Debating Threads

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Not a forum but just the occasional threads.

Poster vs. Poster on certain subjects.

One subject two different opinions.

Example Me vs. Shocky. He thinks Cage is a great main eventer for TNA, I think he's a great mid carder but not main event material.

We both debate our sides but neither can make more than 5 posts in the thread.

Other posters then decide who has won the debate.

This is just a rough idea but does anybody like the sound of it? Could possibly turn into a tornament.
I think it would be good, but it should be monitored closely by mods, and probably invite only. All posters can view it, but not post in it. I don't want to see some guy with two post against another kid, and I'm afraid that's what it will become.

As long as two respected posters want to do it, I'm all for it, I think it would be entertaining as hell.

Plus, Cage Rules, he could out wrestle Nigel with one finger.
I imagine it would be a challenge type deal. Somebody would challenge, the other poster has to accept (obviously some might not want to accept, they might just be saying Hornswoggle is a rapist to get a reaction). Then a mod approves it. Then it begins. And nobody other than the two competing can post in the thread until the two have finished.
The rules would be that you can make no more than 5 posts per debate/poster. And you can't go off topic. So I think that might restrict him a bit.
I think that sounds like a great thing. I already was sort of challenged by jpfizzle before so i no people would probably want to do it.
I'm sorry but I've got to see Shockmaster vs. Slyfox. That would blow my fucking mind. It'd be Hogan/Austin, only bigger.
This could possibly turn into the most popular section on this forum in my opinion. I agree that the poster would have to be approved by a mod to prevent dull threads. I say this should definately be a go.
I'd be game for it. I'd love to compete in a debate, I'll even take on SlyFox. He and I are probably 50-50 debating on the general boards right now. I'd also like to see a few people go ECW with RVDGURl.
I agree with all the above. I myself wouldn't last a second, but it'd be worth a try, and I feel I post some good points somtimes, and I'd love the chance to go one on one with someone else who's respected. Thats what i feel would help me get my name up on the map and have people refer to me all the time, just as they do with Sly and RVDGirl, as well as many others right now. I'm for it, and I don't know why your still waiting. If theres anything I disagree with the Admins for, it's that this don't exist yet.
Bump. If you want to challenge anybody, you may as well do it here. First come, first served. We need somebody to challenge or make a two counter points like IC did.

I have to say I'm please so far with how it's turned out.
I guess nobody is going to accept your challeneg. Fair enough. The only real challenger to Kurt Angle is Jarrett and he has the Cena effect on people.

Think up another topic Sam, or somebody else challenge.
Actually I think I'm up to taking on Sam and argue that angle is not the greatest TNA Champion of all time. As much as I disagree I think it will be fun
I have an idea for a Topic that would Like to submit, I'll challenge anyone, and I can argue either side of the argument.

Are women in wrestling better off with training and experience or not, can a woman get by on her assets alone, or is it better for her to have developed some wrestling skills?

I wrote out the pros and cons for both sides, and I came up with 5 pros and 4 cons for the wrestling skills side and 5 pros and 5 cons for the eye candy side, so I'm prepared to argue either side
If I find someone that wants to debate with me....

IC25? Slyfox? Mr. Sam? Oh Well.... Maybe Dragon, Rawfannation, or Psykohurricane will want to debate.
Dragon's going to be my debating partner, she'll be debating pro in ring skills while I'll be debating pro eye candy
Im sorry I have a question about this can people like me post in it like just random posters are is it all mod? And can we issue a open challenge , because I would kind of like to debate on a subject , and i dont really no anyone . A couple of years a go Jim Cornette just went on a tirade on a group that i love to death icp. And he basically talked shit about them and came up with the point that you should stick to one thing music or wrestiling

Heres what I want to debate on what is your stance, do you think that wwe or tna should be intregrating in non wrestler's to wrestle trained pro's ,or that wrestlers are going into music and movies now should they stick to one thing or just spread there tallents out ? reply and ill try to debate with you on it
You don't have to challenge a specific poster if you don't want to. You can either pick a poster or just a subject and see if anybody accepts.

You can go after Sam & Echelon if you wish. That is of cause if somebody accepts.
have to say... think the debate section's going very well. from participating in one, you really do learn a lot and im looking forward to reading the future debates
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