Dean Ambrose "the New Loose Cannon"

J.D Lethal

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion
Watching Raw for the last couple of weeks since the the Shield broke up. I looking at the growth and character of Dean Ambrose change into something that in my eyes mirrors that Brian Pillman. Now i say that having not much knowledge of Brian Pillman seeing as i was merely a tot when he was active/alive. The only recollection i have of him the infamous "he's got a gun" clip with him and Stone Cold. Now i ask you (any of you reading this) Do you agree that Dean character wise is going down the same path as Brian Pillman or do you think he is on another lane character wise?
I think the Ambrose/Rollins program may go on for awhile, but at some point it will have to end. It's easy to portray him as the loose cannon against Rollins given their personal history. I want to see how he carries on the loose cannon persona once he's moved on to the next feud. At that point, I'd see if it compares to Pillman who did great job of being the edgy time bomb.
The comparison has been made before between the two.
My only experience with him before The Shield was a DGUSA pay per view where he fought Tommy Dreamer and his mannerisms and everything were the same back then as they are now in the WWE.
I think it's a valid comparison. And I think he can carry it on pretty easily past his feud with Seth Rollins.
He was the exact same as Jon Moxley, his indie persona was prior to WWE. Same mannerisms, facials, speech, the lot. He isn't the "New Loose Cannon", he's the first Dean Ambrose. He isn't comparable to Pillman because Pillman played someone who had a short temper and was slightly maniacal, Ambrose plays an all out lunatic who is a lunatic at all times. If you want some little teasers of who Jon Moxley was, here are some videos I can provide you through the power of YouTube.

There can never be another Pillman cos WWE will never allow the envelope to be pushed as it was back then... walking out of a PPV match saying "I respect you Booker Man" to his opponent, grabbing a commentator on live TV so he drops an F-Bomb. They won't allow that level of craziness from anyone... so it'll be a toned down version.

There are similarities but Pillman was a master of head games, to the stage many of the boys never knew if he was working or just nuts. Ambrose is clearly working and has played an off beat, if intense guy for a year so suddenly looning it up isn't gonna work...
Well let's hope that we never see another gun on WWE TV again. But as far as one Dean Ambrose being this generations "loose cannon". There's one every generation anyways. Rowdy Roddy Piper in the 80's, Brian Pillman in the 90's, Dean Ambrose is the one now it seems. I don't like Ambrose's new theme song though. It sounds like Bob Holly's old theme before he became Hardcore Holly. Dean Ambrose is gold behind the mic. And if he chooses to carry on the loose cannon torch, good luck to him!
He was the exact same as Jon Moxley, his indie persona was prior to WWE. Same mannerisms, facials, speech, the lot. He isn't the "New Loose Cannon", he's the first Dean Ambrose. He isn't comparable to Pillman because Pillman played someone who had a short temper and was slightly maniacal, Ambrose plays an all out lunatic who is a lunatic at all times.

My exact thoughts. You can't compare to Ambrose to Pillman. Sure, they both are/were portrayed as off their rocker but Pillman was an maniac but he could control himself, where as Ambrose to me is nuts and is timebomb waiting to go off. Someone you would be nervous around.. totally unpredictable.
Well let's hope that we never see another gun on WWE TV again. But as far as one Dean Ambrose being this generations "loose cannon". There's one every generation anyways. Rowdy Roddy Piper in the 80's, Brian Pillman in the 90's, Dean Ambrose is the one now it seems. I don't like Ambrose's new theme song though. It sounds like Bob Holly's old theme before he became Hardcore Holly. Dean Ambrose is gold behind the mic. And if he chooses to carry on the loose cannon torch, good luck to him!

We won't, but that is not to say that it was a terrible thing the first time. It was handled "right", he didn't expressly point it, no shots went off, there was no indication it was a real gun... infact it clearly looked like a fake. The context was that Austin was invading Pillman's home, which even today could be "justified" with an armed response. But agreed it has no further place in a wrestling product although WWE will promote Shawn's hunting show... it's a double edged sword.

Each generation has wild stars but not true loose cannons... Piper was unique and so was Pillman, both came from upbringings that would make many people appear "strange" or not care so much about convention, Piper with his street life and young entry to the business and Pillman due to his health issues and conquering them. Both guys genuinely would have felt "bulletproof" to life and would act accordingly, on and off screen... Piper doing half blackface without permission at Mania 6, just to rile Bad News is a classic example as telling as Pillman refusing to wrestle Sullivan or call a cab home that fateful night. There was legit fallout from all, but they just didn't care.

Dean Ambrose is a more controlled attempt at this, his brand of "madness" is just than a brand, whether it was as Moxley or his current role. They aren't the same thing. He won't take the risks the others did cos todays WWE sees guys canned for using a tie, interrupting an anthem or punished for "heel tactics" like kicking a flag...
Brian Pillman was going for the "insanity" image, while Dean Ambrose looks like a 6-year-old bully in the playground, stealing ice cream cones from the smaller kids.

His facial expressions look ridiculous; you should check them out with the sound off on your TV. It makes me think of the early days of the Shield when many fans presumed Dean would be the breakout star of the group; does anyone think that now, after seeing what's happening with Rollins and Reigns?

Still, I don't mean to come off sounding as if I dislike Ambrose or think there's no place for him. I'm impressed with his sleek build and mobility in the ring. He truly throws himself into everything he does and has had some highly effective segments, both in match and run-in situations. I don't know what's in his future after he's completely done with his old partners; I can't see a main event run for him, but that will be determined with how interested WWE management is in him.

But as I said, while Brian Pillman was going for the madman persona, Dean's act doesn't seem directed that way. He's the mean kid.....always willing to fight, sometimes winning, sometimes not.

Pugnacious and aggressive, but not insane.
My comparison has always been that if Piper and Pilman had a child, it would be Dean Ambrose. I think we're all sad that the Shield has dissolved, but I think the crazy, "Jon Moxley" part of his character that made him so successful was held in check by being part of a stable with three dominant parts. I hate the Shield ending and think it was too soon, but am legitimately excited that they've let him off the chain. The first promo on Rollins was an appetizer, and the Raw Fallout clip where he refers to himself as "scumbag Dean Ambrose" is a hint at great things to come. There have been other maniacs and I think the comparisons are definitely relevant, but I think we're in for a fun ride with some different kinds of surprises along the way.
It's more of a loose cannon lite. They will never let Mox truly come unraveled. I love the fact that they paired up Rollins and Ambrose. I couldn't think of a better solo first feud for the both of them on the main stage. They have history and know how to work each other. They will bring each other up. It feels natural. I just feel like Roman is being force fed to me and it pushes me away.

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