describe this weeks raw

I fell asleep a hour and 10 mins in finally it was a relief to fall asleep (I am in UK) because it was just hidious from the word go this week everything was wrong.
The only good part of the enire show was the Hardy/Benjamin match, they should have let it go on for longer, i was really gettin into that match, then they ended it with a gay rollup. WTF!?!?!?
Was it me or did Cena not want to sell the beatdown that he got from Regal and Finley ?? Finley hit him with that Shaleighly like 12 times and yet Cena kept fighting through it with one hand tied to his back. How dumb. I think the best part of the show was the filler like someone else called it Carlito/Crazy vs Orton/Masters, Hardy vs Benjamin and the of course the main man Eric Bischoff
cena was trying to keep people interested becase we had to watch and 8 minute beat down
I think the beat down should have been quicker and then Edge should have told him about the steel cage and then beat him down some more
jacobthejeweler08 said:
The only good part of the enire show was the Hardy/Benjamin match, they should have let it go on for longer, i was really gettin into that match, then they ended it with a gay rollup. WTF!?!?!?

I competely agree with you...with at least 5-10 more minutes, this could have been a lot better match...other than that, 2 hours out of my life I'll never get back
Wall_of_Jericho said:
Best word I can use to describe it is AVERAGE.

- Eric Bischoff: Ah the moment we all tuned in for, yes ok at first like all of you I was fuming with it. What a waste of time!! I live in the UK so it was 4am by now and I had work the next day and I stayed up for this? But now i've cooled I realised it's definitely the beginning of an angle. Possibly nWo coming back?

It's NOT the worst Raw I watched but it certainly wasn't the best.

God doesn't anyone remember how bad the NWO was the last time they were in the WWE? The gimmick shot its wad almost 10 years ago. So let's say they do hire Hall and Nash again. Hall will show up drunk and Nash will stand up in the locker room and jack his knee or tear his quad.

The angle will be finished in two weeks.

Can't we see something original? Bischoff's appearance is just going to lead to a bunch of lame ass confrontations between Bischoff and McMahon. I have to give Bischoff credit, and I think he is a fucking assclown, he booked the NWO muich better than the WWE, but he hung on to it way too long. And his Invasion angle was much better than the WWE's.

If they really want to go original let Orton bring in Goldust and Cody Runnels and add the Brisco boys and let them run roughshod over everyone claiming they are legacies because they are all second and third generation wrestlers.

Then let them invite Carlito, who refuses to join and they go at it.
all it comes down to is that RAW made ABSOLUTELY NO PROGRESSION TOWARDS Anything!!!!
it was pointless, it didnt build up feuds, if anything it killed them...
if anyone plays smackdown vs. raw GM MODE, i think ull all agree that this raw forced the EDGE vs CENA into a thumbs down, and probably lost popularity for every wrestler on the damn show...
god that was bad, WHY DID DX FIGHT HIGLANDERs? WHAT!?!?!?! face vs. face? are u kidding me!?!? at times its fine but not in that match, it was dumb as hell
and bischoff... why is he here? ooooooo... a god damn book.
guys i dont even know what to say... it ruined my night, there was no good ten minutes in the beginning, Cena and edge seemed like they improv'd their promo in the beginning, it dragged on.
shelton and jeff coulda done way better,
worst main event ive seen in quite some time...
They just need to start building new storylines or adding to existing ones, right now they are just fuckin burying everything theyve built up to! something needs to be done, whether its Y2J, benoit, new GM
i mean i was almost positive Austin was gonna be the new gm since he just returned... or even a hogan appearance for brookes new alubm and hogans new dvd... NOTHING
they r so fuckin lucky i love edge enough to tune in for the main event next week...
AND i rly doubt bischoff was the beginning of anything, the only thing i liked about the show was shelton benjamin backstage, hes kinda funny lol... no NWO, if it was gonna start last nite was the time to do it, now even if they do it, i wont care as much...
bischoff hadda come out in the first ten minutes, say im the new GM and the last team in the gauntlet match hadda be NWO, now the time is passed...
*bashes head against table*

btw... uh did flair beat mikey with a punch to the face?

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