Debating Threads

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Just because you participated in the first one, doesn't mean you have to wait a while to do it again. If you have a topic siggest it in here and you can go after Juggalo.
You don't have to challenge a specific poster if you don't want to. You can either pick a poster or just a subject and see if anybody accepts.

You can go after Sam & Echelon if you wish. That is of cause if somebody accepts.

thanks jake i didnt no if i was allowed to post up stuff or what i didnt really see a debate going on so i just kinda spaced out and posted somthing up hopefully i can get a debater at my level to do this with itll be fun
Whay? No man. You are next in line. There's a debate in place, don't start one in the middle. Read the rules of it.
I PM'ed Sam and Slim about this the other day, and I was under the impression that Slim was going to post on Monday or Tuesday. He hasn't as of yet, which surprises me. I'd hate to see such a good debate, which included several long and well-researched posts, forfeited. But at the same time, I'd hate far more to see a well-organized idea like "Master Debator" killed because we didn't keep momentum going.
I don't see why we don't end it now if Slim's disappeared. The winner is really irrelevant and I believe we'd both posted four posts anyway.
Sorry friends, I have been too busy to post anything. IC25 PMed me on day five and I assured him I would make my post. I am home now and can make one if you still like or can just forfiet to Sam. Either way, we both get nothing.
whoo. slim's back. now given that i'v no authority, would anyone else like to back me up when i say i want to read the final posts in the debate?
I already posted it. I sent IC a PM to make sure it was ok. Last time I signed off (after getting the PM from IC) I had every intention of signing back on that night and posting a response but I didn't. Again, sorry.
I'll let it slide this time. But if I'd been online I would have finished that debate.

I believe Echelon is next after the Sam/Slim Pickins debate.
We need somebody for the next debate, after the Echelon one. Challenge somebody, or just make a topic and see if anybody accepts.
Thanks to everyone who followed the debate and gave their thoughts. Also, thanks to Sam for laying down the challenge. I'm just gonna tell myself that Jake, Echelon, and Polley weren't the only ones who followed. I think we lost IC25 somewhere in between the long gaps, but I'll forgive him.

If your on the fence about challenging someone, I'd say just do it. I know have a newfound respect for Sam that I didn't have before.
I'm just gonna tell myself that Jake, Echelon, and Polley weren't the only ones who followed. I think we lost IC25 somewhere in between the long gaps, but I'll forgive him.

Oh I followed, and I thought it was terrific. I was just really busy at work and didn't vote. Nothing but love for the two of ya!

ok. he's decided he's no longer up for this debate. can i find anyone else who thinks the celebrity has a place in wrestling or i shall abandon the idea
I would like to have a debate with somebody over "Long title reigns Vs. Shorter title reigns". I would take the side of long title reigns. Anyone who is up to this please reply.
When there is a spare slot I'd like to challenege somebody.

This guy doesn't watch wrestling. But he's found himself in an elevated position on this forum. No, not Luther. Jonny. Apparently he like HHH, I don't. There you go

So Jonny I challenge you to a debate. It's called HHH, what a pile of shit.
ok. he's decided he's no longer up for this debate. can i find anyone else who thinks the celebrity has a place in wrestling or i shall abandon the idea
no you shouldnt because iam thinikig the same thing
well if you feel you'd be happy to argue that celebrities have a place wrestling i'll be more than happy to take you on after the next debates
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