Dashing Dreams *New Tag Team Champions*


of the Le'beau family
At Night of Champions Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes united and defeated Mark Henry and Evan Bourne, making them the New WWE Tag Team Champions.

There was absolutely no build to this "tournament" thingy they did, and it was just pathetic how they just knocked off the Dynasty in the first round.
They also made it horrifically obvious who was going to win as soon as the order of the teams were shone. So predictable that when Mark and Evan beat the Usos, I started writing this thread.

Other than that, I absolutely love who they put the belts on. The Hart Dynasty wasn't doing much on Raw with the belts, and McIntyre and Rhodes have a ton of potential, and it certainly livens up the tag team division. I'm a big fan of both and I think it'll help both of them get over as midcard heels. I can't wait for the promos.

What do you think of this alliance? What do you see for their future? How long do you think they'll hold the gold?
Im at a loss for words. Out of all the somewhat established teams, They win? Really? really?

I honestly hope this is a way to get the Dudebusters a title opertunity.
Now before a whole bunch of people are like we need real tag teams. Well tag team wrestling in WWE really isnn't alive so why don't we just be happy for the teams that could possibly entertain us I mean look at the brightside. We have two young up and coming stars. They are both good on the mic. They are both good in the ring. I mean its just great that they are tag team champions.
I'm not so sure about this move, DASHING Cody Rhodes was fine by himself and very entertaining and I would rather have had him go after the IC title and have a feud with Ziggler then be in a makeshift team with Drew McIntyre who I find to be rather boring and I hope that this doesn't bring Dashing Rhodes down because the last time he was in a Tag Team of "Future Stars" it did not end well for Cody Rhodes, hopefully this time around Cody will not be forgotten.
People need to get over the fact they arent a "real tag team". Tag teams today are used as a way to give wrestlers more exposure. They eventually break up and sink or swim. Thats simply how it is.

With the new tag team both Cody and Drew will get the chance to be on both brands and get more over with the crowd. This in no way is a bad thing. Normal tag wrestling is a dead art. Today we get to see young stars built up via tag wrestling, and we get to see them work on their skills while having someone else to help them along the way and work on their own skills. I think its a fine thing myself.
The booking and build to this match was pretty horrendous and having the Harts lose so quickly was a let down but having McIntyre and Rhodes carry the title for a while isn’t a bad idea. Right now Rhodes isn’t able to have his singles push with Ziggler holding the IC title; there’s nothing for him to go for. Having him team with McIntyre (who also hasn’t been doing much) to carry the titles for a while and try to gain extra heat as a heel team could really help both of them. I’m hoping it’s not a massive title reign and maybe just a 1-2 month reign so we can see them back in the mid card as stronger heels in a singles capacity. Once Ziggler is done with the IC belt I see Rhodes getting it soon after.

All in all it wasn’t a great match and had no good booking but the result is interesting and I’m keen to see where they go with this.
I have mixed views on this. On one hand since Drew and Rhodes are way more important than the Harts this guarantees they will be featured on TV much more than the Harts and that could give the titles a bit of prestige. They are also about a million times more charismatic and entertaining that the Harts could ever hope to be. Finally this is a good way to get a couple of yooung talanted heels some exposure by having them be on both shows, it should also help them get over. But on the other hand they are just another random team thrown together with very little build that won the tag titles, I guess I'll have to live with that though as that is just the way tag wrestling is in the WWE these days. Overall I think this is an OK move but it does have a downside.
This is so horrible, I'm not even sure how to put it into words.

The WWE is raping their tag division, once again. What in the hell is the point of building up real tag teams if you are just going to have them demolished by a random pairing?

Someone said earlier that The Hart Dynasty hadn't done much on Raw with the belts. Wrong. They were not booked to do much with the titles. They were given a half-assed feud with the Uso's..who no one even knew. It was trash.

The Hart boys were booked for shit, and now they are basically paying the price for the Creative departments debacle. If you don't want real tag teams, fine, whatever. Then get rid of them. Have garbage, random tag teams carry the belts from here on out. But don't build up a few tag teams (Uso's, Hart's, Dudebusters), and then hang them out to dry. Creative could have come up with something for each one of these teams, but didn't.

People need to get over the fact they arent a "real tag team". Tag teams today are used as a way to give wrestlers more exposure. They eventually break up and sink or swim. Thats simply how it is.

Wrong. I don't need to get over anything. That's why this is a wrestling forum. This is where people like you and I come to bitch.
People need to get over the fact they arent a "real tag team". Tag teams today are used as a way to give wrestlers more exposure. They eventually break up and sink or swim. Thats simply how it is.

I'll buy that. At first, I thought putting these guys together was a stupid idea because they're so different and are not going to remain a team for long. Then, I realized that letting them tag for awhile might be the best thing for both of them. I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying seeing them work together.

I like Cody but this "Dashing" routine isn't interesting enough to last for long. In my opinion, he's a good ring worker but simply not dynamic enough to go too far as a singles wrestler. He can use the support of a partner, at least for now.

Drew, on the other hand, was given a monster push too early and seemingly has to establish himself in the ring and the locker room before he can be boosted again. I think he's been working hard as a single to accomplish this, but he needs a partner to get the pot stirring again.

Cody and Drew will team as bad guys for awhile, then one will turn good and the team will develop some good heel/face tension (a la MVP/Matt Hardy).
Then comes a split and, hopefully, some good momentum for both guys to get ahead as singles again.

......Oh, and if Drew comes to my door and asks me to run away with him.......I'm gone.:shifty:
Who gives a shit.

The titles STILL don't mean jack shit, and they'll probably still compete mostly as singles competitors. For this, they should've never broken up Rhodes and Dibiase, if they are just going to put Rhodes in another tag team, and a random one at that. Two guys who's characters are self centered and egotistical, and hell bent on singles titles, just feel the need to team up and go for tag gold.

They'll be broken up in about 4 or 5 months or however long they keep the titles. Hot shot title run for a hot shot tag team. More bullshit on the television that I will not watch.
I feel "dashing" cody rhodes can't be as great anymore. This tag team belt does nothing to him. Actually his previous tag team with Dibiase under Orton had more meaning to it. They feud up with DX, they actually beat them, now after beating Triple H and Shawn Michaels 11 months ago, and after finally finding a fitting gimmick, what does that title do to Rhodes. I feel the creative team are just like forced to push McyIntire so they put him with someone who was rising for them both to reach higher, but isntead he pulled Rhodes down with him. I feel sorry for Cody Rhodes
Well, this was a surprise. I was happy to see the tag team turmoil, however I didn't exactly expect Drew and Cody to walk out the champions, especially considering the Hart Dynasty still had something to offer, and The Usos really should've been the next in line. I won't complain though.

Drew and Cody are definitely an interesting pairing, they seem to somewhat cancel each others ego's out, and I think it'll do good for them with a longer reign really. They could easily strike me as a team to dominate the tag team division thoroughly against some of the teams. As well as I b elieve they could eventually prove to be a team that would help reviving the tag team championship's life once more.

Also, right now I don't see Cody or Drew getting anywhere near the world, or Intercontinental championship. Which would then make sense for them to get the tag team championships. So, just like all the other new reigning champions, I can't wait to see what the future brings.
The pairing of cody rhodes and drew mcnytire reminds me of the impact players justin credible and lance storm...at first people were saying it didn't make sense since they were polar oppsites but eventually people started warming up to the team. I see the same thing happpening with cody and drew maybe thay can add tiffany to the mix ?
First Off, my name is better; Sinisterly Dashing. With that said, I'm not bothered. They're not a real tag team...so what? This has been going on for YEARS. Not even years, DECADES! In the last decade, The Two Man Power Trip amongst others. They’re not a team, nut an alliance. People need to understand this.

That being said, I don't see them holding this for too long. A transitional; reign of about maybe two months seems to be order of the day here with another team stepping up,. In the mean time, this will be a trial run for both men. WWE management has soured on McIntyre (he was getting the World Title at one point) and they're checking to see if he's still worth the effort. Rhodes has improved DRAMTICALLY! WWE will look to see how far he has come.

This is a good thing in my opinion.
Meh. At first, I was upset about this because (as already stated) these guys aren't a "real" tag team. They've only teamed up twice before they won the tag titles. But y'know what? I'll be Mr. Half Glass Full for a change. Right now, these guys seemingly have no direction on Smackdown as most of their recent matches have involved entanglements with Matt Hardy and Christian. Cody Rhodes is generating some good heat with his "dashing" gimmick and I think partnering him up with Drew McIntyre would be a great way for Drew to generate heat himself. On top of that, these guys can appear on any brand which will give them more exposure. These guys need to establish themselves more and right now, this is the only way to do so since they really have nothing else to do on Smackdown at the moment. Right now, I only see good things coming out of this.
This is a real mismatch, sorry. When they came out on Raw and fought Santino & Koslov, they didn't even look like a team. I mean, who had the bright idea of putting these two guys together? They are a big mismatch. Drew just looks even more boring than before and Cody is wasted on this s**t. I hope they split these two guys up soon....they are not tag team competitors, especially given Cody's "Dashing" push.
Well the minute I saw that the Hart Dynasty lost the titles, I thought this is it... Who the fuck is going to be tag champs now? Usos? Nop, not ready and pretty borring. Santino and Kozlov....:lol: :confused: :wtf: and everything else... Mark Henry and... EVAN BOURNE? Like that was going to work! Finally they came, Dashing Cody and Drew Mac. There you have your champs! I know that they aren't a "legitimate" tag team but I think they can be like Jerishow: random dudes that have great chemistry and can carry the titles until another tag team comes up. Plus, come on guys, they aren't doing anything. I think this can be beneficial for both of them because they won't fade to "future endeavored" right?
The blue brand has too many heels at the moment and the only way to get the roster to become in proportion again is by relocating these heels somewhere else. At the moment, any more heels on RAW would give the same problem that SD is having so that's an irrelevant option. The smartest move is pairing up two heels who haven't got anything going on in the near future so that way we have all the heels keeping their momentum. Drew McIntyre was the pretty obvious choice to put into a tag team as he won't be lasting long on his own in his current character. The crowd just doesn't seem to want to get into him, so another guy with him that has much more potential and charisma would be the best choice. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes was an alright person to be that choice, considering the most memorable thing he has done since the gimmick has been those "Dashing" tip promo's.

Whilst it didn't work positively for the Hart Dynasty, Sinisterly "Dashing" Dreams getting the titles was the best thing for the WWE to do, in the short term. They seriously need to find more face characters or turn some heels over to the good guys bench, otherwise we are going to be finding a lot of heels getting lost in the shuffle and the E not knowing what to do.
IMO Cody Rhodes is gonna overshadow Drew Mcyntire. He hasn't really gotten a push lately be4 the Tag Titles. The tag team would be better if he was paired with Chavo, or maybe Dolph Ziggler, but he's IC.
This was a stupid idea.Why the hell would they put these guys in a dead-end tagteam instead of pushing them a single competitors.If this was back in 2009, when JeriShow, DX etc were feuding for the titles, this would have been a big deal.But other than the Hart Dynasty, who else will the do a programme with who'll actually elevate them?
My theory's tht Drew's being held-back ala HHH in '96 over the stuff with his wife Tiffany/ or because he's a hothead,i dunno,because putting him in a tagteam makes no sense.
I don't necessarily think this is a bad idea. For starters, neither are doing anything on Smackdown that is of note. Drew has done nothing since his feud with Kofi over the IC belt and as good as Rhodes is potentially, he hasn't been involved in a meaningful feud at all. With Ziggler/Kofi looking like continuing and Del Rio/Christian looking like starting, there's very little for the two of them to do on SD!. However, with faces such as MVP, Kaval and Rey who could be teamed up together and a face turn for the Dudebusters, they have enough face competition on SD! to succeed. Also, with the belts not being brand exclusive, they can hop over to RAW and face Morrison/Truth, Henry/Bourne, The Hart Dynasty and Santino/Kozlov who are all face teams of different relevance.

As for the whole arguement of 'there just two guys thrown together', it just doesn't float. Looking through time, teams like Billy and Chuck, The New Age Outlaws, Booker T and Goldust, Miz and Morrison and The APA are just a number of teams consisting of two singles stars that weren't doing anything that all won the tag titles. Yes, gimmicks were created for them such as Billy and Chuck and The APA but whose to say that with time, creative don't find McIntyre and Rhodes a solid gimmick.

As many have stated, in the short-term, this pairing works. Both are good, micard heels with nothing to do and it isn't exactly like they've paired John Cena and Santino up just because they are both on the same kayfabe side. Hopefully with time, not only will the team flourish but the division itself may grow too. I just hope creative can now put more focus into creating teams in the division but i know this is a waste of time because i said the exact same thing when The Hart Dynasty won and all we got was a very poor feud with The Usos.

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