Del Rio face turn?

keith hall

the streak will not be BEAT!!!
I have an awsome idea... what if Del rio turned face? if WWE did this they would probably screw it up but think of it...

Now the stage will be set up after night of champions...The next night on raw cody Rhodes has a match against Sin Cara and wins...after words we hear Sandows music and he announces his partnership with cody Rhodes...they then proceed to beat down Sin Cara...

Then Rhodes calls for Cara's mask to be ripped off...but Sandow stops him saying that there is someone else who should do it...Someone else who is intilectual enough to understand why they are doing this...(or something like that)...Any way Del Rio's music hits and he comes down to the ring...

He proceeds to cut a promo about how WWE made him take off his mask but still let Cara Wear his...cody and sandow say how he deserves this chance to do this and say they'll watch it all from the del rio bends down to take off the mask but in stead delivers a Backstabber to Rhodes or sandow...the other secapes and talks of how this isnt over yet...

So now we have a Mexican alliance V.s. Intellectual People...

heck WWE could even throw in Mysterio and Miz to change stuff up...

anyway this ends all of Del Rio's stay in the title picture and now he gets to struggle in the mid card/tag team scene...

Hey this is just a what if scenario...
I don't like the idea. Del Rio should stay a heel, he just needs to refresh his character. IMO, they should have him go away from a while and come back with a dirty rugged look explaining how he lost all his fortune and how he will do anything to reclaim his top class spot by winning the World title.
They're clearly building to Ricardo v Alberto at some point, I can see the turn happening at NOC for Alberto. While it's been done before with Virgil, from what I've seen Ricardo is a much better worker so the feud should be interesting.

As for the idea itself, nah, if he went face he'd have to "lose it all" and come back humble... and the dishevelled thing smells a little too much like "The Search For Cactus Jack" for comfort.
They're clearly building to Ricardo v Alberto at some point, I can see the turn happening at NOC for Alberto. While it's been done before with Virgil, from what I've seen Ricardo is a much better worker so the feud should be interesting.

As for the idea itself, nah, if he went face he'd have to "lose it all" and come back humble... and the dishevelled thing smells a little too much like "The Search For Cactus Jack" for comfort.

That is too much like MVP's face turn.

I like the idea of ADR actually promoting his background more and actually make a mends with Rey in some form whilst helping out Sin Cara. With Survivor Series coming up in a few months time, they can work towards that match with these 3 and 1 or 2 more to go up against Sandow, Rhodes and their team. You keep everybody relevant by having them in mini feuds with each other and promote a strong midcard/high uppercard. Sure it means dropping ADR a bit from the World Title but it gives him a purpose again that he can then take with him when going back to the World Title scene.
Some guys are just born to be a heel. Del Rio is one of those guys. I actually like his character and enjoy him as a heel. I don't think he would work as a face. Orton is the same way. He's a natural heel, that's why everyone complains that he sucks now. Orton is better off punting skulls and Del Rio is better off being an aristocrat.. Can you imagine Million Dollar Man as a face? Eeeww....

Same thing applies to faces. Can you imagine Steamboat, Kofi, or Mysterio as heels? It wouldn't work.

Some people are just made to fit certain roles to be sucessfull....
What if Del Rio turned face?

Now what makes you think he'll turn face? I started skimming the rest of your post after I read that sentence. Sorry, but your idea's just plain horrible.

There's a reason why a part of his moniker is "Aristocrat". It means rich, which usually refers to a bad guy. Were rich guys like Ted DiBiase and JBL face during their rich personas? I don't know if DiBiase ever became face during his run as the Million Dollar Man, since I've never watched the 80's Boom, but I know for a fact that he was well-known as a full-blown heel, insisting that "everyone has a price". As for JBL, I'm definitely sure that he was a heel when he traded his shirt and jeans for a suit and tie.

Like asiatic7 has just said:

Some guys are just born to be a heel. Del Rio is one of those guys.
it's really rare to find good heel superstars in the WWE these days, ADR is one of the few.

Thats why in my opinion turning him face will be a huge mistake, they just need to put him out of sheamus way and he will shine. lol
No way in hell could Del Rio be a face. The man gets heat but it's xpac heat. This guy states how he will be leaving in a couple of years but no one says anything.The Rock shows up handful amount of times and people on this board tear him apart for not being a full timer.Atleast the Rock didn't coast like Carlito or ADR based on family history in this industry. If ADR is leaving in a few years why bother making him a face.
I dont hate the idea. He actually seems kind of funny in real life. He did a shoot interview on The Miz not long ago which i enjoyed , if they let him be himself he would have a solid chance of getting over as a face
Well he is OK heel so I dont think he should be turn to face.

He has good character(rich guy who people love to hate) and can do very good with him in bringing the heat(Its my destiny and staff like that). If that changes, he could try to be face. Otherwise he is just as fine like this.
It would be risky. WWE is thin at upper card heels as it is. I really don't know enough of his personality to know what he is capable of if he flips.

I do know that he doesn't get under my skin enough as a heel. He just feels like he's a necessary cog in the machine. I also know that my wife, who mostly ignores wrestling when I'm watching with the boys, did stop for a second one night when he came in wearing a suit and asked "Who's that one?" When I told her, she said, "huh." Which in wife-speak means she thinks he's good-looking. So, he might have that going if he switched to face.

Still, I would be really hesitant to turn any heel who is in the title picture. They are just so thin in those spots.
no, crap idea, Del Rios is a heel, he would never be accepted as a face.

Why this is being described as an awesome idea is beyond me.

Del Rios is going into a heel title run following Night of Champions...or a feud with Ziggler over the belt. That would be entertaining.
He's too established as a heel and he's one of those heels that I personally hated upon his rise to the top and still don't care for him. And it's a lot because he is one of those heels you just have to hate on. He's not one of those who could automatically turn face. I'd rather see a Dolph Ziggler face turn and make ADR hated even more by getting rid of Ricardo and putting Vickie Guerrero at his side. So my storyline:

Have ADR win the WHC off of Sheamus at NOC. Have Dolph Ziggler go down and cash in his briefcase only to lose to ADR. Because of this, Vickie starts 'wooing' ADR because she feels she must be with a champion. ADR and Vickie become somewhat of an item where Ricardo is left out. Vickie can almost have a new persona from 'cougar' to 'gold digger' because she has to be with a champion but also because ADR can be spending his fortune on her.

This would start changing ADR's character which does need a change. Maybe then I could see ADR becoming a face then because he could spend all his fortune on Vickie to lose it all to basically be humbled. Get fans behind him because he's lost everything.
The fact that Del Rio isn't over with the crowd even as a heel shows me it would be super hard for him to get over as a face... I'm sure its possible that he could? though the instant turn doesn't sound realistic enough? why would Del Rio help Sin Cara? just because they both come from mexican decent? It just doesn't make sense, all though a lot of the things WWE do sometimes don't make sense, but this would just confuse everybody as he has been even looking more and more like a heel lately and this would just be the exact opposite.
Exactly! He isn't over and thats the point. Ricardo is not doing that for him. He's a strong heel but I think he needs a voice to get him over. That's why Vickie is so good at what she has done with Edge, Ziggler. The only one I don't think really worked for her was Jack Swagger but that's Swagger. I think Vickie could be that voice whether it follows my storyline idea or WWE goes their own route with it.
ADR just isnt going to hack it. Doesnt matter face or heel. He was pushed to the moon and has failed to deliver many times. He is everything a heel is supposed to be and even with that and the immense hype surrounding his debut, he has failed to get people to care. Chance after chance he has failed. He is on the path of Drew McIntyre in my opinion.

Pushed hard, talented, right look, etc. It just doesnt matter and fans dont seem to care. His promo's are repetitive, his 'its my destiny\chosen one' gimmick is failing. Best thing about ADR is his sidekick. Difference is that Del Rio has a historic wrestling family and Drew doesnt. So the WWE will keep throwing ADR at us most likely till he decides to leave.

I dont see how turning him face will help at all. Plus, there are too many 'face' wrestlers on SD as it is already. I dont see ADR mattering in less than 2 years if that long. He has been pushed so hard and won RR, MITB and titles- yet still, no one cares. They have got to figure something out quickly but turning him face isnt a good way to go. He really needs better skills on the mic if he is going to stick around. That should be where they start before they decide to turn him face and make things worse.
I don't understand why people are bashing this idea, when it definitely has merit. I happen to like ADR currently, but I wouldn't mind seeing a face turn because, looking to the future, there are alot of upper level heels on SD. Barrett is returning, Mark Henry is returning, Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Miz, and Cesaro are all quality heels so I don't think lack of depth is an issue.

Also, how can anyone say he can't be a face? This is Dos Caras Jr. One of the most heroic and over stars in recent Mexican wrestling. He can captivate a crowd and especially if a storyline with Rey and Sin Cara leads to him putting on a mask again. I think a Masked stable would be fresh, and do very well.

Also, you have a great make-up with ADR, Rey and Sin Cara. A veteran, a current main-eventer and an up-and-coming fan favorite. Just food for thought
I disagree that a masked stable would go especially if it has ADR. Mysterio was unmasked in WCW and that was very much frowned upon cause in Lucha Libre you just don't lose your mask. WCW was at fault for allowing that to happen.

Putting ADR back in the mask and going from one persona of ADR back to his original persona and remasking him would be like spitting in the face of the Lucha Libre tradition. He willingfully allowed it to happen but I don't know how he managed to get away with putting the mask back on when he was in FCW during their Mexico tour and stay the hometown hero. As I said, it was a big deal. You just don't take ADR who left that tradition behind in the WWE to carry on this new character to go back to Dos Caras Jr.
As for the idea itself, nah, if he went face he'd have to "lose it all" and come back humble...

Yes, that really does seem an unlikely development. Del Rio's entire character screams "bad guy" and the whole aristocratic aura he projects makes you wonder how he could ever turn face.

And yet.......sooner or later, everyone turns, no? How many performers have stayed face or heel their entire careers? Somehow, someday it will happen with Del Rio.

I don't know how; the idea of creating a conflict between ADR and his ring announcer seems silly, no? They can't compete in the ring, can they? It would look ridiculous, especially with the marshmallow physique Rodriguez possesses.

Of course, the old tried and true will probably be the way it happens. In other words, someone even "badder" than ADR will do something evil to him, prompting the face turn.

How will ADR be received as a good guy? That's the big question; I can't see cheering him, I really can't......yet, I couldn't see us rooting for Sheamus either, but looked what happened with that.
no, he shouldnt turn face. if anyone should turn, it's Ziggler, but i dont care if he turns or not. however, for Del Rio, it's more on his development of character. people are bored by his character. we know he's a rich guy who says it's his destiny, but people want to see more. someone mentioned Vickie as his manager, that would do wonders for his career. having Vickie turn on Dolph for Del Rio would get Del Rio instant heat as Vickie's one of the most hated managers. the boos for her are just loud and Del Rio can put on a match, it's just his character is kinda getting old.
No disrespect but I don't care for your scenario, though I have been saying with all the bullying, losing w/the foot on the ropes, etc. it would make sense for Del Rio to turn face.

Problem it that besides Damien Sandow (& Ziggler if anyone even counts him as a heel anymore), Del Rio is ,BY FAR, THEE BEST HEEL on WWE TV currently.

So Del Rio working as a face would hurt the WWE's current roster setup IMO.
I will first say that he would not be the first heel turned face that I couldn't imagine people cheering for. Sheamus comes to mind, and like was said before, everyone turns sooner or later. That being said i think Del Rio is a natural heel. His whole persona screams heel. I think he would have a hard time getting the crowd behind him. I think they should allow him to mature even more as a heel before even thinking of turning him.

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