Dear KB


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Why the fuck do you hate Ronnie Garvin so much? His WWF run was awful, but he was fantastic in WCW through-out the 80s, was good in the ring, could cut a good promo, wrestled some great matches and drew fairly consistently for them down south. Why all the hate on Garvin, I don't get it?

While we're at it, what's with your Terry Taylor hate as well? Now theres a guy who could have been an absolute STAR if he wasn't completely buried by Vince from day one.

These two questions have been burning a hole in my brain for years now because I always see you insult the both of them anytime they come up in your reviews, especially Garvin.
Just two guys that have always irritated me. Taylor likely because he was a damn rooster and I've never been one to like cocks.

As for Garvin, I'm not sure either. He's just annoying as hell and I've seen him have a total of one decent match in either company. Just never liked either guy at all.
Just two guys that have always irritated me. Taylor likely because he was a damn rooster and I've never been one to like cocks.

Well now I know you're bullshitting me, because we have video and photographic evidence to the contrary. Taylor was AWESOME during his sting in Mid-South though KB, you'd love his stuff there, played the cocky heel champ role to absolute perfection, reminded me of a young Ric Flair. Of course then he was given the Red Rooster gimmick...and well that was the end of that career.

As for Garvin, I'm not sure either. He's just annoying as hell and I've seen him have a total of one decent match in either company. Just never liked either guy at all.

He's another guy you should really give a chance to sometime when you're watching old school NWA action, he had some simply awesome matches during his feuds with the Four Horsemen, Jake Roberts, the Midnight Express and others. He was actually pretty good during his NWA heyday, but yeah once he hit the WWF he apparently just didn't give a fuck at all about his work and his time there was just one long joke.

Just always wondered why you seemed to strongly dislike those two.
I've seen both of those eras. Taylor, the more bearable of the two, is more bearable there. As for Not at all. He had zero business being world champion or any other champion. His finishing move is a big punch. How riveting. Just a totally uninteresting person with, as IDR would say, a dial-tone personality and nothing interesting about him ever that I can remember. Boring as all hell and one of the few guys I dread seeing.
Is a punch as a finisher really any worse than a legdrop? He was over huge and appealed to the working-class fans just like Dusty Rhodes did as just an "average man" so to say, I agree he shouldn't have been given the world title but you can't deny his place in some great, great matches.

You've seen Taylor's UWF run though? Shit was awesome.
Great? No. Not at all.

Factor in I can't stand Dusty either and you might get this a bit more.

Taylor was good in UWF, but still nothing special. Then again I've never been able to stand him so I'm not the right guy to ask abou tit.,
Oh come on you can't tell me Garvin hasn't been in some great matches, he has. His matches with Flair were all solid, his matches against the Midnight Express with Barry Windham and Jimmy Garvin and his matches against Tully and Arn were all good to great. Even bad wrestlers can be involved in great matches.
I think those were far more about who was in them against Garvin (and the also bad but not awful Jimmy) rather than anything Garvin contributed to it.
Jimmy Garvin, bad? Not at all. Man you should watch his old school Texas shit, Jimmy-Jam was fucking AWESOME in the ring and knew how to work a crowd excellently. Another guy who was washed up by the time wrestling was national and he was given a spot in WCW much like Garvin, but Jimmy was fucking AWESOME when he first started. His feuds with the Von Erich's and Chris Adams make my wrestling cock hard.
This may sound sacriligious, but I've always enjoyed a Terry Taylor/Sting match more than I have Sting/Flair matches. Can't really explain why, but I do believe Terry Taylor was one of the men that Vince didn't create, and thus he destroyed him. He balked at Mr. Perfect, which frankly I don't understand, and Vince got irritated, and buried the poor guy.

I'd alaways assumed you hated Garvin because of his early work with Savage in ICW, which correct me if I'm wrong, but is very close to where you're from. That, and Smoky Mountain, I'm quite curious as to what you thought on both promotions. I'm mildly indifferent to Garvin myself; not horrible, and probably another one of Vince's "I didn't create you, so I'll destroy you" guys of Vince.
Ugh Smoky Mountain is so overrated. Take away guys like Storm, Jericho, Candido and the Dirty White Boy and that promotion was pretty god-awful, like one step away from Herb Abrams' UWF which is without a doubt the worst wrestling promotion ever in my eyes.

Glad someone else can dig Terry Taylor though, guy could have been absolutely huge if Vince hadn't buried him from day one.
Ugh Smoky Mountain is so overrated. Take away guys like Storm, Jericho, Candido and the Dirty White Boy and that promotion was pretty god-awful, like one step away from Herb Abrams' UWF which is without a doubt the worst wrestling promotion ever in my eyes.

Glad someone else can dig Terry Taylor though, guy could have been absolutely huge if Vince hadn't buried him from day one.

The problem with SMW is simple; Corny. He just couldn't see at the time where wrestling was going, and was so damn fixated on bringing back days that would never come again. Then again, that is Cornette for you; so blinded by the history of the past, he never allows his product to evolve, and become a better, more revolutionary show.

Though, it did also spawn off The Gangstas, who I always loved for the gimmick they ran in SMW. Brian Lee is underrated for what he was, though he flopped as a top guy like Cornette wanted, and I did like the Boo Radley gimmick, though I am an English Major. Book references get me and shit. And Tracey Smothers was always a guy I liked

Terry Taylor is the worst case of a Vince McMahon burial, period. Right before Tony Atlas, and somewhere close to Big Van Vader
I think Atlas just suffered from the same problem as guys like Ricky Steamboat, Tito Santana, and Jimmy Snuka. Hmmm...what do those four have in common...hrmmmm....
I think Atlas just suffered from the same problem as guys like Ricky Steamboat, Tito Santana, and Jimmy Snuka. Hmmm...what do those four have in common...hrmmmm....

At the risk of having plenty of noobs tell me none of these men are Native American, only X is probably going to get this one, really

Now that's just good old-fashioned racism. Delicious.

But yeah, accusing Vince of not wanting to push minorities isn't exactly news. The IC title was always the stepping stone to the main event when it first started, you won the IC title it meant you were going to be a main eventer soon. Never happened for Santana or Steamboat, despite how INSANELY over they were and how much money they drew for Vince at MSG and tons of other venues. Snuka is another guy who probably should have been a main evener, but atleast it's somewhat understandable why he never got a push because of his personal and legal troubles.

Damnit if the world was a fair place, both Tito Santana and Ricky Steamboat would be former WWF champions. Santana could have been the next Pedro Morales.
Steamboat lost the IC Title because he wanted to take time off to be with his newborn baby just after he won the IC Title. Vince jobbed him out from then on if I remember right. As for Santana, you would put him over Hogan as the top face/champion of the company?
Steamboat lost the IC Title because he wanted to take time off to be with his newborn baby just after he won the IC Title.

And Honky Tonk man strictly defied Vince's orders, and decides he doesn't want to put over Randy Savage for the IC Title, and... He's rewarded?

Come now, there was absolutely a double standard in regards to Ricky Steamboat

As for Santana, you would put him over Hogan as the top face/champion of the company?

Well, no one is saying that, KB, but I'd definitely treat him better, considering how much he put into my company, how much people fucking loved Tito, and how much of a company the guy was
If I remember right, Honky said if he wasn't booked to keep the title at Mania 4 he'd show up with it at the first COTC, hence the total change in plans for the show.
If I remember right, Honky said if he wasn't booked to keep the title at Mania 4 he'd show up with it at the first COTC, hence the total change in plans for the show.

You really buy Honky's word?

The only thing that makes me believe the whole damn thing was that Savage and DiBiase backed him. Ted was way too much of a pussy to do something like this, because frankly, it would have made him a marked man backstage
Yeah I do. It makes more sense than what happened. There was no big Savage/Honky blowoff which clearly was set up. Also why all the talk of the master plan if it never worked?
Yeah I do. It makes more sense than what happened. There was no big Savage/Honky blowoff which clearly was set up. Also why all the talk of the master plan if it never worked?

Don't get me wrong, we agree, Honky refused to drop the belt. But if he went to WCW, even with him hurting the competition, he'd be the target of evry boy's shit. Both literal and figuretive
Yeah but how big of a deal would he be in the NWA? It's not like he meant anything after Summerslam, four months later, anyway. It might have kept his career going a bit as once he lost the title he was rather worthless.
Steamboat lost the IC Title because he wanted to take time off to be with his newborn baby just after he won the IC Title. Vince jobbed him out from then on if I remember right. As for Santana, you would put him over Hogan as the top face/champion of the company?

Never said he'd be bigger than Hogan, but he could have been the Pedro Morales to Hulk Hogan's Bruno Sammartino, you know wht I mean? Pedro and Bruno are what built the WWF in the 70s and made them all of that money to be able to afford to go national, and Santana was INSANELY over, especially at MSG where he straight up got some of the loudest pops I've ever seen in my entire life. He could have been a perfect number two or three babyface next to Hogan but he never got that push, he just got buried after the (amazing) feud with Valentine by being stuck in tag teams, then becoming a jobber forevermore.

Maybe I'm just an unrepentant Tito Santana mark, but he was amazing and deserved to atleast be a main eventer if not an actual World Champion, much like say Roddy Piper or Ted DiBiase.
I'm a big Santana fan as well, but he didn't belong in the main event. Some guys simply aren't going to be in that top spot no matter what they do. There's no shame in being a career upper midcard guy. Ricky Steamboat was for about 90% of his career and he's one of the most revered workers ever.

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