Defining the moment: Edge


King Of The Ring
First off, I want to thank all who responded to the John Cena and HHH threads on their career defining moments. It was great to see so many different perspectives on the respective careers of each. There were some I had forgotten about, and others I had never considered. But I digress, this thread is about Edge.

As I noted previously, a career defining moment is that time in a wrestler's career that made you take notice more than any other. It's the moment that made you look at said wrestler as truly being something special. It can be a promo, a segment, a match, or even a series of events in a row that lead to an amazing climax. It's usually beneficial, but the wrestler doesn't even have to be one we like much for us to truly find a moment in their career that we truly respect them. We all have our motives for getting into wrestling, but it's safe to say that certain wrestlers helped influenced it, some more than others. And with some wrestlers, there's a particular moment that sticks with us as truly "defining" them.

Edge was a difficult one for me because he's been in the WWE for almost 13 years now, and he's literally done it all. He's held 30 Championships within his career, and is the only active wrestler in WWE to have held every current male's title. Edge has won a record 7 World heavyweight Championships, 10 majors in all, and a record 14 Tag Team Championships. But for me, it was a match that had to do with the fall-out from a championship that truly created Edge's defining moment for me.


There were several reasons why this moment truly defined Edge's career for him. First, he and John Cena had been embroiled in a bitter feud that was interrupted by Cena's brief feud with HHH. Cena and Edge began feuding once again afterwards, and I believe this match, was a big reason why. Stepping outside of kayfabe, it would be easy for a wrestler who had been main eventing for months only to be dropped out of the main event scene to become bitter, and mail their performance in. Instead, Edge was the consumate professional, and went on to have the Match of 2006 with Mick Foley. I truly believe this cemented Edge in the main event scene, as he and Cena won feud of the year in 06 as well.

Also, Edge was a heel. The modern day heel runs and hides, which Edge spent much of his career as a heel doing, with Lita running interference for him. That still happened in this match, but Lita's interference set up one of the craziest spots I'd seen in years, and by a heel no less! I already liked Edge the wrestler and performer, but performing this spot as a heel to win the match won him my complete respect.

Im sure alot of you will disagree with me, and there are so many Edge moments to consider along the way! Feel free to provide a YouTube video to prove your point! But the question I need answered is this: What is the career defining moment of Edge's 13 year career?
First of all :) I'm glad someone is doing a defining the moment on Edge. He is my all time favorite wrestler. He has had many moments. He has done it all like you said. This is my favorite edge moment of all time but this doesn't mean this is defining moment.
I just remember going crazy watching this when i was only 9 years old. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen. It is still my favorite Edge moment.
I have always thought that Edge's defining moment was not in a WWE ring or any ring for that manner. Before I get killed for this, hear me out. I think the real turning point for Edge was the real affair with Lita. Think about it for a minute, in late 04-early 05 Edge had just turned full heel and was bouncing around the World Title on Raw with HHH, HBK, Benoit, & Orton. At the Royal Rumble in 05, gets a nice little win over HBK in a good opener. At WM wins MITB, and was scheduled to face Benoit at Backlash, which he won. Raw at MSG in April, Lita gets showered with "You screwed Matt" chants during her segment with Trish.

At the time Lita was paired up with Kane, and Edge was moving into a program with Kane, leading into the Gold Rush tournament. Which as we know culminated with the Lita heel turn.

Its shortly after being paired with Lita that the Edge we know today really took off. Think about it, with no Lita, there would of been no live sex celebration on Raw after his first World Title win, and so on and so on.

So IMO while I'm sure Edge would of developed into a good heel and a probable main eventer, I think it was this that is what really turned Edge into the Edge we know today.
His career defining moment? Simply put, there's only one: Winning his first WWE Championship, after cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase. That solidified him as a hated heel, and made for an interesting championship reign. He lived up to the "Ultimate Opportunist" name. After a grueling Elimination Chamber match, John Cena was forced to defend his title; question is who would he defend against? Then Edge's music hit, and the crowd instantly just started booing. During the "match" (it was like 2 minutes long...) you could tell Edge was, pardon the pun, on edge. He was jumpy, jittery, and you could tell he knew what a big moment in this career this was. When he finally pinned Cena, after a SECOND Spear, you could tell he was overjoyed. To me, that made his career. To see a guy who had worked so hard for all those years, such as Edge, finally get the belt was a great moment as a fan, and a career defining moment for Edge.
An obvious choice would be to go with winning their first WWE/World Championship as that is such a defining moment for any WWE superstar in their career.

I'm going to go with Edge winning Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 21 though, althought it is an obvious choice too. Towards the end of 2004 and start of 2005 we saw Edge obsessed with becoming a World Heavyweight Champion and when people get obsessed with wanting something, after a while, they tend to do whatever it takes to get it and will take any way to get it. When Edge won Money in the Bank, it gave him that opportunity to get the championship whenever he wanted to get it as per the Money in the Bank any time, any place rule.

This truely set him up as the ultimate opportunist and set the tone for the Rated R Superstar gimmick and set him off for a great main event career.
Edge's defining moment for me would have to be the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania 21. This is the moment that made his career. This is the moment that allowed Edge to be successful in the WWE winning ten total World Championships. Edge winning the Money in the Bank breifcase at Wrestlemania 21 is what solidified him during the massive heel push he was receiving. During this time, Edge was undefeated at Wrestlemania.

Chris Jericho had come up with the idea of a 6 man ladder match to take place at WrestleMania 21, for a world title shot in the coming year. Edge faced off against Chris Jericho, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Christian, and Chris Benoit all who were on top of their game at that time. Edge would go on to beat the odds, hitting Chris Benoit with a chair and climbing to the top to take the briefcase, with a title shot inside.

Edge would go on to use the case against numerous opponents throughout the nine moinths he kept the case. He would use the case against the likes of Matt Hardy, Kane, and Shawn Michaels. Edge would then be known as the ultimate opportunist and the true master of the ladder match. Edge would defeat Cena for the title in a 'match' that sparked a year long rivalry. A feud that would go on to make Edge the main eventer he is today.
I'd have to go with winning his first WWE Championship by cashing in Money in the Bank and beating Cena. He was the first person to use money in the bank, and I don't think anyone really knew exactly how it was going to work. It was a total shock when he did it, and it left me awe struck. Unfortunately, the moment was sort of ruined as the crowd was very anti-Cena that night.

This moment is when Edge solidified himself as a main eventer. Anyone who could do something that backhanded, crafty, and flat out evil definitely belonged in the spotlight. It also launched him into perhaps the most memorable feud of his career with John Cena.

Now I personally like Edge better as a face, but you can't deny that his heel work during his Ultimate Opportunist gimmick was simply outstanding, and it all started with this moment.
I could look to a number of moments as Edge’s defining moment. I think the first big step came immediately after WrestleMania 16. After winning the tag title with Christian for the first time Edge was able to show some personality and became one of WWE’s most entertaining wrestlers with his five second poses. Winning King of the Ring in 2001 showed Edge had what it took to succeed on his own. He built momentum with big feuds against William Regal, Booker T, Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero. A no holds barred match against Guerrero on Smackdown appeared to be a breakout. Early in 2003 Edge would suffer a neck injury that would sideline him for over a year. When he returned shortly after WrestleMania 20 he had a hard time regaining the momentum he worked so hard to build. The fans welcomed him back at first but he didn’t have the same support he did in 2002. He was noticeably booed by the fans in his hometown at SummerSlam 2004 in favor of Chris Jericho. Edge appeared to be at a fork in the road.

The Edge that we know today had one clear defining moment. It came at Taboo Tuesday in 2004. Triple H was going to defend the world title against the fans’ choice. They could vote for Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, or Edge. Michaels won the vote and Edge did not react well. He was furious that the fans did not support him. Edge interfered in the championship match and speared Michaels making a statement to the fans by costing their choice the championship. Edge was officially heel and was instantly the most hated man in WWE. This change of character propelled him to win MITB at WrestleMania 21 and to a bitter and personal feud with Matt Hardy. Since then Edge has done some of the most despicable things we’ve seen in recent years and proved he was never above stooping to a new low. Cashing in MITB against a beaten Cena seems like an obvious choice for Edge’s defining moment, but it was at Taboo Tuesday 2004 that the ultimate opportunist was born.
As with many wrestlers, and as has already been stated repeatedly, you've got to go with that first WWE Title win. It solidified his heel character into the main event status, and he hasn't looked back.

As the first cash in, he gave us the first and best money in the bank suprise. Lita helped get him over before this, but this truly made it explode. It was a flat out highway robbery of the WWE championship and no one saw it coming.

I like to not go with the masses most of the time but I can't argue this one. It's Edge winning his first world title with the spear to Jeff being second but a distant second. Edge is known for being the Ultimate Opportunist and that's what he did there in 2006. he came in and stole the title when it was most beneficial for him. That's what a heel does and he did it to perfection. Nothing else is even remotely close to this and nothing he does is ever going to touch it more likely than not.
Who could forget when he cashed in, we had never seen what the money in the bank could do and i for one was pissed that cena won a quick and lame chamber match, as soon as i saw edge man i marked out , after cena kicked out of that first spear i thought what the hell but then bam that second spear put his career into overdrive and put him on the map in the main event scene
I was going to go with the same choice as Disturbed and Barbosa and say Edge cashing in the MITB briefcase for the 1st time, giving birth to the Ultimate Opportunist character, but as that has been posted 2x already I will go with something a little different.

This is the moment that first made me take real notice of Edge, and when I think of Adam Copelands career, this is the first image that comes to mind.


10 years ago already, hasn't time flown by? I remember watching this live and going absolutely crazy when this happened, and waking up my parents with my shouting. Such a risky move and the force that Hardy hits the mat with is unreal. Certainly one of my greatest ever moments as a wrestling fan, it was one of the highlights from one of the best matches I have ever seen.

This made me think Edge had real potential to become a superstar, and not just a tag-team specialist. Everyone needs that 1 defining moment, be it Austin with his KOTR speech or the image of him refusing to tap out to the sharpshooter with blood all over his face, or Brock Lesnar making Hogan tap out, this was one of those moments for Edge.

In any montage of his career, this Spear from 20 feet in the air will be featured, it really is an iconic moment in Edge's career

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