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Dean Ambrose crossing the line?

According to Mick Foley's blog, he refuses to work with Dean Ambrose anymore and admitted that he would not work in the ring with him since Ambrose brought up Foley's family in his tweets. Foley claims he told Ambrose to his face to not include Foley's family in the feud, yet Ambrose did it anyway. Do you guys think this is all part of furthering the feud or do you think Foley is genuinely upset?

I personally think he got a little too carried away!
Furthering the feud. Foley knows no limits, and has little boundaries, when it comes to selling a match/feud.

Plus I genuinely think Foley feels he has something to prove to Vince and the WWE. Let's face it, he hasn't been treated like the legend that he is since returning, I think he wants to make a star one last time and that he sees potential in Ambrose
It's a work to further the feud, thereby putting Ambrose in a high profile situation against a beloved legend like Mick Foley.

WWE officials are said to be extremely high on Ambrose, especially Triple H, and I won't be at all surprised if this feud winds up crossing over from FCW and onto Raw or SD! as a means of giving Ambrose a purposeful storyline for when he debuts on WWE television. Everybody loves Foley from fans to wrestling insiders, so having this young & unknown guy debut & get over at the expense of Foley will immediately put heat on him. Fans who aren't familiar with this could be caught up if WWE were to play footage of their confrontations for them, which would also promote FCW as well.
Ambrose to me he also reminds me in a sense of Rowdy Roddy Piper, because he has the cockiness and the arrogance to boot much like how Piper did way back when in the 80s, and especially Ambrose is a future star in this business, with the mic skills to boot and to further the feud using Twitter, I commend him on that but I have never seen him in the ring, if he can go, then he will earn all the respect in the world at least from me
Come on!!!!! Do we really think Foley is that mad over this. Of course this is a work. This is all happening to make people believe that there is real heat between Mick and Ambrose. The more realistic the heat between these two looks and the more peronal things look like they are getting only gives us the fans a much more intense fued when these two get in the ring. We are in this new reality/Legitamacy era in the WWE. We see this same type of stuff happening between CM Punk and Jericho with Jericho bringing up Punks family issues with substance abuse. We saw it get personal between The Rock and Cena leading into WM. I am sure things will get personal between Cena and Lesnar. This is the new edgy era and direction the WWE is moving in.
It's a work.

On a side note, does anyone else think this feud is one of the two or three best in the WWE right now? I know that seems crazy, especially since I don't even follow it that closely on Twitter (I mostly wait until there's an update here, then follow the strings) and it hasn't sniffed television yet. But from a creative perspective, there's something about it that trumps most everything else going on in terms of intrigue. It feels real. It's dark. It's fresh. Say what you will about Foley ("he's too old," "he's a terrible wrestler") and Ambrose ("I hate anything that gets hype"), but psychologically and verbally, these two are infinitely talented.
Another question is that how could a Foley/Ambrose work?Sure we have seen some genuine heat and some good exchanges on Twitter but lets face it;Foley doesn't have the same boday that he has 7-8 years ago!And in the most blogs I have read written by WWE personel they are not storyline oriented and are based on reality e.g J.R's Blog
If you havent noticed many of the storylines in the WWE are based on real life situations. Have you been watching the CM Punk/Jericho fued it doesnt get much more personal or realistic than that. It is a work and anything you see is just adding to the fued and is also part of the WORK!!!!!!
This could be a great chance to bring the Hardcore title back! If i read coorectly when ambrose worked a dark match for the recent euro tour, he announced himself as the hardcore legend.... His fued with foley seems based on how he and his friends are all out of their minds or dead because of copying foley, so the guy could definitely challenge foley for the title! He has a pretty good rep in hardcore matches and barbed wire matches and the sort, hes good on the mic and a solid wrestler with a decent gimick, so theres nothing to hold him back!!

He's saying somethings i woulndt have said (i think he called foleys wife blind?) but its definitely a work! I hope it is atleast, cause it has great potential!!
This could be a great chance to bring the Hardcore title back! If i read coorectly when ambrose worked a dark match for the recent euro tour, he announced himself as the hardcore legend.... His fued with foley seems based on how he and his friends are all out of their minds or dead because of copying foley, so the guy could definitely challenge foley for the title! He has a pretty good rep in hardcore matches and barbed wire matches and the sort, hes good on the mic and a solid wrestler with a decent gimick, so theres nothing to hold him back!!

He's saying somethings i woulndt have said (i think he called foleys wife blind?) but its definitely a work! I hope it is atleast, cause it has great potential!!

Soap Opera writers can't think of that!Ambrose is a solid wrestler!Any doubts check out Tyler Black vs Dean Ambrose in FCW!Match of The Year!

On a side not,If Steiner comes back to feud with Hogan & Bicshoff,that would be Awesome too!
Family matters have always been fair game, but it's up to Foley to decide whether he wants to go mano-a-mano with Ambrose or chicken out. Makes me wonder if Ambrose were to go up to Foley's face offering him one free swing, would he do it? Prolly not. Cluck cluck.
The feud between Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose continues online but according to Foley, it’s over. Foley has written a new blog about Ambrose on his official website. Here’s part of what he wrote:

“Let me state for the record that I have only spoken to FCW prospect Dean Ambrose on three different occasions. Following his match on a WWE house show on Long Island, I went out of my way to tell him I had enjoyed his match. The skills and unique qualities qualities he posseses might very well make him a force to be reckoned with somewhere down the line. He has supporters in lofty places who feel he might be a huge asset to WWE for a decade or more in the future. I’m also told that his interviews ( “promos” as we call them) are compelling, intelligent and emotional; every bit as good as the top guys in WWE.

My second conversation with Mr Ambrose got quite a bit of attention. I know there has been alot of speculation as to the nature of this conversation. To me, it was whatever anyone wanted it to be; a shoot, a work, or somewhare in the middle – as almost all compelling pieces in sports-entertainment ultimately are.

I’m far more concerned with my third conversation with the guy. Look, Ive been accused from time to time of taking some things in the business a little too seriously. Maybe I do. But like that sailor-man of old, “I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.” After all these years, there are some things that just bother me. Remember that “Cane Dewey” promo from 1995 that so many are still fond of? It actually came from a very heavy place in my heart, when my wife impressed on me just how sick it was for any fan to be making a sign advocating the beating (even in jest) of my 3 year-old child.

That’s the immediate feeling I got when I actually read the Dean Ambrose tweet that mentioned his dream to seeing me no longer able to make a dime in the wrestling business – with a particularly nasty mention of how he wanted to see my home repossesed and my children starved. Maybe the 1995 Cactus Jack would have cut a promo on the guy. The 2102 Mick Foley just wonders what would make something say something so stupid, heartless and ignorant. I felt Dean Ambrose had crossed a line that shouldn’t be crossed, so took the opportunity before the Hampton, Virginia Smackdown to ask/tell him to please stop crossing a line that I wasn’t comfortable with. Ric Flair had once asked a similar consideration of me before a memorable promo we shared in New Jersey in 2006. Of course I honored his request.
Ours is a business built on trust and respect. I thought Dean Ambrose understood this. But less than a day after making my request, I saw that my children were once again the subject of his tweets – a reference to how I might feel differently about something if my children were in wheel-chairs. Maybe I would have cut a heck of a promo about it in 1995. Seventeen years later, I just wanted to get the fuck away from the whole scenario. It’s not fun, it’s not cutting edge. It just sucks.

Sports-entertainment has to involve a certain ammount of respect and trust. It’s pretty obvious Dean Ambrose doesn’t have any respect for me, my requests, or what I have done in the wrestling business. Therefore I can’t place the slightest ammount of trust in him. Has anyone wondered if I’m feeling better following the concussion I spoke of in that December 2010 TNA Impact promo with Flair? I’m not feeling too much better. I tend to have two types of days when it comes to that muted, under-water feeling I spoke of in that promo – bad and worse. I’m just not the same guy who took 11 chair shots from the Rock in 1999. I haven’t been that guy in a long time. Given my history of concussions, I would have to be a fool to place my future in the hands of someone I don’t trust.
Perhaps I do have another decent match left in me. If so, it will be with a guy like Dolph Ziggler, who might well be the best worker in the business, and just needs that ONE little something to allow the WWE Universe to see how talented he really is. Or a guy like the Miz – one of the best heels of this generation. Say what you want to about Miz, but the guy is damn good at what he does.

But Dean Ambrose? No. I may not have the power I once did in the business, but I still have the power to say no to things that just flat-out seem wrong. Like trying to put Dean Ambrose on the WWE map. A few weeks ago, it seemed like an interesting challenge. Now, it seems like an insult. A few weeks ago, it seemed like cutting-edge stuff. Now it just seems like bullshit. He is a very good talent. He has those supporters in high places. Let them wrestle him. Maybe they can put him on the WWE map. Good luck.”
I can't wait for this feud to really kick into gear on WWE television. When I first heard about the "hotel confrontation" between Foley and Ambrose at WM, I checked out the footage of it on YouTube and was hooked. I started watching Ambrose promos on YouTube and loved his match vs. CM Punk at FCW. My only hope is that WWE creative handles Ambrose properly and does not bury him right away with a stupid gimmick. Ambrose is truly what the WWE needs right now. He's compelling on the mic and great in the ring. I'm already an Ambrose mark and I've only known about him for less than a month.

If anyone hasn't done so already, I recommend searching Dean Ambrose videos on YouTube and I dare you to tell me that he doesn't have potential for greatness.
i want that match ambrose vs foley

i just dont want to see foley take any dangerous bumps at his age leave going through table spots for smbrose
I believe it is a good idea for Dean Ambrosse to bring back the hardcore title as part of the storyline that is going to be run between Mick Foley and He. Even if they bring it back short term just for this feud it would be nice nostalgia to see it back.

My question is if they do bring it back would you like to see it stick around for good?
no.. i would not want it brought back for nostalgia.. no i don't want to see it stay...

The "hardcore" matches were fine in their place, but the second this title was brought in and we were continually inundated with "hardcore" matches meant that to up the ante other matches that were adding tables or ladders had to do something crazier which lead to more injuries... It cheapens the value of the other matches to much and sure it's fun to see a title defended at any point in time, but that ends up getting old too quick to benefit anyone else..
Hardcore matches were usually boring and poorly thought out. A guy could take a thousand foreign object blows to the head in these matches but in a non hardcore match a single blow would knock the same wrestler out cold. Violent matches should be saved for the most heated feuds not because two random guys are thrown together to compete for a worthless title.
No the Hardcore Title was jut another mid card title and it really didnt mean anything. All these two need is to be allowed to used whatever props they agree on in their match or matches to settle their fued. I dont want what these 2 do to spill over into other matches in the WWE. I am not a garbage wrestling fan as a whole. Let these two bring light tubes, barbwire,spiked boards,electric carving knives whatever they want and after their fued is done never bring it around again. Having one match like this once and a blue moon isn't bad but on a regualr basis it becomes annoying.
It's a Work.

Remember The I Quit match between The Rock vs Mankind at Royal Rumble? Foley had his wife,son and daughter sit at ringside for the match. How must that of felt for his what 6/7 year old daughter looking on as her dad was handcuffed and beat senseless with a Steel Chair. I don't really like Foley using his family in his storylines. It's surely not fair for a little girl to see this violence especially when it's her own dad on the recieving end! Mick was probably paid handomsly for using his family in such a violent match.

Same as the Ambrose/Foley thing. Foley doesn't mind putting his own family into a fued to build a storyline so it's definatly a work.
I think also think this is a work. However Mick is really selling this very well.

A german Wrestling site even reportet this as a shoot and said Mick probably won't do his last dive (the one he envisioned) with Ambrose, because of the lack of respect Mick talked about.
that is hilarious you think Moxley is crossing the line...


the guy is amazing, the likes we have never seen before, too bad the E will never let Dean Ambrose be Jon Moxley or Jonathan Good...

and i know i am new, but i have posted before that i have been attending FCW shows for the last 4 years and have never heard of someone not wanting to get in the ring with him.

and he is probably the most popular wrestler backstage in that organization because of the RESPECT wrestlers have for him.

mick of all people is probs. huge Moxley fan...
I love the way Foley is doing a worked shoot within a worked shoot to cast even more doubt on where the line is. I'm looking forward to this angle getting to TV.
So, weeks later and no update. this doesnt seem like a work anymore..

I really hope this is still a work, and they are trying to figure out plans for it.

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