David Otunga WILL Achieve Success In Pro Wrestling

Only time will tell for Otunga. Some guys like Mark Henry over come stupid gimmicks and storylines from earlier in their career and go on to greatness. On the other hand some guys like Terry Taylor (RedRooster) it follows them everywhere.
Honestly, aside from not having a decent finisher and speaking on the mic in an obviously scripted way, he's got everything else. I like him because he stays in character. And to the guy who says he's not a character because he's portraying himself, you need to pay closer attention and see he's LOOSELY portraying himself. Much like how John Cena's character is a loose portrayal of who he is. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean the aren't good at anything. Otunga, in my opinion excels more in body language and appearance than on the mic. His attire fits his persona, his coffee slurping comes across very toolish, and his obsessiveness with his stature are all things that he sells well.

However, I'd like it if he talked down to people more using his intelligence to belittle them on the mic. Much like how Jericho did a few years ago. But I think he'll get better in time on the mic. Triple H was certainly not that great before the past 8 years on the mic. He used to mimic much of what his opponents would say when he got lost in a promo or would try to make a comeback and have to quickly revert it back to an "I'm the gaaaamuhhh, and I am that damn goooood!" But look at him now. He can talk circles around CM Punk and word things in a clever way to still come out looking clean. Brings new meaning to the cerebral assassin lol

But I digress, Otunga can get there with time also. He just needs to feud with people who do have the gift of gab and be given the opportunity to test his skills against them.
No he will not. I dont see the wrestling skills in him and right now I dont see enough mic skills besides one or two words then he slirps whatever is in his mug. I his version of the spinbuster is horriable. Why not just do the sky high. Whatever happen to big guys like him and zeck knowing technical wrestling and moves like the vertical suplex where you were in the air for 10sec, differnt version of the suplexs. Every big man should watch tape of the british bulldog and be like thats what i wanna do.
So, you mean to tell me that there 50 other guys that wear a bowtie and talk about being a Harvard graduated or a licence lawyer. You see Otunga actually has something more than half the roster has and that's TV time. If was to get fired tomorrow then people will notice since he has served an importance to Johnny. He has actually been almost like a mouth piece to Ace. Otunga is one those guys that has the full package. So, don't come here say that some 50 other guys can do what he does.

Gimmicks been done before, it flamed out quick on heat... I dont remember the guys name wanna say his first was Chris
Domo Nation you have done the best troll job Ive ever seen on the internet lolol. People actually thought you were serious with those DOt posts lol.

DOt (Daving Otunga) may have some traits thats specific to his character and would be recognized if one were to mimic them, but he'll need more than that before anyone could give legit claims thats he's likely going to find any true measure of success. Masters, Carlito, Zeek Jackson, Renee Dupri and Dlo Brown all had traits and mannerims that would be easily recognized.

DOt has a lot going against him. People get a little sensitive and try to stay politically correct when talking about race, but WWE doesnt have many African Americans as major title holders. I doubt this is because Vince is racist, it likely has nothing to do with that so please, so dont even respond to me as if im saying that Vince doesnt like black superstars. Henry got a run with the title buuuut thats about it.

Another thing Otunga has going against him is that he does NOTHING exceptionally well. In-ring skills - ok. mic skills - ok. charisma - ok. His 'look' is his only above average assett. That makes him Bobby Lashley, Rob Conway or Cris Masters, and two of those three had better in-ring ability.

Henry got his run because of a lifetime achievment award...so if Otunga sticks around WWE for 15+ years he could possibly get the strap as well. But with all he has going for him outside of pro wrestling, he'll probably decide to opt out of the WWE's brutal schedule to spend some time with his wife rather than spend 20 years putting his body on the line. Otunga COULD become WWE champ, shit I mean Mason Ryan COULD win the strap, you never know how things will shape out 5 years down the road but I have no reason to believe right now that DOt will do anything special in the business. But anything under the sun is 'possible.'
Otunga definitely has potential as a solid mid carder but I just cant see him in the main event. I dont know if Laurinaitis is helping to establish Otunga as as serious competitor.

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