DDP Hall of Fame????


Dark Match Winner
So DDP is like my all time favorite wrestler i love everything about him from his entrance to his wrestling ability to his mic skills, and of course the Diamond cutter...So my question is will he make the WWE Hall of Fame, not for wat he did in WWE but for everything he did in WcW (4time tag champ,2time US Champ, Televison Champ and a 3time World Heavyweight champ) & in WWE he was a 2time tag champ nd 1time European Champ... Whats your thoughts everybody????

oh my thoughts as to why....bc he sucks....he sucked in WWE and in WCW im sorry to say David Frigen Arquette won the title so i wouldnt call DDP as world champ in WCW a huge accomplishment.....if he was worthy WWE would have gave him the World title but they obviously didnt think he deserved it hence they wont think he is worthy of the hall of fame either...
I'm gonna go with no on this one cause while DDP was greatness in WCW, the idiots at WWE made him look like a complete joke with bad gimmicks like stalking Taker's wife & his motivational speaker gimmick(it was mildly entertaining) & on top of that he really didn't do shit in WWE besides holding what is now worthless championships. So my answer will be no on DDP getting into the Hall Of Fame.
This just isn't going to happen. DDP didn't have a hall of fame worthy career and spent too much time as a nobody. I definitely think he was underrated, as he was one of the top workers in the business from around 1997 - 1999, and deserves praise for being able to get mega-over during the peak of the nWo, but I think he's largely overshadowed by the awful run he had in the WWF. Great wrestler, not hall of fame worthy.
DDP was one of the greats in WCW, however, his WWE run left MUCH to be desired. However, WWE's Hall of Fame has been recognizing men who have done much for the sports entertainment world outside of WWE, so I believe it will happen sometime down the road. However, I don't expect DDP to enter the Hall for a long time...but it will happen eventually. It may happen after Vince McMahon departs, but there is no question DDP deserves it. As for losing to David Arquette...John Cena lost to friggin Kevin Federline and he's got to be considered an future Hall of Fame lock. You can't always choose who you lose to in the world of sports entertainment (if so would 300lb. men EVER get pinned by Rey Mysterio?)
DDP deserves to be in the HOF no doubt about it. It should not even be up for debate if your a former World Champion of one of the biggest Wrestling Companies that ever existed.

Any body who made a significant contribution to the wrestlling business & is a former World Champion should be in the HOF. But the WWE HOF is a joke anyway.

DDP in 1997 & 1998 was more over then John Cena is today & i know i have every WCW Nitro, Thunder & PPV on DVD. The footage does not lie. FEEL DA BANG!
No way he ever enters the WWE HOF. His WWE career is simply....well a mess. He hasn`t done anything remotely good to be HOF worthy.

Yes he had a great WCW career but that won`t be enough.
DDP was great in WCW but I dont feel he had a Hall Of Fame Career in WCW and much less in WWE. Yeah the WWE HOF may not need alot of qualifications but still I think you need to have accomplished something and DDP doesnt stand out to me. But you never know?

I would lean towards no. His time at the top was pretty short, and came during a time when the company going downhill fast.

His stint in the WWE isn't worth mentioning. Sure it was badly booked and written, but DDP didn't really bring anything to the angle either.

Being a former champion shouldn't be any sort of guarantee at all. It doesn't mean anything other than the fact that the bookers were high on you for a period. A genuine contribution over an extended period of time should be the admission requirement. There are many, many wrestlers that were never World champ that made a much larger impact on the sport than DDP ever did.
I think DDP will get in, but it will be a long, long time to wait. His aclompishments in WCW are def something that makes him worthy, but his time in WWE was God awful! There are people who get inducted that didn't do much in at least the WWE, so I think he'll get in.
if you think about everyone in the hall of fame are from the 70's 80's and early 90's the wrestling buisness was'nt as big then so of course all the hall of famers looked like they did more but what you got to think about is that all the wrestlers who are wrestling today grew up watching them and speak very highly of the old wrestlers and what they did.

just like in 15 to 20 years the youger wrestlers will be saying that triple h,rock,kurt angle,goldberg, sting,ddp,lex luger,scott hall,kevin nash, undertaker, kane,big show all did so much for the wrestling buisness and changed the buisness to where it is today because they grew up watching them.

what you also got to think about its ok saying that the legends pathed the way for where the buisness is today but from 96 to present all the wrestlers in the time from 96 to present have kept the buisness alive and have made it bigger and a more profitable buisness to work for.

would you really see the nwo, dx, someone useing the finger everyweek and having triple cage matches in the 70's,80s and early 90's would you of seen weekly hardcore matches wrestlers talking on the mic more and high flying moves all of the time not a a chance!!!!!!!!! ddp in 15 to 20 years will be remembered for everythink he did winning world titles, tag titles ,main eventing how meny ppvs and nitros if he does'nt get into the wwe hall of fame he will be in the wrestling hall of fame one day
I thought DDP's time in WWE was the best of his career (at least he had a funny gimmick). Obviously, that tells you what I think of Diamond Dallas Page. Not that I watched a ton of WCW intensely, but I could not stand DDP there. The self high-five crap? Seriously, was there anything stupider in life than that? Add to that the fake Nirvana theme music and the lack of wrestling skills and you had a glorified loser on your hands.

The short answer is "no." DDP should not ever be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Corporal Kirshner and Aldo Montoya should be inducted before DDP ever is.

Self high-five? No thank you.
No, he was entertaining but as been said above, he didnt do squat in the WWE. You could same the same for Flair not having a career in the WWE, but he made countless stars, was doing it for a lot longer and is just generally respected amongst most of his peers.

DDP held the world champ in wcw for 3 times, which would have been worth something if Russo didnt get his hands upon that company and gave it to guys like DAvid Arquette.

One thing that is in DDp's favour though is that he was well liked backstage(apart from Scott Steiner), with everone from Foley and Regal to Steve Austin classing him as a friend.

Plus, there are many other wrestling personalities who deserve a HOF spot who are not even looked at at the moment (such as Stu Hart, Owen Hart, Randy Savage and Lou Thesz, although Savage I can undertsand)
I thought DDP's time in WWE was the best of his career (at least he had a funny gimmick). Obviously, that tells you what I think of Diamond Dallas Page. Not that I watched a ton of WCW intensely, but I could not stand DDP there. The self high-five crap? Seriously, was there anything stupider in life than that? Add to that the fake Nirvana theme music and the lack of wrestling skills and you had a glorified loser on your hands.

The short answer is "no." DDP should not ever be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Corporal Kirshner and Aldo Montoya should be inducted before DDP ever is.

Self high-five? No thank you.

dude ur on drugs go watch a DDP match he had a huge arsnal of moves his inring skill was pretty damn good, better than guys like Cena, Goldberg, HHH etc. and of course because u didnt watch WCW that much u dont know anything of SELF HIGH FIVE or the Diamond Cutter taunt which created bigger pops then DX then or John Cena does now u just dont know wat ur speakin of and for anyone else who hate on ddps in ring work u dont know wrestling abilitly i do agree completely that he wont make the WWE hall of Fame but he deserves it considering they took over WcW and everything he did in that company...oh and thanks everyone for posting your thoughts!
Now normally I would agree with you all but I would also like to remind people of his specialness to the business. Allthough he was here and there in some roles he did not start wrestling until he was 35. Imagine if he would have started younger. I remember seeing him in some pretty tough matches taking some big bumps, and in short time he wrestled better then most in the company. If he gets in I say for personality alone, and a combined manager/wrestler career and dedication to the business. I think most can agree that you cannot think of the era without some thought of DDP. We'll all have to wait and see.
Its a tuff question because WWE doesn't really induct WCW stars people if they did sting would definitly be in there but he did have his run in WWE but at that point in his career he was basically just a shadow of what he once was he was old and not good nemore his mic skills were still great but he wasn' the same. But he won titles that basically don't mean anything like the european championship who cares but the tag titles twice...He really didn't have to many good fueds his with taker when he stalked his wife was decent...he had the one with christian when he was motivational speaker but other than that his run sucked..He may get in long time down the road but i don't see it happening.
dude ur on drugs go watch a DDP match he had a huge arsnal of moves his inring skill was pretty damn good, better than guys like Cena, Goldberg, HHH etc. and of course because u didnt watch WCW that much u dont know anything of SELF HIGH FIVE or the Diamond Cutter taunt which created bigger pops then DX then or John Cena does now u just dont know wat ur speakin of and for anyone else who hate on ddps in ring work u dont know wrestling abilitly i do agree completely that he wont make the WWE hall of Fame but he deserves it considering they took over WcW and everything he did in that company...oh and thanks everyone for posting your thoughts!

Better in ring ability than Goldberg? Sure, that's not all that hard though.

Cena? Possible, but debatable. Cena actually used a good move set during his Prototype days, and even during his heel rapper gimmick.

HHH? Not a chance. As hip as it is for the IWC to rag on Trips, the dude could teach a course on ring phsychology and story telling in the ring. DDP couldn't touch that.

Bigger pops than Cena? These days, sure, easy. Back when Cena was fresh? Again, debatable.

Bigger pops than DX? Not a frickin chance. DDP had some good pops, no doubt, but he never blew the roof of a joint the way DX would at it's peak.

I'm not trying to rag on the guy, but in the grand scheme of things he doesn't really hang with the greats. His career as a wrestler was short, which doesn't really help. His promo work was decent at best. His move set was decent at best. He gets credit for being creative with his Diamond Cutter (and unlike Orton, actually connecting with the move more than half the time).

Maybe if his WWE stint had been considerably better than it was, but as it is, he has a couple of years in WCW to really make his case, and there are simply too many other wrestlers who had a longer and more meaningful career ahead of him.
DDP should be a hall of famer since WCW is part of the WWE DDP worked his ass off for WCW and help make it popular there is no reason why he shouldnl't be in the WWE hall of fame
i agree with you on this one but if we were to mentions names like DDP wich Vince McMahon does not like we could also add names like Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man Randy Savage... These past Superstars beloved my many might not even make the hall of fame becasue of there relationship with Vince McMahon
Diamond Dallas Page is one of my all time faveourites, but even I will say that he won't be put into the WWE Hall of Fame. Diamond Dallas Page had a good career in World Championship Wrestling but his stint in World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment was fairly lackluster compared to his run in WCW, which I think would be ignored by Vince McMahon and the people who pitch ideas for the Hall of Fame.

I thought DDP's time in WWE was the best of his career (at least he had a funny gimmick). Obviously, that tells you what I think of Diamond Dallas Page. Not that I watched a ton of WCW intensely, but I could not stand DDP there. The self high-five crap? Seriously, was there anything stupider in life than that? Add to that the fake Nirvana theme music and the lack of wrestling skills and you had a glorified loser on your hands.

I'd say it's pretty obvious you haven't seen much of him in WCW then. Go and watch Halloween Havoc 1998 where Diamond Dallas Page challenged Goldberg and after watching the entrances, introductions, crowd reactions and match, you will see why he was so over with the crowd. The self high five thing wasn't crap, it was his trademark thing and the crowd would eat it up. He was the original peoples champion. Although I do support him in general, I don't think he will be in the WWE Hall of Fame for a couple of reasons. He didn't do much of importance in WWF and he is one of the reasons WCW was popular and better than Vince's product. I don't think Vince would put someone into his Hall of Fame who helped a company almost take them out.

But if he was to somehow get in, then I don't see it being for a long, long time.
I don't see him ever getting in. The Hall of Fame should be prestigious and only people who really accomplished something in pro wrestling should be able to get in.
DDP was underrated and a good worker, but not even close to Hall worthy. I started to follow him in WCW around the time of his feud with Johnny B. Badd (Marc Mero). I liked him from there on out, and if you haven't seen some of his matches from WCW you should go check it out. There's a video of one of the better Nitro matches I can remember between DDP and Sting in the Sting wz tourny headquarters. Aside from his in-ring prowess, he was solid on the mic, and very over with the crowd. But part of his career is tied to that David Arquette debacle and his WWE career which was forgettable.
I'll always remember DDP, but there are tons of guys that deserve hall of fame contention before him so I don't think his career merits him ever getting in.
As of right now, no, but down the road when people recall some of the great WCW wrestlers and moments, DDP should be up there.

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