Dead Space


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As some of you may or may not know, Dead Space was released on systems earlier this month. I had heard of this game for quite sometime before its release but didn't really start seeing advertisements for it until about a week before its release so many people may not know about it. Let me tell you though this game is amazing.

You start off as a mining/repair team receiving a distress call from a ship that has broken down. Apon arriving in the ships vicinity, you crash land on the ship after a freak accident. As soon as you step off the ship you get this eerie vibe, then all is proven when you walk into a room with nothing but dead bodies all over the place, and blood smeared on the walls. From then on its nothing but intense horror game action. The game is creepy and ill admit i jumped a few times from the surprises, but thats what the game is all about. The gameplay is awesome, there are a ton of guns to use and upgrade. Your suit is also upgradeable too and you will want to upgrade it to its highest level because you will need it. There is no HUD display which is a nice new touch. Your health display is on the back of your suit and your ammo display is right on the gun in form of a hologram.

There are a variety of monsters in the game so it really never gets stale. The boss battles are really great and the storyline is great as well. I really recommend this game to anyone, it will not disappoint.
This is the best game to come out for years, and I wil argue that with anyone. The graphics, atmosphere, music, score, everything about the game is great and well planned. The storyline,is perfect along with the added twists. I honestly felt like the game was incredibly put together, and there was nothing about the game that left you dissatisfied.

I have never played a scarier game. The excellent atmosphere, not to mention unettling music really makes you afraid to play the game.

One of the best things about this game is how original it is. You must think about everything it is you must do. he game is made for hardcore players who want to enjoy a nice, long game, that includes great characters, weapons, missions, and techniques.

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