring, and then, will they ever know? As some children choose not to find out such life altering news. Should parents be allowed to choose an embryo which doesn't have the disease?

For argument - This would be such a relief to many families. Parents often feel failures when it is shown their child has a genetic disease they have passed on to them. They shouldn't have to feel this way. It could also drastically reduce, if not completely eradicate genetic diseases which sould turn out deadly.

Against argument - Nature will decide what is best for a person, and diseases are a natural part of life. It is ignorant to think this would get rid of disease, when in fact, it would just create more.

i think it's a very selfish aspect to, in effect be choosing everything about a child. is it not a case that the reason you would like blonde hair and blue eyes in a child, because either you wanted it, or you view it as attractive. people differ though. i mean i genuinely am not a fan of blondes. others wouldn't touch a girl if they weren't blonde.

i mean it may produce the 'best looking', but if everyone's the same, is it not human nature that we want the thing that stands out. if everyone's blonde, the different gene may become the more attractive as opposed to the same genes.

Health: Certain disease traits are actually benefical. Sickle cell trait is common in the malarial region of africa as a recessive characteristic because it seems to confer a genetic advantage. loss of that gene would increase malaria. the problem is that breeding carriers of that trait leads to the recessive state of sickle cell anaemia.
i agree that while it would be beneficial to get rid of genes which shorten life - cystic fibrosis being best example for northern ireland, the highest rate in the world. it would ease healthcare burdens. the problem is that, as you say, you can't predict healthcare. mutations can occur through time and you can't spot things.

Gender: Countries like china would end up with no girls! boys are wanted to work and 1 child rule means girls get abandoned. as a result, china would have hardly any girls. natural selection of gender averages to ~1:1, the perfect situation for the species to continue. anything else could end in disaster.

sorry, this has been a ramble from me. probably not the most coherent thoughts today. good topic though
What happened to the days where a baby was loved unconditionally despite appearance, disablility, etc.? It just goes to show how far down the human race has fallen.

We actually want to choose what our babies look like now? What this will lead to is corruption of the genetic pool, and the uniqueness of families and people.

Every male child will look like Brad Pitt and every female will be a supermodel when they grow up. WTF?

Again, most mothers, unless they are stuck up bitches, will love that child unconditionally. She will feel that life grow inside her for nine months, her own body nurturing it, and it actually becoming an extension of her body. A true mom will not give a damn what that child looks like, or if it cannot walk perfectly or see perfectly. That is a mother's love. Unconditional and uncomplaining.

Of course, there is no such thing anymore. Women pump out kids like a God damned conveyor belt, and men are even worse, not sticking around, impregnating 10 women, and not knowing if they have kids floating around in 10 states.

It really says a lot about us right now, that this wouldn't even be considered. And, answer me this.

We cannot mess with a fetus to help people like me who are basically fucking blind, because the Catholic church will shit in its preverbial pants, but it is okay to alter a fetus so it is handsome?
What the FUCK?
i've a second point i wanted to add...

if you had a child simply because you wanted to use it to give say a kidney to your child, how would the second child feel? i mean it has to deal with the fact that it wasn't wanted for any other reason than to provide a kidney. it wasn't an act of love or want to have a child, it was an experiment to prolong the life of the first child. while i'm not hard hearted enough to see that wanting the best for your child is beyond reasonable, it should be expected, is it really fair that you do so at the expense of another child.
That's when you have IVF treatment and you select the sex of your child. Are you for or against it? I'm for it myself. If people are having a child and they are able to chose then why shouldn't they? If they conceive natually it's a lucky guess as to what sex baby you will have. With the ammount of money you spend on babys, and the ammount this costs I don't see why you shouldn't be able to chose.

Sure it messes with nature, but plenty of things do. There will still people people out there that couldn't care less what sex their baby is.
Im against it. although i am not religous i think it is classed as "playing" god. It shouldnt really matter what you was to have. Boy or Girl they will still be your child. If everybody was to be able to choose thier childs sex most likely they would all be girls. (in Australia at least) and while that may be good for the few Boys the same age that would be born it isnt for the Evoloution side of things.

Becouse down the track we would be heavily poulated with Females wich means we would most likely be killed off. People that actually Choose what they want should get their head checked becouse its just not right, They should just leave Fate to deal with it.

But it should be ok if you had five kids that was boys and you wanted a girl. Then again why would you want anymore then five kids, if you had five boys lol.
The majority opting for a certain sex shouldn't be a problem. It would even itself out. I'd predict that half would want male children, the others would want female. There are positives & negatives for having either sex. You'll also get people like myself & ex who conceive children naturally and really couldn't care less what the sex is.
But thats the point, People like yourself and your ex and my fiance and I are of a selected few. I know alot of people that can concieve naturally but are talking about saving up to have the IBF treatment just so they can choose the sex of thier child.

It shouldnt be allowed and you would think they would be happy enough to be able to be "blessed" enough to have a second chance to have kids that they wouldnt give a shit what the sex was. I know i wouldnt. I would just be happy enough to have the child. It should be illegal to be able to choose.

Could you imagine the fights. its almost always seperated in realationships, the father wants a boy to play football go fishing with and the movie wants a young girl that will grow up to be just like her. they wont be able to decide in most cases. i say just make it so you cant chose its better in the long run.
I think that with the cost of the treatment that people should be able to chose. It's not cheap. And if the parents can both aregree on the sex then that's great. If they can't they can just have regual IVF and have a lucky dip. In the end it doesn't matter. If you want a boy and get a girl you won't be disappointed. You love the child either way.

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