December PPVs


I bring the meat even if ur a vegan
Ok this is gonna be a quick post cause I'm heading out the door but I wanted to put something out there just to see if I'm crazy of not.

When thinking about the pattern of PPVs in WWE it always seems as though the WWE loves going out with a whimper in the calendar year instead of a BAM with its December PPVs. Rarely do you find memorable moments from a december PPV. Only things I can remember were in 1999 with Vince/HHH, 2000 HIAC (which wasn't memorable for the right things), 2001 with Y2J winning the first undisputed title. Nothing beyond that stretch really is interesting to me. So I ask you guys is it fair to say that WWE's december PPVs are just there for a quick PPV pay day or is there any interesting things that can occur in these PPVs?
Other than the one you alredy mentioned nothing major, but, Jeff hardy won his first ever world title at the Dec ppv involving Edge and Triple H. Also one of the all time greatest matches between HHH and HBK in the 3 stages of hell match was pretty good in my opinion. And... and... thats about it i think haha.
Well as mentioned by someone else, December 2008 saw Jeff Hardy win his first ever WWE championship. To me that was really huge. And just last December saw Sheamus' shocking title win over John Cena. That may have been a negative for some people, but it was definitely a "holy shit" moment and one I really enjoyed.
Well in 2003 Evolution did hold all the Raw titles which is sort of a big thing....but other than all ready mentioned, not really.
As fans I think we ask for to much, not every PPV can be memorable that said I think Survivor series would be a great PPV to end the year, end most of the feuds as well, and start RR off with new feuds.

December PPV's is one of the ones I really look forward to,
Well, this is how I can see the WWE's calendar year. You have the Road to Wrestlemania (RR,EC,WM). Then the aftermath of WM, Extreme Rulez, etc. Then around Night of Champions starts the summer feuds. After that you have feuds that go until Survivor Series. And then you have what I call the "off-season" of WWE. That's why WWE let Seamus hold the title from TLC-EC, because that is the E's downtime. And one of WWE's biggest events happens in December: Tribute to the Troops. Think about that.
I think you are wrong.

Personally, some of the best moments I have witnessed as a WWE fan have come at WWE PPV's at the end of the year. December is always a lean year for people with Christmas just a round the corner and the WWE knows that they have 2 options. They can put on a piss poor show and save all the best feuds and angles for Royal Rumble, safe in the knowledge that people wouldn't be viewing the event anyway. Or they can make the decision very difficult for people and put on a great show. However, I think that the WWE generally side with the former option and really make the choice very easy for people.

However, as I have stated, some brilliant moments have come at December PPV's and are some of the highlights of me watching wrestling as a child. I will always remember Jericho pushing half of the Armageddon set over and it landing on top of Kane in a last man standing match. That was tremendous and really was the definition of going out with a bang. Another moment that I will always remember, or more to the point, a match that I will always remember, is the 6 man Hell In A Cell match. That match was just pure gold from start to finish and the Undertaker throwing Rikishi into that truck with the hay in the back was absolutely memorable.

However, it seems that over the last few years, you are somewhat correct. When I think of recent WWE PPV's in December, nothing really springs to mind like the older ones immediately do.
Off the top of my mind comes only sheamus' wwe title win .. when that happened i completly marked out .. i never imagined super cena being dethroned by the then still green sheamus .. but as others have noted other important events have occured during this time .. such as jericho's undisputed title win and jeff hardy's first world title victory ..
While it may be true that WWE doesn't seem to have that many memorable moments from their December pay-per-views, keep in mind that, while the calendar year ends in December, the WWE's year (or season) ends at Wrestlemania. Therefore, it is unnecessary to end a calendar year with a bang when that's what they intend to do a mere 4 months later.

Plus, I'm sure most people are focusing more on the holiday season in December and thus probably isn't paying as much attention to wrestling as they would at other times of the year.
I agree with this, to an extent. recently its been relatively weak.
But I was 10, i think, when I was watching Armegedon The year that Steph turned her back on her dad and starting making out in the ring w/ hhh, that was the most shocking things i've ever seen. of course i think if i was older then, i would've expected it, but thats besides the point. also that same paperview i think was the same one that mae young showed her boobs. lol yikes...
also the 6-man HIAC match a few years later was amazing as well!
Armaggedon 2005: Randy Orton vs Undertaker in Hell In A Cell. I feel bad that people forget about that match as the mind games leading up to this match were downright unforgettable. The match was absolutely great as well. So if you still think December is/was not a good month for PPVs, at least remember this great gem.

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