Daniels & Kazarian: TNA's Edge & Christian?

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Those fortunate enough to have been watching WWE during the Edge & Christian days know that the two were one of the funniest, most energetic and engaging duos in WWE's recent history. Now, before anyone goes off on a tangent here because of the comparison I've made, yes, Kaz and Daniels are older than E&C were. I get that, but why should that matter any? I'm not trying to insinuate that D&K are about to break out as singles stars or trying to compare who the better of the two is — all I'm saying, as a tag team, they're probably the most refreshing thing we've seen in TNA since Beer Money, Inc. split, and in terms of a comparison, to me, they best compare to Edge and Christian.

Everything about their current run as World Tag Team Champions [of the World] is absolute gold, because not only are they producing some of the funnier moments on IMPACT each week, but they're carrying it over to everything else they touch, including Spin Cycle a few weeks ago and just about every interview they're participating in.

The apple martini Daniels drinks, and the jokes that come of it (one a day keeps the doctor away), the redundant World Tag Team Champions of the World line that they renounce as being redundant every time it's said — hell, even the little things they did, like making the doll they gave Claire Lynch do the AJ pose on camera are absolute treasures!

It's a real shame the state of the division is what it is, because the duo could really vault both their careers if they had a little competition to work with on the side, no?

I don't see the Edge and Christian comparison, but I do think they could be a team that could benefit from a stronger division. I don't understand why they don't move on to a feud with Hernandez and Chavo or Kash and Gunner. Heck even the Robbie's would be a better tag feud. Kaz and Daniels are involved in a singles feud. If Styles isn't going to legitimately partner up, then move on. Let the tag titles be defended please. Find a team, make a team, something. They could be gold as a team, but they won't be until they find someone to feud with. PERIOD!
I've always liked Daniels, and Kaz has certainly come on as of late. I can see the comparison (mainly because they never fail to make me laugh). It would be great to see the TNA tag division return to it's former glory with these two at the helm. Chavo and SuperMex would be a good feud for them to start with.

Nope! Edge & Christian will often be emulated but there will never be another team like them, just like there will never be another Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boys, APA, LOD, this list could go on and on.

I understand that TNA will forever try to copy WWE as much as possible but each team brought their own originality, their own style, their own gimmicks,
which cannot be duplicated.

Nope! Edge & Christian will often be emulated but there will never be another team like them, just like there will never be another Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boys, APA, LOD, this list could go on and on.

I understand that TNA will forever try to copy WWE as much as possible but each team brought their own originality, their own style, their own gimmicks,
which cannot be duplicated.

Please explain to me, how is TNA copying WWE?

All the OP said is that the team that can best be compared to Kaz and Daniels is Edge and Christian, which is true. They are both comedic tag teams that are great in the ring. That is where the similarity ends. nobody is copying anybody.
Kaz and Daniels (especially Daniels) made me think the Claire storyline wasn't 'that' bad. (I loved the baby shower gifts segment that was hilarious)

What I find interesting is that they aren't actually involved in a fued with a tag team (the AJ/Kurt Angle team don't really count) Granted TNA's tag division consists of about three other teams, but I think what Kaz and Daniels are doing now would make a tag team fued all the more interesting.

Nope! Edge & Christian will often be emulated but there will never be another team like them, just like there will never be another Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boys, APA, LOD, this list could go on and on.

I understand that TNA will forever try to copy WWE as much as possible but each team brought their own originality, their own style, their own gimmicks,
which cannot be duplicated.

So let me get this straight...

Edge & Christian will often be emulated (an ambition and effort to equal, excel or surpass another), yet the statement I made that Daniels & Kaz are TNA's version of Edge & Christian is false? I can see neither English nor Math were your forté...

I understand you'll cling to the same dated rhetoric you hear all your equally as unintelligent and uninformed wrestling buddies regurgitate, but until you learn that all of wrestling is one giant redux of something done prior to it you'll always sound like an ignorant ass when you come into these forums posting like anyone should actually think your duplicated opinion is worth the time it'd take them to actually read your posts.
I don't see it. Don't get me wrong, Kaz and Daniels are entertaining together. But E&C were a different animal altogether, such as the 5-second photo op, Con-chair-to, etc. From a comedy relief stance, maybe I can see where the OP is coming from, but that's about it.
A good a comparison as any i can think of when it comes to those two. They are definitely a great tag team. To be honest, I don't think either is going to move on to the main events. I think it's too late for Daniels, and Kaz lacks a certain something.

They cut some killer mic work and inring they do some great moves together and on their own. PLEASE TNA keep them together! No doubt they will move on to feuding with other tag teams...

Now as for what teams they can go up against:

Kash and Gunner are heels
Magnus and Joe have split now (though they still hold the Japanese titles together)
Chavo and Hernandez could do some great stuff inring but I doubt they could hang with D&K on the mic
Devon and Garrett meh...

So with that I think there is only one team right now I think would be a truly great feud for D&K...and it would require this team turning face. That team is the Robbies! I have actually been enjoying their work lately, check out TNA's youtube page and "The List" segment with Earl Hebner, hilarious shit. I think they would make good faces now, and the promos both teams would do would be superb.
I'm a fan of the whole different attitude Christopher Daniels has developed, with the appletini and all. He's become one of my favourites. Great heel, while adding elements of comedy.
I think the comparison is a stretch. I like both Kaz and Daniels, and there was a time where I thought both guys could be main eventers. However, other than making me laugh a few times, I don't see the similarities at all.

As far as tag teams as a whole in TNA, I think these two can definitely be a building block. If TNA can add a few more good teams to the division, along with these two and LAX 2.0, the division can be brought back to it's former glory. I think AJ and RVD would make a good tag team. Neither guy should be a title contender any more, I think they can bring attention back to the division.
Nop, not even close, don't get me wrong, Kaz and Daniels are not bad, but they are not at Edge and Christian's level, not by a long shot.......
Shelley and Sabib (Motorcity Machine Guns) were more like Edge and Christian. Good in-ring skills (almost similar), great chemistry together, they were funny (had a lot of potential in that field), were good on mic/backstage, did well with storylines and did a brilliant job in hardcore matches (cage, ladder etc.) They had some solid feuds as well.

Shelley and Sabin could have easily transformed into main-eventers if TNA wanted to.
I am also enjoying watching Kaz and Daniels every week. I only wish TNA would bring in or put together a few tag teams for them to feud with.
The only comparison i see is they were both a tag team and one was a brother team the other is almost like brothers.

no way in hell though is Daniels and Khazarian even remotely close to the entertainment value of Edge and Christian.

and E&C actually wrestled and competed in Tag matches on a regular basis, when's the last time Kaz and Daniels have done that? along time ago, they were too busy with the stupid Claire Lynch storyline and she screwed them over and thankfully for us that's over.
Daniels & Kazarian are like Edge & Christian in the way Edge & Christian should have been compared to the Midnight Express. All great tag team that can play the comedy filler when called for...
I loved Edge & Christian and I love teams like them, but I really don't see Daniels and Kaz in the same light. E&C were a team, but D&K really seems like Daniels and his sidekick. I like Daniels and I understand why he is the main guy in that team and don't mind Kaz taking a back seat. I just wouldn't describe them as an even partnership.
I say no, E&C cant be compared to Kaz and Daniels.........E&C had a special kind of attitude that was different, D&K are just doing normal things that tag teams have been doing for a long time......this is just like when people compared Beer Money to DX, 110% different, i see your point of view......but dis agree with it by alot.
I don't think so. These two guys went out of their way to hire an actress, doctor photos and incriminate their boss out of jealousy for one guy. The worst Edge and Christian ever did was dress up as Los Conquistadores to sneak back into the title picture after being banned. Maybe there's a charm to The Two Planets Of Great. But their appearance and attitude resemble close to comic book or cartoon villains more than Edge and Christian.
With the AJ/Claire/Dixie story, Kaz and Daniels were dealt absolute shit and were able to turn it into gold (particularly the baby shower segment). I can totally see the E&C comparisons. They have a similar gimmick. Funny, cowardly and slightly devious heels.

The pairing has done wonders for Kaz. I thought he was awesome on the mic on the last Impact.

Hopefully now that the AJ's bastard storyline has been put to bed Kaz and Daniels can continue to build on their chemistry together. I forsee a feud with Chavo and Hernandez next.

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