
The DemonSlayer should be...

  • Shinsuke Nakamura

  • Austin Aries

  • Samoa Joe

  • Hideo Itami

  • New NxT Signee

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Gone. For. Good.
So at NxT TakeOver: Dallas, "The Demon" Finn Balor retained his NxT Title against "The Submission Specialist" Samoa Joe. He has defended his title twice against Joe and came out on top at each time.

Now, Who should be the "Demonslayer" aka the one to dethrone Balor to become the new NxT Champion?

We have three choices for chosing that person.

1. Shinsuke Nakamura
2. Austin Aries
3. Samoa Joe

Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin have already been called up to main roster.

Another choice maybe the following one, although i don't know how he has been recovering from his injury.

4. Hideo Itami

Another choice could be a new NxT signee in form of Bobby Roode or anyone else.

So interestingly, Nakamura and Aries have just debuted. So it would be too soon for them. Joe has already faced Balor twice. Hideo's injury status is unknown.

Now, who would you want to dethrone Balor?

I think that it would be Nakamura. In couple of months, WWE would do a Japan tour so having a Japanese NxT Champion would surely profit them.

Still I could be swayed by discussions here.

Samoa Joe and Finn Balor both should be called up soon. But the next Takeover would be solid with a Balor vs. Nakamura Main Event!
Samoa Joe and Finn Balor both should be called up soon. But the next Takeover would be solid with a Balor vs. Nakamura Main Event!
Yeah, it would be a solid bout. Considering that Balor has been getting better at in-ring work day by day and Nakamura is just Nakamura, It would be a fun to watch them. I do have doubts about it going better than Zayn Vs. Nakamura though becuase the latter was a stellar performance.

I am surely having problem to make a next NxT TakeOver Card considering that Zayn, Crews and Corbin have already gone to the main roster.
I almost feel like there is a story to tell with having Balor end up being the person who attacked and injured Hideo all those months ago.
I'm also a fan of the "who attacked Hideo" angle being a thing. I do question the logistics of Balor being revealed as the villain if the idea is to eventually reveal him as the mastermind behind Gallows and Anderson. Turning heel I'm advance of joining a heel faction would undermine the second turn.

Itami vs Nakamura when NXT tours Japan would be huge, but so too would any combination of those two and Balor. I think the big money is Balor vs Nakamura, as those two will be able to connect with both the Japanese and world wide crowds.

Personally I'd like to see Joe get the job done, but in a WWE lacking main event talent, he should be called up. Nakamura makes the most sense. He's a hot star and needs to spend time in NXT if only to brush up on English and headline the Japanese tour.

Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to a Balor heel turn in the future. There's no need to rush it at all.
Demon slayer? Better send for the man:


Seriously though, Nakamura seems most likely. They've openly teased the idea repeatedly. Some say it's too soon, but the next Takeover likely isn't for months, giving Shinsuke ample time to rack up some wins and develop his character. Besides, Kevin Owens won the NXT title almost immediately after debuting. This wouldn't be unprecedented.

Hideo Itami would be an intriguing one. As other have said, revealing Balor to be behind the Hideo's injury would be very interesting and, more importantly, would actually make a ton of sense. Let's not forget that the event Hideo went down, he was supposed to compete in a triple threat against Balor and Tyler Breeze for the #1 contendership to the NXT belt. Itami being taken out of the match only benefited Balor.

While Nakamura works fine, I kind of want it to be Itami purely because there hasn't been a good "whodunit?" in WWE for years. Those are almost always fun, and they've got a potential great one on their hands if they choose to run with it.
Hideo Itami would be an intriguing one. As other have said, revealing Balor to be behind the Hideo's injury would be very interesting and, more importantly, would actually make a ton of sense. Let's not forget that the event Hideo went down, he was supposed to compete in a triple threat against Balor and Tyler Breeze for the #1 contendership to the NXT belt. Itami being taken out of the match only benefited Balor.

Itami was also the only person who had beaten Balor at that time, (the tournament to enter the Andre battle royal). If Balor did an Aces & Eights style video package explaining the attack it would be wonderful.

The problem is I don't think Itami is/would ever get over enough for the fans to really get behind him which I think would make for a lackluster feud.

Nakamura will for sure be the one to beat Balor. I don't think he'll beat "Demon" Balor though, I'm convinced after the second Joe win HHH wants to keep the Demon undefeated. But that means Balor will have to drop it on a regular NXT and not a Takeover. Hmm....
As much as I want to see Nakamura Vs. Balor I think the best way to dethrone the demon is to have it be done by the man who brought him in, Hideo Itami.

Hideo called upon Finn when he needed help in his first feud against the Ascension. Fast forward a bit, both men have a ton of momentum but according to storyline, Hideo was injured after a brutal beating.

The man suspected to do that was KO but the culprit was never really shown. I think the best option would be for Hideo to return at the end of the next Takeover where Finn faces a guy who we know he'd beat like Austin Aries. At the end of the match, Hideo comes down the ramp and into the ring and goes ballistic on Balor.

Later Hideo explains the demon took a year off of his career and now Hideo will end Finns career. A simple blood feud which I think could be followed up with Hideo Itami (C) Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura at the next Takeover which could be in Japan or something.
Given the options, I'd probably have to go with Nakamura. Nakamura has the name, the star power and the buzz though, at the same time, I don't see Nakamura spending a ton of time in NXT. From what I understand, he speaks English fairly well and understands it quite well; plus, I'm sure WWE paid him a hefty price to leave New Japan as he's someone that's been viewed as part of the foundation of New Japan for the past 12 years or so.

Austin Aries is a viable choice as well since he hasn't been in NXT for very long and I'm sure his price tag wasn't nearly as hefty as Nakamura's. At the same time, however, Aries just turned 38 so the clock is probably ticking.

If WWE has no real intention of bringing Samoa Joe to the main roster, which I don't think is likely as there's been talk of bringing him up for a while, then taking over as NXT Champion is a good spot for him and it could be a good way to give the rub to a young, up & comer on the NXT roster.

The thing about Hideo Itami is that his future in NXT, and WWE as a whole, is very much in question right now. In January, it was reported he'd suffered "complications" with his shoulder and that he wasn't anywhere close to being ready to return. While he's been out, NXT has continued to grow, flourish and generate all kinds of positive buzz without him. In the roughly 11 months he's been out of action, we've seen Finn Balor's star rise to new heights in which he's had the longest reign as NXT Champion and is essentially "the face" of NXT, the NXT Women's Division has been taken to new levels thanks to the work of Sasha Banks, Bayley & Asuka, bigger and/or more well known stars like Austin Aries, Samoa Joe & Shinsuke Nakamura have made their way to NXT and could possibly be headed to the main roster at any given time, NXT roster staples like Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin, Sasha Banks and Enzo & Big Cass have made their way to the main roster, stars who've made a huge splash in New Japan like AJ Styles and Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows have bypassed NXT altogether and been brought to the main roster. It's entirely possible that the shine will be off Itami by the time he returns, whenever that will be, because, as I alluded to, things have really been happening in a big way for NXT while he's been out.
I'm going to vote other because i think it's quite possible that it will be a new Nxt signee to dethrone him. The Joe/Balor bouts were epic don't get me wrong but if they go through with a 3rd match between the two it has to be a type of gimmick match such as a iron man or 2 out of 3 falls .. If reports are true, a new signing in Ricochet could be very intriguing imo... The thought of those two going at it one on one would be incredible, with both styles complementing the other in a series of matches that showcases their true athleticism, with Ricochet eventually taking the strap and dropping it to ... Nakamura !
I think Nakamura and Samoa Joe will be on the main roster relatively soon. Nakamura as soon as Summerslam I think. I see Nakamura vs Jericho at the big summer event this year, as it's been teased already. Nakamura I think will be a star on the main roster with his style and charisma. Joe is just Joe. I see him feuding with Owens, Zayn, Styles etc upon his arrival.

Hideo Itami is a solid choice. Have him win FINALLY hitting the GTS. But he's been out and who knows when he's coming back.

I think a new signee is the most likely option. Bobby Roode is a good option when he finally signs.

Only other thing I can think of is when Balor debuts on the main roster, he's still the NXT Champion and loses to a current main roster guy, or in a match where someone he's feuding with on the main roster costs him the title.
It should be Nakamura, no doubt. The guy blew me away in his debut and made me an instant fan. Apparently the guy is legit and a huge get from NJPW. I do think his time in NXT should be short, as he's clearly ready for WWE main roster (where hopefully he's utilized correctly and over as a bonafide top talent). Balor is now officially the longest reigning NXT Champion and ready to drop the belt. He and Joe had a feud, but can't possibly have a third match if Joe has already lost the first two. Nakamura raises to the top quickly in NXT, winning the championship at the next TakeOver, Joe and Balor are called up to the main roster by the summer's end. Nakamura on the main roster by the year's end. His quick rise should be similar to Keven Owen's quick raise to the NXT Championship and quick call up to the main roster. Can't wait for big things out of the guy! I'm excited to see if he's the first Japanese wrestler get over in WWE in foreveerrr!

Hideo just hasn't been active enough to generate any buzz. He'll have to build himself back up for awhile, grassroots style in NXT similar to the way Sami Zayn did.
With how popular he has already become, Nakamura. The NXT Champion is THE guy on the brand. Balor has been while he has held the title, Owens and Neville were when they held it also. So whoever dethrones Balor should be someone who they can focus the show around when Finn receives a promotion to the main roster in the future. We know it has to be coming. I would be fine with it being Itami as well if he is brought back and built up enough to where he could be a threat. He's been gone almost a year so he would certainly need to re-establish himself. There's unfinished business with the continuity of who attacked him last summer, so tying up that plot-hole and Balor passing the torch could be accomplishing two things at once there if Itami won the title. Aries I'm fine with also, when going with the poll's suggestions. It should NOT be Joe, however. Balor beat him twice. There's no point in continuing that feud and there is also no way they are going to top either the London match or the Dallas match.

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