Daniel Bryan, What could have been.


Occasional Pre-Show
First, this MAY have been done before, and if so I apologize for this thread.

With that being said I was watching some old Nexus clips, particularly the clip when Daniel Bryan spat on Cena and told him he wasnt better than him. That got me thinking. What if DB never was fired and remained in the Nexus? Would the Nexus have been alot better if not for DB's release? Would the original Nexus stayed together longer? Would we have seen a DB/Cena feud instead of Cena/Barrett? And is a DB/Cena feud likely this year, it has an easy bulid-up. And finally would DB have been given a US title reign while part of the Nexus? And would he have remained a heel this entire time if not for his release? So many what-if scenarios. Your guy's thoughts?
The answer to most of those questions are no aside from Nexus being better if DB wasnt released. The original Nexus was destined to break up, regardless of who was in it, and Wade Barrett would have still been the leader so it would have played out pretty similar. I dont think DB/Cena fued is likely because DB is in the US title picture, he's a b plot character right now. He wouldn't have been in the US title picture if he were a part of nexus because he wouldnt have gotten a singles title before wade barrett.
It would have sucked, daniel bryan being booed out of the building every night? Nightmare! Being ran out of the ring by santino marella? Nightmare! being the backdrop of wade barrett matches? Nightmare! It sucked that he got released, but it also meant that he didn't have to join nexus, *sigh*. Oh and the Italian NYC is wrong btw, he'll see what I mean later.
Daniel Bryan was perfectly popular when he was a face and being pushed. Guess what; no push, no effort put toward maintaining your momentum and you'll taper off. I can only assume that Bryan pointed out how gash his angle with the Bellas was and the writers got angry with him and refused to write for him altogether.

It's quite odd to me that, of the Miz/Cole/Bryan triumvirate, Bryan's the only one that got left behind. Don't get me wrong, Cole is a good foil to Lawler and the Miz, well, has some cool jackets, but Bryan was just as responsible for how great that angle was as anyone else.

If the WWE ran a nuclear power plant, I can only imagine they'd give a push to the coolant and the turbines, but not the uranium.
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First, to the OP: Can you please change your sig. It should be "You're" not "Your." Thank you (Yes, I am a member of the grammar police).

As to your questions, I think what was said earlier is likely correct. Nexus would have been better with a workhorse like Daniel Bryan in it. The guy can have a five-star match with a brick. But he likely would not have been US champ; Nexus was always going to be led by Barrett, so the feud would have been him versus Cena; and it is unlikely we will see a Cena-Bryan feud this year. We might because I would imagine that the WWE will wrap Cena in bubble wrap so that he doesn't get hurt prior to Mania, and Bryan would be a safe guy to put Cena with, but I still don't see it happening.
Judging from most of the members of nexus he would either be in FCW or would be jobbing to the big show and kane on smackdown. then we would have another case of WWE wasting talent, i think he is lucky he tried to strangle justin roberts and got fired.
The only bad thing about Daniel Bryan is his promo-time!!
I had a lot of ideas about him, i mean the guy can be huge, he is one great wrestler and he looks like an underdog!!

I read a post of a guy about a feud between him and Mr.McMahon!! He can really do it!!
I can see him going on a feud against Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Barret!!!

And i can also see him as a heel, just being cocky and beign Y2J partner or whatever!!

Well next for him, i think that he needs a feud that estabilish himself as a threat or a good mid-card!!

Maybe in 3 years he can have his World Tittle Reign, but of course he should get a shot for it before and being screwed by McMahon's or Orton :p
I believe the only reason we have stables is so that heels can win by cheating. It would probably hold DB back. His NXT clips with Bateman showed how good he is as a face, so being in a heel stable wouldn't allow that.
heres the thing, I missed out on 6 months of wwe tv last year after wm, cause i just lost interest. I missed out on nexus and daniel bryan, 7 on 7 summerslam main event and whatnot.

Daniel bryan was an internet sensation in ROH i believe? and he left for this crap?? Personally, I think he's underrated and missing out on a lot of potential. his feud with sheamus was stale. even for sheamus, beating daniel bryan and winning the united states championship did nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the way i would've done it, have miz vs bryan, sheamus costs bryan a championship. Then have sheamus vs miz, sheamus being costed, bryan vs riley, bryan being costed his us title, BAM feud means something and gets put on the card at wm. Its obviously the wwe writers to fault here, to many missed chances on almost their entire roster, i'm ranking bryan 2nd to dibiase.
Doesn't appeal to me a cena vs bryan feud, bryan seems more of a face.
Different paths it could have gone down. I suspect he would have eventually gotten kicked out of the Nexus anyway, because he draws such a different crowd reaction than everyone else int he group. He is just not heel material and would have been a misfit in Nexus.
Overall, his firing was almost definitely a blessing in disguise for him. It made him special.
If DBD would have stayed in Nexus, he would have probably had less character development and never won the US Title. Breaking away early was best.
I find Daniel Bryan very stale and boring. When he made his debut in NXT, just UGH! UGH!!!

When he got eliminated, UGH! Talk about a low self-esteem asshole. There are better people than me? You think that is going to get people interested in you? YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID!


Bryan needs a new character that he is comfortable with. His mic work is just awful.

As for his in ring skills, above average, not as good as people say though. His in ring skills are pretty good, but not quite at the level of Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Percy Watson, Kane, Randy Orton, and Ezekial Jackson. I would rate Bryan a 8/10 for in ring skills.

Your questions : nothing would change about WWE. It would just be 1 extra person in the Nexus. It is obvious that Vince doesn't like Bryan too much. He was given a test push and he failed it. Now, he is a Superstars regular and he is about to be future endeavored.
I honestly kind've agree with the guy above me, I mean he IS a great wrestler and all, but I mean, he just doesn't have a marketable look AT ALL in my opinion, and I'm not the type of guy to hold that against someone. On top of that his enterance sucks so bad(that's not his fault right?), and really, I think if someone like Kaval or Evan Bourne had had Bryan's opportunity they could've taken it further than he did.
After the whole we fired you card with NXT he got boring and stale I'm not impressed yes he's good in the ring but what else.Maybe a heel turn can turn things around because he's not selling face to well.Then management isent to high on him,we all know how boring morrison is on the mic but the difference is he has a marketable look and a gimmick.Now what about Bryan hopefully he can get it together before its too late things aren't looking good for him right now.
Actually it would have been really interesting.

I imagine the way it would have gone is they would work well as a Unit for a relatively short time (say a few months). Then they will come back down to Earth and Wade Barrett (who would have a cautious eye on Daniel Bryan from the beginning) would try to start blaming Daniel Bryan and treating him like crap, kind of like what happened with Otunga.

Then one day Daniel Bryan just springs off the top rope with a Drop Kick to Barrett and turns on the group as a whole.

Essentially it would have been kind of like Ted Dibiase in Legacy. They teased him turning on Orton for some time but never went through with it. Daniel Bryan actually does it and becomes a very solid face in the process.
His "firing" was to get heat with the IWC. You're a moron if you can't see that. Believe it or not, Vince can work you too.

Daniel Bryan is as over as he's gotten himself. He needs to show more fire in the ring. He's my favorite wrestler on the planet but different guys get over differently in different contexts. They put the US belt on him, gave him plenty of chances, he's talented enough in the ring that they'll keep him for a while. Chill out, WWE pushes guys based on getting over, not technical skill (which is how it should be, if you don't make money in any other job you don't get a promotion).

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