David Otunga is here to replace MVP


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
  • MVP is 38, Otunga is younger.
  • MVP has his ballin' gimmick, but its stale.
  • Otunga is the "A" Lister and a legitimate celebrity.
  • MVP is no longer a baller. He is a convicted felon trying to make a better life for himself through wrestling.

MVP has been jobbing for months, and has been going no where. His pops are smaller and smaller each time he comes out, and his music is terrible. He moves slow in the ring, and the once internet darling can't even get that much love here anymore. Otunga is younger, better looking, and probably will be able to draw. He got squashed last night by Cena but that was creative's fault. Not his.

MVP future endeavored in 2010. Otunga the "A Lister" stepping in to that slot on the roster.
There's one problem with this. Otunga is completely shit at wrestling. He's been wrestling for less than 12 months, and it shows. I've seen rain forest canopies that are less green than this motherfucker.In a few years, this thread might have a point. Until then MVP's the only baller in town.
There's one problem with this. Otunga is completely shit at wrestling. He's been wrestling for less than 12 months, and it shows. I've seen rain forest canopies that are less green than this motherfucker.In a few years, this thread might have a point. Until then MVP's the only baller in town.

Green doesn't mean shit anymore, and a couple of months in the WWE with a competent man and a dedicated team will do wonders. Plus he doesn't have to headline Wrestlemania, he's only going to replace MVP. You know the guy who doesn't work programs, jobs on RAW, and appears on Superstars occasionally?
personally i hate otunga. hes got more fucking attension just because he has "the look". he isnt even famous. his friends are. mvp can flat out wrestle, otunga cant. mvp was a masterful heel. going on that losing streak and moving to raw killed his career. same for morrison. if he had been allowed to maintain his heel persona he could easily be a world champion by now.

will otunga replace mvp? sure. but that really isnt saying much. mvp isnt shit anymore.
So, you're saying there's only so much room for black men on a wrestling program? I don't get why a bright Otunga future means MVP being discarded. MVP has a lot of work to do if he wants a higher spot than where he's at, but Otunga is just crap. Redeemable crap, but still crap.

Or wait, is it that two guys can't have "similar" gimmicks? Ok, yeah, like MVP and Otunga are both "cocky celeb types". Like Batista. And The Miz. D'oh!
So, you're saying there's only so much room for black men on a wrestling program?

I didn't say that. What are you trying to say?

I don't get why a bright Otunga future means MVP being discarded. MVP has a lot of work to do if he wants a higher spot than where he's at, but Otunga is just crap. Redeemable crap, but still crap.

Otunga has less work to do than MVP to get over right now. MVP is nonredeemable crap, with a terrible theme song and a stale gimmick.

Or wait, is it that two guys can't have "similar" gimmicks? Ok, yeah, like MVP and Otunga are both "cocky celeb types". Like Batista. And The Miz. D'oh!

Two guys can have similar gimmicks, but when one guy hasn't done shit in years and fresh blood comes in with a more credible version of the gimmick, one has to go. Unless they form a tag team?
Batista and The Miz are nothing alike. Plus Batista is a headliner, Miz is a midcarder. Otunga and MVP are both undercarders at this point.
With the exposure that Otunga seems to be getting on Raw. It appears that he no longer needs NXT. I wouldn't be surprised if he just gets drafted directly to Raw.
Not at all. Otunga is shit. He can't wrestle for his life. Even his finisher is just plain awful. The shoving him down our throats because he is "famous". I'm sure if I asked 20 celebrities ( if i knew any) who David Otunga was... maybe 1 would know who he was. So yeah, he's no replacement for MVP.
I hope not, I used to be a huge fan of MVP but I believe WWE missed a big oppurtinity with him back in 2006 - 2007. He was on a roll then, he was having great matches, had a lengthly reign with the US title and was beginning to get involved in more upper card feuds. There were reports that WWE were going to give him a major push, change his ring gear to something more traditional instead of his "power ranger" thing. But then in 2008 WWE just dropped the ball with him and now I think he's too old to get a main event push because he'll only be on the top for say 6 years if he does :/

David Otunga I don't think has it, he just doesn't have charisma and his gimmick has been done so many times
Not at all. Otunga is shit. He can't wrestle for his life.
What's so great about MVP? He's so overrated on these boards. Plus, now more than ever...I've realized that he's not even needed.
Even his finisher is just plain awful.
Worse than MVP's?
The shoving him down our throats because he is "famous".
They shoved him down your throat?
I'm sure if I asked 20 celebrities ( if i knew any) who David Otunga was... maybe 1 would know who he was. So yeah, he's no replacement for MVP.
You're not a celebrity, and you don't know any celebrities, but you know who David Otunga is.
I didn't say that. What are you trying to say?

I find it funny that of all the spots Otunga would be taking in your mind, it's MVP's. Explain why him over anybody else?

Otunga has less work to do than MVP to get over right now. MVP is nonredeemable crap, with a terrible theme song and a stale gimmick.

The opinion of the theme song is just that; opinion. The gimmick is the flux/dead zone where it needs more tangible personality for people to grasp, and it's really up to MVP and Creative to tap into that.

Otunga needs to be able to put on a match. And he's quite a ways from doing any good ones.

Two guys can have similar gimmicks, but when one guy hasn't done shit in years and fresh blood comes in with a more credible version of the gimmick, one has to go. Unless they form a tag team?
Batista and The Miz are nothing alike. Plus Batista is a headliner, Miz is a midcarder. Otunga and MVP are both undercarders at this point.

Credible and fresh have nothing to do with Otunga. I'd never heard of him before NXT, and all he's done is Jennifer Hudson really. He's not A-list; he's the "plus 1 other" list. Why sully Raw more with a D list Miz knock off? And why fire MVP just for that? I mean, there are plenty other reasons to bump off MVP, but Otunga? That's just silly talk.
Green doesn't mean shit anymore
it really does when it impares your ability to perform effectively. 'tis why Drew McIntyre went back to FCW a couple of years ago.
and a couple of months in the WWE with a competent man and a dedicated team will do wonders.
not as many wonders as another couple of years of training in FCW will do. If you shove his shitty work on valuable tallents he's going to hurt someone.
Plus he doesn't have to headline Wrestlemania, he's only going to replace MVP.
Right, MVP who's not terrible in the ring and wont need to be carried by people who aren't good enough for the big time yet.
You know the guy who doesn't work programs, jobs on RAW, and appears on Superstars occasionally?
So you'd have Otunga, who cant wrestle for sticky toffee pudding but has more potential in his left toe than half of the NXT roster wasting away on superstars, and not feuding, instead of going somewhere with dedicated trainers and training facilities for him to actually work oin living up to that potential (which would take more than a couple of months, btw).
I like Otunga a lot. He's like Miz meets The Rock. He's got the look, he's got the mic skills... he just needs to develop his in-ring ability. He's a rookie though, he'll get the hang of it eventually.

MVP sucks. I'm sorry, I've always hated this guy, even as a heel and I'm a guy who is usually very biased towards heels. Granted, I took a break from watching WWE from 2005ish-2008ish, so I guess I missed his debut which could have been good. But.. since then I have to say he's awful. His costume is ridiculously stupid looking, his gimmick is really lame and his mic ability is mediocre. He's not bad in the ring, but that only gets you so far.

I hope Otunga replaces MVP.
the op mentioned that David Otunga was famous. Motherfucker I had to wikipedia him just to know wtf you were talking about. so he's famous because he was a a reality show on VH1 and married Jennifer Hudson(a minor celebrity in her own right). who gives a flying fuck if he is famous(or as it turns out barely famous).The guy is green as shit I saw him on RAW and laughed at him. the hair, the greenness. I get why the WWE is hot shotting young stars but why are they choosing the ones they have. shamus makes me turn the channel he is so white and annoying looking and I can't fucking stand smackdown with Morrison being stuck in a shit tag team with R-Truth(pssibly worst and most generic ring name ever) who was way bette rin TNA(btw why is he not a TNA reject). Either way David Otunga has potential but right now is a green rookie with a very gay haircut. I'm sure glad he went to harvard law school to become a career mid carder at best
I find it funny that of all the spots Otunga would be taking in your mind, it's MVP's. Explain why him over anybody else? Why not
You can only have so many people on the roster. So many mid carders. Someone has to go either up or down. MVP is not moving up, so he can only move down. Take a look at other "good" workers who've been "replaced" because of them being old, stale, health or for other reasons unbeknown to us. Replace doesn't have to mean one is in and one is out of the company, but it can just simply mean replacing a spot on the card. Otunga can potentially bring to RAW what they thought MVP would.
The opinion of the theme song is just that; opinion.
Yeah, that's what the forum is for. Did you think it was for facts only?
The gimmick is the flux/dead zone where it needs more tangible personality for people to grasp, and it's really up to MVP and Creative to tap into that.
Yeah they've seem to have done a good job tapping into it over the last year. So good that he doesn't even appear on the show on most nights.
Otunga needs to be able to put on a match. And he's quite a ways from doing any good ones.
Credible and fresh have nothing to do with Otunga.
That's what they are selling it as.
I'd never heard of him before NXT, and all he's done is Jennifer Hudson really.
I've heard of him. You must not listen to Hip-Hop/R&B then.
He's not A-list
Michael Cole said he's the A-Lister, and he's on TV.
; he's the "plus 1 other" list.
I never heard of that list, did you just make that up?
Why sully Raw more with a D list Miz knock off?
No one can knock off The Miz.
And why fire MVP just for that? I mean, there are plenty other reasons to bump off MVP, but Otunga? That's just silly talk.
They don't have to fire him, that's just what I predict. But he can have MVP's slot on the show and bring to the table what they and the whole IWC thought MVP would.
vandeerhook is right about otunga but mvp needs to get a push not just United states title and David he is startting off big might have rivalry with John Cena might be next WWE Champion only time will tell....... out of couriosity dose MVP only have one TiTle one his record???
I need to make something clear and many hve pointed it out. David Otunga is not a celebrity. He was on a reality show I love New York on Vh1 back in 2008 or something he lost the affections of New York and then he faded into obscurity until he started dating Jennifer Hudson the ONLY and I repeat the ONLY reason WWE is giving him as much time as they are is due to the hollywood connection he has with is fiancee. He is not all that impressive in the ring and his matches are Forgetable. MVP is a true athlete and is decent in the ring (now I may be biased because I am a mark for the guy) but he has what it takes to make it but creative has no clue what to do with him. They missed out his opportunity with the mz and the United states championship and that since is way past cooled. He needs to go back to smackdown and perhaps turn heel again because at this point Alvin Burke career is dying. I See more of a future in TNA then I do working for the E.
it really does when it impares your ability to perform effectively. 'tis why Drew McIntyre went back to FCW a couple of years ago.
I'm not against Otunga going back to FCW when the time is right.
If you shove his shitty work on valuable tallents he's going to hurt someone.
He's already working with valuable talent on NXT.
Right, MVP who's not terrible in the ring and wont need to be carried by people who aren't good enough for the big time yet. So you'd have Otunga, who cant wrestle for sticky toffee pudding but has more potential in his left toe than half of the NXT roster wasting away on superstars, and not feuding, instead of going somewhere with dedicated trainers and training facilities for him to actually work oin living up to that potential (which would take more than a couple of months, btw).
Yeah, but he can work his way up from there. MVP worked his way down to there....and that's the difference.
" * MVP is 38, Otunga is younger.
* MVP has his ballin' gimmick, but its stale.
* Otunga is the "A" Lister and a legitimate celebrity.
* MVP is no longer a baller. He is a convicted felon trying to make a better life for himself through wrestling."

*Otunga has a crap voice. Sure he might know what to say. But his voice is soft.
* MVP just needs to go back heel. Or a tweener. Just not pure face.
* Otunga has a better look? Whoever said that, are you kidding me? Maybe with his shades on (which may be why he wears them so much). All those circles around his eyes make it look like he hasn't slept in months. He's got a build, yeah, I'll give that to you.

MVP is better on the mic and a better wrestler. BUT hey, its the WWE since when did that shit matter. eg = Elijah Burke
You can only have so many people on the roster. So many mid carders. Someone has to go either up or down. MVP is not moving up, so he can only move down. Take a look at other "good" workers who've been "replaced" because of them being old, stale, health or for other reasons unbeknown to us. Replace doesn't have to mean one is in and one is out of the company, but it can just simply mean replacing a spot on the card. Otunga can potentially bring to RAW what they thought MVP would.

Again, why was he singled out? There's Carlito, Chavo, and Kozlov as well who are also on the slow boat to future endeavorville, and those are just the heels.

Yeah, that's what the forum is for. Did you think it was for facts only?

No, not at all. Just remember that when a strong point of your argument is "his music sucks". You could say "his music is old and needs changing" or "I get creepies every time it hits the chorus" and it would do more to persuade me that perhaps you are right. Saying it sucks with out saying why is wasting space (on the non-spam stuff, anyway).

Yeah they've seem to have done a good job tapping into it over the last year. So good that he doesn't even appear on the show on most nights.

But he does the house shows, and occasional appearances. He also does a lot of promo work for the WWE. Otunga can't carry his own in a match, and is so new that he's still a liability to others in the ring. Not to say he won't get there someday, maybe, but he's certainly NOT able to take up that kind of work right now.


So, see above. He is galacticaly incapable of having a good match right now. The odds are much higher that he or someone else will be injured if he's put into a spot like MVP's right away.

That's what they are selling it as.

You aren't a very good shopper then. Plus, didn't Daniel Bryan rip a big ol' hole in his gimmick a few weeks back?

I've heard of him. You must not listen to Hip-Hop/R&B then.

By that I assume you mean do I watch MTV/VH1/BET and follow people on Twitter, since having hip-hop/R&B on my iPod hasn't made me anymore aware of Otunga. And the answer to that would be no.

Michael Cole said he's the A-Lister, and he's on TV.

Kid, don't believe everything Michael Cole says. You'll do much better in life.

I never heard of that list, did you just make that up?

No, that's what it's called when one important person is on the list, and they get to bring "1 other". Otunga is the "1 other". His name isn't on any list for any other reason than to be an asterisk to Hudson's.

No one can knock off The Miz.

Well, Otunga comes from a knock-off reality show on a knock off music channel. The Miz's roots were a bit more credible than this.

They don't have to fire him, that's just what I predict. But he can have MVP's slot on the show and bring to the table what they and the whole IWC thought MVP would.

Otunga: we will have forgotten about him by 2012. He will be divorced and shamed by some tawdry TMZ profile, and with any luck will end up on TNA. Russo would love to work with that kind of potential.
I don't get why so many people are high on Otunga. I don't think he has all that much charisma. Sure, he can speak in public. But so what? Nothing he says is interesting, and neither is the way he says it. And, as others have said, he's not very good in the ring. Maybe that's because he's young and needs to learn, but I don't see him getting too much better. I think a problem for him is actually his height. He's only 6 ft tall, and to succeed at that height, you need to be more of an athletic, high flyer type, not a powerful guy. If he were 4 inches taller, he'd have a much better chance.

Also, he's not a celebrity. His fiance is a celebrity, but 99.9% of America has never heard of David Otunga, no matter how many times he gets his picture taken.
Again, why was he singled out?
Clear similarities from look down to gimmick.
There's Carlito, Chavo, and Kozlov as well who are also on the slow boat to future endeavorville, and those are just the heels.
Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel, and Wade Barrett can take their spots on the card. That’s just sarcasm, but do you really give a shit about Carlito, Chavo, and Kozlov to even bring them into the discussion?
No, not at all. Just remember that when a strong point of your argument is "his music sucks". You could say "his music is old and needs changing" or "I get creepies every time it hits the chorus" and it would do more to persuade me that perhaps you are right. Saying it sucks with out saying why is wasting space (on the non-spam stuff, anyway).
In addition to his music sucking, I get creepies every time it hits the chorus.
But he does the house shows
And jobs at those as well.
and occasional appearances. He also does a lot of promo work for the WWE.
As does most of the roster.
Otunga can't carry his own in a match, and is so new that he's still a liability to others in the ring. Not to say he won't get there someday, maybe, but he's certainly NOT able to take up that kind of work right now.
He doesn’t have to. He’s being groomed, which you can’t deny. When his grooming is done, who is going to be one of the main people left out to dry?
So, see above. He is galacticaly incapable of having a good match right now.
If he was genetically incapable he wouldn’t have made it this far.
The odds are much higher that he or someone else will be injured if he's put into a spot like MVP's right away.
The odds are always higher when you have a rookie wrestling. Who said he’s going to work PPV’s tomorrow? The fact is you can’t deny he is being groomed to work with the big boys. When he is working with the big boys, guys like MVP will be jobbing to him, if he’s even still with the company.
You aren't a very good shopper then.
Yes I am.
Plus, didn't Daniel Bryan rip a big ol' hole in his gimmick a few weeks back?
I don’t think he did a good job at it. Otunga has been on RAW 2 weeks in a row now.
By that I assume you mean do I watch MTV/VH1/BET and follow people on Twitter, since having hip-hop/R&B on my iPod hasn't made me anymore aware of Otunga. And the answer to that would be no.
I don’t watch MTV/VH1/BET very often and I don’t have Twitter but I knew who he was. There’s also the radio, music choice, the internet, casual television, etc.
Kid, don't believe everything Michael Cole says. You'll do much better in life.
Wait, so Michael Cole is lying?
No, that's what it's called when one important person is on the list, and they get to bring "1 other". Otunga is the "1 other". His name isn't on any list for any other reason than to be an asterisk to Hudson's.
No, its as Mr. & Mrs. now. The “1 other” is their child.
Well, Otunga comes from a knock-off reality show on a knock off music channel. The Miz's roots were a bit more credible than this.
The same people who own VH1, own MTV and BET.
Otunga: we will have forgotten about him by 2012. He will be divorced and shamed by some tawdry TMZ profile, and with any luck will end up on TNA. Russo would love to work with that kind of potential.
That remains to be seen now doesn’t it? You first have to see signs of that, which I don’t see. I do see signs of MVP fading away and Otunga getting a push though.
I don't get why so many people are high on Otunga. I don't think he has all that much charisma. Sure, he can speak in public. But so what? Nothing he says is interesting, and neither is the way he says it. And, as others have said, he's not very good in the ring. Maybe that's because he's young and needs to learn, but I don't see him getting too much better. I think a problem for him is actually his height. He's only 6 ft tall, and to succeed at that height, you need to be more of an athletic, high flyer type, not a powerful guy. If he were 4 inches taller, he'd have a much better chance.

Also, he's not a celebrity. His fiance is a celebrity, but 99.9% of America has never heard of David Otunga, no matter how many times he gets his picture taken.

I'll agree with you 100% on this. Up until NXT started, I had no idea who Otunga was. I have never seen "I Love New York" before, I don't give a shit about watching those celeb shows like ET or the E network. I imagine most males are much the same in that they don't follow the red carpet shit. And that's the wwe's audience.

Don't blame his failure in the ring on him being a powerhouse. The fact of the matter is he couldn't work a match to save his life.

The thing that irritates me the most about him (besides that stupid look on his face) how he talks. It's not irritating in the way that makes me want to tune in every week with the hopes of seeing him lose. It's the "oh for God's sake, you're annoying just shut the fuck up." The only way he can get over it seems is by him constantly telling us he's engaged to Jennifer Hudson.

Plus in his promo when he said he went to Harvard Law and was referring to Obama also going there, he was like "WE'S IN DA SAME CLUB." I was just thinking to myself "mmmhm with a lexicon like that, you must've got in via affirmative action."
Yeah, I'm really not seeing the connection here right now, Sunee. I mean, if this was MVP Three years ago, you may be onto something, but it isn't. These two are distinctly different characters; one is a little more stale than the other, but nevertheless, both characters are pretty much one in the same.

Or, now I can take the heat, so you won't have to say outright what you meant; David Otunga is there to be the loud black guy, right? I mean, that's what you meant, isn't it? That both characters are really obnoxious at how they treat their opponent, and are large braggers? I guess perhaps, that could work, but even then, I'm just not seeing the comparison here. If anything, by your logic, Otunga would probably be here to replace The Miz. And quite frankly, we all know that isn't the case.

Perhaps you could explain yourself some more? How exactly, aside from a couple coincidences, are these two alike, and how is Otunga replacing MVP?
Clear similarities from look down to gimmick.

Otunga has worse hair. But I'm satisfied for now.

Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel, and Wade Barrett can take their spots on the card. That’s just sarcasm, but do you really give a shit about Carlito, Chavo, and Kozlov to even bring them into the discussion?

Carlito sometimes (and only when he goes into "Voice of the IWC" mode), Chavo and Kozlov hardly ever. Certainly time I wouldn't miss if given to a rookie. MVP has a little more left in him than these guys. Not much, but a little.

In addition to his music sucking, I get creepies every time it hits the chorus.

There you go. And I agree with the second part. I'm sorry, could they have thought of a worse line to repeat than "I'm Comin'!"?

And jobs at those as well.

A job is a job. He's still able to carry his own in those matches. They aren't match of the year fodder, sure, but if you're gonna job you have to make the other guy look good. Otunga hasn't had enough time to develop, and simply can't do more but get mic heat while he works on his in ring stuff. And that sounds less like MVP's current spot and more like Carlito's or Chavo's.

As does most of the roster.

By that I meant on a national level, like MVP on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader", not just local newspaper and radio. Heel Otunga can't do that right now (unless he wants to look like AJ Styles pushing a video game the night of his big heel turn). And there's NO WAY Otunga can run face right now.

He doesn’t have to. He’s being groomed, which you can’t deny. When his grooming is done, who is going to be one of the main people left out to dry?

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. My issue isn't that Otunga may be replacing someone in the long run, but that the OP insisted that Otunga was brought in to replace MVP from the get go, which is incorrect.

If he was genetically incapable he wouldn’t have made it this far.

Lol. No, I said "galacticaly", as is space and stars and cosmos. I used a fake word to describe how far from good matches Otunga is right now. But there have been worse guys to get over, so never say never.

The odds are always higher when you have a rookie wrestling. Who said he’s going to work PPV’s tomorrow? The fact is you can’t deny he is being groomed to work with the big boys. When he is working with the big boys, guys like MVP will be jobbing to him, if he’s even still with the company.

Most of the rookies, both in NXT and on the main rosters, have been doing this for far longer. Sheamus has been wrestling since 2002. Even if these guys still seem unseasoned or unpolished, they have likely shown that they don't drop people on their heads. Otunga just hasn't been doing this long enough to demonstrate that well enough. He's in the NXT class to give it some faux-star power, and because (I'll admit) he has a good measure of natural charisma. I don't deny that, like most rookies, the hopeful goal is turning them into tomorrow's stars. What I deny is the OP that Otunga was brought in to replace MVP, or somehow finish what MVP started as a gimmick. He's a hopeful noob like the rest of them, with the disadvantage of being less experienced. Not an impossible situation to get out of, if I may again use The Miz as an example.

I don’t think he did a good job at it. Otunga has been on RAW 2 weeks in a row now.

To set up Batista vs Cena, and then to get squashed by Cena in the ring and Batista out of the ring. To be fair, his backstage segment with Batista was great, and I appreciate that he's able to poke fun at his status as a "celebrity". But when they were announcing the first NXT ratings, Bryan used his mic time to out of nowhere blast Otunga for being nothing else but a hanger on. Setting up a future angle with Bryan? Sure, good stuff. But it cut to the core of how serious most people should take him right now, which is not very serious at all. It took all the wind out of the thought that he might win this thing, at least for me.

I don’t watch MTV/VH1/BET very often and I don’t have Twitter but I knew who he was. There’s also the radio, music choice, the internet, casual television, etc.

Again, can't say I ever saw him on there for much of anything ever. And I read Gawker, some lefty gossip site that should have mentioned him at some point, right? I just never heard of him before this, and I can't really take for granted that he has some measure of star power. Is he a musician? Why else would I have heard about him besides who he's engaged to and a VH1 reality show?

Wait, so Michael Cole is lying?

Wait for it......Vintage Michael Cole.

No, its as Mr. & Mrs. now. The “1 other” is their child.

Eww, he's bred? EWWW! Regardless, it's still her name before hers on the guest lists. Also, I don't think they've been married yet.

The same people who own VH1, own MTV and BET.

"The Real World" is slightly more credible than "I Love New York 2".

Note: They also own Nick, the bastards.

That remains to be seen now doesn’t it? You first have to see signs of that, which I don’t see. I do see signs of MVP fading away and Otunga getting a push though.

Fair enough, fair enough. If only, in another place, in another time, if this thread had been titled "David Otunga is here to replace ham & egger jobbers", instead of targeting only MVP...why, we might have been..........friends.

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