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Deja Vu? Is WWe slowly falling apart


New Member
Remember when wwe was at its low point around 96-97 and wcw was ruling.Wcw was having better ratings but wwe was having better quality shows.Now the shoes is on the other foot.Tna is having better quality shows and now wwe raw has the higher ratings.Do anybody feel this sign of things to come looking back at the monday night wars.
P.S.All responses must make sense and not write stupid stuff like tna suck because wwe have more money and tna only has wwe rejects
No other live, primetime scripted, American television program exists let alone produces as many "new" programs without repeats per year as WWE so naturally repetition will exist. Shows eventually decline in quality and ratings and go off the air (The Simpsons, ER, Law And Order, etc keep going but don'' create as many shows per year as WWE) but WWE keeps on going so naturally things are going to be as they are. Also the way that fans view the product these days with many actively searching for flaws, rather than just knowing that they exist and still enjoying the good parts, of course things will be viewed as declining. These days fans are conditioned to expect things to happen very quickly and a lot of them think that their way of doing things is the only correct way. With that mindframe being common amongst the majority, naturally the decline exists.

TNA is improving, but to compare the current situation to that of 1996 isn't fully accurate considering many factors. At that point in time WCW was competition. Currently TNA is morsoe an alternative than competition. Sure it's a competitor, but overall, the situation of people choosing one over the other isn't much of a factor with the shows airing on different nights. Sure a lot of people will only watch TNA and not WWE, but not enough people have that attitude, to t affect things in the same way that the WCW situation did. (OF course a lot of people watched both companies back then as well). If it was full fledged competition, then things might be more similar.
Hmmmm.... that is a good qeustion, I could go either way with this, but right now I'd have to say that it is really to early to tell, because TNA is only 4-5 years old, and when WCW and WWE started the monday night wars both promotions had been around for qiut awhile (WCW was known as the NWA I think, until Ted Turner bought it then it was named WCW).
I really dont think wwe is falling apart. Yeah Bro They got some weak story lines. but there the known brand. Like the other day me and my freinds were chillin, and i smacked my head on a poll and had 2 get my head fucking stapled(hurt like a motherfucker) My point is as there was hella blood running down my face my friend who doesnt watch wrestling went, Damn that was some wwe shit. It will be a lonnnggggg as time before someones gonna sat that was some TNA shti.

Get my point?
Dysturbed said:
No other live, primetime scripted, American television program exists let alone produces as many "new" programs without repeats per year as WWE so naturally repetition will exist. Shows eventually decline in quality and ratings and go off the air (The Simpsons, ER, Law And Order, etc keep going but don'' create as many shows per year as WWE) but WWE keeps on going so naturally things are going to be as they are. Also the way that fans view the product these days with many actively searching for flaws, rather than just knowing that they exist and still enjoying the good parts, of course things will be viewed as declining. These days fans are conditioned to expect things to happen very quickly and a lot of them think that their way of doing things is the only correct way. With that mindframe being common amongst the majority, naturally the decline exists.

TNA is improving, but to compare the current situation to that of 1996 isn't fully accurate considering many factors. At that point in time WCW was competition. Currently TNA is morsoe an alternative than competition. Sure it's a competitor, but overall, the situation of people choosing one over the other isn't much of a factor with the shows airing on different nights. Sure a lot of people will only watch TNA and not WWE, but not enough people have that attitude, to t affect things in the same way that the WCW situation did. (OF course a lot of people watched both companies back then as well). If it was full fledged competition, then things might be more similar.

First of all I'm not saying the situation is exactly the the same but think about this how many wrestling organizations you know that has risen this quickly to even this level?Plus WWE put stories before the actual action.There were once times people loved that (ex.Attitude era)but times are changing,people are getting older and we acqire
different taste.Alot of people don't want that type entertainment anymore we prefer things more leaning on the side of reality(MMA PPV Buyrates compared to WWE PPV buyrates will prove that).Or things with a much more mature feeling to it and Tna does that?All I'm saying is WCW died because it failed to keep up and if it doesn't they face the same fate as WCW.
I'm gonna make this plain and simple, once things heat up between tna and wwe, Vince will pull out all the stops. He has done it before with WCW, he can do it again. TNA is a great wrestling company on the rise, but WWE is a major media franchise. Maybe as wrestling fans, we are waiting inpatiently for the next wrestling war to happen again, because those moments were the best in our lives. But if you think that Vince is gonna go on high alert because of TNA, you're wrong. Slowly, but surely, the next phase in the WWE are starting. For instance, why is Eric Bishoff back? Why does his announcement for his book comes the day after Kurt Angle was announced to be part of TNA? why is his book "Controversy Creates Cash" talks about the story behind the Monday Night Wars from his point of view, yet strange enough, we are very close to what is going on today. And why is Eric Bishoff part of the three special referees that will be voted on on Cyber Sunday? More than that, how come one championship title will be merged with another on Cyber Sunday? You may say that the WWE is going down, I say that slowly the WWE is progressing into it's new Era.
I feel that the WWE is struggling. They could have amazing story lines, but none exist. I truely believe they only have a few "superstars" that are worthy of that title. I mean they push a guy like Chris Masters and Johhny Nitro! Those two couldn't wrestle their way out of a sock. Then last week they sink low enough to bring in white trash K-Fed. While it was amusing watching Cena give him the F.U.( Hope it was very stiff), I hear now that we are going to have endure him (K-Fed) again this week? It is getting bad enough that I will consider not watching it. I have been a wrestling fan for the past 28 years and I have seen many of the great matches, but I am starting to get disgusted by WWE. I hope they can start producing a good product again.
Give it time thundertounge, If Vince doesn't produce by the time TNA becomes truly well known, then it's over for WWE. but knowing Vince he won't give up his spot on top for anybody
WWE is'nt at it's peak at the moment but it went through a stage like this from 1993-1996. Even though WCW was beating them in the ratings by the end of 1996 WWE programing was red hot. In a few years when all the new superstars they have introduced lately ie. Kennedy and Lashley are main event status WWE will be good again.
salomon4evr said:
Give it time thundertounge, If Vince doesn't produce by the time TNA becomes truly well known, then it's over for WWE. but knowing Vince he won't give up his spot on top for anybody

Vince don't have to give up the top spot, tna is gonna take it. if they don't pushing the people they need i can bet you they are going to tna.people like shelton benjamin and matt hardy.
Just like stars like lex luger, hulk hogan, kevin nash, scott hall, bret hart, and others left wwe for wcw back in the day. Did WCW score high in the ratings fro over 80 weeks, Yes. Vince gone out of business, no. Either way, we're on line to see great wresting, great storylines, and great controversy from these two companies for years to come.
The only reason Vinnie Mac and the WWE didn't go under when they battled with WCW were two important reasons. First, WCW had no idea how to create new storylines or wrestlers. They merely stole what WWE had and built around it. That boost lasted until the shine began to dim on the aging superstars they had. Second, and no one can dispute this, it was ECW that was giving both brands the styles and ideas needed to boost wrestling in the public's eyes. WCW stole the cruiserweights. WWE stole many of the storylines and the hardcore, ECW style. This time around WWE doesn't have someone to redesign themselves around and I believe that NWA is not foolish enough to grant full fledged authority to wrestlers like WCW did and which hampered all future storylines. It's obvious Vinnie Mac doesn't know what the people want and when he does he doesn't know how to give it to them. He brought back a tame DX just like he did with the nWo. e keeps trying to push Cena despite the fact he can't get the entire crowd behind him. For Christ's sake he paid KFed to appear on Raw. KFED!!!! Focus on the wrestling, cut the crappy promos, amp up the action, and watch the ratings rise. NWA is going prime time and expect them to catch up. They need the public to survive. Vinnie Mac only needs his ego.
The only reason Vinnie Mac and the WWE didn't go under when they battled with WCW were two important reasons. First, WCW had no idea how to create new storylines or wrestlers. They merely stole what WWE had and built around it. That boost lasted until the shine began to dim on the aging superstars they had. Second, and no one can dispute this, it was ECW that was giving both brands the styles and ideas needed to boost wrestling in the public's eyes. WCW stole the cruiserweights. WWE stole many of the storylines and the hardcore, ECW style. This time around WWE doesn't have someone to redesign themselves around and I believe that NWA is not foolish enough to grant full fledged authority to wrestlers like WCW did and which hampered all future storylines. It's obvious Vinnie Mac doesn't know what the people want and when he does he doesn't know how to give it to them. He brought back a tame DX just like he did with the nWo. He keeps trying to push Cena despite the fact he can't get the entire crowd behind him. For Christ's sake he paid KFed to appear on Raw. KFED!!!! Focus on the wrestling, cut the crappy promos, amp up the action, and watch the ratings rise. NWA is going prime time and expect them to catch up. They need the public to survive. Vinnie Mac only needs his ego.
purewrestling said:
Remember when wwe was at its low point around 96-97 and wcw was ruling.Wcw was having better ratings but wwe was having better quality shows.Now the shoes is on the other foot.Tna is having better quality shows and now wwe raw has the higher ratings.Do anybody feel this sign of things to come looking back at the monday night wars.
P.S.All responses must make sense and not write stupid stuff like tna suck because wwe have more money and tna only has wwe rejects
I happen to think you are wrong let's keep it real tna's impact show is of very poor quality right now the one hour show is kind of boring at times tna's impact at best is on par with the ecw show,now I know what you "pro" tna fans are thinking but i'm a tna fan too I just happen to like both companies evenly they both have amazing talent and good reasons to watch both shows,all you "pro" tna fans are crazy if you think tna will be able to compete with wwe in even the next three years tna right now gets a 1.0 rating every week those are raw a.m. ratings you guys have to face facts right now tna just can't do it.
Does anyone know if the mighty stone cold will be returning to the WWE?
If so,when??
CoolerThanMostHere said:
They merely stole what WWE had and built around it.

Both companies "stole" or in better terminology "used" the other companies ideas. Where signing wrestlers is concerned, if someone signs somewhere when a free agent, it's not stealing. Was Eric Bischoff not a big shot/announcer with an on air role as a major heel. Vince started doing that which lead to the huge Vince/Austin feud amongst many other things, including duplications. So WWE "stealing" people and concepts wasn't muchc of a problem rather it was WWE doing things better, being more organized, etc.

This time around WWE doesn't have someone to redesign themselves around

They don't have to have another company's ideas and existence to improve cause they have themselves to upstage. The problem is that they don't do it.

It's obvious Vinnie Mac doesn't know what the people want

While it's true that WWE does a lot of stupid and questionable things, realistically how can he possiblydetermine what people want when a majority of fans (IWC and not) seem to believe that their vision of how each individual thing should be is the only correct way, as if there can be thousands of correct ways. Heck, a lot of the same people that want certain things to happen, get it then bitch when they do cause it's not exactly how they envision it. How can you please people that refuse to be pleased. Everything is a no win situation. Say that something ilke the tag of cruiserweight divisions were used better. Some of the same people that want that to be the case would bitch big time if their favorite isn't champ for example. WWE can't win. Soon TNA could be in the same boat.

. He keeps trying to push Cena despite the fact he can't get the entire crowd behind him.
Welcome to 2006 where it's unrealistic to expect otherwise. Plus the Cena reaction isn't exactly a bad thing considering that it's a huge reaction whether it's positive, negative, or mixed. Common sense suggests that a top guy getting large reactions is better than none at all. If someone is booed non stop cause of legit hate then it can potentially be a problem but only half of the crowd (sometimes less) seems to "hate" him, and a lot of those people do it as part of the fun, as we've seen by them changing their reactions on the same nights simply becuase of comments that the actual heel makes, and things of that nature.
WCW had awesome people hogan, luger,ddp, all those sweet guys and wwf had awesome guys so the rivalry was sweet. You'll never have that with TNA....wow u have soma joe, jeff jarret?!?! he sucked, and kurt angle who won his king of the ring but was never truly electrifying. TNA is pulling in like a .6 rating thats a joke. They should be put on the Animal Planet. If you asked a thousand people what TNA is or what it stood for maybe two would know... So what if WWE is having a dry period, it is in the middle of guys like the Undertake, Kane, HHH, shawn micheals, and others on their way out and guys like cena, edge, orton, batista, hardy, and many more on the rise. wether you want to hear it or not TNA sucks! and WWE will always be awesome
my condolences to TNA i forgot ...ahem...they did steal christian from the wwe....remember he really didn't do that much and was kinda carried by edge for a while.....he will be truly missed....i mean i think they should have him fued with jeff jarret on TNA...just think about what a headlining match that would be....I defianetly see if they do this TNA may pull a quick .7 in their ratings and the WWE is doomed for destruction.
It's funny when I read some of these posts by twelve-year-olds who probably aren't aware that there was wrestling before 1998. I've seen the highs and the lows with regards to the product pushed by WWF/E, WCW/NWA, and ECW. Before something gets better...it has to get worse. Wrestlemania III was pretty much the WWF's original apex, and by the mid 1990's WWF Raw was usually hailing from places that aren't even the size of house-show arenas these days. WWE is only in the position it's in because the main competitor (WCW) is gone. The stabilzing factor in the American Wrestling arms race is whether or not TNA can succeed. Crowd response, attendance, ratings, and quality of wrestling are less than what they were during the last WWF heyday. For me, the proof is in the pudding. Too many angles went bust, and too many matches didn't live up to their hype. Too many unqualified wrestlers were put in top spots. Airtime is wasted on segments that don't pertain to the core of the product: wrestling. What irritates me is that Vince fell into WCW's old trap. He had too many talents and didn't know what to do with the vast majority of them. Instead of doing what brought him to the dance, which was to continually work at establishing his own new stars (like he did with Hogan, Rock, Triple H and Austin) he either squandered the ones he had (Rhino, Cage, Angle, and Lesnar) or brought in ones who didn't need to be near his product (Steiner, NWO, and Goldberg). Right now, the company is at a crossroads. IF they see what is going on and can change it, they'll be home free for the next five years with the wealth of talent they have at their disposal. If not...ouch.
i'll tell what i find most interesting, if you remember before the monday night wars really took off, wcw taped there shows in the dianey studios (tna are taping there shows in orlando in a studio too) and wcw then brought in guys who had been established as main eventers in the wwf, guys like kevin nash, scott hall, hogan, randy savage and others, and they also had awesome undercards with the cruserweights and guys like mysterio, guerrero, benoit, jericho and others. tna also has awesome undercards with all the x division stars, and they have brought in main eventers like sting, team 3d and kurt angle. but tna are doing all the things which wcw should have done. tna are pushing the x division guys like aj styles and christoper daniels to the main event and the main events are good matches too (unlike most of the wcw main events which were terrible). so i think if tna keep doing what there are doing then in a few years we may see tna competing with wwe, especially because they now have two hours for impact and angle has joined.
Definitely. That was WCW's downfall. Their World Title picture was a bloated mess of has-beens who couldn't pour piss from a boot with regards to their workrate at the time. Hogan, Piper, and Flair are the three big examples. Then Bischoff went the exact opposite route and gave the strap to an unworthy, green-as-a-turtle bore that was/is Goldberg. I used to have bets with my friends not about who won matches with Goldberg, but whether or not Goldberg could take a match past ten minutes. I won most of those bets. The sad thing is that WCW had great athletes in the company, but they pissed it all away. Guererro, Benoit, Booker T, Sting, Bret Hart, Jericho. All of these guys should've been the ones fighting main-events and restoring some credence to the belt. Instead it was put on one stiff after another until, by the time David Arquette took hold of it...it didn't even matter. If TNA wants to stay in the hunt, they have to keep qualified workers holding the belts.
the main events where shit because guys like piper where way past there prime, but i dont think flair was poor, he just had poor angles, flair is an awesome wrestler and if you read "his" book then you'll see that he agrees that guerrero was one of the greatest wrestlers ever and that he once was told that he was selling to many of eddies moves at a house show once, a he still wrestles today, he has even been working with the spirit squad so he must be trying to help them, also goldbergs matches may have been short but goldberg was one the best things that bischoff ever came up with because goldberg can be awesome when used in the correct situation when his entrance can be awaited like in the rumble or the elimination chamber and also have you noticed that he stay underfeated for almost two years, and samoe joe has been undefeated for a year and half now and the fans love him, like a lot of people did goldberg, but joe can work a way better match than goldberg could.
laurencescott14490 said:
the main events where shit because guys like piper where way past there prime,
Not that Piper wasn't great in his day, but a junk hip doesn't do much for mobility. Starrcade 1996 was proof of this.

laurencescott14490 said:
but i dont think flair was poor, he just had poor angles, flair is an awesome wrestler and if you read "his" book then you'll see that he agrees that guerrero was one of the greatest wrestlers ever
Flair is a solid example of only being as good as whoever is calling the spots in the match. This was the initial reason he got booted from WWF in 1993 (just before being relegated to a nobody). He got stuck in matches (and still does, hence all the chopping) and has the nerve to talk shit about Bret Hart and his drawing power. How ironic. Mr. Pot...meet Mr. Kettle.
laurencescott14490 said:
he has even been working with the spirit squad so he must be trying to help them,
He's probably trying to help get them over, and that's cool, but the whole concept of the spirit squad is a dud. They have five athletic young guys who are running around as cheerleaders, when they should be shuffled into the cruiserweights or into separate tag-teams that have discernable, intelligent gimmicks. The kids can work, but it doesn't matter because their gimmick has ZERO character depth to it.
laurencescott14490 said:
also goldbergs matches may have been short but goldberg was one the best things that bischoff ever came up with because goldberg can be awesome when used in the correct situation when his entrance can be awaited like in the rumble or the elimination chamber and also have you noticed that he stay underfeated for almost two years, and samoe joe has been undefeated for a year and half now and the fans love him, like a lot of people did goldberg, but joe can work a way better match than goldberg could.
Goldberg was one of the prime reasons WCW went down the crapper, and the ratings say so. His title reign was the beginning of the ratings decline. People didn't (and still don't) feel like tuning in or paying for a ticket to see a five-minute main event match that hypes itself up to the stars and delivers like a geriatric ejaculation. He was a one-trick pony who couldn't understand match pacing or psychology if it jumped up and bit him in his bald head. Even his matches in Japan were stellar examples of why Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker should have his ass kicked for ever letting Goldberg graduate from the Power Plant.
i'll agree to disagree with some of your points. but i remember the first time i saw tna, i saw it on the wrestling channel (i'm from the uk) about the same time as the first ecw one night stand (which i thought was awesome because i had never seen ecw before) and the first match i saw became my favourite cage match of all time and it was triple x vs. america's most wanted from turning point 2004. i couldn't believe it when skipper walked along the cage. from then on i tried to watch as much tna as i could, and now i watch it every week and to be honest the storylines and match are a lot better then most of the wwe matches.

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