Delirious to TNA?


Gunnery SGT. for Team Bring It!
EXCLUSIVE: TNA Interested in Top Ring of Honor Star
by Nick Paglino
Jul 11, 2010
According to sources within TNA, the company has either reached out to or is planning to reach out to Ring of Honor star Delirious. TNA is said to be very interested in bringing Delirious into the company right now. More information on this as it becomes available.

This could be a great move for the X-Division. I am lucky enough to get HDNet and have the privilege of watching ROH's weekly program. Delirious is very good in the ring and can do wonders for the X-Division. He also has as unique of a character as anyone. Check out his stuff in the ring:

He's also proven to be very charismatic, and comedic. Heres a promo of his w/ Chris Jericho:

What do you all think of Delirious? I know TNA's got a maxed out roster right now, but they can surely make a few cuts to bring in this guy. Will he single handedly boost their ratings? No, he won't. But he can go a long way in helping to redefining what TNA became known for in the first place, the X-Division. Your thoughts?
I think Delirious would be a great addition to the TNA Roster.

Not only is he a tremendously fun character, but the guy can work. He's had countless classic matches in Ring of Honor, and he's one of the few rare breeds these days who knows how to have great matches, while incorporating a unique character without doing anything in the match to ruin its perception. He's also a tough motherfucker, which I deeply respect as well.

The only thing he has working against him is his size, but meh... I'm sure he'd be in the X Division anyway, and besides.. Delirious is a larger than life character, so size won't matter in his case. Doesn't matter if he's in the ring with Brian Kendrick, or Abyss.... Delirious will give us an entertaining show.

Personally, I think it's shocking WWE hasn't signed him yet, but oh well... somebody had to smarten up sooner or later and do so, and TNA is definitely making a great choice adding him to the roster. Hopefully they don't fuck it up like they have so many other people/things, though.
I would love to see Delirious with TNA. as said before he brings a character that TNA currently doesn't have and no one else does either. He would be a great fit into the X Division and IF he happens to bring the lovely Daizee Haze with him I won't complain any. Delirious has grown alot in both skill and size since his last tour with TNA and looks more impressive now than the skinny guy in a mask he looked to be before.
I think this man would make a great edition to TNA. Cut Jordan and Terry if you need room, bring the man in. He is very charasmatic and a great in-ring talent, and for countless people complaining about "old folks" and "WWE rejects" they won't be able to complain about this man. Delirious never worked for the E and is relatively young. Plus, not only is he not a "reject", but he worked some for TNA in the beginning. He has a unique character and would fit in well in an alkternative like TNA, as this isn't something you'd see in TNA. He is rather small, but he can work in the X-Division or Mid-Card with just about anybody, as not everyone is a super-heavyweight. I think this would be a very smart signing, I'd love to see the guy every Thursday.
I think Delirious would be a great addition to the TNA Roster.

Not only is he a tremendously fun character, but the guy can work. He's had countless classic matches in Ring of Honor, and he's one of the few rare breeds these days who knows how to have great matches, while incorporating a unique character without doing anything in the match to ruin its perception. He's also a tough motherfucker, which I deeply respect as well.

Yeah. He's worked great technical matches with McGuinness and Daniels, great comedy matches Generico, and some very hardcore bloodbaths with the likes of Necro Butcher and Jimmy Jacobs.

The only thing he has working against him is his size, but meh... I'm sure he'd be in the X Division anyway, and besides.. Delirious is a larger than life character, so size won't matter in his case. Doesn't matter if he's in the ring with Brian Kendrick, or Abyss.... Delirious will give us an entertaining show.

Yeah, I see him being an X-Division mainstay if he "crosses the line." Can you imagine the feud he could have with Doug Williams and his current gimmick?

Personally, I think it's shocking WWE hasn't signed him yet, but oh well... somebody had to smarten up sooner or later and do so, and TNA is definitely making a great choice adding him to the roster. Hopefully they don't fuck it up like they have so many other people/things, though.

Yeah me too. I could easily have seen him become a comedy character appearing in segments with the likes of Goldust, Hornswoggle, and guest hosts. I also could have seen him lighting it up again with Evan Bourne, which would be a rivalry renewed for sure. Only way I see TNA fucking it up is by taking the mask off him within his first year with the company. A good idea for a push? Yes. But at least let his gimmick time to run its course first.

I'd like to add that the only thing realistically keeping this from happening is the fact that currently, Delirious is the head trainer at the ROH Academy in Bristol, PA. Hopefully he isn't infatuated with the job. Although I did get the chance to talk to him at a Chick-Fil-A in Reading, PA after a Chikara show, and he remarked that he'd be more open to TNA than WWE, because TNA has had the experience of being a part of the independent scene, and more likely than not, they would allow him to continue a lot of the stuff he does outside of wrestling, which include appearances and DVDs.
Agreed all around. I got a lot of reasons I watch Ring of Honor and a lot of the TNA guys came out of it. Delirious in the X-Division could only help it and I have not only enjoyed his matches but like everybody in this thread, I find his character entertaining and the way he pulls is it off is pretty cool. Off topic, I wish TNA would push Desmond Wolfe/Nigel McGuinness better than they are right now but that's another topic. But yes if TNA does sign Delirious, it would be a great move.
Delirious is nothing special. On a board that I was once a member of that I visit even think he absolutely sucks and that his gimmick is as bad as AbyssaMania. And when you examine it, it's true. He literally makes noises like bah bah bah bah. That's how he talks. I don't even think he's as over as he use to be in ROH. He's a waste and I don't care for him. If TNA wants an X-div. guy, there's tons of them out there. But you know what, I won't be so harsh because even though I think TNA can do better than him, maybe a change of environment from ROH to TNA can do him justice but in ROH he is staler than ever! He's not any loss to ROH whatsoever and isn't a big gain for TNA whatsoever. A win for ROH to lose this masked ****** and not so much of a win for TNA imo!
HAHAHAH, now i know why i dont read online reports. What a crock of shit, i have to agree with LetEmKnow on this, Delerious is nothing special.

I remember seeing a match between him and Danielson=BOREFEST. The guy is funny and has an interswting character but he is not what TNA is looking for.

Bring back Petey, Sonjay, bring in Briscoes, Aries. People who matter.
HAHAHAH, now i know why i dont read online reports. What a crock of shit, i have to agree with LetEmKnow on this, Delerious is nothing special.

I remember seeing a match between him and Danielson=BOREFEST. The guy is funny and has an interswting character but he is not what TNA is looking for.

Bring back Petey, Sonjay, bring in Briscoes, Aries. People who matter.

What are you nuts? You think they just make this shit up? I'm happy that TNA is out for this guy, and he is JUST what they're looking for. He's had fine matches, hell, he may even be better in the ring than Sonjay, who by the way has been in TNA already. And last I checked, so have Aries and Petey. And that didn't go so hot for them now did it? Briscoes, yeah, but their Tag Division is pretty full. And you've seen a Danielson match that was a "borefest?" When was that from pray tell, 2000? Delirious is probably on the way to Thursday nights, and he'll be a big help to a floundering X-Division, like him or not.
Delirious is a very innovative and fun character, and the mask adds a lot of intrigue to his character – if the reports from the Dreamer is booking TNA bout are serious, and he's looking to give the XD a more international feel, Delirious is a good step.

All that's left to be said is "RAH RAH RAH RAH!"
What are you nuts? You think they just make this shit up? I'm happy that TNA is out for this guy, and he is JUST what they're looking for. He's had fine matches, hell, he may even be better in the ring than Sonjay, who by the way has been in TNA already. And last I checked, so have Aries and Petey. And that didn't go so hot for them now did it? Briscoes, yeah, but their Tag Division is pretty full. And you've seen a Danielson match that was a "borefest?" When was that from pray tell, 2000? Delirious is probably on the way to Thursday nights, and he'll be a big help to a floundering X-Division, like him or not.

Like i said, Delerious is amusing character but i dont see why TNA would choose him over OTHER world class wresters.

And yes, wait for the drum roll...............................

Danielson does have shit matches. He is a borefest of a wrestler if he doesnt have other better guys in the ring with him.

Have you ever seen Danielson in a goodmatch? you have, thats because he was in the ring with the OTHER guy being better than him.

I saw a match with Delerious and Danielson from 2007 i think, it was FREAKIN killing the crowd with their damn restholds and headlocks. It was like watching WWE on a smaller scale.
The only thing about this that confuses me is why would TNA want Delirious over much more exciting and promising stars like Tyler Black, Austin Aries, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana and Kevin Steen?

Again, if they're going to for the international flare for the XD, I understand it, but technically speaking there, couldn't Steen or Cabana provide the same, and why pass on Black of all people? Tyler Black is a superstar just waiting for a big league contract if you ask me – guy could become the absolute face of the XD if they pushed him.
Delirious is nothing special. On a board that I was once a member of that I visit even think he absolutely sucks and that his gimmick is as bad as AbyssaMania. And when you examine it, it's true. He literally makes noises like bah bah bah bah. That's how he talks. I don't even think he's as over as he use to be in ROH. He's a waste and I don't care for him. If TNA wants an X-div. guy, there's tons of them out there. But you know what, I won't be so harsh because even though I think TNA can do better than him, maybe a change of environment from ROH to TNA can do him justice but in ROH he is staler than ever! He's not any loss to ROH whatsoever and isn't a big gain for TNA whatsoever. A win for ROH to lose this masked ****** and not so much of a win for TNA imo!

Someone doesn't keep up with their wrestling. Delirious has changed his character more and more every year. He has begun to speak more clearly along with the jubberish to make an interesting promo but still getting the main points across. Watch his promos against Adam Pearce and just recently against Austin Aries. Some of the better promos in ROH. He has also started to adopt a character ROH fans have dubbed "Red Poison Delirious" in which it's a total character transformation. Insted of running around crazy and being funny he is all buisness and actually quite frightening to be around. Almost a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing now. As I said before he has grown tremendously in the ring which makes me believe you haven't watched any of his matches since 05 or 06.
The only thing about this that confuses me is why would TNA want Delirious over much more exciting and promising stars like Tyler Black, Austin Aries, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana and Kevin Steen?

Again, if they're going to for the international flare for the XD, I understand it, but technically speaking there, couldn't Steen or Cabana provide the same, and why pass on Black of all people? Tyler Black is a superstar just waiting for a big league contract if you ask me – guy could become the absolute face of the XD if they pushed him.

Well, IDR, it's as much a mystery to you as it is to me. I'm a big fan of Black and others in ROH, and I don't understand why they don't have big league contracts. Especially Austin, I think he is the real "Flair" of today as opposed to TNA's view that it's AJ. There has to be something keeping it from happening, otherwise he could be THE face of TNA, or even the 'E. (Although of the names you mentioned, I doubt Colt would want to go to a top company again, Steen kinda fat, and Chris Hero is aging, depending on how you look at it.)

As for Phenomenal, both guys HAVE to be great for a match to be considered a "good match". You don't see Shawn Michaels having a "good match" with the Great Khali now do you? And Shawn's great. Danielson is pushing great too.

Here is a video of Danielson fighting several guys in a 6-Man Tag in NJPW. (
The match even features Ted DiBiase. (notice ability to sell, and his inability to botch moves). That's what makes Danielson great.
This can be a very good move if he actually does signed with Tna. I always though Delerious always desverd better and like go to a major company. I think tna could be perfect for him he would be great in the X divsion and he could be good in the tag team divsion if give the right parthener. They could also market his mask's so yeah if he does go to tna it would be a good move for tna and Delerious.
Just an update to the story here, but according to The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter (your guess is as good as mine as to how credible they are), Delirious has turned down TNA's offer, as he is reportedly pleased in ROH and happy with the money that he makes there.

Sounds to me like a modest mans way of saying no to a company where Delirious might fall into obscurity, but I can't say I'm all that disappointed, as I wasn't really all that high on the idea of bringing him in the first place. Good wrestler, but I just don't see the value of him in the company at this point.

Thoughts on the report?
I think the Wolfe treatment is going to sour a lot of indy/ROH talent on going to TNA and risking their career and professional reputation. McGuinness is a superb talent and worked his ass off to get where he was in ROH. And all of that has been squandered in six or seven months since the last Wolfe/ Angle match at Final Resolution.

I felt that until that point, TNA had the jump on signing ROH & talent from the indies. Shame though and if Wolfe/McGuiness can get his rep back then all credit to him and TNA.
I view this as a big mistake and here is why. Delirious belongs to ROH. This is a type of guy who will gain success (possibly a substantial amount) within a "smaller" promotion and thats all fine and good it works for ALOT of wrestlers. Making the transition from a promotion like ROH to TNA or WWE isn't very easy. Instead of having the reletively small amount of fans who love the character, you will now have a huge number of people who you have to impress all over again and im just not sure he is the type to do it. This of course is just my opinion.

On the other hand i hope he proves me wrong since i do like his in ring work. I just hope if he does get called to tna he doesn't get shoved behind the likes of nash and sting like so many other young talent.

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