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Dead Celeb Jokes: When is it TOO soon?


Testicles. That is all.
Okay, first off, this is NOT a joke thread. I'm not posting any jokes, and that's not the thread's purpose.

I find it odd, and, yes, amusing, that hours after Michael Jackson and Billy Mays died, there were jokes around the net. I read them, and I laughed.

I respected Jackson a great deal. I'm 31, and I grew up on "Smooth Criminal", "Thriller" and "I'm Bad." I respected Jackson as a musician, and think he had a lot of talent. I'm not sure if I believe the rumors of child abuse. It's up to God to sort that out now.

But, when is it too soon to make jokes about dead celebrities? Jackson's life, his quirks, and his plain, outright insanity, are very joke worthy.

Billy Mays, who I think was a damn good salesman and a passionate guy, already has jokes out about him.

Again, I laugh. And, I don't feel guilty. I LIKED both guys.

Do you laugh at jokes about the recently departed famous? Or, do you think they are in bad taste.

I choose to laugh. I've always had a sick, yet good and healthy sense of humor.

And, maybe it's just a way to keep the illusion alive. After all, I'M not dying anytime soon. That's what we all think.

Do you think it's appropriate or offensive?

I'm curious about this, because I've read some vicious, VICIOUS jokes in the last few days, and laughed my ass off.

Am I twisted, or am I not alone?
It's actually something I've thought about seeing as all these famous people passed away. I just think that you shouldn't joke about the deceased. I mean, there are somethings you can make fun of, but making fun of dead people...I just don't mess with that shit at all!

That's just me talking, so I maybe wrong and for some reason, someone out there does determine that jokes about dead people are in good sport.
I wouldn't exactly say you're wrong, but I do believe in a grace period of mourning the dead. There's a very fine line at joking to commerate the dead, and joking to be malicious. I can see telling a funny story about someone you knew as being a somewhat humorous situation, if told in the right context. That being, when you're remembering the life of that person, and the smiles the person brought you in his/her life. I believe at laughing at a good joke, or perhaps a good story about that person. When I die, I would hope my friends would gather together, and tell funny stories. Might they typically be a bit humiliating? I suppose, but I'd also hope that I brought a smile to those people I care for, and hopefully provided them with a moment of joy. Sometimes, funny stories can be good, especially if it helps the grieving process for those that new the person who has passed on.

Joking about celebrities crosses that path. We do not know most celebrities on a personal level, so I'd find it a bit sick to laugh at a celebrity if someone tells an embarrassing story about someone I don't know. If it's done in good spirit, I can kind of see, such as jokes about Billy Mays and his voice. Joking about Michael and any pedophile joke that may come out is not cool to me, and never really is, even during the life for the performer. I don't know that person, so who am I to crack a joke that's pretty inappropriate, when I have no understanding of the man/woman behind the joke? To me, it seems a bit crass, and I'm just not a huge fan. Maybe I need more of a sense of humor, but I feel that a man/woman's personal life and death are to be respected. And I would find it crude to make such jokes.
I'm of the "jokes should be off limits" thought process. People should be able to make jokes whenever they want about whomever they want, as long as they are in good taste. What is good taste, you ask?

Oh, let's see. A joke about Michael Jackson that pokes fun at the way he dances, or maybe his creepy ass music video with Presley's daughter. Those would be funny. A joke about Michael Jackson molesting children though? It's not funny, it's hurtful, it slaps the supposed victims in the face by reducing their purported abuse to jokes, and even worse it goes to perpetuate the worst thing present in our society today; the idea that due process is dead, and any celebrity accused of anything is automatically guilty. Jackson was never, whether you like it or not, adequately proven guilty of the child molestation charges.

It goes for all performers. Don't be making fun of Farrah Fawcett or Billy Mayes for stupid shit. If you wanna make a joke about Farrah Fawcett and Charlie's Angels, why not? Billy Mayes and him always yelling? Sure. But there's a distinct line between joking to joke about a dude, and joking to be malicious.
If your own loved one died and someone joked about it you'd have every right to be offended. Nobody except the family and friends of a dead celeb should be offended, everyone else aren't important. Get over it.

It's a sick world, humour regarding death of any kind is to be expected in this day and age. Hell, phone networks probably have a whole team who are paid to write such jokes because nearly everyone loves to text them to each other. Easy money thanks to the perverted nature of the human race.
I won't deny it, I laughed at A LOT of the jokes I got sent about Jackson's death. Mostly because he meant nothing to me. I don't wish he was dead, but I never liked his music and his life was just too controvesial for me to actually care about. So, when I got his jokes I thought they were funny. That being said, I wouldn't go and repeat them, especially when people were genuinely upset about it. In the Bar Room, for example, A LOT of his big fans were posting there, and some idiots decided to post jokes which got them rightfully banned. You need to really think about what you're saying and where you're saying it. When fans are mourning for the death it's tasteless to make jokes.
I have no problem with jokes at ANY time. I think that a joke is just a joke, and as long as it is about someone people don't know personally, there is no harm in making a joke. Obviously, I wouldn't joke about my friend's mom's death because that wouldn't be a good friend. But for a celebrity that none of us know? I'll joke before they're dead and after.

What I don't get is when people STILL think Benoit jokes aren't funny. Not only has it been 2 years since he died, the man killed himself after committing a double murder. Why should I have to tiptoe around an evil man? That's one I'll never understand.
I get and understand what someone mentioned earlier about If it was your own Family member, you'd feel upset and disrespected. But the fact of the matter is.. not everyone is like that. In fact, my own Father constantly jokes about his death. When you're pushing mid-70's, you are likely no longer naive in belief that you're going to live forever and nothing is going to happen to you. So you accept that fact, and you try to make it as less painful as possible.. by making light-hearted comments and jokes in regard to it.

While individuals like Jackson, and Hayes, passed away at a relatively young age the fact of the matter is.. they were both celebs. Top named individuals, who had jokes said and made off their name to begin with. Jackson's legacy of being one of the top named artists in music history will live on forever. And I'd be hard-pressed to believe he'd care if jokes were made about him to this day. Its remembering them, in one form or another. And thats (believe it or not) more respectful, then forgetting them all together in fear of upsetting someone with an off-the-wall remark.

Some jokes may not be considered worth saying. As Sly pointed out, the Benoit situation. Hey - I'm all for Benoit jokes; but the majority aren't Chris Benoit jokes - now are they? No, they aren't. They're mainly stupid comments in regard to a little boy, who was innocent in the matter. Those are the type of "going too far" type of remarks and jokes that don't need to be said.
I don't really have a problem with any of the jokes. Serioulsy, what bad are the jokes acutally doing? I get that it's insensitive to joke about someone you know closely dying like a family member, but why should you be offended if someone jokes about a celebrity like Jackson.

I think that people just need to lighten up sometimes. Instead of being offended by every little thing someone says that should be more laid back and just roll with the punches. You don't have to be completely serious all of the time.
What I don't get is when people STILL think Benoit jokes aren't funny. Not only has it been 2 years since he died, the man killed himself after committing a double murder. Why should I have to tiptoe around an evil man? That's one I'll never understand.

The thing about the Benoit jokes is that they're not just about Benoit; they're about the entire situation. I mean, people who "joke" about Benoit talk about how evil he was just make a hypocrite out of themselves because in the same breath they make light of the situation by poking fun at what Benoit did. Every picture and video I've seen "joke" about the Benoit incident, were not about just Benoit... but they were also about Nancy and Daniel. If people find a picture of Benoit choking out a little boy to be funny, then they are every bit as evil and sick as Benoit was. And that’s why they’re all hypocrites.

Now as far as the topic at hand, it doesn't bother me if there are jokes after a celeb's death. I mean, just look at Anna Nichole Smith. I of course will never get offended if someone made a remark about her. I had nothing against her, but she brought those kind of jokes upon herself by the way she acted and the fact that she was famous for doing absolutely nothing. The Michael Jackson jokes I don't mind as long as they don't involve child molestation. Now, first of all, it was never proven that Jackson did anything in that regard, so that's #1, but also... there is nothing funny about a child being abused. Nothing. So why make ******ed jokes about Jackson's allegations? Because if those allegations are indeed true (which they're most likely not), then they're making fun of a situation where someone's life was ruined forever.
I knew Benoit would make it in here somehow. However, I can't say much about it because Benoit wasn't NEARLY as famous as MJ.

Let's put it like this. MJ's death didn't hurt anyone but him. Now, by hurt I mean in a physical or extreme emotional way, except for his family. I'm not HURT over his death. It's a shame, but, let's face it, if you're anyone but family or friends and you're seriously HURT by this, something's wrong with you. You never knew him, just his music. Let's leave true emotional pain to the families, not the fans.

Let me explain. A fan can feel sadness when someone they respect dies. A singer, an actor, a wrestler, etc. But, in Benoit's case, 2 other innocent people were killed because of this man. Had Benoit hung himself alone, you can damn sure bet there would be FAR more jokes.

MJ took too many pills, didn't seek the help he needed, was surrounded by uncaring, prick doctors and so called "friends" who did nothing, NOTHING at all for a man they saw was deteriorating.

I'm not an "intervention" guy. I believe you should be able to destroy yourself anytime you want. But, still.

No one in his family took him aside and told him he was making himself look like a monster? No friend told him he should eat more?

The man deformed himself. In fact, and I am serious here, I believe Michael deformed himself to a level that rivaled John Merrick. For you kids who don't know, that was the Elephant Man, whose bones MJ bought, BTW.

But, Merrick was born that way. Jackson went from a good looking, talented black kid, to some type of white monster. And, by white I don't mean Caucasian. I'm Caucasian, but I'm not white. MJ was WHITE.

But, again, in the end, MJ died alone. Benoit, on the other hand, killed a child and a defenseless woman.

I still would laugh at Benoit jokes, but his story is different, IMO.

Jackson and Benoit both fought with demons and lost. Benoit, sadly, had not the courage or strength to lose his battle alone.

MJ did. RIP to all 4 victims, MJ, Benoit, Benoit's wife and child. Tragedy all around.

Jokes? Keep 'em coming. A laugh in your throat is not necessarily a lack of respect and sympathy in your heart.
It's never to soon to joke about dead people in my opinion, no matter who they are. When my grandad was cremated (he was dead obviously) we walked out of the crematorium and the first thing my nan said was "can you smell burning?".

I joke about all the people that I cared about that have died, up to and including my friend who commited suicide, sometimes the very next day. Maybe this is because death doesnt bother me in the slightest, I have never been upset at the death of anybody in my life, I do celebrate their lives however.

So yeah, if a joke about a dead celeb is funny then I'll laugh, I wont feel bad about laughing either, these people are in the public eye and were probably ridiculed when they were alive, why should that change now that they are dead?

I dont understand people who cant joke about it, everything in life should up be for having the piss taken out of it, the more taboo the better.
Personally I take the people I'm around's feelings into consideration. If a friend's relative committed a murder-suicide, there is a good chance I will refrain from making a Beniot joke so not to bring up a painful memory. I refrain from making MJ jokes in The Bar Room because it is very apparent there are folks who find them tasteless in there. I am not offended by any joke at all. Humor is a huge part of my life, and I firmly believe in free speech. I just don't believe in making jokes aimed at people I care about.
IMO jokes are jokes I wouldn't say them to someone who was mourning teh death I for one love Billy Mays but I would Laugh my ass off uf i read a joke about his death. Michael Jackson is teh grey area becaseu of his controversy I wouldn't go around saying MJ jokes because he's just to controversial to say things like that in public with friends hell yes I would but not in public where people could get seriously offended and what not so I say there's no such thing as to soon just the wrong peple to tell said joke to.

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