
Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Sean Waltman is in a rehab facility in Texas. Kevin Nash flew to Texas a few weeks back to check him in for both psychiatric care and rehab. Nash reportedly contacted Triple H to get the wheels in motion for WWE to pay for his rehab. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Nash was also instrumental in getting Scott Hall to agree to rehab.

The Observer also reports that girlfriend (an ex-WWF diva) Alicia Webb discovered Waltman, in his Mexico City apartment, noly alive after allegedly attempting to hang himself, in a manner similiar to Chris Benoit's suicide. When she found him, he was purple and had broken blood vessels in his eye and face. Waltman has denied this report, and claims he had a bad reaction from mixing alcohol and antidepressants.

The father of Webb's children, once he got word of the story, went on MySpace and asked for help bringing his children back from Mexico. Webb is said to be paranoid about going on the road with AAA fearing someone might take her kids.

Not quite. But almost. If he's suicidal then let him kill himself. From the sounds of it it wasn't a cry for help. He wanted to do it. I say let him. Everybody has choices to make. He made his.

He's lucky he isn't a vegetable imo. Purlple in the face and saved at the last minute. You'd be relly pissed if you were saved when you were just about to go.

Edit: If he makes a return to WWE. He should come out to D-X music. But instead of Break It Down, they should change it to Breakdown. FACT.
wow, harsh name. I agree though. I know it's not in anyones good mind to see a hanging person and leave them there, and she did the "right thing", but if someone wants to take their life for whatever reason, all the power to them. I mean I don't wanna see everyone commiting suicide, but all these people nowadays are all "I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it!", trying to get attention. If Sean Waltmen had been there much longer, we'd all be feeling slightly bad right now, but it's a choice he made in life, and you can't hold that against a person, no matter the reason. At least he only tried to take his own life...
its a very selfish thing to do especially when u do it in ur home. must be a horrible thing for the person who finds you! at least go to a rural area or somewhere noone will find u and leave a note so the police or someone trained so deal with it can find you. been alot about this in the news bout my home time of bridgend as 17people in less than a year have commited suicide for no apparent reason. suicide seems to be more popular nowadays. but its good to see someone is trying to deal with it and its very good that wwe are paying for it.
the kid had a great run from april 1998 2 june 2000 and still has a small 2 large fan group today much like scott hall if he can get himself together with rehab maybe he could go back 2 tna and work with vkm
I don't know why they waste time hanging themselves. He should have bought a gun and shot himself. With all that said i hope he gets better. I actually like him as a wrestler and a cliq member.
its really sad to hear this. I am a huge Sean Waltman fan as you can tell from my account name. When DX was brought together back in 06, I really hoped a return of Waltman into the group, but never happened. I hope he overcomes this issue he's having, and is given a second chance in the WWE or TNA, which can actually save his life. Also Kudos To Nash, and Triple H for actually still caring for Sean as Clique members, and getting him into a rehab center
Xpac has been on my list of names that would soon appear in the beginning of Raw with that statement "In Memory Of." I hope the rehab works and he quits pro wrestling. Not because he is a bad wrestler, its only because wrestling in the end will kill this guy. He needs to find something else in life that has nothing to do with wrestling, the same for Scott Hall and even Jeff Hardy. These guys need to see that for all the love they have for the business, the business will eat at them alive and leave them dead in a hotel room I say when Waltman gets out, open up a store or a small business and stop chasing the limelight of wrestling. The guy has been doing this since his teen years, retire and live out the rest of your life with family and don't end up on the that long list of wrestlers that are dead.
I am sorry if I offend anyone with what I am about to say, but if X-pac did happen to kill himself I really would not sympathise over him. I feel that killing yourself that way is a very selfish thing to do, it makes it appear like you don't care for those who are left behind and they are really the ones that suffer. And his kids would suffer dearly, commiting suicide is an incredibly selfish thing to do.
Funny how you people think its cool for people to kill themselves, the guy prob hit rock bottom, hes been going in that direction for years now, there was no free rehab for him over those years, futhermore I think it would be alot different in your minds if maybe this was Christian, or HHH, or British bulldog(oh no he actually went through with it) Its a life point blank, it may not be a life that you care about( Myself I have never liked Waltman) but its a life, and every life is valuable even if the person is going through shit that we may not understand.

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