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Daylight Savings Time

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
This week we entered Daylight Savings Time. Ever since I was a kid I have always felt that it was absolute waste of time (no pun intended) and incredibly frustrating. I am not alone in this opinion. People worldwide feel that it complicates timekepeing by disrupting meetings, people miss scheduled times for work/classes, sleep patterns are forced to change, and various objects containing clocks have to be reset.

I was told once that Daylight Savings Time is put in place for the farmers so they can get up at the same time each day. Great, but not all of us are farmers. Why should the majority of the population suffer just so farmers do not have to get up at a different time? The rooster is going to wake you when the sun comes up whether it's at 5AM or 4AM. What's worst of all is that every spring we remove the hour that we add each fall, thus cancelling out the time change and making it utterly pointless.

So the point of discussion for this thread is....

Do we even NEED Daylight Savings Time? Do you think it should be done away with, why or why not?

I personally think it should be phased out. Most of the world no longer uses it. Some of the countries that did have stopped, and even a couple of the states in the US stopped using it. I think the rest of the world needs to follow and eliminate something we really do not need.
I'll admit it always comes as an unexpected pleasure in April when it's suddenly light out for an hour longer each afternoon. Conversely, it's a downer to see it get darker an hour earlier in the Fall.

Therefore, since we keep adjusting the time every 6 months just to get back to where we were in the first place......it's an unnecessary, extra thing to do that ultimately accomplishes nothing.

So, there.:)
Yes!! Daylight Savings Time is a waste of time (T-Shirt idea!!). Daylight Savings Time should definitely be removed from Earth. It is the most pointless thing known to man. It is 2011. Get an alarm clock, better energy saving light bulbs, and whatever else you need to farm and get up at the same time. It’s as obsolete as video and cassette tapes. I’m so sick and tired of having to adjust myself and a few of my clocks.

Look at this picture.


Although not used by most of the world's people, daylight saving time is common in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes.
Blue DST observed
Orange DST no longer observed
Red DST never observed

It’s mostly the United States of America who uses this. Now let’s see. Daylight Savings Time, the Metric System, come on!! I know I’m not the first and I know I’m won’t be the last to say this, but we need to uniform this with the rest of the World.
The clock set back a few days ago. (to be honest with you I have no clue what day the time change was) Pretty much every clock sets it's self these days. Setting the clock back basically gives us another usable hour of daylight (because let's be honest.. no one is going to start at an earlier time then they have to.)

I didn't even know that the time had changed until I noticed that my watch was wrong, all the clocks in my house set themselves to the correct time when the time changed except for my watch.

It's really no big deal at all, not something I think needs to be changed at the moment.
Well someone's gotta grow the crops, feed the animals, sew the animals, and make sure that the rest of the world has food, clothing, and every other thing that we as humans take for granted.

People take Daylight Savings for granted and don't realize why it's so important. In the spring/summer time, those plants need more sunlight to grow at a steady rate so that in the fall, the only plants that need to be grown are those of the squash variety.

Cotton is another crop, that is VERY common in every day clothing, that is grown through farming.

Seriously, Daylight Savings is a highly needed source and is very much a part of why you're able to eat the foods you eat today.

I know these facts because my grandpa owned a farm once... but he passed and sold the farm to some other farmer, since nobody at the time was old enough to own it.
Holy shit I wish we had Daylight Savings in QLD Australia. During Summer the Sun starts rising at 4:30am. Now if we had daylight savings it would be 5:30am so it would be just like winter but instead I'm awoken an hour earlier each day. If my state had daylight savings there would be more time in the evening to do your thing as the sun would be setting at 7:00 instead of 6:00. People who do normal things such as school and work would still get an extra hour after school/work instead of a waste of an hour before hand.

I honestly don't know what the rest of the world is like but i hate being awaken at 4:30am because its already 30 degrees with 95% humidity. I have to wait an extra hour to go to places in life...

Not getting more words out right, essentially if the sun is rising at 4:30am if we had daylight savings it would be 5:30am and all is well in the world. Instead of going to sleep at 11pm i'd be going to sleep at 12pm. Oh lets complain about being awoken earlier every morning then refuse to accept daylight savings for some reason because its an answer to your problem (QLD'ers).

I'll try to redo this when I can get better paragraphs out. But QLD Australia needs Day Light Savings.
We don't have DLS time. The US does though, so basically any programming that wasn't local turned back one damned hour. Raw and Impact start at 10, I still need to be in class at 8am. It's annoying to change up like that every 6 months even if the sun pretty much setting at 6pm at this point. I realize that it's done for... Well I don't know. All I can come up with is how the Earth doesn't make a full rotation in an exact 24 hours. It's 23.something so to compensate they change the clock.

Yeah, I don't really get it either. Who gives a shit if our clocks are on par with the Earth's rotation. I only care that my watch has a battery.
I don't really care one way or another, it doesn't effect me in the slightest so I'd be fine with it staying or going. I do realize that it's important for certain things like Stitch said but bloody hell just get up earlier if you have to tend to your crops, whether we change it or not the sun isnt going to change what it does.
If I were supreme ruler of the planet I would get rid of daylight savings time and take things a step further and get rid of time zones. We are a global society that should not have to figure out what 8pm in Sydney means in time to someone in California. It should be 8pm for all.

Screw your crops SLS, they are going to get the same amount of sunlight regardless, just get out of bed a little bit earlier. Doesn't the rooster wake everyone up at the crack of dawn regardless of what the clock says.
If I were supreme ruler of the planet I would get rid of daylight savings time and take things a step further and get rid of time zones. We are a global society that should not have to figure out what 8pm in Sydney means in time to someone in California. It should be 8pm for all.

Screw your crops SLS, they are going to get the same amount of sunlight regardless, just get out of bed a little bit earlier. Doesn't the rooster wake everyone up at the crack of dawn regardless of what the clock says.

Quite possibly the dumbest idea I have ever heard!!!!! I like it! lol DST is required for a varying number of reasons. For example, in Scotland if we did not have it then kids would be going to school in the pitch dark in the morning, this leads to more traffic accidents, injuries and deaths according to the research, so thats why we have it in the UK, jack all to do with farmers as far as im aware. The British government are trying to get rid of it but need the ok of the devolved Scottish Government who have basically told them to piss off! lol So DST is here to stay in the UK for the time being!

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