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Dean Ambrose confronts Foley

Even if its not a work (which it probably is) Dont think thats career suicide. If anything it would be sucking up. Neither HHH nor Vince were ever that high on Foley...So HHH would probably say good on him for his moxey
It's a creative way to start him off in the WWE if this is followed through on. It speaks of his huge potential if Foley is willing to work a program and match with him.
This reminded me of the Jericho situation when he struck a woman in Vancouver or whatever with limited video footage. They even trolled the local police department if I'm not mistaken.

WWE is trying little things to see if they become viral and this is no different. I think it's a win-win situation, if it catches fire, they can run with it. If it doesn't, who cares? For those that don't know Jon Moxley, check out the feud he had with William Regal in FCW. The promos and match were awesome. More entertaining than half the WWE roster. Also, his match with CM Punk was brilliant on so many levels. Dean Ambrose is someone to look out for in the future.

But yeah, this is a work, through and through. I hope Ambrose gets something substantial in WWE. Orton did extremely well with his legend killer gimmick. Having something similar where Ambrose verbally kills legends about how they ruined everything would be fantastic and get him over in no time.
So,am I the only one thinking this is great timing what with the next PPV being extreme rules, I don't know who in WWE creative came up with this on but they deserve a pat on the back. Also to those who are unsure if it's a work or not. Dean Ambrose is a stage name.

Guess he'll be debuting as a heel then.
Ambrose is damn good on the mic. It's not the first time people have bashed foley for his "I'm gonna jump off tall shit and land on burning/spikey shit" style.

Personally, I'm not the biggest attitude era fan. I think if you have to cuss, bleed, show boobs, and make sex/alcohol references all the time, you probably aren't really that good and it's sort of cheap. However, because the audience is split between new and old fans, it's a hell of a catalyst to touch on it either implicitly (Cena) or explicitly (like Ambrose seems to be doing).
It's most definitely a work and was some damn good work from both of them. Ambrose doesn't strike me as a moron and it's been said that he's one of Triple H's most prized prospects in FCW. Trips is said to be wild about the guy and, if I'm not mistaken, he's very very close to making a debut on SD! sometime soon. I do know that he worked a dark match at the SD! tapings last night and went over Ezekiel Jackson.

If anything, the subject of this "worked shoot" looks to be the WWE using real life criticisms & complaints as part of an angle. They've done a lot of that with CM Punk as we all know. After all, Foley has gotten some criticism for his help in popularizing and glorifying hardcore wrestling during the 90s. He's gotten it from wrestling insiders and, of course, from internet fans especially. If I'm not mistaken, Foley himself has stated in interviews that he does regret that his actions in past matches have led to such hardcore stunts becoming more common and especially that young fans have imitated many of them while adopting the hardcore style.
Who's dean ambrose and why should i care? Let me know when he actually achieves something instead of bashing a fugly has been who is becoming more insane by the day. God, did any of you read "countdown to lockdown". Mick foley has lost it. He's incoherant. He took way too many chair shots to the head.

The last thing mick foley should be doing is wrestling especially against a unproven no name who's only chance of making it is how good he is at sucking HHH's dick.
Who's dean ambrose and why should i care? Let me know when he actually achieves something instead of bashing a fugly has been who is becoming more insane by the day. God, did any of you read "countdown to lockdown". Mick foley has lost it. He's incoherant. He took way too many chair shots to the head.

The last thing mick foley should be doing is wrestling especially against a unproven no name who's only chance of making it is how good he is at sucking HHH's dick.

Maybe you should read the thread. Ambrose is an FCW talent, and probably the best guy they have in development right now, and another indie darling but in a very different way to Punk or Bryan.
This is a pretty cool idea by the WWE. At this point, it seems all but confirmed this is a work; props to these two men for knocking it out of the park. I've seen some of Dean Ambrose's stuff in FCW -- not to mention stuff he did before getting signed to a WWE contract -- and I've been impressed. He's got a very interesting personality, he's good in the ring, and he just seems like a talent that is ready to make the jump. I'm very intrigued by where this angle is going, but I'm happy WWE took a more unconventional route to introducing a new character onto the main roster. The cookie cutter debuts work just fine, but it's nice to see some deviation.

I'm hoping this will lead to an Ambrose/Foley match-up in the near future, plus there aren't many people who have made a career off of building other people up, like Foley has. With this great of a start, Ambrose has a very bright future with the WWE. I won't be surprised if he works his way up that ladder fairly quickly, either. He could be a very solid midcard hand until he is ready to make his way up to the main event. This is going to be a very interesting situation, and I really hope they address it on RAW or Smackdown very soon.
With Foley set to be on Smackdown tomorrow night I wouldn't at all be surprised to see Ambrose debut on that show and get this angle onto TV.
The next PPV is Extreme Rules so it's an ideal segue for Ambrose to go after Foley.

I was just about to say the same, it would make perfect sense for him to debut on a 'old school' special of Smackdown to share his views on some of the old workers mainly Foley.
Foley has put so many superstars over in his career and he's done so while keeping his credibility at the same level. With Dean Ambrose ready for a call up, I wouldn't be surprised if these two were put into a match - hopefully on a big stage like an upcoming pay-per-view. There isn't a need for much build-up for Ambrose when he's feuding with one of the crowd's favorite hero in Mick Foley. If he can debut and display his unique character on either Raw or Smackdown, there's no doubt he'll get and remain over. Throw in a win over Mick Foley and you have yourself a very over heel ready for big things in the WWE. I cannot think of a better way to make a debut for anyone. I just hope this story actually goes somewhere.
Who's dean ambrose and why should i care? Let me know when he actually achieves something instead of bashing a fugly has been who is becoming more insane by the day. God, did any of you read "countdown to lockdown". Mick foley has lost it. He's incoherant. He took way too many chair shots to the head.

The last thing mick foley should be doing is wrestling especially against a unproven no name who's only chance of making it is how good he is at sucking HHH's dick.
Mick Foley isn't in his prime, in fact far from it. But what matters is that he's still fairly over to the WWE fans. It doesn't matter how relevant he is or how insane Mick happens to be, all that matters is that he's over. Pairing Dean Ambrose up with Foley is only going to help Ambrose in the coming months whenever he gets called up to the main roster. Ambrose is already getting into altercations with former WWE Champions and WWE Legends; imagine what his future will hold. Just because you haven't heard of the guy or just because he hasn't accomplished anything note worthy doesn't mean he doesn't hold any type of potential. Get ready, Dean Ambrose will likely be on your television screen for the next decade or so. He has future written all over him.
Since we're on the topic, do you guys remember how Mick Foley aka Mankind debuted? It was the Raw after WM12:

And then he interfered in the Taker match (fwd to 5:30):


I don't want Dean Ambrose to have promo after promo after promo. Jericho, Lord Tensai and now the cultured new guy on Smackdown all had endless promo videos. I want a new, unknown guy to have a match, win in convincing fashion and then fuck someone up (Foley?) later on in the night. Hell, even have Foley giving toys to homeless kids and have Ambrose attack him there.

Point being, I want Dean Ambrose to get noticed and remembered from day one. WWE should change things up a bit to make it happen.

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