Deadline Announcement (Moved to Friday)


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
With only two matches this round not extended, I've decided to just push the entire deadline an extra day. The general deadline for everyone is now Friday, April 25th.

I think we have to have a real think about extensions. Basically very week someone in each of the matches is asking for an extension. Obviously real life happens but it's crazy to think about how different it is now to when I was on creative the first time.

I'm a busy man, honest. But I still find time to post an RP on time. I think I have asked for one extension in my 4 years here and I ended up not even needing it.

I really do understand that sometimes life gets in the way but this happens far too consistently honestly.
Why would you extend the deadline for matches that don't seemingly need it? As creative you would think getting voting for those matches out of the way would be great. If you don't ask for one in time just don't get it, 3/4 of the card has one every round. Dave is right it's getting pretty excessive.
Just to be clear, I'm not intending to stir up some shit with that post. It's just an observation I have made.
I think we have to have a real think about extensions. Basically very week someone in each of the matches is asking for an extension. Obviously real life happens but it's crazy to think about how different it is now to when I was on creative the first time.

I'm a busy man, honest. But I still find time to post an RP on time. I think I have asked for one extension in my 4 years here and I ended up not even needing it.

I really do understand that sometimes life gets in the way but this happens far too consistently honestly.
I understand. And I agree too. The kids are getting spoiled. But we've also had loads of no-shows cripple shows this year. So we've had to do what we can to get fair matches.

Why would you extend the deadline for matches that don't seemingly need it? As creative you would think getting voting for those matches out of the way would be great. If you don't ask for one in time just don't get it, 3/4 of the card has one every round. Dave is right it's getting pretty excessive.

Nothing can be done if we can't vote. With only two matches not extended, we aren't gonna get much done.
I understand. And I agree too. The kids are getting spoiled. But we've also had loads of no-shows cripple shows this year. So we've had to do what we can to get fair matches.

Again, not trying to stir the pot here. But, I do think that a culture has been created that basically the RP deadline is just an erroneous figure at this point. The real deadline is 24 hours later after all the extensions go through. I think the culture needs to be tackled and set rules should be implemented to make sure that people are all signing off of the same hymn sheet. The deadline used to be a Tuesday, I believe. The shows were (pretty much) always out for a Saturday/Sunday/Monday release. Creative are just giving themselves more work by constantly extending the deadline. The RP'ers will still expect the show on a Monday and Creative have one less day to read, vote on, and write the show.

Basically, this is why people get frustrated.

Nothing can be done if we can't vote. With only two matches not extended, we aren't gonna get much done.

Again, this isn't strictly true. When I was on Creative, we used to divvy up the matches a little after the cards were announced. Thus, the match writer could go about creating the basis for a match whilst leaving an open ending that can be written after the voting has been done. Honestly, it's just more efficient.

Again, I'm just discussing ideas and offering my own experiences. I'm content with how things have been going and in no way am I trying to rock the boat. The quality has been excellent lately but think how much better it would be if you had another day to write the shows. Extending deadlines only serve to put the writers under pressure, push the shows back and frustrate the people who can get their RP's in on time.
It's a vicious cycle; allow extensions and shows get delayed. Move shows and shift deadlines to try and accommodate, in recognition of a regular occurrence and the same thing eventually happens.

I don't blame for doing it on a PPV round, a normal TV round probably wouldnt have got the extension.

Also, I was always surprised by the teams I worked with that matches were almost never started until the votes were in. Everyone works to a different measure and nothing is uniform in how things are written, workloads are different in real life and can't always be shared equally in fed life either.

I'm sure there are changes that can be made somewhere in how things are done but on a PPV where stops will be pulled out, everything should be bigger and better, they are right to try and stick with what they know and use the next cycle to iron out creases.
I think there needs to be a reset after the PPV round, personally. The deadlines seem backwards now. RPs are coming in on Friday and sometimes later by guys who push the deadlines even further, and then the shows go up on Wednesday/Thursday. It's like bizarro world for most of the older members.

I don't see any need to mess with a formula that has worked for years. It was still working when there were roughly 40 members on the roster, so I see no reason to alter it now that we are at a real low point in numbers.

Also, we used to limit the amount of extensions a person could have in a certain frame of time. If said person asked for one consistently, he was denied it (unless it was an extreme emergency, in which it would be under the Creative staff's discretion). There is nothing wrong with holding people accountable. There is still 7 days in every deadline. Which means 7 full days to write something. If you choose to write in the last few hours before the deadline ends, you take the risk. That is coming from someone who most often likes to pen all of his work right before the deadline ends.

I wouldn't mind seeing something like this.

RP Deadline: Tuesday with option for extensions.
Show Deadline: Sunday/Monday/Tuesday if Aftershock

I'll echo what Dave said about this just being an observation/suggestion.
I agree on the extensions are becoming an issue, we'll need to address that after the PPV.

As far as the deadline and show dates changing Kermit, I have said this in the past and I'll repeat it once more.

As a former HoC of WZCW, I personally love the new format we have going here. First of all as a group we're not spending 8 hours on a Saturday/Sunday trying to get a show out . We're able to use the full weekend to deliberate arrange how the shows should go, plan segments ahead of time, etc, while not completely wrecking people's weekends. I"m far more in favor of using that time I have between getting off work and going to bed for writing the shows than I am waking up on my day off no less to spend all day writing. As you are aware that's why I stepped down as I did as I felt like I was losing time on my weekends to spend with my daughter.

Typically Monday - Thursday I'm down in my home office doing extra work anyway. So I'm already where I need to be to do what needs to be done for the shows, as I'm not going to go out drinking on a Monday or Tuesday. Thursday's at worst I'll go for happy hour and then back home. It just frees up everyone's weekend as we have a lot of students who have class M-F, and those of us with a 40 hour a week job.

Trust when I say the team has been very relaxed when it comes to doing the shows. We've been steadily putting the work in and getting them up in a pretty good fashion imo. Perhaps we could move it back a day for MD and AS so it's Monday/Tuesday, but we had some things come up both weeks we had two shows (myself being one of those things, aka I was exhausted from work that Monday and just wanted to watch Raw) and Blade was going to be MIA last round on Monday as well, so to accommodate and put together excellent shows we kept the Tuesday/Wednesday time frame.

tl;dr: The new set up for RP Deadlines (provided we actually enforce them as we should) and the days for shows are working great for us on the Creative Team. Stop being a god damn Republican and embrace change frog ;).
I agree, actually.

The new showtimes are good and if we can all get into the habit of trying to get RP's up on time without requesting (sometimes) frivolous extensions then it will be a great deal for everyone. Honestly, I didn't like spending my entire weekend writing shows for WZCW, so I can resonate absolutely. Plus it's always something to look forward to when your weekend is all done, Raw is all over and you still have your shows to look forward to. Or at least that's how I see it.

I genuinely think that everything is going great except for the abundance of extensions that are becoming the norm.

Fun fact: 63% of the matches from the last 3 rounds have been affected by an extension.

Once that is tackled, the shows will run like clockwork and will suit (almost) everyone. :p

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